Modeling A Complex Global Service Delivery System: Proceedings - Winter Simulation Conference December 2011

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Modeling a complex global service delivery system

Article  in  Proceedings - Winter Simulation Conference · December 2011

DOI: 10.1109/WSC.2011.6147797

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4 authors, including:

Aliza Heching George E. Stark



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Proceedings of the 2011 Winter Simulation Conference
S. Jain, R. R. Creasey, J. Himmelspach, K. P. White, and M. Fu, eds.


Yixin Diao David Northcutt

Aliza Heching George Stark

IBM T.J. Watson Research Center IBM Global Technology Services

P.O. Box 704, Yorktown Heights, NY 10598, USA 294 Route 100, Somers, NY 10589, USA


Enterprises and IT service providers are increasingly challenged with improving the quality of service while reducing
the cost of service delivery. Effectively balancing dynamic customer workload, strict service level constraints, and
diverse service personnel skills challenges the most experienced management teams. In this paper we describe a
modeling framework for analyzing complex service delivery systems. The interaction among various key factors
are included in the model to allow decision-making around staffing skill levels, scheduling, and service level
constraints in system design. We demonstrate the applicability of the proposed approach in a large IT services
delivery environment.


In recent years, the IT services industry has faced continual pressure to improve the quality of its services, while
doing so at reduced cost to its customers. To measure quality of services delivered, the IT services delivery industry
is converging toward a set of commonly used metrics including, but not limited to, equipment availability, time
to resolve incidents, etc. In an effort to improve the quality of their services, service providers need to adopt a
consistent and continual focus on their internal processes, the skills of their people, the organizational structure, and
so on. On the other hand, the IT service industry has been traditionally labor intensive. Although a wide range of
management tools is available to support even the most complex management tasks, the overall service management
process still relies on humans to make important decisions, perform complex administration tasks, and monitor
the performance and effectiveness of the overall process. This paper describes a modeling framework to support
decision making in a complex service delivery system including the cost of a service (as manifested by the staffing
level) and the corresponding quality metrics (subject to the service level agreements). In particular, we model the
service delivery organization through the use of a discrete event simulation model that considers the various factors
typically encountered in a service provider environment.
We consider a service delivery system in the context of global IT services delivery. Global delivery refers
to a model for delivering IT services where the services provider may provide services from either on-shore or
off-shore locations to customers who are globally located. As shown in Figure 1, the managed systems represent
customer IT systems that are managed by the services provider. These systems (e.g., servers, networks, application,
business processes) may be owned by the customers and located on customer sites; alternatively, they may be
owned and located on provider sites on behalf of customers. The managing or management systems represent the
service delivery centers that receive service requests from the customers and interact with the managed systems
regarding the requests. The service delivery centers operate based on a cohesive set of management processes, such
as Service Desk which serves as a contact between service providers and service users, Incident Management to
quickly restore normal service operations in the event of failure, Change Management to manage changes to the
infrastructure and the services, and Service Level Management to ensure Service Level Agreements (SLAs) are
met with minimum impact on service quality (Office of Government Commerce 2007). Remote skills represent the
service personnel located in global delivery centers who respond to customer requests, but do not directly interact
Diao, Heching, Northcutt, and Stark
Managing / management
Managed Systems Systems Remote Skills

Customer Sites Service Delivery Centers Global Delivery Centers

Figure 1: IT Global Service Delivery.

