Educ 3

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Vicente Y.

Sazil Jr

Educ 3

BSED Science 2a


1. Discuss the characteristics of global classroom briefly.

The characteristics of global classroom includes the emphasize respect for cultural diversity, emphasize
peace education for sustainable development, and emphasize learners diversity. The respect for
diversity helps students learn firsthand the culture of other countries. The peace education is which
students share what they are learning and collaborate or make projects either locally or internationally
for a sustainbale development. The emphasize for learners diversity is to learn and understand the
differences of each students in the classroom.

2. Cite the importance of technology in the educational system.

Nowadays, technology is an integral part of our daily lives. We cannot also deny the importance of
technology in education. Its ease in use and accessibility impacts and benefits both the teacher and the
students. For example, a teacher can send tasks and assignments via emails or any social media
applications proving that there are still interaction happening any time of the day. In addtion, students
can provide instant feedback to their teachers eliminating the time they have to go to school to submit
their outputs and on top of their education, students remain their access to various informations
providing them a wider scope of knowledge and ideas. In the present time, educational system continue
to evolve by means of using technology as it also offers the use of multimedia that help student to learn
and understand the topic more effectively. It further allows the teacher to present the topic that is easy
to comprehend.


1. Do you consider yourself as part of the millennial group of students? If yes why, if not justify your

Being part of the millennial group of students means you belong into the 21st century learners in
developing the 21st century skills with both the aid of traditional and modern educational system. I am
part of the millennial group of students in the fact that the teaching style have changed from the use of
books only for the content knowledge up to the use of digital content such as delivering lessons with
videos or audio presentation. The content knowledge also focuses in developing the critical thinking of
students as well as their problem-solving skills more than just knowing the basic skills like reading and
writing in the traditional education system. For these reasons, I can say that I am a millennial student.


Think of your school you are enrolled in, is it growing, decreasing, or maintained students population?
Describe it briefly.

Recently, my school is growing in terms of student population. Back to previous school years, our school
had reached almost thousands of students' population as it offered many different courses. As of this
year, only Education course and Criminology course are offered, however, amidst the pandemic that we
are facing there are still numerous students who are enrolled. In fact, many students had enrolled in
our school compared to the previous school years although there are only two available courses. Thus,
my school continue to grow every semester since it is also accessible especially in this time of global
pandemic in which we cannot take risk our health and security.


1. Can you give the actual number of students enrolled in your school of this semester in your college
specifically in your year level? What is the implication of the number of students enrolled?

I cannot specifically give the actual number of students enrolled in my school but all I know is that there
are thrice the number of students enrolled and took Elementary education program than the secondary
program which only offers the English, Mathematics, Filipino, and Science Majors. The implication of the
number of students enrolled in Elementary education means that the students take into this program
because it is their dream course and it may be the most demanded program in education. Unlike the
secondary education because the students choose their field of study like taking the science major
because they specifically love the subject and they wanted to enhance more their knowledge and
experiences about the certain course subject. It's a matter of career prospect.


1. Enumerate the factors affecting population growth and discuss each briefly.

There are four factors affecting the population growth that includes Immigration, Mortality, Natality,
and Emigration. Immigration is the movement of individuals into a population. Mortality is the number
of deaths in a certain group of people in a certain period of time. Natality is the total number of births
over a specified time. Amd Emigration is refers to as the movement of one individual out of a

2. How is migration affects enrollment in the school in the middle of the school year? Justify your

Migration of students from a certain school indicates that the school is ineffective itself. This may be
because the school lacks of resources and does not aid financial support. This might also cause by
teacher ineffectiveness in classroom and less attentive to their student's behavior. In most cases, the
implication of the migration of students in the middle of school year is the ineffectiveness of school in
giving quality education to students.

1. How important is in knowing the number of enrollees in your college in every year level?

As a student, knowing the number of enrollees in school is very important in order to determine what
kind of school am I to do devote my entire life in studying in this particular school and if it would help
me enrich my capabilities as well as my knowledge. Accordingly, "the more the students enrolled in a
particular institution, the better they claim that the school is prestige" because it will emphasize the
services provided by the teachers and the school itself to students learnings and success.



Indicate how often each of these statements applies to you by using the following scale:

0=never applies to you


2=fairly often

3=very often

2 1. I feel that no one has ever known the real me inside the classroom.

3 2. I feel it is better to remain silent than to become noisy inside the classroom.

2 3. I share my thoughts with my classmates and to my teacher.

2 4. I feel as though I am alone in the world.

2 5. I have a feeling of togetherness with my classmates and with my teacher.

Note: If your answer is frequently 2 or 3 , you are considered a disciplined student.


1. Identify specific technique of the teacher in controlling the class to have better classroom
management and discipline.

