Manual Microlisa HIV Ag Ab

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Microlisa - HIV Ag & Ab

Microwell ELISA Test for the Detection of HIV-1 p24 antigen and Antibodies to HIV-1
(Including Subgroup O & C) and HIV-2 in Human Serum/ Plasma


The available research data indicates that Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) is Batch Number Limitation
caused by HIV virus and is transmitted by sexual contact, exposure to blood or certain Manufacturing Date Caution -
blood products, by an infected mother to her child during pre-natal and post-natal period. See instruction for use
The two type of HIV viruses (HIV-1 & HIV-2) have been isolated from patients with AIDS and
AIDS related complex (ARC). These two viruses belong to the retrovirus group and are Expiry Date Catalogue Number
slow viruses. Do not use if package is damaged Keep away from sunlight
The serological events following HIV infection are represented graphically in fig.1. In Keep Dry
individuals infected with HIV, antigen appears first before anti-HIV but due to
seroconversation, the antigen is lost and antibody develops within 1-2 months after infection 5. PACK SIZE
and thereby the level of the antibody increases.  96 Tests
Store all components at 2-80C when not in use. Expiry date on the kit indicates the date
beyond which components should not be used.
Microlisa HIV (Ag & Ab) 12 Strips (8 well each)
Strip Plates Breakway microwells coated with HIV-1 & HIV-2 recombinant
proteins and HIV -1 P24 antibody packed in a pouch with
Sample 1 Bottle (8 ml.)
Diluent Buffer containing protein stabilizers and antimicrobial agents
as preservative.
Enzyme Conjugate 1 Vial (0.25 ml.)
Concentrate (100X) HIV-1 & 2 Antigens and P24 antibodies labelled with horseradish
peroxidase with protein stabilizers.
Conjugate 1 Bottle (15 ml.)
MICROLISA HIV (Ag & Ab) is developed to detect anti-HIV ENV (envelope) antibodies to Diluent Buffer containing stabilizers.
HIV-1 and / or HIV-2 with equal reactivity and HIV-1 Antigen. Antigen can generally be
Wash Buffer 1 Bottle (50 ml)
detected in acute phase and during symptomatic phase of AIDS and antibodies can be
Concentrate (25X) PBS with surfactant. Dilute 1:25 with distilled water before use.
detected througout the infection.
It has been observed that the core protein of HIV-1 and HIV-2 show cross reactivity whereas TMB 1 Bottle (10 ml)
envelope proteins are more type specific and moreover antibodies against the envelope Substrate To be diluted in TMB Diluent before use.
gene products can be found in almost all infected people. Microlisa HIV (Ag & Ab) has
been developed and designed to be extremely sensitive and specific using recombinant TMB 1 Bottle (10 ml.)
proteins; gp41, C terminus of gp120 and gp36 representing the immunodominant regions Diluent Buffer solution containing H2O2 with preservative.
of HIV-1 & HIV-2 envelope gene structure respectively and HIV-1 p24 antibodies. Control 1 Vial (2 ml.)
2. INTENDED USE — Ready to use, normal human serum negative for HIV, HCV, and
Microlisa HIV (Ag & Ab) is an in vitro qualitative enzyme immunoassay for the detection of HBsAg.
antibodies to HIV-1 and / or HIV-2 and HIV -1 P24 antigen in human serum or plasma. It is Control-1 1 Vial (2 ml.)
intended for screening of blood donors or other individuals at risk for HIV-1 and / or HIV-2 + Ready to use, inactivated (HIV) &/or anti-p24 antibody human
infection and for clinical diagnostic testing. serum, positive for HIV antibodies and non-reactive for HBsAg
3. PRINCIPLE OF THE TEST and HCV antibodies with preservative. Optimized/ standardized
Microlisa HIV (Ag & Ab) test is an enzyme immunoassay based on “Sandwich ELISA”. for this kit. Do not use it with other HIV kits/tests.