with the end customer. It is important that the global model of delivery is transparent to the customers; the service
delivery centers are the central point of contact and management for the end customers.
Such a distributed network of delivery offers advantages to customers including (i) allowing the customers
to take advantage of qualified local skills in each of the respective local locations, (ii) providing round the clock
coverage and services by different support teams in each of the different locations around the world, and (iii)
improving the resiliency due to the distributed nature of the support teams and data centers. On the other hand,
the global delivery model imposes a challenge for service providers: how to improve the quality of its services in
a most cost effective way. While lowering the delivery cost may be achieved by servicing multiple customers from
the same delivery center, a major challenge faced by the service delivery provider is to determine the interaction
between the arrival rates of the different requests for service, the team specific service rates for the different types
of service requests, the available skills from the service agents, and the different service level target requirements,
in order to determine the required staffing levels and shift schedules that minimizes the overall cost of delivery.
The problem that we describe falls in the area of optimal staffing with skills based routing (“SBR”); customer
requests arrive with specific skill requirements, and are serviced by agents with corresponding skills. The SBR
problem is known to be analytically complex with limited theoretical results. (Gans, Koole, and Mandelbaum 2003)
and (Aksin, Armony, and Mehrotra 2007) provide detailed surveys of the analytical approaches that have been
undertaken. The most common approaches are to either simplify the topology of the network or simplify the routing
schemes. However, none of them are desirable in a service delivery environment where both the network and the
routing schemes are complex and the service providers are seeking practical solutions but not conceptual guidance.
An alternative solution to the SBR problem is the simulation-based approach. Simulation derives suggested
solutions after considering the complexities of the real world system such as the nonstationarities in the arrival rates and
the interactions between decisions made in the different periods. A common model is to adopt a two stage approach
wherein optimization is used to generate a “starting solution” and simulation is used to evaluate real system feasibility
(e.g., service level attainment) of this analytical model suggested solution. (Atlason, Epelman, and Henderson 2008)
considers a multi-period problem of determining optimal staffing levels while meeting service level requirements.
They solve a sample average approximation of the problem using a simulation based analytic center cutting plane
method and assuming that the service level functions are pseudoconcave. (Cezik and LaEcuyer 2008) extends this
approach by applying it to large problem instances and developing heuristic methods to handle the numerical
challenges that arise. (Feldman and Mandelbaum 2010) uses stochastic approximation to determine optimal staffing
levels, assuming that the service level functions are convex in the staffing levels. They consider two model
formulations, one in which the service levels are strict constraints and the second in which the service levels enter as
costs in the objective function, and use simulation to evaluate service level attainment. (Robbins and Harrison 2008)
considers a two stage approach for determining optimal staffing levels in a call center environment. In the first
stage they solve for the staffing levels by using the per period attainment as an approximation for the true service
Diao, Heching, Northcutt, and Stark

level attainment. In the second stage, the simulation is used to evaluate true system performance and service level
attainment. (Bouzada 2009) describes the use of simulation to determine optimal staffing levels in a call center
environment. The author also reports on sensitivity of the service level attainment abandonment rate to model
parameters such as change in handling time distribution, change in call volume, or changes in SLA constraints.
(Anerousis, Diao, and Heching 2010) uses simulation to study how optimal staffing in a service delivery organization
is affected by different operational scenarios that reflect a diverse skill base, the presence of service level objectives,
and incoming work with varying levels of complexity.
In this paper we propose a simulation-based approach to determine minimum staffing requirements while meeting
contractual service quality commitments in a global service delivery system. It is worthy to note that the focus of
this paper is not on proposing a new simulation or routing algorithm, but on how the standard approach can be
applied (and deployed in a large scale) to a global service delivery environment. By analyzing system dynamics and
business requirements, we identify the key service system factors that have the first order effects on the modeling
objectives. The proposed approach requires a reasonable set of operational and demographic data which lends
its applicability in real service delivery environments. Meanwhile, following the methodology in (Glover 1977),
(Glover and Laguna 1977), and (Glover, Kelly, and Laguna 1999), we use scatter search combined with tabu search
for staffing level optimization. The model is implemented and deployed in a large services delivery provider with
worldwide delivery locations and international customers.
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 discusses the background for service delivery
systems and the challenges for modeling and decision making. Section 3 presents the architecture and components
of the proposed service delivery model. Section 4 describes the model implementation and deployment results. Our
conclusions are contained in Section 5.


In Global Service Delivery, customers contract with the service provider on a menu of IT services such as security
patch management and data restore management. This contract specifies the scope of services (e.g., number of
servers, number of users), the locations from which services will be provided (onsite, offsite), and the measure
of service quality (i.e., service level targets). The service delivery provider responds by assigning each contracted
service to a delivery location and maintains a team of service agents to respond to customers’ service requests. The
agents typically are differentiated with respect to depth and breadth of skill, where breadth of skill refers to the
range of IT areas in which the agent has knowledge and depth of skills refers to the level of knowledge mastered
by the agent in each of these IT areas. Agents are grouped into teams where all agents in a team have common
breadth and depth of skills.
We now describe the workload management process after customers contract for service and once customer
requests begin to arrive to the service delivery provider. Figure 2 illustrates the process and operation flow of a
service delivery environment. We describe the process within the scope of a Service Functional Unit. A service
delivery center typically supports multiple service functions such as platform support, storage management, and
console monitoring. One functional unit represents a unit within one service function area. Customers interact
with the service functional unit through the service request management system, which coordinates service request
creation, queueing, assignment, and closure. Based on the nature of the required services, service requests are
assigned to different service delivery units which are comprised of a team of service agents providing a set of
services to the customers.
The teams of service agents responding to customer service requests may be colocated or virtual. (In a virtual
team, all agents are not physically colocated but they function as a team and their performance is jointly measured.)
As customer requests arrive to the provider, the requests are routed to the appropriate delivery location and service
delivery units based upon a number of attributes of the request including: customer, problem description, required
skills, and time of arrival. Time of arrival is often an important attribute due to the nature of global delivery and
the ability of the provider to “follow the sun,” i.e., to utilize agents in each geographic region during their normal
business hours. Arriving requests are prioritized and then assigned to an agent in the team.
In addition to the scope of service requests that the provider will service for the customer, customer contracts
specify service levels associated with each of these service requests. Service levels are a measure of quality of
service delivery. Although many types of service level agreements exist, the most common service level agreements
take on the following form. They specify the following main terms regarding response to a service request (i) scope
of agreement (ii) target time (iii) percentage attainment and (iv) time frame over which service will be measured.
Diao, Heching, Northcutt, and Stark

