Ketogenic Diets Fact Sheet
Ketogenic Diets Fact Sheet
Ketogenic Diets Fact Sheet
Ketogenic Diets:
What You Need to Know
Over time, some cells will begin to burn fat directly. However, ● Weight Management
brain and nerve cells cannot burn fat directly. They require glucose
Following a keto diet can lead to weight loss in the short term.12-17
or a substitute. When carbohydrate-rich foods are scarce, the liver
In fact, when starting a ketogenic diet, people often lose weight
turns fat into substances called ketones. Ketones are the substitute
rapidly, which can feel encouraging. But most of the pounds lost
that can fuel brain and nerve cells when carb intake drops (on a
in the first days and weeks on the diet are water weight.18
keto diet) or calorie intake drops (during fasting or starvation).
Early on in a keto diet, people actually lose less fat than they
Making ketones is the body’s emergency backup system—a last resort.
would on a balanced diet.19
What’s Missing on a Keto Diet? What about in the long term? A 2013 analysis found that those on
a ketogenic diet lost slightly more weight than those on a lower-fat
Keto diets severely limit or eliminate most fruits, starchy vegetables, diet (30% of calories from fat) after one year. However, after two
whole grains, and legumes (beans, lentils, and split peas)—foods years, that advantage disappeared.14
that are packed with nutrition.
The science is clear: Any diet that cuts calories will cause weight
As a result, low-carbohydrate diets are often low in thiamine, folate, loss, including a ketogenic diet. However, in the long term,
vitamin A, vitamin E, vitamin B6, calcium, magnesium, iron, and ketogenic diets fare no better than other diet styles, and appear to
potassium.2 Without vitamin supplements, those on “low-carb” be riskier, as will be discussed.20
diets are at risk of multiple deficiencies.3
Ketogenic diets are often low in fiber. Yet the good bacteria in
our gut need fiber to thrive.4 Healthy gut bacteria help us absorb
nutrients, suppress appetite, improve immune function, and
decrease inflammation.5,6 Low intake of fiber can also lead to a
breakdown of the protective lining of the gastrointestinal tract,
leading to “leaky gut.” 7
Keto diets limit fruit,
Low-carb diets are also typically high in saturated fat and whole grains,
cholesterol, known to cause further health problems.3,8,9 beans, and other
foods packed
What’s the Evidence for Ketogenic Diets? with nutrition.
Researchers have tried using ketogenic diets to treat a variety of
conditions. However, they work better on some conditions than
others, and come with risks.
● Diabetes
Staples in ketogenic diets include fats (butter, ghee, coconut oil), Diabetes, Keto, and Santa’s Toy-Making Machine
meat, chicken, fish, eggs, and cheese, all of which have been
linked to higher diabetes risk. On the other hand, foods linked
to lower diabetes risk, including vegetables, fruits, beans, lentils,
and whole grains, are minimized.21-26
The main symptom of type 2 diabetes is high blood sugar. When
carbohydrate intake drops on a ketogenic diet, blood sugar
improves.27 As a result, patients—and even doctors—may think
the diabetes is “better.”
However, what happens when a person with diabetes on a Santa has a toy-making machine. It assembles parts into toys.
ketogenic diet eats a healthy high-carbohydrate food, like beans When the machine is functioning well, it makes plenty of new toys.
or a sweet potato? Unless that person has lost a lot of weight, their This is analogous to muscle cells and other cells of the body.
blood sugar is likely to spike. While they’ve treated the symptom People eat healthy, glucose-rich foods like beans and sweet
of diabetes—high blood sugar—they didn’t fix the root cause. potatoes, glucose is burned as fuel, and people have good health.
Normally, when people eat carbohydrate-rich foods, those
carbohydrates are broken down into glucose. Glucose is absorbed
through the walls of the intestine into the blood. The body then
makes insulin, which tells muscle cells to grab glucose from
the blood and burn it as fuel. This feeds the muscle cells while
bringing blood sugar down.
In type 2 diabetes, fat builds up inside muscle cells where it does
not belong. This fat starts to block the insulin message from
getting through.28,29 Muscle cells don’t know to take in glucose
as they should, because fat is clogging the machine. So blood After years of neglect, though, Santa’s toy-making machine
glucose (sugar) rises. has gotten more and more gunked up. It’s moving slowly and
only churning out a few toys. Toy parts start piling up,
In summary, to fix the root cause of diabetes, fat must be cleaned
causing chaos in the workshop.
out of the muscle cells, as illustrated in the story Diabetes, Keto,
and Santa’s Toy-Making Machine. This looks a bit like diabetes in the body. The toy parts are the
glucose, the machine is the muscle cell, and the gunk in the
● Cancer
machine is fat buildup in muscle cells. When muscle cells get
Diets lower in carbohydrate have been linked to a higher risk clogged with fat, long-term health suffers.
of cancer death. 34 Many foods that appear to protect against
So, Santa calls his go-to elf and barks, “We’ve got to get these
cancer, like fruits and whole grains, are limited or avoided on
parts out of here! They’re messing up the whole workshop!”
ketogenic diets. People instead tend to eat more foods that raise
cancer risk, like red and processed meats. 35,36 The elf thinks about it and comes up with a solution.
