Shape Matching Similarity Measures and Algorithms
Shape Matching Similarity Measures and Algorithms
Shape Matching Similarity Measures and Algorithms
Remco C. Veltkamp
Dept. Computing Science, Utrecht University
Padualaan 14, 3584 CH Utrecht, The Netherlands
[email protected]
“figure is the only existing thing that is found al- 1.1. Related work
ways following color”.
$10.000 2001 IEEE
1.1.1 Moments the contour C be parameterized by arc-length s: C(s) =
(x(s),y(s)). The coordinate functions of C are convolved
When a complete object in an image has been identified,
with a Gaussian kernel 4, of width 0:
it can be described by a set of moments mp,q.The (p, 4)-
moment of an object 0 C R2 is given by
Another approach is the use of a scale space representa- 0 (decision problem) for a given threshold, decide
tion of the curvature of the contour of 2D objects. Let whether the dissimilarity is smaller than the threshold,
(decision problem) for a given threshold, decide Whether or not specific properties are wanted will depend
whether there exists a transformation such that the on the application at hand, sometimes a property will be
dissimilarity between the transformed pattern and the useful, sometimes it will be undesirable. Some combina-
other pattern is smaller than the threshold, tions of properties are contradictory, so that no distance
function can be found satisfying them. A shape dissimilar-
(optimization problem) find the transformation that ity measure, or distance function, on a collection of shapes
minimizes the dissimilarity between the transformed
pattern and the other pattern.
S is a function d : S x S + E% In the properties listed
below, it is understood that they must hold for all shapes A,
Sometimes the time complexities to solve these problems B , or C in S.
are rather high, so that it makes sense to devise approxima- Metric properties Nonnegativity means d(A,B ) 2 [D.
tion algorithms: The identity property is that d(A,A ) = 0. Uniqueness says
that d ( A , B ) = 0 implies A = B. A strong form of the
(approximate optimization problem) find a transforma-
tion that gives a dissimilarity between the two patterns
triangle inequality is d ( A ,B ) d ( A , C ) 2 d ( B , C). A
distance function satisfying identity, uniqueness, and strong
that is within a constant multiplicative factor from the
triangle inequality is called a metric. If a function satisfies
minimum dissimilarity.
only identity and strong triangle inequality, then it is called
These problems play an important role in the following a semimetric. Symmetry, d ( A , B ) = d ( B ,A ) , follows from
categories of applications. the strong triangle inequality and identity. Symmetry is not
always wanted. Indeed, human perception does not always
Shape retrieval: search for all shapes in a typically large
find that shape A is equally similar to B, as B is to A . [n
database of shapes that are similar to a query shape.
particular, a variant A of prototype B is often found more
Usually all shapes within a given distance from the
similar to B than vice versa [53].
query are determined (decision problem), or the first
A more frequently encountered formulation of the tri-
few shapes that have the smallest distance (computa-
tion problem). If the database is large, it may be infea-
angle inequality is the following: d(A,B ) d ( B , C ) 2
d ( A , C). Similarity measures for partial matching, giving
sible to compute the similarity between the query and
a small distance d ( A , B ) if a part of A matches a part aof
every database shape. An indexing structure can help
B , do not obey the triangle inequality. An illustration is
to exclude large parts of the database from considera-
given in figure 2: the distance from the man to the cen-
tion at an early stage of the search, often using some
taur is small, the distance from the centaur to the horse is
form of triangle inequality property, see section 3.
small, but the distance from the man to the horse is large, :so
Shape recognition and classification: determine whether +
d ( m a n ,centaur) d(centaur,horse) > d(man,horse)
a given shape matches a model sufficiently close (de- does not hold. It therefore makes sense to formulate an
cision problem), or which of k class representatives is even weaker form, the relaxed triangle inequality [ 18 1:
most similar (IC computation problems). c ( d ( A ,B ) + d ( B , C ) ) 2 d ( A , C), for some constant c 2 1.
sufficiently close to the identity, such that d(f(A), A) < E 4. Similarity Measures
for all f E F . For example, it can be desirable that a
distance function is robust against small affine distortion. 4.1. Discrete Metric
Crack robustness: for each each E > 0, and each “crack”
x in bd(A), the boundary of A, an open neighborhood U
Finding an affine invariant metric for patterns is not so
of x exists such that for all B, A - U = B - U implies
difficult. Indeed, a metric that is invariant not only for
d ( A , B ) < E . Blur robustness: for each c > 0, an open
affine transformations, but for general homeomorphisms is
neighborhood U of bd(A) exists, such that d(A, B ) < E for
the discrete metric:
all B satisfying B-U = A - U and bd(A) E b d ( B ) . Noise
and occlusion robustness: for each x E R2 - A, and each 0 if A equals B
> 0, an open neighborhood U of x exists such that for all d ( A , B )=
1 otherwise
B,B-U=A-Uimpliesd(A,B) <E.