Service Functional Unit

Service Delivery Unit


Service Delivery Unit

Customer Service Request
Management System Service Delivery Unit

Customer Service Delivery Unit

Figure 2: Illustrative process and operation flow of a service delivery environment.

For example, a service level agreement may state that 95% (percentage attainment) of all severity 1 tickets (scope)
that are opened over each one month period (time frame) must be resolved within 3 hours (target time). One will
typically find a large number of service level agreements associated with each customer contract.
Customer service requests can be broadly classified into two types: primary requests and project requests.
Primary requests are characterized by relatively short service time (typically, minutes or hours) and short target time
(typically, hours or days), and in most cases require a single agent to complete the request. Examples of primary
requests include problem tickets, change requests, and maintenance work. Project requests are characterized by
requests that are composed of a sequence of tasks and that may require the coordination of a number of different
delivery units where different units are responsible for different tasks in the overall project request. There may
be dependency relationships between the different tasks. Tasks within a project often take weeks or months to
complete. In many cases, the agents who service the project workload are different from those who service the
primary workload. This is due to the different skills required. In other cases, these teams of agents are separate due
to the differences in cadence and arrival processes for these two types of workload and the ease in management
that is introduced by separating these two types of workload.
In this paper, we focus our study on service delivery units that respond to the customer primary requests.
Customer requests arriving to the system have a number of attributes including the associated customer, priority
(severity), and required skills. The combination of customer, priority, and request type determine the target response
time and associated percentage attainment. With this information, all arriving service requests are assigned to a
priority class and we assume that the arrival rates of workload to the different priority classes are independent.
The purpose of modeling the delivery system is to support model-based decision making and what-if analysis. For
example, we can use the model to help determine the minimal number of agents required in each service delivery
unit to meet the service level requirements from all serviced customers.
There are a number of complexities in this system. First, the number of classes of requests arriving to the
system is large, since the requests are differentiated by the different attributes, and the request arrival rates are
non-stationary and vary over the hours of the day and days of the week. Second, the number of service delivery
units is large since agents with different skill sets are assigned to different service delivery units, and agents are
differentiated both by breadth and depth of skills. Furthermore, different agents are working on different shift hours.
Third, the agents will take random breaks at random times throughout the day. Although the total duration of these
breaks is assumed to be known (e.g., an agent is assumed to be available 85% of his total shift and the remaining
15% of the shift he is in breaks / meal break) the exact timing of these breaks is not known. Finally, the service level
attainment level is measured against system performance over extended time periods, typically one month, rather
than against performance of each customer request. In addition, the service target time can be either in the unit
of calendar hours or business hours; in the latter case, a business calendar is required. It is due to these modeling
complexities as well as the inherent stochastic nature of the problem that we choose a modeling framework based
upon discrete event simulation.
Diao, Heching, Northcutt, and Stark

Service Delivery Units

• Number of agents
• Shift schedule
• Skill level
• Account familiarity
• Tool familiarity

Service Requests
• Arrival time
• Customer Dispatching Engine Performance Calculation
• Work type • Queueing discipline • Service level attainment
• Tooling • Qualify policy • Backlog level
• Severity • Arbitrating policy • Agent utilization
• Complexity
• Service time

Figure 3: Architecture of the service delivery system model.


In this section we describe the discrete event simulation model in detail. Figure 3 illustrates the flow and
major complements of the model, which includes service requests, service delivery units, dispatching engine, and
performance calculation.

