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University of Otago

Medical emergency
1. Call out for the assistance of a first aider if you are not Stay calm, stop and think
confident or trained. D Check area for any dangers before
2. CALL 111 (1-111 from University phone) and state entering area.
type of medical emergency. Provide as much detail of the R Check response levels of injured party.
event as you can, i.e. possible cardiac or respiratory arrest,
accident, mental health episode, seizure etc. S Send for help immediately if no response.
3. State the exact location of the victim. This location is: Remember the ABCs of first aid
A Check airway is clear.
The nearest intersection is:
B Check for breathing, heartbeat and apply CPR if
Send someone to show the ambulance staff into
building. C Check circulation and check for bleeding – apply
pressure if necessary.
4. If the medical emergency involves any kind of poison/
hazardous substance contact National Poisons Centre on The nearest defibrillator to our location is:
0800 764 766.
5. If you are trained or confident in first aid, provide 6. Contact Campus Watch on 0800 479 5000
emergency assistance until the arrival of an ambulance (x 5000 from University phone) if an ambulance has
or qualified medical expert. been called.

Medical emergency
Fire and evacuation procedures
If you see or suspect a fire, remember RACE On the sounding of the fire alarm:
1. REMOVE anyone from immediate danger. • Leave the building immediately by the nearest escape route.
2. ACTIVATE the nearest fire alarm • Report to your designated assembly area.
CALL 111 (1-111 from University phone) • Remain until the “ALL CLEAR” is given by either the
Fire Service or Building Warden.
State location of “FIRE”, giving exact location and
type of fire.
This location is: Fire and evacuation procedures
The nearest fire escape route is:
Speak clearly, stay calm.
The alternative fire escape route is:
3. CONTAIN fire by closing doors and turning off
machinery or processes (only if it is safe to do so). The assembly area is:
4. EXTINGUISH the fire but only if it is safe to do so, DO
NOT put yourself at risk. The Building Fire Warden is:
If the fire is uncontrollable – EVACUATE IMMEDIATELY!
Contact Campus Watch on 0800 479 5000
(x 5000 from University phone) if the Fire Service has been

Fire and evacuation procedures

During an earthquake If outside
Remove anyone from immediate danger, 1. Stay outside.
if it is safe to do so. 2. Take only a few steps and take shelter clear of buildings,
If inside trees, power lines or other potential hazards.
1. Stay inside. 3. If driving pull over and stop.
2. Don’t use lifts or stairs. When the earthquake stops
3. Take only a few steps and take shelter under desks, or 1. Check for signs of fire, hazardous material spill or major
down beside an internal wall. structural damage.
4. If in a theatre or lecture hall stay in your seats 2. If you see sparks, broken wires or evidence of electrical
protecting your head and neck. Do not rush for the exits. system damage, turn off the electricity at the main fuse,
5. Stay clear of large areas with glass atriums or glass roofs. if it is safe to do so.
6. Keep away from windows or objects that could fall on you. 3. Account for all staff, students and visitors if possible.
Treat any minor injuries.
4. Do not evacuate unless area is immediately threatened
or you are instructed to do so.
Do not use lifts – use stairwells
5. Await instructions.

Expect after shocks

Chemical (hazardous substance) spill/release
Major chemical spill/release Minor chemical or radioactive material
(Immediate threat to others in building, e.g. risk of spill/release
explosion/fire, release of flammable, toxic or otherwise (No significant threat to others beyond the immediate
hazardous gases or fumes) vicinity of spill)
1. WARN others in the vicinity, evacuate area and close 1. Clean-up procedures should be in place where chemicals
the doors. are in use.
• If it is safe to do so, assist any injured personnel; • Only attempt to clean up spills if you have the
turn off equipment, sources of ignition and/or appropriate training and equipment to do so.
isolator switches.
• For assistance or advice contact your Laboratory
2. ACTIVATE nearest fire alarm and evacuate the building Supervisor or Laboratory Manager.
Departmental contact(s):
• If it is safe to do so, assist injured/disabled
personnel to safe place and report location to
Building Fire Warden. Extn:
3. From a safe place, CALL 111 (1-111 from University Mobile:
phone) to inform Emergency Services – if possible, Name:
provide details of substance(s) involved and exact
location of incident within building. Extn:
4. Contact Campus Watch on 0800 479 5000 (x 5000 Mobile:
from University phone) and the Building Fire Warden Spill kit location:
and advise what has happened as soon as possible after
Emergency Services have been contacted.
5. Any injured or potentially contaminated personnel
should be checked by Emergency Services before leaving
– DO NOT transport anyone to the Hospital.