also be solved, but takes considerably more time [ 171. Be- rected distances are defined as the k-th value i; increasing
cause of the high degree in the computational complexity, order of the distance/from a point in A to B: hk(A,B ) =
it is interesting to look at approximations with a factor E : minbcB d ( a , b). The partial Hausdorff distance is
F(A + e, + +
B ) < (1 e ) F ( A e*,T ) ,where e* is the op- not a metric since it fails the triangle inequality. Decid-
timal translation. Finding such a translation can be done in ing whether there is a translation plus scaling that brings
(?(n2.5) time [48]. the partial Hausdorff distance under a given threshold is
Variations on the bottleneck distance are the minimum done in [30] by means of a transformation space subdivi-
weight distance, the most uniform distance, and the mini- sion scheme. The running time depends on the depth of
mum deviation distance. subdivision of transformation space.
For pattern matching, the Hausdorff metric is often tool
4.4. Hausdorff Distance sensitive to noise. For finite point sets, the partial Haus-
dorff distance is not that sensitive, but it is no metric.
In many applications, for example stereo matching, not Alternatively, [7] observes that the Hausdorff distance of
all points from A need to have a corresponding point in B , A , B E X , X having a finite number of elements, can be
due to occlusion and noise. Typically, the two point sets are written as H ( A , B ) = supzEx Id(z,A) - d(z,B)I. The
of different size, so that no one-to-one correspondence ex- supremum is then replaced by an average: A p ( A , B ) =:
ists between all points. In that case, a dissimilarity measure (A CzEX Id(%,A ) - d ( z , B)lP)'lP, where d ( z , A ) =:
that is often used is the Hausdorff distance. The Hausdorff infaEA d ( z , U ) , resulting in the p-th order mean Hausdodf
distance is defined not only for finite point sets, it is defined distance. This is a metric less sensitive to noise, but it is
on nonempty closed bounded subsets_of any metric space. still not robust. It can also not be used for partial matching,
The directed Hausdorff distance h(A,B ) is defined as since it depends on all points.
the lowest upper bound+(supremum) over all points in A
of the distances to B: h(A,B ) = supaEAinfbGBd ( a ,b ) , 4.5. Turning Function Distance
with d(a, b) the underlying distance, for example the Eu-
clidean distance (Lz). The Hausdorff distance H ( A ,B ) The cumulative angle function, or turning function,
O A ( S )of a polygon or polyline A gives the angle between
is the maximum of i ( A , B ) and L ( B , A ) : H ( A , B ) =
the counterclockwise tangent and the z-axis as a function of
max{$A,B),a?(B,A)}. For finite point sets, it can the arc length s. O A ( S keeps
) track of the turning that takes
be computed using Voronoi diagrams in time O ( ( m +
place, increasing with left hand turns, and decreasing with
n )l o d m + n ) )VI. right hand turns, see figure 4.
Given two finit point sets A and B , the translation e*
that minimizes the Hausdorff distance d ( A + e, B ) can be
determined in time O(mn(1ogm n ) 2 )when the underlying
metric is L1 or L , [ 141. For other L, metrics, p = 2 , 3 , . . .
it can be computed in time U(mn(m n)a(mn)log(m +
n ) )[29]. ( a ( n )is the inverse Ackermann function, a very
slowly increasing function.) This is done using the upper
envelopes of Voronoi surfaces. Figure 4. Polygonal curve and turning func-
Computing the optimal rigid motion T (translation plus tion.
rotation), minimizing H ( r ( A ) ,B ) can be done in O ( ( m +
n)610g(mn)) time [28]. This is done using dynamic
Voronoi diagrams. Given a real value E , deciding if there Clearly, this function is invariant under translation of the
is a rigid motion such that H ( r ( A ) ,B ) < 6 can be done in polyline. Rotating a polyline over an angle 8 results in a ver-
time O ( ( m n)m2n2logmn) [13]. tical shift of the function with an amount 8. For polygons
Given the high complexities of these problems, it makes and polylines, the turning function is a piecewise constarit
sense to look at approximations. Computing an approxi- function, increasing or decreasing at the vertices, and con-
mate optimal Hausdorff distance under translation and rigid stant between two consecutive vertices.
motion is discussed in [ 11. In [6] the turning angle function is used to match poly-
The Hausdorff distance is very sensitive to noise: a gons. First the size of the polygons are scaled so that they
single outlier can determine the distance value. For fi- have equal perimeter. The L, metric on function spaces, ap-
nite point sets, a similar measure that is not as sensi- plied to O A and O B , gives a dissimilarity measure on A and
tive is the partial Hausdorfs distance. It is the max- B: ~ ( A , B=) (J I o A ( S ) - o ~ ( ~d s)) l Il PP ,see figure 5 .
imum of the two directed pa@l Hausdorff distances: In [ 5 8 ] ,for the purpose of retrieving hieroglyphic shape:;,
Hk(A,B) = max{hk(A,B),hk(B,A)}, where the di- polyline curves do not have the same length, so that partial
A variation of the FrCchet distance is obtained by drop-
ping the monotonicity condition of the parameterization.
