Ratio Pre FC MS Part 1
Ratio Pre FC MS Part 1
Ratio Pre FC MS Part 1
*Diabetes insipidus:
- dec ADH 30. After undergoing a subtotal thyroidectomy, a
- polydipsia female client develops hypothyroidism. Dr.
- dx: dec urine specific gravity - diluited urine, Archie Alviz prescribes levothyroxine
concentrated blood, hypernatremia - nawala lahat (Levothroid), 25 mcg P.O. daily. For which
ng fluid, sodium hindi na-excrete condition is levothyroxine the preferred agent?
- WOF: fluid vol def a. Primary hypothyroidism
1. inc OFI b. Graves‟ disease
2. I & O monitoring c. Thyrotoxicosis
3. Desmopressin acetate - inc water reabsorption d. Euthyroidism – normal
in renal tubules - INTRANASAL - assess for dry B & C – same
mucous membranes, nasal congestion 31. When instructing Brittany diagnosed with
4. ADH = vasopressin hyperparathyroidism about diet, nurse Mercedes
26. Early this morning, a female client had a should stress the importance of which of the
subtotal thyroidectomy. During evening rounds, following?
nurse Tina assesses the client, who now has a. Restricting fluids
b. Restricting sodium