2014 Eng - Physics

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B. Tech. (Semester-I) Examination-2014

Engineering Physics

Time: Three Hours Maximum Marks.: 100

Note: Attempt questions from all the sections.

(Short Answer Type Questions)
Note: Attempt any ten questions. Each question carries 4
marks (S (4x10=40D)

1. Calculate the velocity of a watch when it seems to be

slowed down by one minute in one hour.

Derive an expression for velocity addition

Establish Einstein's nass energy relation.

Explain inertial and non-inertial frame of references and

4 describe a laboratory at rest on earth's surtace belong to
which frame.


core refractive index

A silica glass optical fibre has a
1.50 and cladding refractive index of 1.450. Calculate
numerical aperture of the fiber.

. Explain attenuation in brief.

1. Explain the working of Ruby laser.

8. Describe important applications of lasers.

A light of wavelength 6000A falls normally on a straight

slit of width 0.10 mm. Calculate width of central
maxima, when observed on screen placed one meter
10 Describe Fresnel's Theory of optical activity.
1. Explain basic principle of optical fiber and their
classification based on refractive index.

12. Calculate momentum of moving electron with

mass 8
times of its rest mass.

13. Discuss the phenomea of dispersion in

optical fibre.
Explain Rayleigh's crilera for resolving power.
15. Explain Biprism expCrent tor linding wavelength of
monochromatic source.


(Long Answer Type Questions)
Note: Attempt any three questions. Each question carries
equal marks. (9 (20x3=60)
What was the objective of conducting the Michelson
Mosley experiment? Describe the experiment and
interpret negative result.

Derive expression for Einstein coefficients and deduce

main conditions for laser action.

3 Describe the production and analysis of plane, circular

and elliptical polarized light.

Explain the double refraction phenomena. Give the

theory and constrúction of nicol prism and uses alsp

5. Describe the theory of Newton's ring and derive an

expression for wavelength refractive index for this

6 Write short notes oKany two df followings:

(a) Holography
(b) Signal losses in optical fiber
(c) Lorentz transformation equations
(d) Diffraction Grating


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