The resulting FrCchet distance d ( A , B ) is a semimetric:
zero distance need not mean that the objects are the same.
Another variation is to consider partial matching: finding
the part of one curve to which the other has the smallest
FrCchet distance.
Parameterized contours are curves where the starting
Figure 5. Rectangles enclosed by OA(S), point and ending point are the same. However, the starting
O,(s), and dotted lines are used for evalu- and ending point could as well lie somewhere else on the
ation of dissimilarity. contour, without changing the shape of the contour curve.
For convex contours, the Frtchet distance is equal to the
Hausdorff distance [4].
matching can be performed. In that case the starting point
of the shorter one is moved along the longer one, consider- 4.7. Nonlinear elastic matching distance
ing only the turning function where the arc lengths overlap.
This is a variation of the algorithms for matching closed Let A = { a l , . . . ,a,} and B = { b l , . . . , b,} be two
polygons with respect to the turning function, which can be finite sets of ordered contour points, and let f be a corre-
done in O(mnlog(mn)) time [6]. spondence between all points in A and all points in B such
Partial matching under scaling, in addition to transla- that there are no a1 < a2, with f ( a 1 ) > f ( a 2 ) . The stretch
tion and rotation, is more involved. It can be done in time s(ai,b j ) of ( a i ,f(ui) = b j ) is 1 if either f ( a i - 1 ) = bj or
O(m2n2), see [15]. f ( a i ) = b j - 1 , or 0 otherwise. The nonlinear elastic match-
ing distance N E M ( A ,B ) is the minimum over all corre-
4.6. Frichet Distance spondences f of +
s(ai,b j ) d(ai, b j ) , with d ( a i , b j ) the
difference between the tangent angles at ai and b j . It can be
The Hausdorff distance is often not appropriate to, mea- computed using dynamic programming [ 161. This measure
sure the dissimilarity between curves. For all points, on A , is not a metric, since it does not obey the triangle inequality.
the distance to the closest point on B may be small:, but The relaxed nonlinear elastic matching distance N E M T
if we walk forward along curves A and B simultaneously, is a variation of N E M , where the stretch s ( a i , b j ) of
and measure the distance between corresponding points, the ( a i ,f ( a i ) = b j ) is T (rather than 1) if either f ( a i - 1 ) = bj
maximum of these distances may be larger. This is what is or f ( a i ) = bj-1, or 0 otherwise, where T 2 1 is a chosen
called the FrCchet distance. More formally, let A and B constant. The resulting distance is not a metric, but it does
be two parameterized curves A ( a ( t ) )and B(P(t)),and let obey the relaxed triangle inequality [ 181.
their parameterizations (Y and ,8 be continuous functions of
the same parameter t E [0,1],such that a(0) = p(0) = 0, 4.8. Reflection Distance
and a(1) = p(l) = 1. The FrCchet distance is the mini-
mum over all monotone increasing parameterizations a ( t ) The rejection metric [24] is an affine-invariant metric
and p(t) of the maximal distance d ( A ( a ( t ) )B(P(t))),
, tE that is defined on finite unions of curves in the plane or sur-
[O, 11. faces in space. They are converted into real-valued func-
[4] considers the computation of the FrCchet distance for tions on the plane. Then, these functions are compared us-
the special case of polylines. Deciding whether the FrCchet ing integration, resulting in a similarity measure for the cor-
distance is smaller than a given constant, can be done in responding patterns.