HIV envelope proteins gp41, C terminus of gp 120 for HIV-1, and gp 36 for HIV-2 Control-2 1 vial ( 2 ml)
representing immunodominant epitopes and anti-HIV-1 p24 antibodies are coated onto + Ready to use HIV - 1 p24 Ag Positive control inactivated, with
microtiter wells. Specimens and controls are added to the microtiter wells and incubated. Preservatives.
Antibodies to HIV-1 and HIV-2 and/or HIV p24 antigen if present in the specimen, will bind
Stop 1 Vial (15 ml.)
to the specific HIV antigens and/or anti-p24 antibodies absorbed onto the surface of the
Solution Ready to use, 1N sulfuric acid
wells. The plate is then washed to remove unbound material. Horseradish peroxidase (HRP)
conjugated gp41, C terminus of gp120 of HIV-1 and gp36 of HIV-2 and anti-HIV-1 Plate Sealers Adhesive backed sheets for sealing microtiter plate/strips
p24 antibodies is added to each well. This conjugate will bind to HIV antigen-antibody or
anti-p24 antibody-antigen complex present. Finally substrate solution containing chromogen 7. ADDITIONAL MATERIAL AND INSTRUMENTS REQUIRED
and hydrogen peroxide is added to the wells and incubated. A blue colour will develop in  Micropipettes and microtips  Timer
proportion to the amount of HIV-1 and / or HIV-2 antibodies and/or HIV-1 p24 antigen  Elisa reader  Elisa washer
present in the specimen. The colour reaction is stopped by a stop solution. The enzyme  Distilled or deionized water  Incubator 370C
substrate reaction is read by EIA reader for absorbance at a wavelength of 450 nm. If the  Graduated Cylinders, for reagent dilution  Vortex Mixer
sample does not contain HIV-1 or HIV-2 antibodies and/or HIV-1 p24 antigen then enzyme  Paper towels or absorbent tissue  Disposable gloves
conjugate will not bind and the solution in the wells will be either colourless or only a faint  Disinfectant Solution
background colour develops.
4. DESCRIPTION OF SYMBOLS USED 1. Only human serum or plasma samples should be used for the test. While preparing
The following are graphical symbols used in or found on J. Mitra diagnostic products and serum samples, remove the serum from the clot as soon as possible to avoid haemolysis.
packing. These symbols are the most common ones appearing on medical devices and Fresh serum/plasma samples are preferred.
their packing. They are explained in more detail in the European Standard 2. Specimens should be free of microbial contamination and may be stored at 2-8 0C for
EN ISO 15223-1:2016. one week, or frozen at -200C or lower. Avoid repeated freezing and thawing.
Manufactured By In vitro diagnostic 3. Use of heat inactivated, icteric hyperlipemic and haemolyzed samples should be avoided
medical device as may give erroneous results.
Note : It is recommended to use kit Positive Control-2 and native samples
No. of tests See Instruction for use
(serum/plasma) only for p-24 testing.
9. SPECIMEN PROCESSING 20. If available, a microwell reader which contains a reference filter with settings at 620
(A) FROZEN SAMPLE or 630 nm should be used. Use of a reference filter minimises interference due to
Microlisa HIV (Ag & Ab) test is best used with fresh samples that have not been frozen and microwells that are opaque, scratched or irregular. However, if a reference filter is
thawed. However most frozen samples will perform well if the procedure suggested below unavailable, the absorbance may be read at 450 nm without a reference filter.
is followed. 21. In case of any doubt the run should be repeated.
Allow the frozen sample to thaw in a vertical position in the rack. Do not shake the sample.
This allows particles to settle to the bottom. If a centrifuge is available, the sample should
Prepare the following reagents before or during assay procedures. Reagents and samples
be centrifuged at 10,000 rpm for 15 min.
should be at room temperature (20-300C) before beginning the assay and can remain at
(B) TRANSPORTATION room temperature during testing. Return reagents to 2-80C after use. All containers used
If the specimen is to be transported, it should be packed in compliance with the current for preparation of reagents must be cleaned thoroughly and rinsed with distilled or deionized
Government regulations regarding transport of aetiologic agents. water. Prewarm the incubator to 37ºC.
