DSTL Paper 2019-20

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Discrete Structures & Theory of Logic SP–1 C (CS/IT-Sem-3)

Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 100

Note : 1. Attempt all Section.


1. Answer all questions in brief. (2 × 10 = 20)

a. Define various types of functions.

b. How many symmetric and reflexive relations are possible

from a set A containing ‘n’ elements ?

c. Let Z be the group of integers with binary operation *

defined by a * b = a + b – 2, for all a, b  Z. Find the identity
element of the group (Z, *).

d. Show that every cyclic group is abelian.

e. Prove that a lattice with 5 elements is not a boolean


f. Write the contrapositive of the implication: “if it is Sunday

then it is a holiday”.

g. Show that the propositions p  q and p  q are logically


h. Show that there does not exist a graph with 5 vertices

with degress 1, 3, 4, 2, 3 respectively.

i. Obtain the generating function for the sequence 4, 4, 4, 4, 4,

4, 4.

j. Define Pigeon hole principle.

Ans. Refer Q. 5.13, Page SQ–21C, Unit-5, Two Marks Questions.
2. Answer any three of the following : (3 × 10 = 30)
SP–2 C (CS/IT-Sem-3) Solved Paper (2019-20)

1 1 1 1
a. Prove that + + + ............ + > n for n  2 using
1 2 3 n
principle of mathematical induction.

b. What do you mean by cosets of a subgroup ? Consider the

group Z of integers under addition and the subgroup
H = {....., – 12, – 6, 0, 6, 12, .....} considering of multiple of 6
i. Find the cosets of H in Z.
ii. What is the index of H in Z.

c. Show that the following are equivalent in a Boolean

a  b  a * b = 0  b  a  a  b = 1

d. Show that ((P  Q)  (QR))  (P Q)  (P R) is

tautology by using equivalences.

e. Define planar graph. Prove that for any connected planar

graph, v – e + r = 2 where v, e, r is the number of vertices,
edges, and regions of the graph respectively.


3. Answer any one part of the following : (1 × 10 = 10)

a. Find the number between 1 to 500 that are not divisible by
any of the integers 2 or 3 or 5 or 7.

b. Is the “divides” relations on the set of positive integers

transitive ? What is the reflexive and symmetric closure of
the relation ?
R = {(a, b)|a > b} on the set of positive integers.

4. Answer any one part of the following : (1 × 10 = 10)

a. What is ring ? Define elementary properties of ring with

b. Prove or dis prove that intersection of two normal

subgroups of a group G is again a normal subgroup of G.

5. Answer any one part of the following : (10 × 1 = 10)

a. Let (L, , , ) be a distribute lattice and a, b  L. If a  b = a
 c and a  b = a  c then show that b = c.

b. Obtain the principle disjunction and conjunctive normal

forms of the formula (p  r)  (q  p).
Discrete Structures & Theory of Logic SP–3 C (CS/IT-Sem-3)

6. Answer any one part of the following : (1 × 10 = 10)

a. Explain various rules of inference for propositional logic.

b. Prove the validity of the following argument “if the races

are fixed so the casinos are cooked, then the tourist trade
will decline. If the tourist trade decreases, then the police
will be happy. The police force is never happy. Therefore,
the races are not fixed.”

7. Answer any one part of the following : (7 × 1 = 7)

a. Solve the following recurrence equation using generating
G(K) – 7 G(K – 1) + 10 G (K – 2) = 8K + 6

b. A collection of 10 electric bulbs contain 3 defective ones.

i. In how many ways can a sample of four bulbs be selected ?
ii. In how many ways can a sample of 4 bulbs be selected
which contain 2 good bulbs and 2 defective ones ?
iii. In how many ways can a sample of 4 bulbs be selected so
that either the sample contain 3 good ones and 1 defectives
ones or 1 good and 3 defectives ones ?


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