Chemical (hazardous substance) spill/release

Gas leak (LPG or natural gas)
Liquid Petroleum Gas (LPG) B You have detected an LPG leak while present in a
LPG is odourised to give it a distinctive smell that is
detectable well below hazardous levels and this is 1. WARN others in the vicinity and CHECK for obvious
usually how leaks of LPG are detected. sources (e.g. gas taps, gas equipment, cylinders).
The appropriate response depends on the circumstances 2. If possible, turn off source of leak, or activate gas
under which it is detected, as follows: isolator switch (if one is present).
A You detect an LPG leak on entry into a room 3. If source cannot be identified or turned off, or is not
(especially if it has been unoccupied for a long confined to your room/area, follow instructions in (A)
period, e.g. overnight): above, turning off any sources of ignition and/or gas
isolator switches as you leave.
1. STOP and LEAVE the area immediately, closing doors
behind you.
2. Activate the nearest fire alarm, evacuate building (follow
• From a safe place, CALL 111 (or 1-111 from
University phone) and inform the Fire Service
there is a suspected GAS LEAK.
• Contact Campus Watch on 0800 479
5000 (x 5000 from University phone) and
your Building Fire Warden as soon as possible after
Emergency Services have been alerted.

Gas leak (LPG or natural gas)

Threatening behaviour (physical/verbal)
Unwanted media attention
Threatening behaviour Unwanted media attention
Obey instructions – keep calm
If you are approached by people from the media, ask them
1. Remove yourself and others from immediate danger if to identify themselves and the organisation they work for.
possible and it is safe to do so. You do not have to answer any questions or be interviewed or
2. Do not argue or try to negotiate – do what is asked filmed if you do not wish to.
3. DO NOT take risks – do not try to disarm or struggle For assistance, please call the Media Office on x 5452.
with the person.
4. Observe the aggressor for: If you feel intimidated, or threatened, by a reporter please
call Campus Watch on
• physical features or clothing worn 0800 479 5000 (x 5000 from University phone).
• distinguishing features, voice or tattoos
• any weapons
• anything touched or taken
• escape route, vehicle.
5. If you feel unsafe at any time immediately CALL 111
(1-111 from University phone) and ask for the Police.
6. When able, notify Campus Watch on 0800 479 5000
(x 5000 from a University phone) giving exact location
and details of events.
7. Write down all you observed.

Threatening behaviour (physical/verbal)

Unwanted media attention
Bomb Threat
Keep calm – treat as genuine Note anything about the caller:
1. Remain calm and be polite. • Age, gender, race
2. Listen carefully. • Speech
3. Don’t allow others to interrupt you and don’t interrupt • Accent
the caller. • Background noise
4. If possible, notify someone else that a threatening call If a suspicious object or area is found –
is being made while the caller is on the line. Get them
to contact Campus Watch on 0800 479 5000 (x 5000
from University phone). LEAVE IT AS IT IS

5. Try and get information. Contact Campus Watch on 0800 479 5000
Don’t argue with the caller. (x 5000 from a University phone) giving exact location and
details of events.

If possible, ask and record answers to:

• Where is the bomb?
• What time will it explode?
• What does it look like?
• What will cause it to explode?
• What kind of bomb is it?
• Why did you place the bomb?