Stop ordering toy parts! The machine is still a mess, but
However, many cancer cells do like to use glucose as fuel.
eventually it works through the backlog. The workshop is clean
So scientists wondered if ketogenic diets might help treat
again. The elf congratulates himself.
cancer. Unfortunately, the research that has been done so
far suggests that ketogenic diets alone do not appear to work
against cancer. 37,38
Side Effects
Ketogenic diets cause side effects. The most restrictive
keto diets are associated with fatigue, headache, nausea,
constipation, low blood sugar, and acidosis, especially when
starting the diet.1 People starting keto diets report “keto
flu” symptoms like nausea, low energy, and brain fog.39
Athletic ability may also suffer on a keto diet.40 This is keto in a nutshell for diabetes. By nearly stopping the
More serious side effects can also occur such as dehydration; inflow of glucose, the place looks better, right? Blood sugar drops.
inflammation of the liver and pancreas; high triglycerides, uric The cell still isn’t functioning properly, but the symptom—high
acid, and cholesterol; and dangerously low levels of magnesium blood sugar—is gone. So why is Santa unhappy?
and sodium.41,42
Over time, a keto diet may put people at risk for heart attacks and
strokes by raising cholesterol and interfering with circulation.43,44
Other longer-term effects include decreased bone mineral density,
vision changes, anemia, and kidney stones.42,45 Eating a lot of
animal protein and fat can also increase the risk of getting chronic
kidney disease and make people who already have it worse.46-49
Low-carb diets during pregnancy have been linked to severe birth
defects in children.50
Many studies show an increased risk of death from all causes (i.e.,
all-cause mortality) for diets that are low in carbohydrates.51-56 He knows what will happen when the Christmas crunch comes
These large-scale studies show that the lower the diet is in and they order more toy parts again. Since the machine still isn’t
carbohydrates, the higher the death and heart disease rate. working well, the workshop will be a mess again in no time.
Interestingly, lower-carb diets high in plant protein and
This scenario is like reintroducing carbohydrates—even healthy
unsaturated fat appear to be better than unhealthy diets both
carbohydrates like the ones in beans and sweet potatoes. In all
high and low in carbohydrates.56
likelihood, without profound weight loss, blood sugar rises.
Keto Q&A kkk The diabetes, which seemed to have disappeared, returns with
a vengeance. The workshop, so to speak, is a mess. And the
Q: Is keto the same as fasting? kids aren’t going to get toys anytime soon.
A: No. Fasting triggers ketosis because little or no food is eaten.
This is a survival mechanism. Keto diets slash carbohydrates and
increase fat to trick the body into entering ketosis while people
are still eating ample food.
Q: I have diabetes, and my doctor said I should do keto.
What do I do?
A: Send your doctor a copy of this fact sheet and discuss your
concerns. We also have a fact sheet on plant-based nutrition for
diabetes you can share. Your doctor can earn free continuing
education credits watching videos about ketogenic diets, nutrition So Santa tells the elf to clean the machine and get it back
for diabetes, and more on in working order.
Q: My friend recently lost 20 pounds on a keto diet and swears This is like eating a low-fat, plant-based or nearly plant-based
by it. Why shouldn’t I try it? diet—even without weight loss. 30 (Although sustained weight
A: Any diet that cuts calories will lead to weight loss. An all- loss by any means can also help. 31) What’s more, people who
doughnut diet would cause weight loss, so long as calories eat plant-based tend to have less fat in their cells in the
were cut. (We don’t recommend this!) However, diets low in first place and are less likely to have type 2 diabetes. 32,33
carbohydrate, like ketogenic diets, have been linked to an
increased risk of death from all causes. 34,52
Q: What about “vegan keto”?
A: To date, no studies have looked at keto diets that exclude
animal products. However, two studies looking at lower-carb
diets focusing on plant foods suggest that vegan keto may be
safer than standard keto.57,58
1. Roehl K, Sewak SL. Practice paper of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics: Classic and modified ketogenic 29. Goff LM, Bell JD, So PW, Dornhorst A, Frost GS. Veganism and its relationship with insulin resistance and
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