Manual Microlisa HIV Ag Ab
Manual Microlisa HIV Ag Ab
Manual Microlisa HIV Ag Ab
Chromogenic TMB Subs. 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 (ii) In-house Evaluation:
( ml )
Substrate TMB Diluent (ml.) 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 Sensitivity and Specificity studies were carried out on samples fresh, as well as frozen,
from low risk as well as high risk group. Performance of the test with reference to sensitivity
Add Substrate 100 µl and specificity was evaluated in-house by using a panel containing 2036 negative samples
and 210 HIV positive (Ag & Ab) samples.
Incubate in dark 30 mins. at Room Temp. The results of all the positive and negative samples were compared with commercially
available licensed test kit.
Add Stop Solution 100 µl
The results of the in-house study done are as follows:
Read Results 450 nm./630 nm. No. of Status Microlisa HIV Commercially
Samples Ag & Ab Licensed Test
16. CALCULATION OF RESULTS Positive Negative Positive Negative
210 HIV Positive 210 - 210 -
NC - Absorbance of the Negative Control
NCx - Mean Negative Control 2036 HIV Negative 1 2035 - 2036
PC - Absorbance of the Positive Control Sensitivity: 100% Specificity: 99.95%
(iii) *External Evaluation:
Negative Control Acceptance Criteria:
a) The Kit has been evaluated by NARI (National Aids Research Institute), Pune
NCx must be < 0.150. If it is not so, the run is invalid and must be repeated.
and the results are:
Positive Control Acceptance Criteria: Sensitivity: 100% Specificity: 100%
1. PC-1 must be > 0.50 b) The Kit has been evaluated by NIMHAS (National Institute of Mental and Neuro
2. PC-2 must be > 0.400 Sciences), Bangalore and the results are:
CUT OFF VALUE Sensitivity: 100% Specificity: 100%
Absorbance *This information is provided for the Scientific Community Enquiring for an independent
NC - 0.041 A1 Well evaluation other than company’s in house evaluation. It is not for commercial or promotional
- 0.042 B1 Well purpose.
- 0.040 C1 Well Precision: Within-run and between-run precisions have been determined by testing 10 replicates
Total : 0.123 3 Wells of nine samples: two HIV p24 antigen and four HIV antibody positive( four weak, one medium
NCx = 0.123/3 = 0.041 and one strong) and three negative samples. The C.V.(%) of all the samples were within 10%.
The manufacturer limits the warranty to the test kit, as much as that the test kit will function
d) Insufficient washing. Check wash device, fill the
as an in-vitro diagnostic assay within the limitations and specifications as described in the
i) Washing not consistent well close to the top.
product instruction-manual, when used strictly in accordance with the instructions
contained therein. The manufacturer disclaims any warranty expressed or implied including ii) Filling volume not After washing, blot the
such expressed or implied warranty with respect to merchantability, fitness for use or sufficient. microwells on absorbent
implied utility for any purpose. The manufacture’s liability is limited to either replacement of iii) Insufficient no. of wash tissue. Follow wash protocol
the product or refund of the purchase price of the product and in no case liable to for cycles. meticulously
claim of any kind for an amount greater than the purchase price of the goods in respect of iv) Contaminated wash
which damages are likely to be claimed. device
The manufacturer shall not be liable to the purchaser or third parties for any injury, damage
or economic loss, howsoever caused by the product in the use or in the application there of. e) Use of wash solution Use only Microlisa HIV Ag & Ab
from other manufacturer. wash solution.
21. REFERENCES f) Working substrate not Incubate the plate in dark after
1. Busch M. P. et al. Transfusion 31 (2): 129 “Reliable Confirmation and Quantitation of protected from light addition of substrate.
Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 Antibody using a Recombinant Antigen 4. Poor a) Washing problems. Check all 8 ports/ manifold
Immunoblot Assay.” reproducibility for uniform flow of wash
2. Chang N. T., Science (1982) 228;92 “Expression in Escherichia coliof Open Reading buffer. If there are blockage,
Frame Gene Segments of HTLV-III clen the ports.