1. Microlisa HIV (Ag & Ab) Strip:
10. WARNING & PRECAUTION Bring foil pack to room temperature (20-300C) before opening to prevent condensation
BLOOD PRODUCTS WILL NOT TRANSMIT INFECTION. ALL THE SAMPLES TO BE a. Break-off the required number of strips needed for the assay and place in the well
TESTED SHOULD BE HANDLED CAREFULLY AS THOUGH CAPABLE OF holder. Take the strip holder with the required number of strips, taking into account
TRANSMITTING INFECTION. that three negative & one positive control-1 and one positive control-2 should be
1. The use of disposable gloves and proper biohazardous clothing is STRONGLY included in the run while opening the fresh kit. However for one or two strips, two
RECOMMENDED while running the test. negative and one positive control-1 and for more strips at least three negative and one
2. In case there is a cut or wound in hand, DO NOT PERFORM THE TEST. positive control-1 should be included in each subsequent runs.
3. Do not smoke, drink or eat in areas where specimens or kit reagents are being handled. b. Unused wells should be stored at 2-8oC, with dessicant in an aluminium pouch with
4. Tests are for in vitro diagnostic use only and should be run by competent person clamp & rod. Microwells are stable for 30 days at 2-8ºC from the date of opening of
only. sealed pouch, when stored with desicant along with clamp & rod.
5. Do not pipette by mouth. Caution: Handle microwell strip with care. Do not touch the bottom exterior surface
6. All materials used in the assay and samples should be decontaminated in 5% sodium of the wells.
hypochlorite solution for 30-60 min. before disposal or by autoclaving at 1210C at
15psi for 60 min. Do not autoclave materials or solution containing sodium 2. Preparation of Wash Buffer:
hypochlorite. They should be disposed off in accordance with established safety a) Check the buffer concentrate for the presence of salt crystals. If crystals are present
procedures. in the solution, resolubilize by warming at 370C until all crystals dissolve.
7. Wash hands thoroughly with soap or any suitable detergent, after the use of the kit. b) Prepare at least 50 ml. (2ml. concentrated buffer with 48 ml. water) of buffer for
Consult a physician immediately in case of accident or contact with eyes, in the each microlisa strip used. Mix well before use.
event that contaminated material are ingested or come in contact with skin puncture c) Mix 20 ml. 25X wash buffer concentrate with 480 ml. of distilled or deionized water.
or wounds. Working Wash Buffer is stable for 2 months when stored at 2-80C.
8. Spills should be decontaminated promptly with Sodium Hypochlorite or any other 3. Preparation of Working Conjugate:
suitable disinfectant. Dilute conjugate concentrate 1:100 in conjugate diluent. Do not store working
9. Controls contain Sodium Azide as a preservative. If these material are to be disposed conjugate. Prepare a fresh dilution for each assay in a clean glass vessel. Determine the
off through a sink or other common plumbing systems, flush with generous amounts quantity of working conjugate solution to be prepared from table given below. Mix solution
of water to prevent accumulation of potentially explosive compounds. In addition, thoroughly before use.
consult the manual guideline "Safety Management No. CDC-22", Decontamination of
Laboratory Sink Drains to remove Azide salts" (Centre for Disease Control, Atlanta, No. of Strips 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Georgia, April 30, 1976.) No. of Wells 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64 72 80 88 96
10. Stop solution contains sulfuric acid. If sulfuric acid comes in contact with the skin,
Enzyme Conjugate 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120
wash thoroughly with water. In case of contact with eyes, flush with excess of
Concentrate (µl)
11. ELISA Reader & micropipettes used in testing should be calibrated at regular interval Conjugate 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
to ensure accurate results. Diluent in (ml)
11. PRECAUTIONS FOR USE Note: In case any precipitate is found in conjugate diluent/sample diluent, it should be
Optimal assay performance requires strict adherence to the assay procedure allowed to settle and the supernatant can be used for the test. The precipitate does not
described in the manual. interfere with the working of the kit.