3.1 Service Requests

We use service requests to model the incoming customer workload that the service delivery unit needs to serve.
We characterize the service requests through the following attributes: arrival time, customer, work type, tooling,
severity, complexity, and service time.
Arrival time defines the time when the service request is generated. The arrival time defines the start of the
service and initiates the calculation of whether the service level target is met. Customer is an attribute that is used
to differentiates the requests since different customers typically have different service level requirements. Note that
in a global service delivery system the service delivery units can handle service requests from multiple customers.
This helps to better leverage the agent skills and improve their utilizations.
We define work type based on the nature of the work (e.g., problem, change, maintenance) but not the source
of where they are from. Indeed, the service requests may be generated from different sources. Some requests are
generated as a result of telephone calls to call centers, or created directly by customers via email or online ticketing
systems. Other requests may be automatically generated by monitoring systems; that is, systems are programmed
to trigger requests in the case that the warning thresholds are violated. In addition, the service delivery units may
have scheduled work that needs to be performed on a regular basis, which represents another form of workload.
However, we model each class of work based on the type of the work but not the source, because different work
types have different service process, different service time, and different service level agreements.
We use tooling to refer to the different technical tools or platforms that a service agent needs to grasps in
order to be able to work on a service request. For example, in UNIX platform support, different skills are required
for AIX versus HP-UNIX or Solaris. Severity classifies the service requests based on their urgency or priority.
Although there is actually a difference between urgency and priority, we use the term severity to correspond to the
service level agreements where a different penalty is given for different violations. Complexity classifies the service
requests based on the complexity of the work and implies the depth of the skills. The introduction of complexity
groups the service requests into several buckets so that the service time, the time required to handle the service
request, can be quantified with smaller variance.
Upon service request characterization, we derive the workload arrival patterns using the historical data maintained
by each service delivery unit. Typically, we use six months of the most recent data unless any drastic change has
occurred - in that case, we use the most recent stable period of data. Note that the service delivery environment is
highly dynamic with supported customers changing often or, for long term customers, the base of services provided
Diao, Heching, Northcutt, and Stark

Figure 4: An example of weekly workload arrival pattern for maintenance requests.

to the customer changes over time. For example, additional services may be added or the number of systems
supported may increase. As such, in cases where longer periods of historical data are available, we still prefer to
use the most recent data that reflect the current service operation. We also derive the workload arrival patterns by
customers and by work types. This is because different customers and work types have different arrival patterns.
In addition, having separate arrival patterns also makes it easy to add or remove customers or work types from the
service functional unit, when changes in customer contracts or service organization occur.
We characterize workload arrival using weekly patterns to capture the workload variation over the hours of the
day and the days of the week. For example, Figure 4 depicts the weekly volume by hour for one type of service
request that is associated with system maintenance work. The x axis represents the hours of the week, beginning
with the hour that starts at midnight on Sunday, and the y axis indicates the request volume. Typically, emergency
system repair work would be performed during the week but all planned maintenance work would be scheduled
for the weekends. However, the pattern would be different for different work types and different customers. The
variability in the arriving workload is stochastic in nature over short periods of time (i.e., hours), but exhibits a
trend or repeatable pattern over longer periods of time (e.g., days, weeks, or months). We decide to capture the
arrival pattern on a weekly basis. That is, the arrival rate distribution is estimated for each of the 168 hours of the
week, where the arrival rate is assumed to follow a stationary Poisson arrival process within each of these one hour
time periods.
The reasons that we are not taking the arrival patterns over a longer horizon are as follows. First, due to the
dynamic nature of the services delivery environment, it was typically difficult to obtain long periods of historical
data that are stable enough to derive the seasonal patterns. Second, seasonal workload changes do exist, and so does
the flexibility of certain non-demanding workload (e.g., documentation update, knowledge transfer) that can be held
during the peak season. Third, scheduled overtime can be used to meet soem excess demand during periods of high
demand, though overtime is not relied upon too extensively due to either regulatory constraints or the already long
shifts that the agents have. Finally, the agents’ vacations can be mostly scheduled during the time periods that were
known for lower volumes of service requests, coincident with the time when most of the customers are on vacation.
For example, for a group of service delivery units in Europe we observe average rate of vacation of 10% each
month of the year with the exceptions of August and December where average rate of vacation across all agents is
observed to be approximately 17%. This is aligned with the decrease in service requests for these two months; in
August customers typically schedule vacation that results in a lower volume of service requests while December is
a traditional month for so-called “change freezes” (customers freeze any changes to their systems other than critical
changes), again resulting in reduced volume of service requests. In summary, although not as technically advanced
as it could be, we feel that having a weekly workload pattern is practically sufficient to model the global service
Besides deriving the weekly workload arrival patterns, we also use the historical service data to derive the
percentage of tickets for which different tooling is required, the percentage of tickets with different severity levels,
and the percentage of tickets with different complexity. We assume all of these percentages are independent.
In contrast to the service request arrival data, we found there were no available data sources that recorded the
handling times for the service requests processed by the service delivery units. Since service quality is typically
measured by the total time to resolve the service requests, the service delivery units maintained accurate records
regarding the end-to-end time each service request spent in the system (i.e., the time from creation of a service
request until the service request is resolved). However, the simulation model requires an estimate of the true effort
Diao, Heching, Northcutt, and Stark