Bomb threat
Suspicious objects / suspicious mail
What constitutes a suspicious letter or If you open a parcel that appears to be
package? contaminated:
• It is unexpected or from someone unfamiliar to you. • Do not move the parcel.
• Exhibits powdery substance on the outside of the • Contact Campus Watch on 0800 479 5000
package or letter. (x 5000 from a University phone) giving exact location
• Has no return address or one that cannot be verified as and details of events.
legitimate. • Turn off fans, window air conditioners or space heaters.
• Is marked with restrictive endorsements such as • Isolate the area. Evacuate the adjoining areas.
“Personal” or “Confidential”. • Anyone in contact with the parcel should remain isolated
• Has excessive postage, handwritten or poorly typed in an area adjacent to the original location and wait for
address, incorrect titles or titles with no name, or additional instructions from emergency responders.
misspellings of common words.
• Contains protruding wires, strange odours or stains.
• Shipped with an unusual amount of tape.
• Has an unusual weight, given the size, or is lopsided or
oddly shaped.

What to do if you receive or find a

suspicious package or parcel:
• Handle with care. Do not shake or bump.
• Isolate the package or parcel immediately – remove
other people from the area.
• Immediately call Campus Watch on 0800 479 5000 (x
5000 from a University phone) giving exact location and
details of events.

Suspicious objects / suspicious mail

Blood, bodily fluids or infectious agents
In case of contact with BLOOD, BODILY Fluid spills -
FLUIDS or INFECTIOUS AGENTS Clean-up procedure
An exposure is when someone is in contact with blood or • Wear appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
other body fluids such as a splash or injury by a needle stick (minimum gloves).
or other instrument and this may involve skin, eyes, mouth
or any other part of the body. • Carefully cover the spill with an absorbent material, such
as paper towels, to prevent splashing.
If you are exposed:
• Decontaminate the area of the spill using an appropriate
1. If skin is splashed or penetrated, wash the area well disinfectant, e.g. bleach, virkon. When pouring
with running water. disinfectant over the area always pour gently and work
2. If the eyes are contaminated, rinse the eyes using the from the edge of the spill towards the centre to prevent
emergency eye wash facility. the contamination from spreading out.
3. If there is a splash into the mouth spit it out and rinse • Wait 10 minutes to ensure adequate decontamination,
thoroughly. and then carefully wipe up the spilled material.
4. Contact your supervisor or manager immediately. • Disinfect all mops and cleaning tools after the job is done.
5. Document the date and time of exposure, how the • Dispose of all contaminated materials appropriately.
incident occurred and the contact name of the source • Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water
if known. Report the incident into the University online immediately after the clean-up is complete.
incident system.
• Sharp: Such as needles, scalpels, broken glass must be
6. Seek follow up with the Occupational Health Team or disposed of in sharps bins.
your GP if the wound does not heal.

Actions required by manager/supervisor If unsure, please contact your Department

Laboratory Manager.
1. Ensure body area has been washed.
2. Arrange for blood to be taken from the individual as
soon as possible.
3. If exposed to human blood or body fluid:
• staff should contact the Occupational Health Team:
[email protected]
• students should contact Student Health: 03 479 8212
• refer to the Blood and Bodily Fluid Exposure Policy:

Blood, bodily fluids or infectious agents

Active shooter
Run – Hide – Fight Call Police on 111 when it is safe to do so.
RUN – to a place of safety. Try and note:

• Have an escape route and plan in mind. • Location of shooter.

• Leave your belongings behind. • Number of shooters.

• Keep your hands visible. • Physical description of shooters.

• Number and types of weapons.

HIDE – if unable to run from the area, hide. • Number of potential victims at the location.

• Hide in an area out of the shooter’s view. If possible, call Campus Watch on 0800 479 5000 so they
• Block entry to your hiding place and lock can activate the Emergency Broadcast System.
the doors. For further information and links to training video go to:
• Silence your cell phone. otago.ac.nz/risk/emergency/training/index.html

• Turn off lights, radios, computer monitors.

As a last resort and only when your life is in imminent danger.
• Attempt to incapacitate the shooter.
• Act with physical aggression using whatever items
you can, throw items at the active shooter or try and
overpower them.

