Technology in Education and Preservice Teachers
Technology in Education and Preservice Teachers
Technology in Education and Preservice Teachers
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Table of Contents
List of Tables
List of Tables
Table 1 Classification of Education Technologies
Chapter 1
Computers, Related Communication Technologies, and Science Teacher Education
Reform: History and Background
The American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)
reminds us that "As long as there have been people, there has been technology." (AAAS,
1989, chap. 3). Sherman (2000) says, "Technology both shapes and reflects the values of
our social enterprise." (p. 317). Science teacher educators have used computers and other
information technologies as tools to increase students learning of science in America's
schools, universities and colleges for over 30 years. In 1934, the first teaching machine
was invented by Sydney L. Pressey, but it was not until the 1950s that practical methods
of programming were developed. In 1954, B.F. Skinner of Harvard reintroduced
programmed instruction, and much of the system is based on his theory of the nature of
learning. The range of teaching machines and other programmed instruction materials
developed along with programming technology. Programs have been devised for the
teaching of almost every subject imaginable, some being linear in concept, allowing
advancement only in a particular order as the correct answer is given, while others are
branching, giving additional information at the appropriate level whether a correct or
incorrect answer is given (Hezfallah, 1990).
The 1960s brought with them the introduction of computer-assisted instruction
(CAI). CAI was developed with the goal of aiding in the acquisition of basic skills,
providing opportunities to practice these skills, and then to measure learning gains.
Patrick Suppes developed some of the first CAI at Stanford University in 1963, and set
standards for subsequent instructional software. Suppes designed highly structured
computer systems featuring learner feedback, lesson branching, and student
record-keeping (Coburn et al., 1982).
In the late 1960s the National Science Foundation (NSF) supported the
development of 30 regional computing networks, which included 300 institutions of
higher education and some secondary schools, to increase computer access. In excess of 2
million students used computers in their classes by 1974. In 1963, a mere 1% of the
nations secondary school teachers used computers for instructional purposes. By 1975,
55% of the schools had access, and 23% were using computers primarily for instruction
(Molnar, 1975).
In 1969, the British Open University was established as a fully autonomous
degree-granting institution. The basic Open University system utilizes television courses
rigorously developed by a team of content specialists and instructional designers. The
British Open University broke traditional barriers to education by allowing any student to
enroll regardless of previous educational experience or background. It currently serves
more than 200,000 students and has enrolled more than 2 million people. It is recognized
throughout the world as a prototype for current-day, non-traditional learning.
LOGO, a computer language developed by Seymour Papert and his colleagues at
the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in the 1970s, provides one of the earliest
examples of computer-based exploratory learning. Papert used LOGO to aid students in
acquiring critical thinking and mathematical problem-solving skills (Papert, 1980).
Personal computers were ubiquitous by the end of the seventies and could be
found in classrooms, offices, homes, laboratories and libraries. The computer was no
longer a luxury, but a necessity for schools and universities. In 1971 the microprocessor
was invented by Intel and the first e-mail messages were sent, and in 1978, the first
computer Bulletin Board System (BBS) was established. In the early 1980s, low-cost
personal computers allowed the use of technology in education to expand to include
general-purpose tools such as word processors and spreadsheets. In addition, new
technology allowed classes to be given "remotely", programs being transmitted to
classrooms via cables, fiber optics and satellites. In 1984, the first such "distance
learning", undergraduate courses were delivered by the New Jersey Institute of
Technology. This opened the door to individuals who, because of other commitments and
responsibilities (careers, children, family etc.), would have otherwise been unable to take
courses, as well as people located in remote regions of the nation, and in typically
underserved communities.
Telecommunication technologies have leaped forward. The Internet, a global
telecommunications system that began in 1969 as a U.S. Department of Defense project,
is an incredibly powerful resource, making a vast amount of information immediately
accessible. It provides instant access to educational research, as well as curricula, lesson
plans, discussion forums, online experts and communication tools. The World Wide Web
was first developed in 1991 and provides the connections to resources on the Internet,
allowing users to travel from resource to resource with the click of a mouse button. This
wealth of information opens doors for collaboration, encourages alternative instructional
strategies, and enhances the curriculum (Barron & Ivers, 1996). Telecomputing tools
include e-mail, electronic bulletin boards, electronic mailing lists, discussion groups,
Web browsers, real-time chatting, and audio- and videoconferencing. Online resources
include Web sites (including social networking sites such as My Space), and interactive
environments, and remotely-operated robotic devices.
The 21st Century has brought with it many new and extremely powerful
technologies that have already made their way into school and university science
classrooms all over the United States. Multimedia software allows science teacher
educators to teach preservice teachers (who, in turn can teach their K-12 students),
concepts and skills through the use of programs that employ both sound and video.
HyperStudio and other multimedia authoring tools are used to link and branch screens,
making them interactive and layered with information, photos, scanned images, movies
and text. PowerPoint and other slide show programs add tools for developing sequenced
screens including all the elements of multimedia. "New ways of obtaining and presenting
information have given students powerful new ways of analyzing and understanding the
world around them." (U.S. Dept. of Education, 1996, Benefits of Technology Use
section, para. 3).