where a request is being serviced. To gather this information, one month long timing studies were performed in
each of the service delivery units, where a time recording application was installed on the desktop of each of the
agents. The tool was used to record the start, stop, and pause time for each activity performed by the agents.
After collecting the data, we model service time distribution by work type and by complexity, but not by customers
since we find the service times are similar across different customers from the same delivery unit. Similar to
the findings of (Brown, Gans, Mandelbaum, Sakov, Shen, Zeltyn, and Zhao 2005) and supported by the theoretical
work of (Ulrich and Miller 1993), we find that the distribution of the service times is well modeled by a lognormal

3.2 Service Delivery Units

Service delivery units contain the service agents and are modeled from the following aspects: number of agents,
shift schedule, skill level, account familiarity, and tool familiarity.
Number of agents indicates the size of the service delivery unit and the shift schedule specifies the operation
hours of the delivery unit. Depending on the customer contract, the service functional unit may only need to have
one shift to provide customer support in normal business hours, or it may have multiple shifts to provide 24x7
support. In the latter case, the shift schedule may also be different at different weeks. However, we specify all
agents within the same service delivery unit to have the same shift schedule.
The service agents within the same delivery unit are organized with the same breadth and depth of the skills.
This is indicated by the identical skill level for all the agents within the same unit. Large IT Service Delivery
organizations have a very wide distribution of skill levels. If one were to randomly assign a service request, the
result would exhibit considerable variance, both in the quality of the work and the length of time to complete.
Having skill based delivery units applies uniformity in the service delivery process: simple work that arrives to
the system is sent to the basic delivery unit, while difficult work is sent to the expert unit. Besides skill level, the
delivery unit can also be organized based on account familiarity (i.e., the capabilities to service the same set of
customers, which can be one or multiple) or tool familiarity. All of the above data elements can be easily obtained
from the so-called “demographic data” of the service delivery unit.

3.3 Dispatching Engine

The dispatching engine assigns the service requests to the agents in the service delivery unit following a set of rules.
The queueing discipline specifies the order of which the arrived service request will be processed by the service
agent. A simple policy could be priority based queueing; the service request with the highest severity level gets
serviced first. However, since the service level targets can be quite different for different customers for the same
severity level, an earlier deadline first policy is preferable.
The qualifying policy determines the set of service delivery units that are qualified to handle the arrived service
request. This is based on the required skills (i.e., the skill level, account familiarity, and tool familiarity) and the
shift schedule (i.e., the current simulation time must be during the active shift time of the delivery unit). We note
that it may be the case that all agents in a service delivery unit are occupied with tasks that were assigned earlier.
However, if the request that is currently at the head of the queue is of higher priority than a request currently being
handled by an agent, the request currently being handled can be preempted and returned to the central queue.
Next, we define the arbitrating policy that selects the service agent among the qualified units. The objective is
to balance the request assignment to each of the qualified units. Although a simple round robin rule can be used,
it does not always achieve a balanced workload assignment. The reason is that certain units are unique in certain
ways (either with special skill or special shift schedule) and should be “reserved” instead of “abused.” To balance
the utilization, we use the following algorithm:

1. Define a 0 −1 “skills matrix” where each row represents one service delivery unit and each column represents
each required skill. A one in position (i, j) indicates that service delivery unit i is able to respond to the
request with skill j requirement; otherwise, the cell’s value will be 0.
2. For each service delivery unit, calculate its uniqueness score as follows. For each row i in the skills matrix,
compute Qi = ∑Jj=1 (i, j)/ ∑Ni=1 (i, j). This value provides a “uniqueness score” for service delivery unit i.
3. Compute the overall utilization of the service delivery unit, Ui , where the utilization is measured as the
total time that the different agents in the service delivery unit have been occupied for the given simulation
Diao, Heching, Northcutt, and Stark

trial divided by the time that has expired since the start of the simulation trial. This value is recalculated
each time a service request need to be assigned.
4. Calculated uniqueness weighted score as Qi ·Ui . An agent from the qualified service delivery unit with the
lowest uniqueness score is assigned the request at the head of the queue.

