Revision - Boon and Bane of IT-enabled SCC Services
Revision - Boon and Bane of IT-enabled SCC Services
Revision - Boon and Bane of IT-enabled SCC Services
In the last decade, business ecosystems that facilitate access to otherwise idle physical
assets owned by private persons via Internet platforms have emerged and proliferated.
We refer to them as “peer-to-peer (P2P) sharing and collaborative consumption ser-
vices” (SCCS) [1, 2]. Early SCCS platforms received great interest inform the general
public, causing an initial ‘buzz’ regarding the potential benefits of the idea [3, 4],
including claims of it being a “world-changing status” [5]. Several players have been
able to establish viable and profitable business models since then. The range of assets
shared via such platforms is wide, ranging from joint access to cars (Lyft) and ac-
commodation (Airbnb) or sharing of food (LeftoverSwap) and clothes (Share Closet).
What all the SCCS have in common is that they operate in a legal gray area.
The platform offers a smartphone app that enables passengers to request
a taxi service from private drivers. The traditional taxi companies and professional
drivers have perceived the new service as an open provocation and threat to their very
existence. London’s taxi drivers initiated a word-wide storm of protest, claiming that
their own strict market regulations also need to apply to the Uber drivers [6]. These
regulations require cabbies to have a credit card reader installed in the car, pass a city-
mandated English proficiency exam and a written test on local geography, have liabil-
ity insurance, an annual criminal background check, yearly vehicle inspections and a
2.1 Services
Service Science was a highly active research area within the IS community in recent
years. Service Science Management and Engineering (SSME) is the design-oriented,
“normative” [18], sub-discipline of Service Science, which maintains a particular
focus on designing and delivering services in service systems.
Service is defined as the application of specialized competences, through deeds,
processes, and performances for the benefit of another entity or the entity itself [18].
The service system is a dynamic configuration of resources, including people, organi-
zations, shared information, and technology, all connected internally and externally to
other service systems through value propositions [18]. Accordingly, building and
evaluating IT artifacts of utility for the service economy is an important aspect of
SSME [21]. Below we consider a specific type of such service systems.
Given the lack of research on P2P SCCS itself, the mutual influence of law and P2P
SCC services has not yet been the focus of Information Systems research. The legal
challenges associated with P2P SCCS are mentioned in passing, if at all [40, 57–60].
This is different for the legal domain, where researchers and practitioners have indeed
acknowledged the challenges posed by P2P SCCS to the law and called for the legal
loopholes to be closed [41, 61–65]. However, the legal perspective on the issue is
one-sided and does not address the implications for the design and operation of P2P
SCC services as such. This creates the research gap that we address in this work.
3 Research Design
The research comprises two phases, namely the framework development (described in
Section 4) and the framework application (Section 5). In the first phase, we build on
the existing framework for the mutual influence of law and IS [20, 66] and adapt it in
order to capture the specifics of P2P SCCS. Existing SCCS conceptualizations and
descriptions of legal tensions in the extant literature inform this step.
In the second phase, we demonstrate the value of the framework for our purposes,
by applying it in a real-world P2P SCCS case. Fig. 1 depicts our approach. First, over
the period from December 2013 to June 2014, a team of researchers from industry and
universities (Table 1) identified legal issues related to the business model (Table 2).
We used the framework as an analytical “lens”, while collecting data through inter-
views with legal experts, workshops and expert panels, as well as from the related
academic literature and through law reviews. The identified issues were refined joint-
ly by a team of two researchers to the level of single influence effects imposed by the
law or the P2P SCCS on its opposing party. Finally, we merged common aspects into
groups and mapped them into to the framework.
Granularization of aspects
(break-down of complex aspects into atomic aspects)
By means of a systematic and rigorous literature review, Knackstedt et al. [20, 66]
developed a framework that uses an IS research perspective to study the reciprocal
influence between IS and the law. Fig. 2 contains a diagram of the framework.
Demanding Information
System (IS)
(application domain:
(legal regulations,
economic, legal, or
contracts, etc.)
Restricting governmental.)
Fig. 2. Framework for depicting the mutual influence of IS and law [20]
It comprises the two dimensions of perceived influence direction and perceived influ-
ence impact (we excluded the dimension “influence character” that is used in the orig-
inal publication). Perceived influence direction can assume the following attributes:
‘Law influences IS’, ‘IS influences law’ and ‘mutual influence’ (represented by the
direction of the arrows). This means that either the law is perceived as given and IS
has to adopt the given legal environment (Law → IS) or, vice versa, that IS force a
modification of the law (IS → Law). If both are the case, a “mutual influence” [66,
p.6] between the law and IS prevails (Law ↔ IS).
The dimension perceived influence impact further characterizes each influence in
terms of one of three different influence types: restricting, demanding and enabling
(annotated next to arrows). Firstly, in case of a restricting impact, a certain behavior
is constrained or prohibited. Both law and IS can exercise a restrictive influence on
each other. For instance, data protection requirements restrict the design of IS. Like-
wise, technological aspects may restrict the scope of a regulation, such as in the case
of a German regulation on obligatory TV and radio license fees on an individual ba-
sis. Specifically, the authorities modified the regulation because it was impossible for
them to control every desktop device for its capability to receive a television signal.
Secondly, both the law and IS may enable certain design options of the counterpart.
For instance, the contract law is an enabler for setting up legally binding relationships
within a particular IS. From the law perspective, certain IS may offer technologies
that improve or innovate legal operations. Thirdly, both the law and IS could in prin-
ciple demand actions from the opposing side. In the previous discussion of SCCS
business, we outlined several examples of businesses operating in a legal limbo with
subsequent demand for both IS (to comply with existing regulations) and for the law
(to create new or revise old regulations).