Computer simulations provide teachers with tools to allow students to conduct
experiments and control variables as they never could otherwise. Students can carry out
virtual genetics experiments with software such as "GenScope", or analyze ecological
data, simulating live data that would have taken decades or centuries to collect in the
field. Computer software also allows simulations in population growth, competition and
evolutionary theory to be run, exposing students to hands-on analysis of data, which
reinforces the concepts they hear in their usual science classroom sessions. The Higher
Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) program designed by Stanley Pogrow of the University of
Arizona, is a computer-based thinking program for disadvantaged students, that
emphasizes "the basic thinking processes that underlie all learning" (Pogrow, 1987, p.
11). The project includes the utilization of computer simulations to study topics such as
the dynamics of a balloon in flight, exploring the effects of different variables such as
fuel, wind direction and terrain.
Students can utilize the smaller and more portable computers available now, as
valuable science research tools and guides in the laboratory, and in the field.
Microcomputer-based measurement and monitoring devices can be used for gathering
and analyzing scientific data such as temperature, relative humidity, light intensity,
pressure and voltage (Rohwedder & Alm, 1994).
Virtual dissection programs are also becoming more popular, both as valuable
preparation tools, enhancements to dissections, and as a way for students who feel
uncomfortable actually performing the dissection, or are physically unable to do so, to
participate. It also provides a means for science teacher educators to provide preservice
teachers with learning experiences that would otherwise be impossible because of lack of
time, funds, or availability of materials. Researchers at Stanford University created "The
Virtual Frog Project". Using the Internet to access the virtual frog, students can view and
explore three dimensional renderings of the different biological systems as well as being
able to make the frog's skin transparent to view a particular process, e.g. digestion, or to
virtually stain an organ to facilitate viewing.
Web cams (a simple Web cam consists of a digital camera attached to a
computer), can also help to bring science lessons to life allowing teachers to take their
students on virtual field trips all over the world, providing them with a birds-eye view
that serves to enhance their understanding of material studied and discussed in class. Web
cams are an excellent way for information to be communicated visually over time.
In addition to being more powerful, new technologies are also more user-friendly
and accessible. Adaptive technologies ensure that students with disabilities are no longer
precluded from computer use. Physically disabled individuals can use modified joysticks,
keyboards and head pointers (Day (Ed.), 1995), while the speech impaired talk through
the computer by typing words which are translated into speech by text-to-speech
translators (Middleton & Means, 1991). Visually impaired students can use speechenabled products such as talking watches, calculators and computers, as well as products
with Braille feedback.
In today's technological world, it is essential that science teacher educators
furnish preservice teachers with the skills and knowledge necessary for them to utilize the
wealth of resources that technology offers. As stated in the report, "Getting America's
Students Ready for the 21st Century", "Success as a nation will depend substantially on
our students' ability to acquire the skills and knowledge necessary for high-technology
work and informed citizenship." (U.S. Department of Education, 1996, The Technology
Literacy Challenge section, para. 1). It follows then, that science teacher educators have
the responsibility for ensuring future science teachers are prepared and experienced
enough to go into the classroom feeling confident and comfortable integrating and using
technology in their science instruction. As Gillingham and Topper (1999) emphasize We
need a clear sense of our own expectations for technology-using educators if we are to
prepare future teachers for appropriate use of technology in their classrooms, (p. 305).
Their definition of technology literacy focuses on educator beliefs and knowledge about
using technology in instruction and learning, and on having the skill and dispositions to
use technology in flexible and adaptive ways for the purposes of classroom instruction
and professional development. (p. 305). Science teacher educators need to open
preservice science teachers eyes to the important role technology can play in providing a
real-world context in which they can ground their instruction. Technology, if used
appropriately, can greatly enhance the educational experience and lead to deeper, more
meaningful learning. It is not enough to furnish classrooms with numerous computers and
vast arrays of software packages the fact that the technology works has already been
established. The big question is, when does it work and under what circumstances.
Technology is no different from any other educational tool teachers must come up with
an effective strategy or pedagogy to make it work.
Chapter 2
How Technology and the Reform fit Together
Technology and reform do not necessarily go hand in hand, as illustrated by
technologies that were expected to revolutionize the classroom, such as television in the
1960s, computers in the 1970s and videodisc and artificial intelligence in the 1980s. The
revolution didn't happen (U.S. Department of Education, 1993). Studies of specific
school sites that spent substantial amounts on technology, aiming to change the school,
only to discover that the equipment sat unused in closets gathering dust, or that teachers
used the technology to teach in the same way they had always done (Oakes & Schneider,
1984; U.S. Department of Education, 1993), also illustrate this fact. On the flip side, there
are also many instances where technology and school reform were partnered successfully
(Sheingold & Tucker (Eds.), 1990; Stearns, Hanson, Ringstaff & Schneider, 1991;
Zorfass, 1991) and from these successes, it has become evident that technology often
produces unexpected benefits for teachers and students (Stearns et al., 1991). The failures
illustrate that successful implementation of technology requires extensive and thoughtful
planning, as well as sustained support. In a review of educational reform, Fullan (2000),
points out that because technology is everywhere, the issue is how we contend with it, not
whether we do. As technology becomes more powerful, good teachers will become
increasingly invaluable.
