Kruskal-Wallis H test
is used to determine whether or not there is a statistically significant difference
between the medians of three or more independent groups.
Like most statistical test you calculate a test statistic and compare it to a
distribution cut-off point.
this test is the non parametric equivalent of the one-way ANOVA and is typically
used when the normality assumption is violated.
The Kruskal-Wallis H. test does not assume normality in the data and is much
less sensitive to outliers than the one-way ANOVA
The hyphothesis for the test are:
-H0: population medians are equal
-H1: population medians are not equal
(From previous studies you know that the distributions of exam scores for these three
studying techniques are not normally distributed so you conduct a Kruskal-Wallis test
to determine if there is a statistically significant difference between the median scores
of the three groups.)
( An example of an ordinal variable is a survey response question measured on a
Likert Scale example. a 5-point scale from “strongly disagree” to “strongly agree”)
and an example of a nominal variable is gender if it’s a male or female.)
2. Independence
Your observations should be independent , there should be no relationship between
the members in each groups.
(The observations in each group need to be independent of each other. )
(The researcher wants to know whether or not the three drugs have different effects on
knee pain, so he conducts a Kruskal-Wallis Test using a .05 significance level to
determine if there is a statistically significant difference between the median knee
pain ratings across these three groups.)
k=the number of comparison groups
N= the total sample size
nj = the sample size in the jth group and
Rj = the sum of the ranks in the jth group
(We can simply compute this through Kruskal Wallis H test calculator just enter the values
and press calculate )
Phys Ther (1997 ),When several treatment methods are available for the same
problem, many clinicians are faced with the task of deciding which treatment to
use. Many clinicians may have conducted informal "mini-experiments" on their
own to determine which treatment is best suited for the problem. These results
are usually not documented or reported in a formal manner because many
clinicians feel that they are "statistically challenged."
According to Ogura, T. and Shiraishi (2022),Age is frequently transformed to
binary data in clinical trials using the cutoff value. Age and outcome, however,
might not be associated when looking at a scatter plot for a group of patients
whose ages are greater than or equal to the cutoff value. The elder of the two
groups may appear to be at reduced risk if the group whose age is more than or
equal to the cutoff value is further separated into two groups. In this instance, it
could be required to further split the group of patients whose ages are greater
than or equal to the cutoff value into two groups. This study offers a strategy for
deciding which of the two or three groups makes the optimal split. the