3.4 Performance Calculation

The main performance indicator of the service delivery model is the service level attainment level, an indication
of whether the service level agreement can be met given the current service workload and service delivery unit
organization. At the end of the simulation trial, each service request is examined to determine whether it has met
the service level target or not. A business calendar will be used if the target is defined in terms of business hours.
Afterward, the attainment level is calculated by customer and by severity level.
The second performance indicator is the backlog level. A service delivery model may have a long backlog if
the service requests are not getting serviced during the simulation trial. This could occur if the staffing levels are
too low and low priority service requests never make it to the front of the queue or, if they do make it to the front
of the queue, they are preempted by higher priority service requests. Since service level attainment levels are only
calculated against completed service requests, we rely on the backlog level metric to indicate the internal model
health, which should only be a very small fraction of the total number of requests created during the simulation
Finally, we also measure the agent utilization and service delivery unit utilization to examine if the workload
has been dispatched equally among the units and if the agents are over- or under-utilized given the service workload.


We implemented and deployed our simulation model at a large service delivery organization. Our deployment
covered approximately 300 service functional units including 1,000 service delivery units and 8,000 service agents
in 6 service function areas. These service functional units are located in ten geographic regions, with multiple
service delivery centers in each region.
Our model operates at the service functional unit level, as illustrated in Figure 2, where one discrete event
simulation model is used for one functional unit. Although a service request may be routed among multiple functional
units, for a well organized service delivery organization, the percentage of mis-routed requests are extremely small.
Therefore, we can assume no dependencies between the workload or the agents in different service functional units,
and model each of the functional units independently. In this section we describe in detail how we gathered data,
built the model, and used the simulation-optimization framework to determine sufficient staffing levels that would
meet customer service quality and geographic specific utilization constraints.

4.1 Data Collection

We collect three types of data: the workload data (the arrival of different types of service requests), the effort data
(the handling time for the different service requests), and the demographic data (the service quality commitments,
the service agent shift schedule, etc.)
We start from collecting the demographic data. We gather information regarding the number of agents and the
level of skills in each functional units as well as the existing shifts that are currently in place. Another set of the
demographic data is the service level targets for each customer and at each severity level. As an example, Figure 5
shows the shift schedules from one functional unit, which includes four 12 hour shifts with an alternating on-off
pattern for 24x7 coverage, and one 8 hour shift to provide the business day coverage. The shift schedules often
vary significantly in size and configuration across the different functional units. The total number of hours that an
agent can work per day and per week are also subject to local regulations.
We conduct four-week timing studies at each service functional unit to gather the effort data. During this period,
agents are required to log every work related activity that they perform in a time capture tool specially designed for
this purpose. The tool is designed so that the agent can click a button to start an activity, to pause it (e.g., waiting
for additional information from the customer), to resume it, or to close it when the request is finally resolved. At
the end of timing study we conduct data cleaning to remove the outliers with unusually long duration (e.g., the
agent forgot to pause the activities at the end of the working day). We also handle multi-tasking (i.e., the agent is
Diao, Heching, Northcutt, and Stark

S h if t 1 M on Tue W ed Thu F ri S a t S u n M o n T u e W e d Thu F ri S a t S u n

s ta rt 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
s to p 18 18 18 18 18 18 18

S h if t 2 M on Tue W ed Thu F ri S a t S u n M o n T u e W e d Thu F ri S a t S u n

s ta rt 18 18 18 18 18 18 18
s to p 6 6 6 6 6 6 6

S h if t 3 M on Tue W ed T h u F ri S a t S u n M on Tue W e d T h u F ri S a t S u n
s ta rt 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
s to p 18 18 18 18 18 18 18

S h if t 4 M on Tue W ed T h u F ri S a t S u n M on Tue W e d T h u F ri S a t S u n
s ta rt 18 18 18 18 18 18 18
s to p 6 6 6 6 6 6 6

S h if t 5 M o n T u e W e d T h u F ri S a t S u n M o n T u e W e d T h u F ri S a t S u n
s ta rt 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9
s to p 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18

Figure 5: Example of shift schedules from a service functional unit.

working on several activities at the same time) by dividing the overlapped time among the concurring activities.
This is because we are modeling the true effort time. The primary use of the effort timing data is to derive the
service time distribution. However, we also find not all historical data are available for all work types; in this case
the timing data are also used to derive the workload distribution.
Finally, we collect the workload data to derive the workload arrival patterns. Typically, the historical workload
data are saved in customers’ ticketing systems (such as Maximo, ManageNow) located at different locations with
different time zones. Prior to creating the arrival distributions, we convert all time stamps to the local time zone of
the functional unit. This is to align with other time information used in the model (e.g., shift schedules, business
hours for calculating the service level targets).