Millar and Osborne (1998), report that the traditional form of science education,
where emphasis is on transmitting science content through lectures and cookbook labs,
does not prepare students to function effectively in todays rapidly evolving society
where citizens are expected to understand science and technology issues. Science teacher
educators must focus on preparing preservice science teachers to teach in our
technological world, ensuring they are well equipped and knowledgeable about the huge
diversity of instructional and learning opportunities provided by using technology in the
science classroom. The National Science Education Standards state The current reform
effort requires a substantive change in how science is taught; an equally substantive
change is needed in professional development practices. (NRC, 1995, p. 4). Current
national standards for technology in teacher preparation stress the importance of
developing skills and competencies for using technology (International Society for
Technology in Education [ISTE], 2008).
Reports on curricular reform (National Association of Secondary School
Principals, 1996; National Council of Teachers of Mathematics [NCTM], 1989; National
Research Council [NRC], 1995; National Science Teachers Association [NSTA], 1990),
highlight the change from the traditional, didactic, transmission teaching mode to a
constructivist, learner-centered instructional method. Unfortunately adoption and use of
reform-based instructional techniques is often hindered by the fact that many of todays
preservice and inservice science teachers were taught in the traditional, teacher-directed
manner and tend to adopt the same methods in their own classrooms (Stofflett &
Stoddart, 1994). Battista (1994) reports that as a result of being students in didactic
classrooms, these individuals tend to interpret reform-oriented activities in light of their
previous school experiences, adapting constructivist practices that fit with the didactic
pedagogy with which they are already familiar and feel comfortable using. Teachers are
the ones who determine how technology gets implemented in the classroom and despite
the assumptions of many policymakers and administrators, Niederhauser, Salem and
Fields (1999) report, there is nothing inherent in technology that ensures reform-oriented
uses. To date, many teachers continue to hold traditional beliefs about instruction and
have incorporated technology in didactic ways. (p. 156). This problem can be solved
only by helping teachers to change their underlying beliefs about teaching and learning.
They must be given opportunities to analyze their own learning under a variety of
instructional conditions to understand fully the relationships between teaching and
learning. In addition, teacher educators must model effective integration of technology in
their courses. One of the specific objectives of the National Council for Accreditation of
Teacher Education (NCATE) standards is "to prepare candidates who can integrate
technology into instruction to enhance student learning" (NCATE, 2008, p. 4). NCATE
standards also "expect teacher educators to model effective teaching. The traditional
lecture alone is inadequate. Teacher educators must use strategies they expect their
candidates to use. Why? Teachers teach as they are taught. Teacher educators should
model expert teaching." (Wise, 2000).
In a presidential report on the use of technology in K-12 education, the authors
argue that technology supports the constructivist teaching paradigm, and list uses of
computers and computer networks by teachers to support constructivist learning.
Although the report is general in scope, the technology uses listed are all directly
applicable to science education:
1. Monitor, guide, and assess the progress of their students.
2. Maintain portfolios of student work.
research studies have shown that most teachers today understand the importance of using
technology in their classrooms (Beichner, 1993; Fulton, 1993), Robyler (1993) reports
that they don't know how to utilize technology to support educational best practices.
Technological tools change every day, as do current opinions on how teachers should use
these technologies in schools. Technology best practice is still evolving and individual
teachers may have significantly contrasting ideas of what exactly exemplary technology
integration and use entails. This is echoed by Ertmer, Gopalakrishnan and Ross (2001)
who suggest, "it is quite possible that todays practitioners and researchers have very
different beliefs about what constitutes exemplary classroom technology use." (, p.1). As
Earle (2002), points out, Teaching with technology causes teachers to confront their
established beliefs about instruction and their traditional roles as classroom teachers. (p.
The International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) published the
National Educational Technology Standards for students (NETSS), in 1998, and they
have been subsequently reviewed and refreshed. The NETSS (2007) describe what
students at each grade level should know about technology and what they should be able
to do with it, as well as outlining how technology should be used throughout the
curriculum. Educational technology standards for students are divided into six categories:
(1) creativity and innovation; (2) communication and collaboration; (3) research and
information fluency; (4) critical thinking, problem solving, and decision making; (5)
digital citizenship; and (6) technology operations and concepts. Categories provide a
framework for linking performance indicators found within the profiles for technologyliterate students. Together, the standards and profiles guide educators in their planning of
Chapter 3
What is Meant by Technology and Associated Terms?
The word technology has several meanings. The term is derived from the Greek
words, tekhnf, which refers to an art or a craft, and logia meaning an area of study, so,
literally, technology means the study, or science, of crafting. Besides computer
technology, also called educational technology or instructional technology, there is
technology education. In this sense, technology refers to the diverse collection of
processes and knowledge that people use to extend human abilities and to satisfy human
needs and wants. (International Technology Education Association [ITEA] 2000, p. 2).
Technology does this by identifying and solving problems that people face. Technology
education involves teaching people to solve problems and satisfy human needs and wants
in a practical way. A wide range of factors must be considered simultaneously to
determine just what these needs and wants are. Thus technology meshes, or integrates,
many different subject areas. It forms the interface between learning about the natural
world and solving societal problems. The ITEA captures the science educator's idea of
technology in their logo, "Technology is human innovation in action!" (Technology for
All Americans Project, 1996, p. 16).
