E.coli, Klebsiella Microbiology Lecture
E.coli, Klebsiella Microbiology Lecture
E.coli, Klebsiella Microbiology Lecture
Coli , Klebsiella
Dr. R.K.Kalyan
Learning objectives
The students will be able to answer the following questions:
Non lactose fermenters Do not ferment Produce pale or colorless Salmonella, Shigella
(NLF) lactose colonies Proteus, Morganella,
Providencia and Yersinia
Late lactose fermenters Ferment lactose after At 24 hrs incubation- Shigella sonnei
(LLF or previously called 2-8 days of produce pale or colorless
as paracolon bacilli incubation colonies,
After 2 days- produce pink
color colonies
Classification: Common morphogical, biochemical and similar
DNA base compositions. Bergey’s manual, Kauffmann, Edwards-
Ewing’s Classification: Family is classified into its major
subdivisions, groups or tribe-genera-subgenera-species-types-
biotypes, serotypes, bacteriophage types, colicin types
Tribe Genus
Tribe I-Escherichieae Escherichia, Shigella
Tribe II-Edwardsielleae Edwardsiella
Tribe III-Salmonelleae Salmonella
Tribe IV-Citrobactereae Citrobacter
Tribe V- Klebsiellaae Klebsiella, Enterobacter,
Hafnia, Serratia, Pantoea
Tribe VI-Proteeae Proteus, Morgenella,
Tribe VII- Yersinieae Yersinia
Genus named after Escherich who first isolated the
bacilli under the name Bacterium coli commune in
Other species are less important as human pathogens
- E. fergusonii, E. hermannii and E. vulneris
E.coli is a GNB, 1-3µm x 0.4-0.7µm
E.g O111:K58:H12.
E.coli is excreted in faeces of human and animals
and contaminate soil and water
Hemolysins: virulent strains of E. coli (especially pyelonephritis
- Can lyse erythrocytes of some species
- A large proportion of E.coli recovered from extra-intestinal
lesion of man
3. Verocytotoxin( VT)
Cytotoxic necrotizing factor 1 (CNF1) and secreted
autotransporter toxin (SAT): Cytotoxic to bladder and kidney cells
Produced by:
- Enterohemorrhagic E. Coli
- Bacteriophage-coded
Cytotoxic to Vero cell lines,
Also called Shiga-like toxin as it resembles
Shiga toxin in its structure and function
Verocytotoxin or Shiga-like toxin
Mechanism of action:
- Fragment B binds to a globotriosyl ceramide (Gb3)
receptor on intestinal epithelium
- Fragment A - Active fragment. Inhibits protein
Detection of VT:
Serologically—Latex agglutination, ELISA
Molecular methods—using specific DNA probe
Cytotoxicity on Vero and HeLa cell lines
Clinical Manifestations
one of the most common pathogen encountered
Urinary tract infection (UTI): uropathogenic E. coli
Diarrhea: Six types of diarrheagenic E. Coli
1. Enteropathogenic E. coli (EPEC)
2. Enterotoxigenic E. coli (ETEC)
3. Enteroinvasive E. coli (EIEC)
4. Enterohemorrhagic E. coli (EHEC)
5. Enteroaggregative E. coli (EAEC)
6. Diffusely adherent E. coli (DAEC)
Clinical Manifestations
Abdominal infections: Commonest cause of
primary and secondary bacterial peritonitis
Visceral abscesses - hepatic abscess
Pneumonia in hospitalized patients— VAP
Meningitis (especially neonatal)
Wound and soft tissue infection - cellulitis and
infection of wounds
Osteomyelitis, Endovascular infection and
Laboratory Diagnosis – Specimen
Specimens collected Disease
Pus, exudates and wound Cellulitis or pyogenic wound
swab infection
Urine UTI
Stool Diarrhea
CSF Meningitis
Peritoneal exudate Peritonitis
Sputum Pneumonia
Tracheal aspirate Ventilator associated
Blood Bacteremia
Laboratory Diagnosis
to lactose fermentation
Laboratory Diagnosis
Liquid medium - uniform
Culture smear and motility
testing: Scattered gram-
negative bacilli
Hanging drop – Motile
Disclaimer: This image for educational
purpose only not for commercial activity
Biochemical Tests
- Catalase positive and
oxidase negative ‰
Sugar fermentation test:
- Nitrate is reduced to ferments most of the
nitrite sugars, such as glucose,
ICUT tests:
‰ lactose, mannitol, maltose
(but not sucrose), with
- Indole test: Positive
production of acid and
- Citrate & Urease test: gas.