The specific technique of the teacher to deal the disruptive behavior and manage non-disruptive
behavior as well, giving direct instruction to students so they know what is going to happen, teacher also
move around the room to make sure the student listen attentively, they also give non-verbal cues to
student to warn them, teachers over plan lessons to fill in all the important knowledge the student
needed to learn, and teachers must show confidence in teaching. These are the specific techniques of
teacher to have better classroom management and discipline.

2. Is a specific technique for a specific student applicable to all? If yes why? If not justify your answer.
I think it depends about what specific techniques are needed because there are specific technique for a
specific student that is not necessarily applicable to all because only those students who might disrupt
classes are needed to discipline by the teacher. However, in a way of which teacher give instructions is
of course applicable to all the students because it will help them know what will going to happen and it
will serve as their guide.


1. Have you ever experienced being reprimanded by your teacher for being noisy and movable inside
the classroom during class hours? What have you learned out from it?

I think most of the students have experienced being reprimanded by their teacher because of their
unneccessary behavior in class. I am one of those students who had been reprimanded specifically for
being noisy and movable inside thwe classroom which can cause distractionof both the teachers and the
other students in class. After what happened, I have learned that going to school does not just mean
learning the content knowledge but more importantly, to learn the skills and good behavior which are
the greates lt factor when we get to work in the future. Being reprimanded is a way to discipline
students in their bad behavior in class and to avoid distraction of other students who are sincere and
dedicated in their studies.



1. Share your real life experiences on these aspects of your high school days.

Effect of school performance towards your academic excellence.

Generally, this pertains to the overall performance of the teacher as well as the students inside the
school. I would say that my academics is great because I have really learned many things from each
subjects. I learned in the means that I have acquired this learnings to be a better version of myself. To
become someone who knows what she really want to be in the future. Each instructors who have done
their best to ensure that we have learned the lessons and that we could reflect from the learnings to be
called educated and well-mannered individual especially when we face the realities of life and in chasing
our dreams.. Everything that we have been through in learning is our preparation into entering the
adult life. I can say that school performance has great impact in my academic since it helped shaped my
behavior, my mental and psychological.

1. What are the teaching and learning issues that are foremost in your mind?

The teaching and learning issues that are foremost in my mind are the lack of focus and the fear of
failure for the students, the cultural diversity of students and diversity of learners, the students family
and financial problems, and the adjustments of teachers to adopt and acquire digital and information

2. Identify as many teaching and learning issues as you can which affect your College. Identify the top
four issues.

The top four issues in teaching and learning that which affect my College are the financial and family
problems, lack of focus, lack of effective communication, and the endless paperworks of teachers. These
issues impact on the overall performance of students and teachers in the classroom and hinders the
good quality education.


1. What is your teaching philosophy?

My teaching philosophy is to provide a fun and healthy learning environment to both me as a teacher
and to my students. A fun and healthy environment of educating students will help reach for their
interest and learning preference because I believe that students become more involved when there is
interaction between the student and teacher which can be fun since they are allowed to share their
thoughts and express themselves in a comfortable way. Thus, providing them a healthy environment as
well. Now that students are engaged in different media and social media platforms this is a great
opportunity to become digital and information literate to adopt the millennial ways of teaching.

2. What are your teaching goals?

My teaching goals is to ensure that the students can learn and acquire something at the end of the day
which will result to their personal development, mental and psychological growth, and able to reflect in
their everyday lives. This teaching goal will allow them to develop their career and become aware of the
important behavior they needed to possess in their profession.

3. How does your course fit with your personality?

Personality fit shows the prediction of success in a certain role producing a better job performance. I can
describe myself as someone who has the passion for teaching because aside from I love teaching, I also
love researching and exploring new things that will widen my perspective of things. I also have long
patience and I can easily learn and adapt to changes in the learning environment. These personalities
can reveal how teaching fits with my personality.

1. Define What is Learning?

Learning is the process of gaining knowledge and skills by studying, researching, by the experience of
something and being taught by an expert in any fields, and to reflect of the life lessons and experiences
is also a part of learning.

2. Enumerate the types of approaches to learning and discuss each briefly.

The types of approaches to learning are Constructivism, Deep and Surface Learning, involving
Authenticity, Activity, and Engagement.


1. What do you know about yourself as a teacher?

As a student, I believe every working profession is challenging and teaching is one of them. I have the
personalities in which I can say that I am fit to be a teacher because I love making connections with the
other learners, understand their life, I love to share things I have learned in life, I love encouraging my
peers to continue pursuing their dreams and never thought of giving up. I have long patience and give
better understanding of the student's struggles in life as well as their difficulties in learning. Lastly, I
know to myself that I can be a best and effective teacher in the future with these personalities I have
and I will continue learning to master all the teaching methods, styles, and techniques to provide better
services and learning for my students.