In Benchmarks for Science Literacy (AAAS, 1993), technology is described as
being "an overworked term". The authors go on to say that:
It [technology] once meant knowing how to do things - the practical arts or the
study of the practical arts. But it has also come to mean innovations such as
pencils, television, aspirin, microscopes etc., that people use for specific purposes,
and it refers to human activities such as agriculture or manufacturing and even
processes such as animal breeding or voting or war that change certain aspects of
the world. Further, technology sometimes refers to the industrial and military
institutions and know-how. In any other senses, technology has economic, social,
ethical, and aesthetic ramifications that depend on where it is used and on people's
attitudes towards its use. (p. 43)
As noted by the ITEA (2000), there are three commonly occurring
misconceptions regarding technology. The first is that technology is applied science.
The lack of technological literacy is compounded by one prevalent misconception:
When asked to define technology, most individuals reply with the archaic and mostly
erroneous idea that "technology is applied science (Bybee, 2000, p. 23). This is
illustrated clearly by the following definition for technology taken from the "American
Heritage Dictionary" which defines technology as The application of science, esp. to
industrial or commercial objectives. (Berube et al. (Eds.). p. 1248). In fact, the history of
technology is older than the history of science as we know it. Technology has been
around since the appearance of the human species on Earth. The second misconception
concerns peoples tendency to equate technology education with teaching computers and
information technology, and the third, the confusion of the term technology with
Carnevale (2000), reports on an Internet survey of 2,227 learning-and-training
professionals, conducted by a learning and technology research group (the Masie Center,
based in Saratoga Springs, N.Y.), which goes a long way towards illustrating the multiple
interpretations of technology in education. Individuals were asked what term they would
use to describe "learning with technology". The respondents were given a list of possible
terms, as well as the opportunity to write their own choices. The results showed a wide
range of responses as well as significant differences between individuals who take online
courses, and vendors who offer course material. Forty percent of people who work for
institutions and vendors offering online course material, responded with the term,
" e-learning", while of the people who take online courses, "computer-based training"
was the number one response, closely followed by "Web-based training". The Director of
Development for the Masie Center believes the inconsistency probably stems from the
swift development of learning technology, which has caused a rhetorical rift between
those who stay current with the technology industry, and those who do not follow it.
Distance education or distance learning is terms that have been applied
interchangeably to a huge variety of programs, providers, audiences and media. Its
characteristics are the separation of teacher and learners in space, and/or time (Perraton,
1987), the conscious control of learning by the student rather than the distant instructor
(Jonassen, 1992), and noncontiguous communication between student and instructor,
mediated by print or some form of technology (Keegan, 1986; Garrison & Shale, 1987).
Carnevale (2000) quotes the director of a business providing computer-certification
courses using distance education, who states that the rapidly increasing number of terms
causes a great deal of confusion. This individual earned her Ph.D. in adult education and
found, during the course of doing her dissertation research that, within the distance
education community, different meanings are attached to the same terms and concepts by
different individuals. Some students assume that distance education involves technology,
Chapter 4
Integration of Technology in Science Education
As Rakow (1999) states, "The sciences are a natural place for the integration of
instructional technologies to improve teaching and learning." The challenge lies in
integrating technology into classrooms and in making it an integral tool for learning
within the context of science and science education. Technology use needs to match
teachers' instructional goals (Strehle, Whatley, Kurz, & Hausfather, 2001; Windschitl &
Sahl, 2002; Zhao, Pugh & Sheldon, 2002). Science and technological knowledge are
constantly changing and increasing in complexity and it is essential for educators to keep
current and abreast of changes and new developments.
Teachers must have the ability to make choices about technology integration
without becoming technocentric by placing undue emphasis on technology for its own
sake without connections to learning and the curriculum. (Earle, 2002). Preservice (and
inservice), teachers must be given opportunities to experience and observe technology
integration in action, time to reflect on their ideas and experiences with colleagues and
peers, and to collaborate with other educators to try out new ideas and methodologies
(Ertmer, 1999). Continuous training and practice are essential.
According to The National Center for Education Statistics (NCES, 2005), the
percentage of public schools with Internet access increased from 35 to 99 percent,
between 1994 and 2002. Additionally, in 2001-2002, 87 percent of public schools with
Internet access reported that professional development focusing on how to integrate the
use of the Internet into the curriculum was offered to teachers (Kleiner and Lewis 2003).
Hattler (1999) stresses that professors in teacher education programs are responsible for
integrating information technology into courses necessary for, and leading to,
certification. By adding technological assignments via the Internet into our teachers'
certification courses, preservice teachers can be better prepared to meet the technological
challenges present in the classrooms of tomorrow. (p. 327). More and more states are
starting to include new technologies in learning standards for all disciplines, increasing
the urgency for teacher competence in this area. If technology is to be integrated
successfully into classroom instruction, teacher educators must be able to exhibit
successful technology use in preservice course work (Beichner, 1993).