1. Do not use kit components beyond the expiration date which is printed on the kit.
2. Bring all the reagents & samples to room temperature (20-30oC) before use. 4. Preparation of working substrate solution :
3. Do not combine reagents from different batches, as they are optimised for individual Mix TMB substrate and TMB Diluent in 1:1 ratio to prepare working substrate.
batch to give best results.
4. Avoid microbial contamination of reagents. The use of sterile disposable tips is Do not store working substrate. Prepare a fresh dilution for each assay in a clean
recommended while removing aliquots from reagent bottles. plastic/glass vessel. Determine the quantity of working substrate solution to be prepared
5. Due to interchange of caps the reagents may get contaminated. Care should be taken from table. Mix solution thoroughly before use.
while handling the reagents to avoid contamination of any sort. No. of Strips 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
6. Use freshly collected, clean serum samples for assay. Try to avoid turbid, lipemic
serum or plasma samples. No. of Wells 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64 72 80 88 96
7. Use a separate tip for each sample and then discard it as biohazardous waste. TMB Susbstrate (ml) 0 . 5 1 . 0 1 . 5 2 . 0 2 . 5 3 . 0 3 . 5 4 . 0 4 . 5 5 . 0 5 . 5 6 . 0
8. All pipetting steps should be performed with utmost care and accuracy. Cross
TMB Diluent (ml) 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0
contamination between reagents and samples will invalidate results.
9. Do not allow microwells to dry once the assay has started.
10. Run negative and positive controls in each assay to evaluate validity of the kit. 13. WASH PROCEDURE:
11. Incubation time should not vary by more than + 2 min. 1. Incomplete washing will adversely affect the test outcome.
12. Prevent evaporation during sample incubation by covering the strips with strip sealer. 2. Aspirate the well contents completely into a waste container. Then fill the wells
Remove sealer before washing. completely with wash buffer avoiding overflow of buffer from one well to another
13. Distilled or deionised water must be used for wash buffer preparation. and allow to soak (approx. 30 seconds). Aspirate completely and repeat the wash and
14. Thorough washing of the wells is critical to the performance of the assay. soak procedure 5 additional times for a total of 6 washes.
Overflowing of reagents or washing to adjacent wells must be prevented during
3. Automated washer if used should be well adjusted to fill each well completely without
washing, which may lead to incorrect results due to carry over effect.
over filling.
15. Prepare working substrate solution just 10 minutes prior to adding in the wells.
16. If blue colour or white particles appear in working substrate solution then do not 4. Tap upside down on absorbant sheet till no droplets appear on the sheet, taking care
use it. Take fresh containers and tips and prepare it again. not to dislodge the wells.
17. Use separate tips for TMB substrate and TMB diluent.
18. Avoid strong light exposure during the assay. 14. TEST PROCEDURE
19. Ensure that the microwell strips are levelled in the strip holder. Before reading, wipe Once the assay has started, complete the procedure without interruption. All the reagents
the bottom of the microwell strips carefully with soft, absorbent tissue to remove any should be dispensed in the centre of the well and the tip of the pipette should not touch the
moisture. wall of the microwell.
Fit the stripholder with the required number of Microlisa HIV (Ag & Ab) strips. The sequence Cut-off value is determined by using the following formula:
of the procedure must be carefully followed. From well A-1, arrange all controls in a Cut-off Value = NCx + 0.20
horizontal or vertical configuration. Configuration is dependent upon reader software. Where NCx is mean absorbance (O.D) of Negative Control.
e.g. 0.041 +0.20 = 0.241
1. Add 25 µl sample diluent in each well.
2. Add 100µl Negative Control in each well no. A-1, B-1 & C-1 respectively. 17. INTERPRETATION OF RESULTS
3. Add 100µl PC-1 in D-1 wells and PC-2 in E1wells. 1. Test specimens with absorbance value less than the cut off value are non-reactive and
4. Add 100 µl sample in each well starting from F-1. may be considered as negative for anti-HIV and HIV-1 p24 antigen.
5. Apply cover seal. 2. Test specimens with absorbance value greater than or equal to the cut off value are
6. Incubate at 370C + 20C for 60 min. + 2 min. reactive for anti-HIV and/or HIV-1 p24 antigen by Microlisa HIV (Ag & Ab).
