Coupling Independent Operation in Wireless Power Transfer System Without Ferrite Usage
Coupling Independent Operation in Wireless Power Transfer System Without Ferrite Usage
Coupling Independent Operation in Wireless Power Transfer System Without Ferrite Usage
Abstract: The power transfer efficiency and output power of drawbacks of ferrite inclusion are cost, weight, and brittle
a wireless power transfer (WPT) system are mainly affected by property, especially in EV applications. A misalignment
magnetic coupling between the primary and secondary coils. between the coils frequently occur in practice since most
This paper presents a constant-current series-series EVs are manually operated by driver. The coil misalignment
compensated WPT system. Based on the bifurcation criteria,
strongly decreases the coupling and leads to efficiency
kcri and Lcri, the splitting zero phase angle (ZPA) frequencies is
adopted as the operating frequency. The proposed system
reduction. An inclusion of the third coil has shown to
remains fully compensated even under coupling variations, and improve the misalignment tolerance up to 40% [9].
without ferrite. The current and voltage gains at the operating Relatively recently, a new coil type with better coupling
frequency can be estimated through the primary current and coefficient than the DD and circular flat configurations in
voltage. A phase-locked loop circuit is used to track the misalignment position has been proposed [10]. In the
corresponding ZPA frequency due to the coil positioning process of coil improvement, simplicity and cost are often
variations. Experimental results have shown that the 1-kW of traded off for better coupling.
output power with the satisfied efficiency of 96%. Normally, the SS compensation circuit is used with a
voltage source inverter (VSI). The SS compensation, under
Keywords: Bifurcation, Coupling Independent, WPT.
light load or poor magnetic coupling, has only one zero
phase angle (ZPA) operating point at the resonant
I. INTRODUCTION frequency. As either the load or the magnetic coupling
Wireless power transfer (WPT) systems have been widely increases, the splitting ZPA frequencies appear [11]. Once
used for transferring the power through air gap. The the bifurcation occurs, regardless of compensation type, the
magnetic coupling between the primary and secondary coils resonant frequency no longer offers the maximum output
can significantly alter the power transfer capability and power. A controller with frequency tracking control for ZVS
efficiency. A reactive power compensation is commonly operation as in [12] may be operated in non ZVS mode since
chosen to overcome the issue of poor magnetic coupling due the impedance characteristics have been changed and
to large leakage flux. Typical topologies are series-series damaged due to hard switching are unavoidable. Most WPT
(SS), series-parallel (SP), parallel-parallel (PP) and parallel- systems are designed to avoid the bifurcated region because
series (PS) [1]. Advantages and disadvantages of each a sudden change of impedance characteristics after the
topology have been reported [2] and [3]. For a parallel bifurcation boundary is undesirable. In [13], the quality
compensation, the primary side is modelled as an equivalent factor on the secondary circuit is adjusted to ensure a
current source, which requires an additional component to bifurcation-free operation. The critical coupling (kcri)
transfer energy from a voltage source [4] and [5]. On the introduced in [14] suggests that the coupling should be less
other hand, the primary side of the series resonant than kcri to avoid the bifurcation.
compensation is modelled as a voltage source. The series-
As the demand for better performance and efficiency
series (SS) topology is the commonly used among other
resonant compensation topologies, due to its simplicity and increases, recent efforts have been directed toward
high system efficiency. In addition, the operating frequency developing WPT systems with radio frequency (RF) range
is rather constant even under coupling variations [6]. The operation. In [15], the magnetically coupled resonator has
high-order compensation such as LCC-LCL can improve the shown a potential to wirelessly deliver power efficiently.
overall system efficiency and the current limit under The coupling kcri for output power regulation with near-
misalignment condition [7] constant efficiency corresponding to the greatest distance is
proposed. The frequency splitting occurs at kcri and the
The coupling coefficient is an important influence on the transfer efficiency can be maintained regardless of the
output power and the system efficiency. The coupling is
distance provided that the appropriate frequency is tracked.
highly dependent with the area through where the mutual
So far, the application is limited in low-power applications.
magnetic flux passes. A larger vertical distance or horizontal
In this paper, we extend the analysis to take advantage of the
misalignment requires larger coil dimension. Conventional
techniques in improving the magnetic coupling involve magnetically coupled resonator and apply to the inductively
ferrite core usage, installed beneath the coils [8]. The main coupled WPT system without ferrite. Moreover, the multi-
VOL. 1, NO. 2, 2021
primary coils are applied to the primary side to improve the Secondary Side
remain constant throughout the coupling and load variations. Fig. 1. The structure of WPT system.