MR (methyl red) test:
Triple sugar iron agar) Positive
test: Shows acid/acid,
VP (Voges-Proskauer)
gas present, H2S
test: Negative
Laboratory Diagnosis of UPEC
Specimen Collection
Clean voided midstream urine: Commonest
specimen - collected after properly cleaning
urethral meatus or glans
Suprapubic aspiration of urine from the bladder:
most ideal specimen - for patients in coma or infants
Catheterized patients - from the catheter tube
(after clamping and disinfecting); but not from the
uro bag
Processed immediately. Expected delay-
refrigerator or adding boric acid, glycerol or
Direct Examination & Screening Tests
Wet mount examination: Pyuria of more than 8 pus
cells/mm3 or 4 lakh pus cells excreted in urine/hour is
Leukocyte esterase test: Rapid and cheaper method
Nitrate reduction test (Griess test)
Gram staining of urine is not a reliable indicator
- Bacterial count in urine is usually low
- Pus cells rapidly deteriorate in urine
- Limited to pyelonephritis and invasive UTI - count of ≥1
bacteria/oil immersion field is significant
Culture media: MacConkey agar and blood
agar or CLED agar
Kass concept of significant bacteriuria:
- A count of ≥105 colony forming units
(CFU)/mL of urine is considered as significant
→ Indicates infection „
- Count between 104 to 105 CFU/mL indicates
doubtful significance - clinically correlated
Low count of ≤ 104 CFU/mL - Commensal bacteria due to
contamination during voiding. Low counts may be significant :
- Patient on antibiotic or on diuretic treatment
- Infection with some gram-positive organisms such as S. aureus and
- Pyelonephritis and acute urethral syndrome
- Sample taken by suprapubic aspiration
Quantitative culture: Semi-quantitative method - standardized
loop technique
„ uantitative method such as pour plate method.
Diarrhea (Diarrheagenic E. coli)
Serotypes associated with EHEC are: O157:H7 (most
common serotype)
Other serotypes - O26:H11, O6, O55, O91, O103, O111 &
Transmitted by contaminated food, i.e. consumption of
lettuce, spinach, sprouts and undercooked ground beef
Prevalent mainly in industrialized countries
Low infective dose: Few organisms (<102 bacilli) are
required to initiate the infection
Pathogenesis: secretes verocytotoxin or Shiga-like toxin
Shiga-like Toxin
Mechanism of action: inhibits protein synthesis by
inhibiting the 28S subunit of 60S ribosome.
Stx2 is more commonly associated with HUS than Stx1
Manifestations: predilection for endothelium
→capillary microangiopathy
„ emorrhagic colitis: gross bloody diarrhea,
abdominal pain and fecal leukocytosis but no fever
Hemorrhagic uremic syndrome (HUS): injury to
small vessels of the kidney and brain→ bloody
diarrhea, thrombocytopenia, renal failure and
encephalopathy but without fever
Sorbitol MacConkey agar: Unlike other E. coli,
does not ferment sorbitol and produces pale
Toxin detection:
Demonstration of cytotoxicity in Vero cell lines
(gold standard method)
Fecal toxin detection by ELISA or rapid tests
PCR - to differentiate genes coding for Stx1 and
Enteroaggregative E. coli (EAEC)
Adheres to HEp-2 cells in a stacked-brick fashion
Most strains are “O” untypeable but “H” typeable
Intestinal colonization mediated by aggregative
adhesion fimbriae I
EAST 1 toxin
Manifestations: Persistent and acute diarrhea
E. coli O104: H4 - enteroaggregative strain that has
caused major outbreaks in Germany in 2011. Also
produces Shiga-like toxin and can cause HUS
Treatment E. coli
Extra-intestinal E. coli
Based upon antimicrobial susceptibility test report
Hospital strains mostly MDR. Often produce ESBLs
or AmpC β-lactamases →resistant to most β-
lactams except carbapenems
Carbapenems, amikacin or BL/BLIs - agents of
choice for hospital acquired MDR E. coli isolates
Extra-intestinal E. Coli
Carbapenem resistant isolates ‰
- Polymyxins,
fosfomycin or tigecycline
Lactose fermenters
Ferments sugar (G,L,S,M,) with production of acid and
Urease positive, indole-ve, VP positive,, citrate utilizing(
IMViC --++)
Antigenic structure
1. Capsular (K) antigen: on the basis of capsular
antigens, Klebsiella classified into 80 (1-80)
• Identification of capsular antigens usually done by
capsular swelling reaction with capsular
2. Somatic (O) antigen: Klebsiella contains five (01-
05) different somatic or O antigens in various
Methods of typing
Phage typing,biotyping, bacteriocin( klebocin or
pneumocin) typing and resistotyping
Gram staining: short,
plump, straight
capsulated gram-
negative rods
Sugar fermentation test: Ferments most of the sugars
glucose, lactose, mannitol, maltose (but not sucrose),
with production of acid and gas
VP (Voges-Proskauer) test: Positive
MR (methyl red) test: Negative