Tugas Methodology and Tesol

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Dosen pengampuh : Rahayu Meliasari M.pd

Disusun Oleh :
Shaim khairi


A. What that “affective domain ?”

Affecstivity is a stimuls for an action, a monitor and controller of cognitive processing.

Therefore, if the affective domain is not working, the cognitive activities domain is not
working, the cognitive activities will not run. Knowledge will not be processed well and it
will not be difficult for learners to learn. The Affective Domain includes many factors:
empathy, self-esteem, extroversion, inhibition, imitation, anxiety, attitude.

The affective domain was later addressed in 1965 in taxonomy of educational objectives;
Handbook II Affective domain ( Krathwohl, D.R., Bloom, B.S., and Marisa, B.B. ) There are
five levels in the affective domain moving from the lowest order to the highest.

1. Characterizati on
 Receiving – involves passively paying attention and being aware of the existence of
certain ideas, material, or phenomena. Without this level, no learning can occur.
 Responding – actively participating in the learning process. You are not only aware of a
stimulus, but reacting to it in some way.
 Valuing – ability to see the value or worth of something and express it.
 Organizing – putting together different values, information, and ideas then relating them
to already held beliefs to create your own unique value system.
 Characterizing – acting consistently in accordance with the values you have internalized.
2. Importance of the affective domain
 “Purely cognitive theories of learning will be rejected unless a role is assigned to
effectivity “ (1963;276)
 In recent thinking, there is no doubt at all about the importance of examining
personality factors in building a theory a second language acquisition (Arnold 1999)
 Investigation of the role personality in L2 learning has already let to greter
understanding of the language learning process and to improve L2 teaching
B. Second language learning
Second language learning is a conscious process when the learning of another language
other than the first language (l.2).often coufused with bilingualism and multilinguaslism ,
the process has to take place after the first language has already been acquired.
1. Language learning strategies
Strategies in language learning , is very important in ultimate language performance.
It is defined as “ specific actions , behaviors , steps , or techniques – such as seeking
out conversation partners or giving oneself encouragement to tackle a difficult
lamguage task- used by students to enhance their own learning ( scarcella & oxford ,
1992, p.63 ). There are six strategies that learners use when learning language . the
strategies include :

1.Memory Strategy.

• -People who adopt this strategy depend on their memorizing ability. they find ways to
remember better to aid in entering information - term memory, by creatuing a word
meaning map in their brain, and then being able to retrieve that information.

2. Cognitive Strategy.

• People who adobt this strategy tend to analyse and reason. they form internal mental
codes and revise them to receive and produce the message in the target language.

3. comprehension Strategy.

• People whp adopt this strategy find themselves guessing unknown words when listening
and reading. They also try to replace words they do not know with longer phrases or
other worda that they know when speaking and writing to overcome gaps in knowledge.

4. Metacognitive Strategy.

• People who adopt this strategy plan, arrange, focus, evaluate on their own learning
process. they identify and monitor their own learning syle refferences and needs, such as
gathering and organizing L2 materials, arranging a study space and a schedule for L2
revision and learning, monitoring mistakes made in L2, and evaluating task success of
any type of learning strategy.

5.Social/Affective strategy.

• People who adopt social/affective strategy control their feelings, motivations and
attitudes when in social situation such as asking question,communicating with others,
facilitate conversation and interaction.

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