7. While the samples are incubating, prepare Working Wash Solution and Working Note: Test specimens with absorbance value within 10% below the cut off should be
Conjugate as specified in Preparation of Reagents. considered suspect for the presence of antibodies and/or antigen, should be retested in
8. Take out the plate form the incubator after the incubation time is over and, wash the duplicate.
wells 6 times with Working Wash solution according to the wash procedure given in 3. Specimens with absorbance value equal to or greater than the cut off value are
the previous section (wash procedure). considered initially reactive by the criteria of Microlisa HIV (Ag & Ab). Original specimen
9. Add 100 µl of Working Conjugate Solution in each well. should be retested in duplicate.
10. Apply cover seal. 4. If both duplicate retest sample absorbance value is less than cut off value, the specimen
11. Incubate at 370C + 20C for 30 min. + 2 min. is considered non reactive.
5. If any one of the duplicates retest sample absorbance value is equal to or greater than
12. Aspirate and wash as described in step no. 8.
the cut off or both duplicate retest value are equal to or greater than the cut off, the
13. Add 100 µl of working substrate solution in each well.
specimen is considered reactive by the criteria of Microlisa HIV (Ag & Ab). Further
14. Incubate at room temperature (20 - 300C) for 30 min. in dark.
confirmation by other EIA assays or confirmation assays including Western Blot or
15. Add 100 µl of stop solution. PCR is recommended.
16. Read absorbance at 450 nm within 30 minutes in ELISA READER. (Bichromatic 6. Specimens which are not repeatedly reactive, may have shown colour due to:
absorbance measurement with a reference wavelength 600 - 650 nm is recommended a) Carry over of a highly reactive sample due to contamination of pipette tips.
when available). b) Substrate contamination
c) Inadequate wash or aspiration during wash procedure.
Add Sample Sample Diluent 1. Microlisa HIV (Ag & Ab) assay is designed for testing antibodies against HIV-1 and/or
Diluent 25 µl HIV-2 and HIV-1 antigen in human serum and plasma. Other body fluids and pooled samples
Add control 100 µl are not recommended in this assay. Any result derived from the test of any other body fluid
& samples or from test of pooled serum/plasma may not be interpreted correctly based on the current
criteria. In establishing infection of HIV-1 and/or HIV-2 or, in evaluating patients with AIDS
Cover the plate & 60 mins. at 37oC symptoms, Microlisa HIV (Ag & Ab) testing alone cannot be used to diagnose AIDS even if
incubate antibodies and/or antigen against HIV are present in human serum or plasma. A negative
test result at any time does not preclude the possibility of exposure to, or infection with
Wash 6 Cycles HIV. This is only a screening test. All samples detected reactive must be confirmed by
No. of 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 using Western Blot or PCR. Therefore for a definitive diagnosis, the patient’s clinical history,
Prepare Strips symptomatology as well as serological data should be considered. The results should be
working Enz. conc. 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120
( µl ) reported only after complying with the above procedure.
conjugate Conj. Diluent (ml) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 1 1 1 2
2. Some samples show cross reactivity for HIV antibodies. Following factors are found to
Add Conjugate 100 µl cause false positive HIV antibody test results: Naturally occurring antibodies, Passive
immunization, Leprosy, Renal disorder, Tuberculosis, Mycobacterium avium, Herpes simplex etc.
Cover the plate & 30 mins. at 37oC
(i) Analytical Sensitivity: The sensitivity of the kit has been determined for p24 Antigen
Wash 6 Cycles using WHO international standard: HIV-1 p24 antigen NIBSC Code No. 90/636 and it
is equal to 5.0 IU/ml.