We adapted the framework of Knackstedt et al. for our purposes. Notably, we made
modifications to account for two specifics of P2P SCCS, namely the existence of two
different service provider roles (the intermediary and the peer supplier) (S1), and in
order to separate the influences of law and IS that are specific to the shared resource
type, from those influences that are resource-independent (S2). Fig. 3 exhibits the
adapted framework. Notably, when we talk about SCCS, we mean services that are
delivered by peer-suppliers to peer-consumers through intermediaries. This delivery is
enabled by IT supporting the activities required for the service to be delivered.
Information System
that implements a
P2P SCC Service
Demanding Intermediary
(legal regulations,
contracts, etc.) Restricting
Peer supplier
Fig. 3. Framework for depicting the mutual influence of law and P2P SCCS
S1. To distinguish the peer providers from the intermediary. IT-enabled peer-to-
peer sharing and collaborative consumption services represent a special case of an
Information System. As we have already outlined, one of the most important features
of a P2P SCCS is that the resource owner is a private person [31, 43]. Accordingly,
actors in P2P SCCS can take the roles of peer suppliers and of the intermediary, the
latter representing the platform provider. Against this backdrop, the relationship be-
tween the law and IS in a P2P SCCS scenario can be refined into the relationships
between the law and the role of the intermediary and the relationship between the law
and the role of the peer suppliers. For example, the relationship of the Uber
smartphone app provider with the law is different from the relationship of the law and
the drivers as peer suppliers. Platforms such as Airbnb explicitly state that their cus-
tomers who provide private accommodations for the public are independent from the
platform in their legal obligations [68].
6 Discussion
6.1 Contribution
This paper addresses the precarious relationship between the law and peer-to-peer
sharing and collaborative consumption services. We have extended an existing
framework for the study of the relationship between the law and IS, by augmenting it
with concepts from the field of P2P SCC. More specifically, we differentiated the
roles of the intermediary and the peer suppliers, and we separated issues that are spe-
cific to the shared resource from the issues that are not.
We believe that this paper contributes meaningfully to service research in the IS
community, because it is one of the few articles to consider the general phenomenon
of a shift in the consumer behavior towards sharing and collaborative consumption,
and it assists in the actual development of P2P SCC services. While the extant IS
literature emphasizes the impact of the legal environment in developing effective IT
artifacts for immediate utility, our summary of the current public debate on legal
premises and effects in the P2P SCCS context emphasizes that the topic has a particu-
lar high momentum in this field. To this end, the presented framework offers a con-
ceptualization of the mutual influence of law and P2P SCCS that should help other
researchers to study different P2P SCCS settings or to develop and evaluate innova-
tive useful IT artifacts for sharing and collaborative consumption businesses.
Furthermore, by focusing on the dyad of law and P2P SCCS and the reciprocal ef-
fects between the two, this work is a call for interdisciplinary service research. While
we concede that we do not oversee the related research in jurisprudence fully, we
argue that the framework could be a useful tool for researchers in this field. For in-
stance, we envision the application of the framework in several P2P SCCS scenarios
and an analysis of the resource-independent issues impacting on the relationship
across these scenarios. Such a study is likely to shed light on needs for new regula-
tions or for modifying existing regulations related to P2P SCCS, including issues
relating to tax law, liability law, and corporate law. We acknowledge that such find-
ings will always be bound to a specific judicial area.
The results presented in this paper yield further practical recommendations. We
have explained that disregarding the legal environment of a P2P SCCS may jeopard-
ize the continued existence of the business, and by means of public press reports, we
have demonstrated that businesses in fact often fail for that very reason. In this vein,
the presented framework aims at assisting managers in the design phase of new P2P
SCCS offerings, because the framework is a means of making them aware of possible
areas of conflict, so that, at an early stage, they can develop strategies for avoiding
legal problems. The framework enables IT managers to conduct systematic analysis
of law aspects related to any design choices occurring in the development of an inno-
vative business model. Being applied at this early stage, it allows problem fields to be
identified and critical aspects to be captured, both of which can become subjects of
subsequent in-depth analyses by the legal experts. Because the framework distin-
guishes between issues related to the intermediary from those related to the peer-
suppliers, the work may also encourage managers to carefully consider the situation
of their peer-suppliers. This may lead to strategies that limit peer-supplier liability.
7 Conclusion
After some initial hype, several peer-to-peer sharing and collaborative consumption
services (P2P SCCS) have been able to establish viable and profitable business mod-
els, in which private individuals provide public access to their physical assets, such as
cars and accommodation. However, P2P SCCS often act in legal gray areas, because
regulations are lacking or difficult to interpret in their context, resulting in a mutual
influence between the law and P2P SCCS. The aim of this paper was to conceptualize
this reciprocal influence. Accordingly, we developed a framework based on extant
work in order to provide an instrument for improving the design of new P2P SCCS.
The framework includes the dimensions “influence direction” and “influence impact”,
and it further distinguishes between two provider roles – the intermediary and the
peer-suppliers. Furthermore, it separates issues related to the shared resource from
resource-independent issues. Some initial evidence from the application in an electric
vehicle-charging scenario indicates that the framework is a useful instrument to im-
prove the design of new P2P SCC services, because it enabled us to explore the recip-
rocal effects of law and IT in the complex problem domain electric vehicle charging
and make design choices compliant with the German law.
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