Effects of Loss of Teeth-28405

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Effects of loss of teeth p.

I. Fill in Vocabulary Ex. 1 p.231:
1. If they continually blink, rub their eyes or ………………their head to the
side, these can indicate a problem.
2. The final step in his treatment: ……………………….. dentures to restore
his ability to chew well.
3. Generally, probiotic supplements are intended to colonize the gut
with……………………. bacteria to prevent harmful strains from gaining
4. Its bones also show irregularities from either …………………………… or illness.
5. The collections, for example, are unbalanced: 76% of the ………………….. species are from tropical
6. More than 400 mosquito…………………… are scattered around the county.
7. Cancer cells ………………… from normal cells, so the immune system doesn't always recognize that
anything is wrong.
8. Teeth which …………………………….can create significant problems for denture design.
II. Watch the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gsbXYOjMnYs
a) True/False:
1. Once you lose your teeth you will continually lose bone.

2. Bone loss is also called bone absorption.

3. The bone is something that is solid and doesn’t undergo changes.

4. Bones can remodel depending on the forces applied to them.

5. Astronauts have to exercise because their bones become thicker and stronger.

b) Complete the sentences:

1. The jaw actually have two layers : ________________________________________

2. When a person loses a tooth the bone begins ______________________________

3. Moreover, the attached gum tissue gradually becomes ______________________

4. If a person has lost many teeth their tongue often __________________________

5. Dental implants can provide ____________________________________________

c) Describe the Picture:

III. Your smile and life quality is our concern!

Paraphrase the underlined words and write the derivatives for words in brackets:
Dental prosthetics is necessary after a loss of one or more teeth or when the tooth is
_______________(severe) damaged. Prosthetics may also be required due to aesthetic reasons. Currently,
there are more and more patients, who want to have not only healthy teeth, but also a nice smile. When
dental tissues decompose (due to untreated caries, tooth wear, tooth ____________(erode), etc.) and it is
_____________(possibility) to restore them with filling materials, dental prosthetic treatment is carried
out by applying crowns or micro-prosthesis (onlay-inlay systems, laminate). Lost teeth may be restored
with implants by polishing the adjacent teeth or with a______________(prosthehetics) bridge
or____________(to remove) dentures, which are fixed on the ____________(exist) teeth or implants. The
dentist who performs the prosthetic procedures collaborates with a dental technician in order to restore
lost teeth, their anatomy, and function, and, of course, their aesthetic ________________(to appear).

IV. Complete the dialogue:

Patient: Hello Doctor!
D: ___________________________________________________________________________
P: I wouldn't say any major problems. I sometimes get a bit of sensitivity and a bit of pain at the
back, so I think about my wisdom teeth coming through.
D: ___________________________________________________________________________
P: Occasionally my gums bleed a bit when I'm trying to sort of brush or floss.

D: ___________________________________________________________________________
P: A couple of months if I'm honest.
D: ___________________________________________________________________________
P: I wouldn't say like real harsh pain, but yeah, just a little bit of discomfort occasionally.
D: ___________________________________________________________________________
P: I generally do brush twice a day, but admittedly some days, it's only once.
D: ___________________________________________________________________________
P: I use an electric toothbrush.
D: ___________________________________________________________________________
P: Yeah, a bit of both I'm afraid. I'm actually quite a light smoker but I generally have a couple of
pints after work.
D: ___________________________________________________________________________
P: I like a bit of sweets now and again.
D: ___________________________________________________________________________
P: Okay, thank you.

V. Translate:
Efecte ale pierderii dinților:
Masticația are loc mai mult pe partea cavității bucale unde nu este un dinte lipsă, punând o presiune mai
mare pe măselele folosite la acest proces. Astfel, acești dinți sunt mai predispuși la apariția cariilor dentare.
Afectarea gingiilor este o altă consecință a unuia sau mai mulți dinți lipsă. Astfel, există un nivel mai ridicat
de risc al apariției gingivitei și parodontozei.
Migrația dinților este una dintre cele mai neplăcute consecințe a pierderii unuia sau mai mulți dinți ori
măsele. Dinții aflați în vecinătatea dintelui pierdut nu mai au sprijin, ceea ce înseamnă că vor migra. Este
afectată masticația, iar, în timp, pot apărea pungi gingivale. În urma pierderii unui dinte au loc și pierderi
de masă osoasă importante.
Dacă unei persoane îi lipsesc mai mulți dinți, atunci pot apărea și probleme de vorbire. Acestor persoane le
poate fi greu să pronunțe anumite cuvinte. Cei care se confruntă cu această problemă pot deveni mai
irascibili, din cauză că nu se simt în largul lor.
Nu în ultimul rând, lipsa parțială a danturii poate duce la apariția unor probleme de sănătate. Astfel, din
cauza unei alimentații deficitare pot apărea probleme digestive, precum ulcerul, gastrita, indigestia, dar și

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