Prepare No. of
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Chromogenic TMB Subs. 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 (ii) In-house Evaluation:
( ml )
Substrate TMB Diluent (ml.) 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 Sensitivity and Specificity studies were carried out on samples fresh, as well as frozen,
from low risk as well as high risk group. Performance of the test with reference to sensitivity
Add Substrate 100 µl and specificity was evaluated in-house by using a panel containing 2036 negative samples
and 210 HIV positive (Ag & Ab) samples.
Incubate in dark 30 mins. at Room Temp. The results of all the positive and negative samples were compared with commercially
available licensed test kit.
Add Stop Solution 100 µl
The results of the in-house study done are as follows:
Read Results 450 nm./630 nm. No. of Status Microlisa HIV Commercially
Samples Ag & Ab Licensed Test
16. CALCULATION OF RESULTS Positive Negative Positive Negative
210 HIV Positive 210 - 210 -
NC - Absorbance of the Negative Control
NCx - Mean Negative Control 2036 HIV Negative 1 2035 - 2036
PC - Absorbance of the Positive Control Sensitivity: 100% Specificity: 99.95%
(iii) *External Evaluation:
Negative Control Acceptance Criteria:
a) The Kit has been evaluated by NARI (National Aids Research Institute), Pune
NCx must be < 0.150. If it is not so, the run is invalid and must be repeated.
and the results are:
Positive Control Acceptance Criteria: Sensitivity: 100% Specificity: 100%
1. PC-1 must be > 0.50 b) The Kit has been evaluated by NIMHAS (National Institute of Mental and Neuro
2. PC-2 must be > 0.400 Sciences), Bangalore and the results are:
CUT OFF VALUE Sensitivity: 100% Specificity: 100%
Absorbance *This information is provided for the Scientific Community Enquiring for an independent
NC - 0.041 A1 Well evaluation other than company’s in house evaluation. It is not for commercial or promotional
- 0.042 B1 Well purpose.
- 0.040 C1 Well Precision: Within-run and between-run precisions have been determined by testing 10 replicates
Total : 0.123 3 Wells of nine samples: two HIV p24 antigen and four HIV antibody positive( four weak, one medium
NCx = 0.123/3 = 0.041 and one strong) and three negative samples. The C.V.(%) of all the samples were within 10%.
The manufacturer limits the warranty to the test kit, as much as that the test kit will function
d) Insufficient washing. Check wash device, fill the
as an in-vitro diagnostic assay within the limitations and specifications as described in the
i) Washing not consistent well close to the top.
product instruction-manual, when used strictly in accordance with the instructions
contained therein. The manufacturer disclaims any warranty expressed or implied including ii) Filling volume not After washing, blot the
such expressed or implied warranty with respect to merchantability, fitness for use or sufficient. microwells on absorbent
implied utility for any purpose. The manufacture’s liability is limited to either replacement of iii) Insufficient no. of wash tissue. Follow wash protocol
the product or refund of the purchase price of the product and in no case liable to for cycles. meticulously
claim of any kind for an amount greater than the purchase price of the goods in respect of iv) Contaminated wash
which damages are likely to be claimed. device
The manufacturer shall not be liable to the purchaser or third parties for any injury, damage
or economic loss, howsoever caused by the product in the use or in the application there of. e) Use of wash solution Use only Microlisa HIV Ag & Ab
from other manufacturer. wash solution.
21. REFERENCES f) Working substrate not Incubate the plate in dark after
1. Busch M. P. et al. Transfusion 31 (2): 129 “Reliable Confirmation and Quantitation of protected from light addition of substrate.
Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 Antibody using a Recombinant Antigen 4. Poor a) Washing problems. Check all 8 ports/ manifold
Immunoblot Assay.” reproducibility for uniform flow of wash
2. Chang N. T., Science (1982) 228;92 “Expression in Escherichia coliof Open Reading buffer. If there are blockage,
Frame Gene Segments of HTLV-III clen the ports.