3. Dawson G.J., et al. The Journal of the Infectious Diseases, (1988) 157 (1); 149 b) Uncalibrated pipettes or Use only calibrated pipettes
“Reliable Detection of Individuals Seropositive for the Human Immunodeficiency Virus tips not well fitted, improper with well fitted tips & pipette
(HIV) by competitive Immunoassays using Escherichia coli-Expressed HIV Structural pipetting/ dispensing. carefully without bubbling.
c) Interference in optical Clean or dry the bottom of
4. Gallo R.C., Science (1984) 224;500 “Frequent Detection and Isolation of Cytopathic pathway due to Air bubbles. microwells, check for bubbles
Retroviruses (HTLV-III) from Patients with AIDS and at Risk for AIDS.” and repeat the readings.
5. Hofbauer M.J. et al Journal of Clinical Microbiology, (1988) 26(1); 116 “Comparison
of Western Blot (Immunoblot) based on Recombinant-Derived p41 with Conventional 5. False Positive Beside 3a, b, c, d, e & f Check the calculation
Tests for serodiagnosis of Human Immunodeficiency Virus infections” incorrect interpretation and part given in the insert and
calculation of final results correctly interpret.
6. False Negative/ a) Inadequate addition Follow the procedure
PROBLEM POSSIBLE CAUSE SOLUTION low O.D. of of substrate/conjugate meticulously & repeat assay.
1. No colour a) Any one reagent has been Follow the procedure Positive control & solution.
developed at the added in wrong sequence. meticulously & repeat assay. positive sample
end of assay b) Inactivated conjugate, Check storage of enzyme b) Kit expired, reagent of Check the expiry of the kit
improper storage conjugate and it should be free different kit used. before use.
of any contamination. c) White particles in working Discard the substrate and
c) Microplate inactivated, Keep unused strips in aluminium substrate solution. prepare the working substrate
due to improper storage poly pouch with the dessicant again in fresh tube.
pouch inside and proerly closed d) Uncalibrated pipettes, Use only calibrated pipettes
with clamp & rod. improper pipetting. with well fitted tips & pipette
carefully without bubbling.
d) Inactivated substrate, Use freshly prepared substrate
improper storage solution. Recheck procedure, e) Deterioration of Enzyme Check storage of Enzyme
or preparation repeat assay conjugate conjugate. It shall be stored
at 2-8ºC.
e) Omission of any step in Follow the procedure f) Stop solution is added Follow the test procedure
test procedure meticulously & repeat assay. before 30 minutes. Reaction meticulously.
f) Incorrect (low) incubator Check incubator temperature, terminated before 30 minutes.
temperature, timing or pipetting procedure & repeat assay g) O.D. taken at incorrect Read O.D. values at 450 nm
g) Improper preparation of Check procedure & repeat assay wavelength. and 630 nm.
enzyme conjugate (dilution
h) Incorrect (low) incubator Check incubator temperature,
error) improper mixing of reagents.
temperature, timing or pipetting procedure & repeat assay
2. High O.D. value a) Plate not stopped after Follow the procedure
of Negative 30 minutes of additing meticulously & repeat assay.
control stop solution
b) Same microtip used Change micropipette tips while
for Positive and negative addition of negative/ positive
controls control
c) Nonspecific attachment/ If plates get scratches/
binding of other reagent aberrations during washing,
non specific proteins may bind
while addition of next step.
3. Too much colour a) Contaminated substrate Check substrate (TMB Diluent)
in all wells of the it should be colourless. If
plate (high blue in colour then discard
background) and use clean disposable
b) Contaminated washing Check the container and quality
wash buffer conc. preferred. in vitro diagnostic Reagent, not for medicinal use
c) Over incubation of Follow the procedure J. Mitra & Co. Pvt. Ltd.
substrate and delay in meticulously.
Rev. Date: Oct.-21