Levin (1994) outlines the three main foci embodied in the guidelines developed
by the ISTE and National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE) for
teacher education programs to ensure that preservice teachers are furnished with the
know-how, skills and attitudes necessary for them to use technology effectively in their
own future classrooms.
These foci are echoed by Yerrick and Hoving (1999) who stress that,
In order to incorporate appropriate technology applications and teach in ways
consistent with National Science Education Standards (NRC, 1996), teachers
their curricula), or cultural. Cultural factors would include threats to technology infusion
such as lack of administrative and technical support and time for teacher learning and
Research has shown that technology infusion is rare, even in cases where
contextual factors have been mitigated. Although computer access issues have decreased,
neither the frequency in use of computers for science instruction, nor the frequency of
students doing hands-on/laboratory activities have changed (Horizon Research, Inc.,
2002). Cuban et al. (2001) and Norton, McRobbie and Cooper (2000), report that access
to equipment rarely led to widespread teacher and student use. Access to technology is
not an issue for science educators' infusion of technology, but "Because technology is
constantly changing, keeping current is a full time job in itself." (Pederson & Yerrick,
2000, p. 144).
Teacher thinking is the third factor that Gess-Newsome et al. (2003) discuss as
affecting the infusion of technology into the science curriculum, proposing that research
has shown that teacher thinking acts as the most consistent predictor of the success of
infusion (Woodbury & Gess-Newsome, 2002). The likelihood of a science teacher using
technology in the classroom and how that technology is used depends largely on his/her
knowledge and beliefs about teaching and how students learn. This is demonstrated in
studies by Ertmer, Addison and Lane (1999), and Windschitl and Sahl (2002), who found
that teachers' basic beliefs about teaching and learning were more powerful predictors of
teacher classroom instruction than attempts to reform their teaching, and studies by
Germann and Sasse (1997), Strehle et al. (2001), and, Zhao and Cziko (2001), indicating
that teacher beliefs about teaching efficiency and effectiveness are more critical to the
Professional Development/Training
Research/Information Gathering/Dissemination
NCLB [No Child Left Behind] should ensure that teacher preservice
preparation/administration/preservice teachers are not left out of the funding,
structure, and model sharing
Research studies such as these have identified numerous road blocks hindering
the integration of technology, as well as strategies for surmounting them. It is clear that
science teacher education programs play a key role in successful technology infusion. As
Kent and McNergney (1999) emphasize,
the use of technology by school children necessarily depends on the ability of
teachers to integrate technology into their teaching. Preservice education can
provide rising teachers with the confidence and knowledge required to use the
technological tools available to them (p. 4).
The current education of preservice science teachers will be a determining factor in the
future part technology plays in science education, and it follows that for them to learn
how to infuse technology into their own science classrooms, first it must be integrated
into their professional education course work. As Bell (2001) states:
Technology access and skills are necessary but insufficient steps toward using
technology effectively in science instruction. Rather science educators should
explicitly instruct preservice teachers on ways to integrate technology into their
instructional practice. Such instruction will require science educators to provide
conceptual frameworks for technology integration, and opportunities for
preservice teachers to develop and practice teaching lessons that appropriately
integrate technology. Like most worthwhile goals, such explicit instruction is
inherently more difficult to achieve, but much more likely to produce desired
results. (p. 5).
In the next ten years, more than two thirds of the nation's teachers will be replaced
by new teachers so it is critical to ensure that this new generation of teachers is equipped
with the knowledge and skills necessary to meet this challenge successfully. A study by
the Milken Exchange on Education Technology (1999), and the International Society for
Technology in Education found that, "in general, teacher-training programs do not
provide future teachers with the kinds of experiences necessary to prepare them to use
technology effectively in their classrooms." (p. i, para. 4). It emphasized that since the
United States will need a projected 2.2 million new teachers over the next decade, "the
time to examine and re-engineer our teacher preparation programs is now." (p. i, para. 4).
Examples of Technologies Currently Being Used in Science Education
There are a plethora of different applications of technology being used in science
teacher education programs today. Educational technologies consist of many different
combinations of hardware and software and may employ many different combinations of
audio channels, code, data, text, graphics or video. Technology applications are usually
characterized in terms of their most obvious hardware feature (e.g. a VCR or computer),
but for educators, it is the nature of the instruction delivered that is important not the
equipment delivering it.
In the U.S. Department of Education's 1993 report, "Using Technology to Support
Education Reform", the authors classified educational technologies into four categories
based on their different uses: tutorial, exploratory, application, and communication. They
explain, "Our categories are designed to highlight differences in the instructional
purposes of various technology applications, but we recognize that purposes are not
always distinct, and a particular application, may in fact be used in several of these
ways." (Educational Technologies section, para. 1). Although their classification scheme
is general in scope, it provides a concise and useful guide for science teacher educators
and preservice science teachers.
Tutorial uses are those in which technology does the teaching and controls the
material presented to students. The format is usually lecture or workbook. Exploratory
uses of technology allow students to explore freely the information presented in a
particular medium, while application uses provide students with tools to help them
complete various educational tasks such as data analysis and writing. Finally,
communication uses allow students and teachers to communicate with each other and
with others through networks or other technologies. Table 1 summarizes the technology
classification scheme giving definitions and examples of each of the four categories of
educational technology use.