4.2 Model Run

All of the above collected data are taken as input to the simulation model. We implement the simulation model
through Simul8 (Simul8 Corporation 2011) and AnyLogic (XJ Technologies 2011) at different deployment periods
as user friendly platforms. Figure 6 illustrates a Simul8 implementation for a service functional unit that services
five customers through two service delivery units (Rhythm and Blues).
The simulation of the functional unit is replicated multiple times to ensure that tight confidence bounds on the
metrics are obtained. The model first simulates the current staffing levels to assess “as-is” service performance.
Afterwards, the combined tabu search and scatter search methodologies are used to iteratively propose new staffing
levels, and simulated to assess the “to-be” performance. This process is repeated until the stopping criterion is
The suggested solution is then piloted in the functional unit for one month, during which the detailed performance
data (e.g., service request backlog, service attainment levels) are gathered to assess the service performance. The
pilot operates as follows. In the case that there is a recommendation to reduce the staffing levels in a functional
unit, these agents are removed from the “production team” (which are servicing the customer service requests)
and assigned to the “flexi team” where they are handling non customer related work. When at certain point the
performance data indicate that the customer service level targets are at risk, an agent from the flexi team is called
upon to work on the customer service requests and released when the risk has been remedied. The use of a flexi
team provides a low-risk way to pilot the model recommendation and still maintain customer service level targets.
Following the completion of the pilot period, the pilot results are analyzed to determine whether and to what extent
the staffing levels suggested by the simulation model can be implemented.

4.3 What-if Analysis

Besides staffing level recommendation, the simulation model can also be used to perform what-if analysis and explore
the impact of service configuration changes. We demonstrate it through an example as shown in Figure 7. The
Diao, Heching, Northcutt, and Stark

Figure 6: Illustrative Simul8 implementation of the service delivery model.

x-axis indicates the five different service configuration experiment settings, and the y-axis indicates the minimum
number of agents required in each setting so that the service quality metrics can be met. The first experiment setting
indicates the as-is setting where 36 service agents (25 junior agents in the Rhythm unit and 11 senior agents in the
Blues unit) are in the current service functional unit. The second setting illustrates that only 33 agents are needed
to satisfy the 97% service attainment target contracted with the customer.
In the third experiment we explore the impact of contractual term changes, that is, we modify the required
attainment percentage from 97% to 95%, representing a less stringent requirement on the monthly service level
agreement. Thus results in two staff reduction compared to the to-be setting. Note that the suggested reduction is
targeted at the Rhythm service delivery unit. This is because the console alert workload has the largest workload
volume but requires basic skills for resolving. In the forth experiment, we still explore the impact of contractual
term changes, but modify the target times for the two most stringent request classes, Problems and Console Alerts,
from 15 minutes to 30 minutes. This leads to one staff reduction compared to the to-be setting
In the next two experiments, we modify the parameters of the service time distribution and measure the impact
on required staffing levels. In Experiment (5) we increase the average service time in each service request class
by 10%. This would be the case, for example, if additional auditing steps are added to the procedures that must
be followed by the agents to respond to the requests. As anticipated, the simulation model suggests that increased
staffing (above the to-be setting) is required. Further, the model suggests that staffing be increased in both service
delivery units. This is because increased average service time impacts all service request classes, by which both the
Rhythm and the Blues units are affected. Note that the model suggests a more significant increase in the Rhythm
unit versus the Blues unit. This is commensurate with the volume of workload observed by each of these service
delivery units. In Experiment (6), we increase the standard deviation of the service time in each service class by
10%. Similarly, the model suggests that increased staffing is required. However, in this case the impact is to the
number of agents in the more skilled Blues unit. This can be explained by the base case standard deviations for the
relative volumes of workload in each service class for which each service delivery unit has primary responsibility.
Agents in the Rhythm unit have primary responsibility for the Console Alert request category which has high volume.
On the other hand, the service time standard deviation for this request category is low, so that a 10% increase has
minimal impact. The remaining categories of service requests (primarily handled by agents in the Blues unit) have
significantly higher standard deviations, which explains the greater impact observed this experiment.