1. What do you like as a beginning Teacher?

The thing I like most about being a beginning Teacher is the personal connections I have with my
students as a way of learning from them, helping them understand the content knowledge and the field
they have difficulty to deal with, get to interact with them and sharing my life experiences to them as
well, and I love to see how they make connection into their co-learners as well to help themselves learn
from one another.

2. What do you hate as a beginning Teacher?

The things I hate about being a beginning Teacher is the challenges on how to deal with them since they
are diverse learners. Knowing how to deal with them may take a lot of time and effort. I think I might
face struggles in understanding each student at first but I know I can handle them later on. A beginner
teacher faces more challenges in their first teaching and may fail at times but they can easily adjust in
the whole classroom setting.

1. Describe your Relationships with experienced teachers. Some days will not go well, there is always

Back in my high school days, I know an experience.

1. Did you experiences in your field study courses prepares you to become a teacher leader someday?
Why or why not?

I think it is mostly happening to students especially those who took up education program. To become a
teacher, you must know how to lead a big population of student because becoming a teacher leader
applies to all the students. In College, we are given the hard tasks to become a leader myself. Firsthand,
we were taught about being a teacher, how to act professionally and how to become a leader that will
lead the whole population of students. As a future teacher, we are also taught how to become a teacher
leader in order to prepare us into becoming a teacher someday.



1. What is your best professional asset?

My best professional asset is my knowledge and passion. It is knowledge because I will have to acquire
my learnings about professionalism in myself in order to succeed in my role as a future teacher. This
knowledge will be very useful to become aware of the things that I should do and should not do. Secod
is my passion, when you say passion it means that it is your desire or you have deep interest into
something. When I say it is my desire to become a professional teacher means I am willing how to learn
and act as professional in the future. You are passionate to things that is foremost in your mind and it is
my two best professional asset.


1. What are some Professional and Ethical Standards in your workplace?

The Professional and Ethical Standards in my workplace are obeying all the rules and regulations
implemented in a workplace, professionalism, responsibility such as making sure to complete the given
tasks/assignment and get to work on the time, mutual respect for all the colleagues inside the
workplace and teamwork to produce a better and satisfying output.


1. Enumerate the aspects of professionalism, discuss each briefly.

The aspects of professionalism are Integrity, Sense of Responsibility, Emphasis on Quality, Discipline,
and Teamwork. First is Integrity is having good relationahips with clients, supervisors and co-workers.
Second is Sense of Responsibility is being a responsible worker in the workplace, get the job done on
time, show up on time and putting the best effort to reach a satisfying output. Third is Emphasis on
Quality is giving the best to get a good output and to give a quality work more than just reaching the
bare minimum of work. Fourth is Discipline, it is one of the best work values that shows professionalism
at work such as completinf tasks and staying focused on goals, Fifth and lastly is the Sense of Teamwork,
it is important in order to build good relationship to colleagues, respecting each others beliefs and ideas,
and to collaborate to all the co-worker to meet the goals of a certain company.


Being a human being we can be angry to anyone in different degree. Have you experienced being
reprimanded by your teacher indiffently? What have you learned out from it?

In my school journey, I have not experienced being reprimanded by a teacher just myself but I have
experienced this with the whole class. It was during my High School days when one of the teacher
reprimanded us indifferently. Our section is known for very competitive, smart and creative but we are
always being the talk of our teacher. The teacher always told the other teachers and the other student
as well that we are most noisy and irresponsible students among the others. There was a time when she
was angry about not cleaning the room when in fact we cleaned it before the classes will start and after
classes. I see that my classmates reacted in dismayed because that teacher always have something to
say when we do our part as a student that just could not be enough for her. Sometimes, we feel
pressured and stressed because she has high expectation from us and we just could not reach her
expectation. She even told us that she was a teacher and we are just a mere student who were under
her belt. The things I learned is that being professional does not give you the right to downgrade other
people even if it is your job to discipline the unnecessary behavior of students you still do not have the
right to reprimand them indifferently and unnecessarily. If I will be the teacher, I will let my student feel
that they are more welcome in my class and a sense of belongingness in the school. I will discipline them
in some ways and I will not use my power to hurt my student and hinders them in their success.



List your suggestion/s on the teacher education curriculum to make it more responsive to teacher

A teacher must facilitate the classroom and be a good role model in the classroom especially that
learners of todays are easily influenced by what they see and heard in the surroundings. A teacher has
the responsibility to uphold leadership towards all the students so becoming a role model will help
student act in a good way. They must lead the class and teach students the things they needed to learn
aside from the necessary knowledge and skills they should know but as well as the good behavior.

Go over the varied roles of a teacher leader. Select one role which you like most and give your reason/s.

I choose a teacher leader as a learning facilitator. In school, teacher is held responsible for all the actions
happening in class and they are the one to facilitate learning for all the students. Students also learn
things depending on how the teacher deal with them and teach them in a more comprehensible way.
Students look up to the teacher and allow them to learn from how the teacher acts in.

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