Computer-assisted instruction
Intelligent CAI
Instructional television
Some videodisc/multimedia
Table 1 (Continued)
Spreadsheet software
or data analysis.
Database software
Desktop publishing systems
Video recording and editing
or other technologies.
Note. From "Using Technology to Support Education Reform," U.S. Department of Education, 1993.
Retrieved May 20, 2003, from
The state-of-the-art in technology changes almost constantly, but there are many
uses of technology in science education that support science education reform and what
we know about how students learn best. The ISTE, in an effort to implement the NETS
for Teachers across universities, has identified and described many methods and
strategies for successfully integrating technology and state, "having a set of generic
models and strategies that are multipurpose in application assists teacher candidates in
quickly developing technology-rich lessons" (ISTE, 2002, p. 31). In ISTE's "NETS for
template to create their own WebQuest (Dodge, 1997). "The WebQuest teaching strategy
provides an excellent framework for teacher candidates designing technology-rich
experiences for students." (ISTE, 2002, p. 33). WebQuests provide preservice teachers
with valuable opportunities to become comfortable with aspects of technology within the
context of their preparation for the profession of teaching (Stinson, 2003). WebQuests
can be especially useful for teachers who are inexperienced in technology use in that they
offer prepackaged, self-contained lessons ready for implementation. The WebQuest site
contains lessons, rubrics, and teaching tips, all of which aid teachers in making an easier
transition into using Internet technology (Watson, 1999).
Multimedia represents and conveys information through combinations of text,
graphics, video, animation and sound. Multimedia presentation software such as
PowerPoint and HyperStudio provide an easily updateable way to produce artistic
presentations in which the learner controls the order and pace of the presentation.
PowerPoint also allows the establishment of links between any object on the slide and
objects on another page, or in another presentation. Slides may also be linked with
Internet sites, CD, or Laser disc players. Teachers have found that multimedia projects
motivate students to learn, as illustrated in a study by Cradler and Cradler (1999), in
which students and teachers reported a positive change in student motivation for class
assignments when the use of multimedia was incorporated into classroom instruction.
According to ISTE (2002), "Exemplary project-based learning with multimedia is
anchored in core curriculum, multidisciplinary, demonstrates sustained effort over time,
promotes student decision making, supports collaborative group work, exhibits a
real-world connection, utilizes systemic assessment, both along the way and for the end
product, and employs multimedia as a communication tool." (p. 36).
Another dimension is provided by publishing students' multimedia products (e.g.
Web pages, sites, computer presentations created with PowerPoint or computer-generated
movies) over the Internet so that they can be viewed by distant audiences. Research has
shown that the quality of student work increases significantly when students realize their
work will be viewed by an audience other than teachers and students at their school
(Coley, Cradler, & Engel, 1997).
The CyberFair sponsored by Mankato, MN schools allows third through sixth
grade students to share their science projects on the Internet, while Brentwood School in
California has a virtual science fair in which projects competing in the school-wide
science fair have no printed reports or display. Preservice science students can visit these
Web sites and see examples of student science projects ranging from "Which tile cleaner
removes soap scum best?" to studies of carnivorous plants! These projects engage
students in learning and teach them educational technology skills, while supporting
standard-based coursework. They serve to connect students to their local communities
through collaborations with local leaders, businesses, special populations and increase
environmental awareness. In addition they increase real-world, transferable skills and
involve students in peer evaluation.
ThinkQuests are another example of multimedia projects. ThinkQuest Programs
provide a highly motivating opportunity for students and educators to work
collaboratively in teams to learn as they create Web-based learning materials, and teach
others about a huge variety of different topics. Students (Grades 4 through 12), can
collaborate on Web projects hosted on a searchable library at the ThinkQuest Web site.
ThinkQuest programs also provide electronic meeting places designed for educational
collaboration. Teachers can expand their professional development while learning a
student-centered model of education, and experimenting with the potential of the Internet.
They can examine modes of learning and interact with students to obtain a true
understanding of how young people want to learn. Students in California created a
ThinkQuest project focusing on the plight of threatened Southern sea otters. As well as
including a wealth of information about sea otters, (e.g. life cycle, habitat, population
counts, and range), the site includes live streaming video of sea otters housed at the
Monterey Bay Aquarium, and an audio interview with a marine mammal trainer.
Telecomputing projects utilize Internet communication tools as essential
resources. Tools include e-mail, electronic mailing lists, electronic bulletin boards,
discussion groups, Web browsers, real-time chatting, and audio- and videoconferencing.
Harris (1994) identifies three different general classes of educational telecomputing
activities: interpersonal exchanges (incorporating the use of interpersonal resources),
information collections (involves students collecting, organizing, and sharing
information), and problem-solving projects. Each category of activities includes five, six
or seven different activity structures, and for each structure, an example activity that has
been classroom-tested and shared by telecomputing teachers is provided.