5 Conclusions and Future Work

The services delivery business is highly dynamic and highly competitive, with thin profit margins. Strict service
quality targets coupled with highly variable service request arrival patterns and ever increasing cost containment
targets make it challenging for a service delivery provider to deliver consistent quality and remain profitable. Due to
Diao, Heching, Northcutt, and Stark

40 Total Staffing

Required Staffing Level

20 Rhythm Unit
Blues Unit


(1) Current


(2) To-Be


(4) 30

(5) Avg

(6) Std
(3) 95%



Figure 7: What-if analysis of service configuration changes.

various Lean initiatives, there is little room for the provider to pilot alternative solutions that may or may not result in
improvements in system performance (reduced cost, improved service quality, etc.) A service modeling framework
provides a solution to this challenge. The simulation model is a proxy for the real world business environment.
This framework can be used to baseline as-is system performance by measuring the current staffing levels that are
in place in each service delivery unit and evaluating the ability of the current staffing levels to meet service quality
objectives. The modeling framework can then be used to perform various what-if analysis. For example, a services
delivery provider can utilize this modeling framework to measure the impact of adding or removing customers from
a service functional unit. Or, it can be used to evaluate the trade-offs of agent training to increase the skill profile
versus hiring new agents with a limited set of specific skills.
While the initial results are encouraging, there are various challenges ahead of us. For example, one challenge
that we face with our approach is the dynamic nature of the services delivery environment. The supported customer
base as well as the number of agents experience frequent changes. Consequently, by the time the modeling results are
available (after all data cleaning and analysis), the environment may have changed. Our response to this challenge
was to implement methods to shorten the modeling cycle time from initial data collection to completion of final
results. We are also studying which features of the model are most sensitive to changes in the input data.


The authors would like to express their gratitude to Brian Eck, Dipyaman Banerjee, Gargi B Dasgupta, Nirmit V
Desai, and Rodney Wallace, all employed by IBM, for helpful and constructive discussions that helped us improve
the quality of the model. In addition, we are indebted to Anatoly Zherebtsov, employed by XJ Technologies, for
his assistance in model development.


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Yixin Diao is a Research Staff Member at the IBM Thomas J Watson Research Center in Hawthorne, New York.
He received his Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering from Ohio State University in 2000. He has published
more than sixty papers in systems and services management and is the co-author of the book ”Feedback Control of
Computing Systems” (Wiley 2004). He received IBM Outstanding Innovation Award in 2005 and was named to IBM
Master Inventor in 2007. He is the recipient of the 2002 Best Paper Award at IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and
Management Symposium, the 2002-2005 Theory Paper Prize from the International Federation of Automatic Control,
and the 2008 Best Paper Award at IEEE International Conference on Services Computing. He is a Senior Member
of IEEE, an Associate Editor for Journal of Network and Service Management, a Steering Committee Member for
FeBID, and a Program Committee Member for various management conferences including IM, NOMS, DSOM,
CNSM, and ICAC. He was workshop co-organizers for FeBID 2007 and AMACS 2007, and Program Co-chair of
2010 International Conference on Network and Service Management. His email address is <>.

Aliza Heching is a Research Staff Member in the Mathematical Science department at the IBM Thomas J. Watson
Research Center. She received her B.A. in Mathematics from City University and her M.S. and Ph.D. degrees
in Operations Research from Columbia University. She joined IBM Research in 1998. Her research interests
include modeling, simulation, statistical analysis, and design of decision support tools for system management
and optimization in the areas of pricing, risk management, and workforce management. Her email address is

David Northcutt is an IBM Distinguished Engineer with over 30 years of industry experience in the areas of
applied statistics, data presentation, modeling, estimation, and continual improvement techniques. He holds an M.A.
in Economics (Northwestern), M.S. in Computer Science (Univ. of Illinois at Chicago), and an M.S. in Statistics
(Rutgers). He is currently a member of the Delivery Technology and Engineering organization in IBM where he leads
and consults with IBM service delivery teams and IBM clients worldwide. He is an American Society for Quality
(ASQ) Certified Quality Engineer and a Senior Member of ASQ. His email address is <>.

George Stark is an IBM Senior Technical Staff member with over 25 years of experience in software and service
measurement and statistical modeling. He has published more than 40 technical papers in referred journals and
conferences and has been on the editorial board of the Software Quality Journal as well as past chair of ISSRE.
George is currently a member of the Delivery Excellence team where he consults with IBM quality and productivity
improvement teams worldwide and is a key leader in the IBM Estimation Community of Practice. He also works
with clients on project estimation, software reliability and process improvement approaches. His email address is

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