DC Analitic System
DC Analitic System
DC Analitic System
Abstract – This work presents thee development and secondary are separated fromm each other by a uniform air-gap
test of a DC Linear Stepper Motor (LSM), brushless, [3, 4, 5].
with permanent magnets and a ferrom magnetic static core, The support of the moverr over the secondary is possible
also called secondary, where six insulated coils, electric through the non-magnetic structure,
s where a system with
independent from each other are moounted. The mover rails and linear bearing is moounted, also presented in Fig. 1.
part, also called primary, is formed byb a ferromagnetic This support also offers thee correct movement line by the
structure where two NdFeB permaanent magnets are mover.
fixed. A mechanic suspension system allows
a the mover to In this paper, the magneetic flux density in the air gap
move linearly along of x-axis and keep the air gap region will be investigated, as
a function of the field from PM
constant. This movement is possible through the correctly and the coils excitation. Also
A the behavior of the linear
excitation of the coils, from the driive control system, traction force, due to the interaction between the two
quantities, will be analyzed.
where the coils receive a pulsed electric
e current. A
numerical static analysis by means of finite element
method (FEM) produced the verificatiion of magnetic flux
density and the linear traction force as function of DC
current excitation applied in each h coil. With the
experimental results proposed, it is poossible to obtain the
same analysis and make a comparattive study between
these measurements.
Where s g is the area of the surface is normal to magnetic
Equation (1) describes the behavior of the force in the flux density in the air-gap under each permanent magnet,
electromagnetic device considering that the conductor is Bgz1 and Bgz2 are the z-components of that magnetic flux
rectilinear and that the magnetic flux density is constant in
throughout length. When it is not true, it is possible to obtain density vector, and μ0 is the vacuum permeability.
the derivative force in one segment of the conductor The speed as function of the frequency of switching of the
from (2) coils, then, with the coils electric independent makes it
possible to change the translation speed in different positions
. (2) and change the traction force, as function of current. Figure 3
shows the schematic to produce this force.
Instead of using up the segment of the conductor, one can The maximum force is produced when the magnetic flux,
use the volume of the element . , considering from the permanent magnetic, is completely linked with the
, where is the current density vector in the excited coil; then the maximum force occurs when the PM is
conductor. The symbol represents a transversal section in front of the excited coil. Depending on the direction that
the current is applied in the coils, the mover moves in one
area of the conductor. So, in the LSM, the planar traction
direction or another along of the x-axis.
force in all conductor could be obtained from (3).
(a) Fig. 5. Representation of the sampling area to analyze:
(a) frontal view and (b) side view from C-C’cut.
Fig. 4. 3D prototype: (a) finite elements; (b) virtual model.
the both as function of excitation and when the permanent
magnetic is perfectly aligned with the coil excited.
Fig. 8. Magnetic flux density along the sampling line: (a) without
excitation; (b) with DC excitation of 1A and;
(c) with DC excitation of 2A.
Fig. 7. Setup mounted to obtain the measurements force.
It is possible to conclude, from the figure 8, when the
electrical current increases in the coil, it also increases the
A. Magnetic Flux Density effect of armature reaction, but this effect does not cause a
The magnetic flux density along the sampling line is significant difference in the magnetic flux density average,
simulated by means FEM and by experimental tests using a making their average value in 0.332T.
Hall effect sensor and the results are shown in the Figure 8, Also, by means FEM, it is possible to analyze the
as function of the coil excitation. magnetic flux distribution in the area presented in the Figure
4b; it is important to notice that this analysis is really
important to verify if the ferromagnetic material is
magnetically saturated. Figure 9 and 10 present these results
as function of the coil excitation.
From the figures 9 and 10, it was realized that the
magnetic flux density is not significantly altered, which had
been verified in the analysis of figure 8. Figure 10 shows that
the region where is concentered more magnetic flux density
is in PM, because it is the magnetic flux source.
Another important analyzis is about the behavior and
distribution of the magnetic flux density in the area closer to
the permanent magnetic, in the 3D view. For it is monitored
the quantity in front on the permanent magnetic, in the same
region than the sampling line, but now considering the area.
Figure 11 shows these results as function of coil excitation.
Fig. 9. Magnetic flux density in the region presented in the Fig. 5c.
Fig. 11. Magnetic flux distribution in the area 0.5mm in front of the
permanent magnetic: (a) without excitation; (b) with DC excitation
of 1A and; (c) with DC excitation of 2A.
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