TTL Mod.1 Readiing Material
TTL Mod.1 Readiing Material
TTL Mod.1 Readiing Material
Basic concepts
Technology-refers to the advancements in the methods and tools people use to solve the
problems and achieve a goal.
Wainwright (2016) posits 10 reasons why technology should be implemented in the classroom.
1. Technology will help students in the future career especially those who need wireless
4.Technology helps teachers prepare students for the real world environment.
They also refer to resources that organize and support instructions , such as textbooks , tasks,
and supplementary resources (adapted from Remillard & Heck , 2014)
1600--Quill Pens and Slates- Early one – room schoolhouse in the 1700s and 1800s used
materials to teach students how to write and cipher.
1700--Primers- The New England Primer remained the basic school text for 100 years after its
1826--Wall Charts – to save the cost of individual books, passages were sometimes printed in
large letters and hung for all to see in Lancastrian schools.
1855--Models- with the introduction of kindergarten in Wisconsin, models and materials were
given to students to manipulate to learn from.
1910--Films-Edison declared after inventing motion pictures that books would soon be
obsolete. Public schools in New York City implemented films for instruction for the first time.
1929-Radio-- The Ohio “School of the Air” broadcast instruct ions to homes.
1933--Objectives in Education – Ralph Tyler at Ohio State University developed and refined
procedures for writing objectives.
1940-1945—Instructional Technologies – with the role of technology in learning in increasing,
the need for expertise in both education and technology grew and professional instructional
technologies emerged.
1953—ITV- The University of Houston launches KUHT , the first non-commercial education
1956—Blooms Taxonomy- a team led by Benjamin Bloom identified and articulated levels of
1965—Instructional Design System- Robert Gagne introduced a model for a systems approach
to designing instruction.
1967—PBS and NER- The Public Broadcasting Act established the Public Broadcasting Service
and National Educational Radio.
1977---Personal Computers – the first microcomputer, the Apple , was created by Steve
Wozniak & Steve Jobs.
1990—Constructivist Approach –the Influence of Dewey Piaget, Vygotsky, and others led to the
emergence of the constructivist view of learning. Computer – based technologies-video discs,
CD-ROMs, multimedia digital presentations , interactive video, teleconferencing , compressed
video , and the Internet combined to greatly increase the technologies available to enhance
teaching and learning. Virtual Reality- digital representations of a given reality let teacher and
students ”experience” it.
1990-Digital Assistants – intelligent agents help people interact with equipment and cyberspace
1991—World Wide Web- the Internet became accessible to all with the creation of the Web by
Tim Bernes-Lee.
2003—Mobile Devices- smart phones netbooks, and handheld PCs joined the wireless
networking to make mobile computing commonplace everywhere , including in the classroom.
2008 and beyond—Online Life- the Internet expands to include the Web 2.0 featuring social
networking, audio and video streaming and options , for interaction leading to instruction
anytime, anywhere. The Grid- using distributed computing technology , the Grid will make it
possible to dynamically pool and share computer resources, making unprecedented computing
power available to everyone to the Grid.