Interpersonal exchanges involve individuals or groups communicating via e-mail
electronically with other individuals or groups. According to Harris (1994), these types of
educational telecomputing activities are the most popular. Teachers and students may
also use newsgroups and Internet-connected bulletin boards for projects such as
"Keypals" which involves student-student communication. Harris notes that studentstudent exchanges involves the transfer and processing of multiple e-mail messages sent
to a single account, and may prove to be too time consuming for the teacher. Global
classrooms, in which two or more classrooms located anywhere in the world, study a
common topic together, sharing their new knowledge about that topic during a
previously-specified time period, are easier to manage. Other activity structures for
interpersonal exchanges include electronic appearances (a special guest is hosted,
students corresponding with him/her either asynchronously, or real-time), electronic
mentoring (students can mentor other students, or experts from universities, businesses,
government, or other schools can serve as electronic mentors), and impersonations
(participants communicate with each other "in character").
Activity structures falling within the information collection category of
educational telecomputing are information exchanges, electronic publishing, database
creation, tele-fieldtrips, and pooled data analysis. Information exchanges provide
students with the opportunity to become both the creators and consumers of the
information that they are sharing and have resulted in students collecting a wide variety
of topic-specific data from around the world. Some examples are: local agricultural
information, biome data, water usage information, recycling practices, and personal
health information. KidsNetwork (developed by the Technical Education Research
Centers [TERC], and funded by the National Science Foundation [NSF] and the National
Geographic Society) is a telecommunication-based science curriculum for elementary
and middle school students in the United States, Canada, Israel, and Argentina.
Participants focus on a number of real-world issues, examples of which include acid rain,
weather and health. This project provides an exciting and innovative way to bring
inquiry-based learning to students. Students perform experiments, gather data, and
analyze trends and patterns on topics of current social, scientific and geographic interest.
E-mail is used to communicate with each other and with participating scientists who help
students review the data and make interpretations. The data and findings are then shared
with other participating schools, and there have been several significant instances in
which students findings led to the discovery that school drinking water and air pollution
standards were not being met. In 1991, KidsNet units were used in more than 6,000
classrooms in 72 countries. More than 90% of teachers using KidsNet reported that
students' interest in science increased significantly, and that their classes spent almost
twice the amount of time on science than they otherwise did (TERC, 1991).
A great example of an electronic publishing project is provided by the Global
Schoolhouse's NewsDay project in which students write articles about a variety of issues
and topics including science and technology, and post them on an electronically shared
newswire. Different schools publish different newspapers locally but also read and
choose articles from other schools to download and include in their own newspaper.
Some information exchange projects involve database creation where students not
only collect data, but organize it into databases that project participants and other students
can use for study. Harris (1994) notes that "successful projects of this genre are
well-structured; they have a definite time schedule, requirements for participation are
clearly stated, and teachers are asked (often by filling out a registration form) to commit
to following these guidelines." (Database Creation section, last para.).
Tele-field trips allow sharing of experiences and observations of local field trips
to museums, zoos, aquariums etc. with students and teachers all over the world via the
Internet. These informal science centers house an incredible wealth of information that
can be used to support science learning in the classroom. Access is usually limited
because of travel expenses or time limitations, but through the Internet, students can learn
about the work of Benjamin Franklin at the Franklin Institute, or participate in science
experiments online from the Exploratorium in San Francisco. Some tele-fieldtrips can be
taken either directly or vicariously via a variety of telecommunications networks, using
robotic devices that can be controlled remotely via the Internet.
The JASON ProjectTM is a multidisciplinary, real-time science teaching and
learning program that enhances the curriculum by exposing students to experts and
leading scientists who work with them to examine the biological and geological
development of Earth. The JASON ProjectTM has been a pioneer in the field of Virtual
Field Trips. Students can journey to the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean in search of the
wreck of the RMS Titanic, view rain forests, volcanoes, or journey to Polar Regions.
Through the JASON AcademyTM, teachers can take content-rich, continuing education
science courses anytime, anywhere via the Internet. There are no text materials involved
in the courses, instead hot-linked references and many classroom applications with
demonstrations and hands-on activities are utilized.
Pooled data analysis involves students collecting data at multiple sites, and
combining them for analyses. The simplest of these types of activities involve students
sending out a survey electronically, collecting the responses, analyzing the results, and
reporting their findings to all participants. Water acidity projects, in which rainwater or
stream water is collected at different sites, tested for acidity, then examined for patterns
over time and distance provides an example of a pooled data analysis project. WaterNet
(developed by Berger and Wolfe at the University of Michigan and funded by the
Department of Education), is a telecommunication-based water pollution study involving
high schools in the United States, West Germany, and Australia. Students gathered water
quality data from their local rivers and stored the information in a database. Through data
sharing, it is hoped that students will gain a deeper understanding of the problems of
water pollution and develop an interest in solving these social problems (Roberts,
Blakeslee, Brown, & Lenk, 1990).
Problem-solving projects include information searches (students are provided
with clues, and must use electronic or hard copy reference sources to solve problems),
electronic process writing, sequential creations (in which participants progressively create
either a common written text or a shared visual image), parallel problem-solving (a
similar problem is presented to students in several locations, solved separately at each
site, and their successful problem-solving methods shared electronically), simulations,
and social action projects.