3. Dawson G.J., et al. The Journal of the Infectious Diseases, (1988) 157 (1); 149 b) Uncalibrated pipettes or Use only calibrated pipettes
“Reliable Detection of Individuals Seropositive for the Human Immunodeficiency Virus tips not well fitted, improper with well fitted tips & pipette
(HIV) by competitive Immunoassays using Escherichia coli-Expressed HIV Structural pipetting/ dispensing. carefully without bubbling.
c) Interference in optical Clean or dry the bottom of
4. Gallo R.C., Science (1984) 224;500 “Frequent Detection and Isolation of Cytopathic pathway due to Air bubbles. microwells, check for bubbles
Retroviruses (HTLV-III) from Patients with AIDS and at Risk for AIDS.” and repeat the readings.
5. Hofbauer M.J. et al Journal of Clinical Microbiology, (1988) 26(1); 116 “Comparison
of Western Blot (Immunoblot) based on Recombinant-Derived p41 with Conventional 5. False Positive Beside 3a, b, c, d, e & f Check the calculation
Tests for serodiagnosis of Human Immunodeficiency Virus infections” incorrect interpretation and part given in the insert and
calculation of final results correctly interpret.
6. False Negative/ a) Inadequate addition Follow the procedure
PROBLEM POSSIBLE CAUSE SOLUTION low O.D. of of substrate/conjugate meticulously & repeat assay.
1. No colour a) Any one reagent has been Follow the procedure Positive control & solution.
developed at the added in wrong sequence. meticulously & repeat assay. positive sample

end of assay b) Inactivated conjugate, Check storage of enzyme b) Kit expired, reagent of Check the expiry of the kit
improper storage conjugate and it should be free different kit used. before use.
of any contamination. c) White particles in working Discard the substrate and
c) Microplate inactivated, Keep unused strips in aluminium substrate solution. prepare the working substrate
due to improper storage poly pouch with the dessicant again in fresh tube.
pouch inside and proerly closed d) Uncalibrated pipettes, Use only calibrated pipettes
with clamp & rod. improper pipetting. with well fitted tips & pipette
carefully without bubbling.
d) Inactivated substrate, Use freshly prepared substrate
improper storage solution. Recheck procedure, e) Deterioration of Enzyme Check storage of Enzyme
or preparation repeat assay conjugate conjugate. It shall be stored
at 2-8ºC.
e) Omission of any step in Follow the procedure f) Stop solution is added Follow the test procedure
test procedure meticulously & repeat assay. before 30 minutes. Reaction meticulously.
f) Incorrect (low) incubator Check incubator temperature, terminated before 30 minutes.
temperature, timing or pipetting procedure & repeat assay g) O.D. taken at incorrect Read O.D. values at 450 nm
g) Improper preparation of Check procedure & repeat assay wavelength. and 630 nm.
enzyme conjugate (dilution
h) Incorrect (low) incubator Check incubator temperature,
error) improper mixing of reagents.
temperature, timing or pipetting procedure & repeat assay
2. High O.D. value a) Plate not stopped after Follow the procedure
of Negative 30 minutes of additing meticulously & repeat assay.
control stop solution
b) Same microtip used Change micropipette tips while
for Positive and negative addition of negative/ positive
controls control
c) Nonspecific attachment/ If plates get scratches/
binding of other reagent aberrations during washing,
non specific proteins may bind
while addition of next step.
3. Too much colour a) Contaminated substrate Check substrate (TMB Diluent)
in all wells of the it should be colourless. If
plate (high blue in colour then discard
background) and use clean disposable
b) Contaminated washing Check the container and quality

solution (1X). Poor quality of water used for dilution.

of water used for diluting Use of distilled water is

wash buffer conc. preferred. in vitro diagnostic Reagent, not for medicinal use
c) Over incubation of Follow the procedure J. Mitra & Co. Pvt. Ltd.
substrate and delay in meticulously.
Rev. Date: Oct.-21

A 180-181, Okhla Ind. Area, Ph-1, New Delhi-110 020, INDIA

addition of stop solution. Ph: +91-11-47130300, 47130500

e-mail: [email protected] Internet:

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