The inherent benefit includes a removal of voltage and
current sensors on the secondary circuit since the secondary
voltage and current can be directly estimated through the C1 C2
primary voltage and current. With the proposed variable I1 I2
frequency controller, the output power and efficiency
remain constant under practical load and coupling +
variations. Vinv L1 L2 RL Vout
Re{Zin } =
(L L R C k w )
2 2
1 2 L 2
(1 + C (C R
2 L - 2 L2 )w 2 + (C2 L2 )2 w 4 )
Im{Zin } = -
L1 1 + C2 (C2 RL2 - 3L2 )w 2 + L2C2 (3L2C2 - L2C2 k 2 - C22 RL2 )w 4 + L32C23 (k 2 - 1)w 6 ) (4)
C2 L2w (
1 + C2 (C2 RL2 2
- 2 L2 )w + (C2 L2 ) w 2 4
VOL. 1, NO. 2, 2021
RL4 C22
L2,cri < (10) D. Phase-Locked Loop Controller
4 C2 RL2 k12
) A phase-lock loop (PLL) controller is implemented to
track the phase difference between the input voltage (Vin)
where Z0 is the characteristic impedance of the secondary and current (I1). For simplicity, all frequencies in rad/s are
resonant tank, expressed as, changed to Hz, for the rest of the paper. The PI controller
adjusts the phase by regulating the frequency fs via the
voltage-controlled-oscillator (VCO) circuit. The PLL
Z0 = (11) controller starts at high frequency (fs >> f2). Then, the
C2 frequency is reduced to find the ZPA frequency. During
bifurcation, the PLL controller adjusts the switching
VOL. 1, NO. 2, 2021
frequency to slightly higher than f2 to ensure ZVS operation. polarities. The current gain is only related to the ratio
If the bifurcation condition is not met, the PLL controller between the primary and secondary inductances. Fig. 5(b)
tracks the frequency f0 instead. The block diagram of the shows a similar frequency response of Case II. At the
PLL controller, shown in Fig. 4. frequency f0, the current I2 is greater than I1 and the phase
angle of I2 is leading by 90°. Both currents become greater at
Dead time circuit
the frequencies f1 and f2. The currents I1 and I2 are 12.3 A
+ S1 , S4
and 16.2 A, respectively with the current gain of 1.3. At the
Low Pass Filter PI Controller VCO
S2 , S3
frequency f2, the phase difference between both currents is
Parameter Case II
Inside diameter (mm) 120 340
Primary Outside diameter (mm) 280 530 f1 f0 f2
coil Number of turns (N) 17 19
Litz Wire 200* AWG31 200* AWG31
Inside diameter (mm) 120 180
Secondary Outside diameter (mm) 280 395 (b)
coil Number of turns (N) 17 19 Fig. 5. The frequency response of the current I1 and I2, (a) Case I, (b) Case
Litz Wire 200* AWG31 200* AWG31 II.
VOL. 1, NO. 2, 2021
C. Experimental Waveforms
Two WPT prototypes for cases I and II, are constructed
with vertical distances of 10 cm and 15 cm, respectively.
The operation under the unity current gain is demonstrated
through a symmetrical coil configuration in Case I. The
higher current gain of 1.3 is represented through the
asymmetrical configuration in Case II. Both systems can
deliver 1 kW to the load. The system parameters are given
in Table 3. The coupling coefficients for cases I and II are
measured at 0.3 and 0.22, respectively. Experimental
waveforms are shown in Fig. 7 with the relevant
measurement data listed in Table III. A 5-Ω resistance is
connected as the load. The PLL controller tracks the ZPA (b)
frequency f2, and the inverter operates under ZVS mode with
the phase angle of 8.8 degrees. The efficiencies of the Fig. 7. The experimental waveforms in two cases. (Top to bottom trace)
systems in Cases I and II are 96% and 93%, respectively. Vin vs I1, Vout vs I2, Pin, Pout. (a) Case I, and (b) Case II.
RESEARCH VOL. 1, NO. 2, 2021
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