Online discussions allow students to communicate with peers, teachers, and
experts worldwide either asynchronously (via electronic bulletin boards, e-mail) or in
real-time (via chat groups). Asynchronous communication allows students time to reflect
before responding and also allows for time differences in different geographic areas,
while real-time communication provides students with immediate feedback. TAPPED
IN is an excellent online resource for professional development. It is "the online
workplace of an international community of education professionals. K-12 teachers and
librarians, professional development staff, teacher education faculty and students, and
researchers engage in professional development programs and informal collaboration
with colleagues." (SRI, para. 1). Science teachers can participate in After School Online
science teacher forums which are discussions designed for science educators on various
topics related to the field of science education. In addition, TAPPED IN offers e-mail
groups to locate and communicate with others who have shared interests or expertise.
Examples of online activities conducted by other teachers can also be viewed.
The emergence of social networking technologies and evolution of digital games
and simulations have significant implications for education. These technologies have
been utilized for decades by institutions including government, medicine and business,
mainly for training purposes, but as reported by Klopfer, Osterweil, Groff and Haas,
2009, digital simulations, games and social networking technologies provide deeper
educational benefits. Security issues and possible dangers of using social networking sites
definitely raise significant concerns that must be addressed, but Klopfer et. Al (2009)
take the position that these technologies are safe, valuable tools schools must take
seriously. (p.2). Green and Hannon (2007) discuss the fact that the newest generation of
K-12 students has been completely normalized by digital technologies these
technologies are a fully integrated part of their lives. Teachers and teacher educators must
appreciate and realize that students sitting in todays classrooms have a very different
perspective on the world, and experiment with new ways to connect with students
through these technologies. Research is supporting this kind of work illustrating that
multimedia education improves both comprehension of the lesson material and students
interest in the lesson topic (Brady, 2004).
These examples represent only a fraction of the many creative and reformoriented ways technology can be infused into the science curriculum. By modeling best
practices in technology integration (such as the in examples previously discussed), and by
providing preservice science teachers opportunities to develop and practice teaching
lessons that appropriately integrate technology, science teacher educators can aid them in
reforming their instructional practice (Yerrick & Hoving, 1999).
Recommendations for Choosing and Evaluating Science Technologies
Technology should be examined in the same way that any other material or tool
being considered for use in the classroom would be, with how students' learning will be
enhanced through its use, being the primary focus. Bernhard, Mellissions Lernhardt, and
Miranda-Decker (1999) stress that in considering a particular technology for use in the
classroom, whether it aids students in understanding technology's role and importance in
the real world should be a major consideration. The technology should have the ability to
engage student interest and make use of computer capabilities. This is echoed by Jones,
Valdez, Nowakowski, and Rasmussem, (1995), who report that successful use of
technology in the classroom is characterized by student engagement.
Reed and McNergney (2000) review how educators can evaluate technologybased curriculum materials for use in the classroom stating that "Only through evaluation
of technology-based curricula can educators make informed decisions about the purchase
and use of technology, and ultimately about the wisdom of their investments."
(Conclusion section, para. 1). The first concept they identify as being key in evaluating
technology-based curriculum materials are authenticity. This concept gives rise to
questions such as: Does the technology help students learn by utilizing real-world
mail, to computer simulations and streamed discussions. The ThinkQuest site provides
visitors with insight into what kinds of products today's students can create.
Bell (2001) summarized questions pertinent to educators' reluctance to embrace
technology raised by participants in a National Technology Leadership Retreat that
brought together the leaders of a dozen national education associations. Specific to
science teacher preparation, Bell reports on the concerns of representatives from the
Association for Education of Teachers of Science (AETS):
Does technology enable students to ask questions they would not thought of
asking before?
technology in learning? (Some take the technology and teach in the same old
Chapter 5
Implications for the Future
As Thornburg (1999) asserts, "Just because an educational task can be conducted
using technology doesn't mean it should be." (p. 7). Face-to-face meetings are always
better than videoconferencing and, "no portable display device on the market is as cheap,
or has the image quality of the printed page." (p. 7). The key is to look for opportunities
where technology can be used to accomplish tasks that without it would be impossible.
Technology should not be taught merely for its own sake in the preparation of science
teachers. Science teacher education programs obviously play a key role in ensuring that
new science teachers enter the classroom as technologically-literate individuals, able to
implement and use varied technologies as part of their instructional methods. As
emphasized in the U.S. Department of Education (1996) report, Getting Americas
Students Ready for the 21st Century, teacher preparation programs can make a
significant difference by focusing on teaching with technology, not merely teaching
about it. (Supporting Professional Development section, para. 1), and also by Flick and
Bell (2000) who stress that,
Technology modeled in science education courses should take advantage of the
capabilities of technology and extend instruction beyond or significantly enhance
what can be done without technology. New teachers should experience
technology as a means of helping students explore topics in more depth and in
more interactive ways. (Proposed Guidelines section).
Flick and Bell go on to propose the following guidelines for using technology in the
preparation of science teachers:
The education system of the future based in the context of an information society
--an environment rich in technology and information, demands that teachers make radical
shifts in their instructional and learning paradigms. In order for this to occur, intensive,
continuing technology education will be needed, in addition to a sustained support
structure teachers can turn to for help and advice.
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