Active shooter
Flooding/storms/gale force winds/power outage
Flooding Power outage
• If the building is in danger of being flooded, evacuate all • Report outage to Property Services
staff, students and visitors to a safe area unaffected by the 03 479 8003 (Helpdesk).
flooding and notify Campus Watch on 0800 479 5000. • Evacuate the building only if it is necessary. Lighted signs
Otherwise, do not evacuate unless instructed to by Property will indicate exits where available.
Services, Campus Watch or the Emergency Services.
• Treat all electrical equipment as live, as power may be
• Switch off any electrical equipment and gas that could be restored at any time without notice.
affected by water.
• Move any chemicals, documents, equipment and
valuables to a safe area, if there is time.

Burst pipe etc

• Maintenance emergencies contact Property Services 03
479 8003 (Helpdesk).

Storm/gale force winds

• Move all people away from the windows.
• Close all curtains, drapes and blinds.
• Shelter in strongest part of building (central corridors).
• Stay clear of large areas with glass atriums or glass roofs.
• Stay inside.
• To report any property damage ring Property Services
03 479 8003 (Helpdesk).

Flooding/storms/gale force winds/power outage

Incident reporting
• Every incident resulting in harm to people (staff, Notifiable event
students, contractors or any other members of
Includes serious injury and serious risk to the health and
the public), damage to property or damage to the
safety of people. See the Health and Safety web page:
environment must be reported to your Department
otago.ac.nz/healthandsafety or Section 23 and 24 of the
Health and Safety Officer (DHSO) or Occupational Health
Health and Safety at Work Act 2015.
• Any accident that meets the definition of a notifiable
• Any incident that could have involved (near miss)
event (including death) must be reported to the Health
harm to people, damage to property or damage to the
and Safety Office immediately. Please phone either,
environment must be reported to your DHSO or the
Head, Health and Safety Compliance 027 227 7796
Occupational Health Team.
or Health and Safety Manager 027 489 1051 as soon as
You can report an incident from the Health and Safety web possible after the incident.
page: otago.ac.nz/healthandsafety
If in doubt contact the Health and Safety Office.
The DHSO or Occupational Health Team member in my area is:
Email: [email protected]

Phone number is:

In an Emergency
Contact Campus Watch on 0800 479 5000
(x 5000 from University phone) if Emergency Services
To contact the Occupational Health Team please email: (police, fire, ambulance) are called to the University.
[email protected]

Incident reporting
People in distress – urgent situations
AT ANY TIME, if you think the person
• is at immediate risk of seriously harming themselves
• is violent or
• is threatening violence to people or property
Call the police immediately on 111

It is urgent if you are concerned that the person:

• Has completely stopped functioning.
• Seems very disorientated and out of touch with reality.
• Is behaving out of character.
• Is expressing suicidal thoughts.

During • If in immediate danger call police 111 • If in immediate danger call police 111
office • Or call Emergency Psychiatric Services EPS Dunedin • Or call University MH and Wellbeing Service
hours 0800 467 846 0800 479 821 (state your name, role and urgency)
• Or call the Occupational Health Team (OHT) • For additional assistance call
03 479 6837 or 021 920 696 Campus Watch 0800 479 5000
or Campus Watch 0800 479 5000

After office • If in immediate danger call police 111 • If in immediate danger call police 111
hours • Or call Emergency Psychiatric Services EPS Dunedin • Or call Emergency Psychiatric Services EPS Dunedin
0800 467 846 0800 467 846
• Campus Watch 0800 479 5000 • Campus Watch 0800 479 5000

While you wait for someone OR on the way to Emergency Psychiatric Services, follow these instructions:

• Prioritise your own safety and that of others at the scene at all times.
• Engage with the person only if possible and SAFE to do so.
• Stay calm, let them know you care.
• Take them seriously.
• Try to make the environment safe from any means of harm.
• Don’t leave them alone.
• Ask someone else to be with them when you need to leave or need time out.
• Keep them talking: listen and ask questions without judging.
• Sit and wait with them until they are being seen by a clinician / health professional or emergency services.
• Don’t take on the role of clinician.
• Make sure you have support yourself, seek help after the incident.

Contact: Occupational Health Team 03 479 6837

Employment Assistance Programme (EAP)
Student Health Services

People in distress – urgent situations

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