time O(mn). Based on this result, and the 'parametric The functions are formed as follows, for each finite union
search' technique, it is derived that the computation of the of curves A. For each z E R2, the visibility star V$
FrCchet distance can be done in time O(mnlog(")). Al- is defined as the union of open line segments connecting
though the algorithm has low asymptotic complexity, it is points of A that are visible from z: V z = U{= 1 a E
not really practical. The parametric search technique used A and A n = a}.The rejection star R i is defined by
here makes use of a sorting network with very high con- intersecting V$ with its reflection in z: R$ = {x w E +
stants in the running time. A simpler sorting algorithm leads +
R2 I z - w E VT a n d z w E V;}, see figure 6. The
to an asymptotic running time of o(mn(10gmn)~).Still, function P A : R2 -+ R is the area of the reflection star in
the parametric search is not easy to implement. A simpler each point: p ~ ( z =) area(R5). Observe that for points z
algorithm, which runs in time O(mn(m n) log(mn)) is outside the convex hull of A , this area is always zero. The
given in [20]. reflection metric between patterns A and B defines a nor-
tu(&))}, where Ai and Bi are subsets of Et2, with asso-
ciates weights w(Ai), tu(&). The transport distance be-
tween A and B is the minimum amount of work needed to
transform A into B.(The notion of work as in physics: the
amount of energy needed to displace a mass.) This is a dis-
crete form of what is also called the Monge-Kantorovich
distance. The transport distance is used for various pur-
poses, and goes under different names. Monge first stated! it
in 1781 to describe the most efficient way to transport piles
of soil. It is called the Augean Stable by David Mumford,
after the story in Greek mythology about the moving of
piles of dirt from the huge cattle stables of king Augeas by
Hercules [ 5 ] . The name Earth Mover’s Distance is coined
A by Jorge Stolfi. The transport distance has been used in heat
transform problems [43], object contour matching [ 191, and
color-based image retrieval [46].
Figure 6. Reflection star at z (dark grey).
Let f i j be the flow from location Ai to B j , F the matrix
of elements f i j , and dij the ‘ground distance’ between Ai
malized difference of the corresponding functions PA and and Bj.Then the transport distance is
m i n CL1
~ Cj”=1f i j d i j
C L Cy=,f i j
under the following conditions: fij 2 0 for all i
From the definition follows that the reflection metric is and j , fij 5 w(Bj), Cy=,fij I w(Ai), and
invariant under all affine transformations. In contrast to the cE1 fij = m i n { C L l w(Ai), w(Bj)}. If
FrCchet distance, this metric is defined also for patterns con- the total weights of the two sets are equal, and the ground
sisting of multiple curves. In addition, the reflection met- distance is metric, then the transport distance is a metric.
ric is deformation, blur, crack, and noise occlusion robust. It can be computed by linear programming in polynomial
Computing the reflection metric by explicitly constructing time. The often used simplex algorithm can give exponen-
the overlay of two visibility graphs results in a high time tial time complexity in the worst case, but often performs
complexity, Q(c(m+n)), with c the complexity ofthe over- linear in practice.
lay, which is O ( ( m n)4) [23].
5. Algorithms
4.9. Area of Symmetric Difference, Template Metric
In the previous section, algorithms were mentioned
For two compact sets A and B , the area of symmet- along with the description of the measure, when the algo-
ric difference, also called template metric, is defined as rithm is specific for that measure. This section mentiom a
area((A - B ) U ( B - A ) ) . Unlike the area of overlap, few algorithms that are more general.
this measure is a metric.
Translating convex polygons so that their centroids coin- 5.1. Voting schemes
cide also gives an approximate solution for the symmetric
difference, which is at most 11/3 of the optimal solution Geometric hashing [33, 591 is a method that determines
under translations [3]. This also holds for a set of transfor- if there is a transformed subset of the query point set that
mations F other than translations, if the following holds: matches a subset of a target point set. The method first con-
the centroid of A, c ( A ) ,is equivariant under the transfor- structs a single hash table for all target point sets together.
mations, i.e. c ( f ( A ) )= f ( c ( A ) )for all f in F , and F is It is described here for 2D. Each point is represented as
closed under composition with translation. + +
eo K(e1 - eo) A(e2 - e o ) , for some fixed choice of
points eo,el,e2, and the ( ~ , X ) - p l a n eis quantized into a
4.10. Transport Distance, Earth Mover’s Distance two-dimensional table, mapping each real coordinate pair
( K , A) to an integer index pair ( I C , e).
Given two weighted point patterns A = { ( A l , w ( A i ) ) , Let there be N target point sets Bi. For each target point
... , ( A m , w ( A m ) )and
} B = {(&,w(&)), ... ? ( B n 1 set, the following is done. For each three non-collinear
points eo, e l , e2 from the point set, express the other points mal transformation is approximated to any desired accuracy.
as eo + +
K(e1 - eo) X(e2 - eo), and append the tuple The matching can be done with respect to any transforma-
( 2 , eo, e l , e2) to entry (k,e). If there are 8 ( m ) points in tion group G, for example similarity (translation, rotation,
each target point set, the construction of the hash table is of and scaling), or affine transformations (translation, rotation,
complexity S ( N m 4 ) . scaling, and shear).
NOW, given a query point set A , choose three non- The algorithm uses a lower bound X(C, A, B ) for the
collinear points eh, e:, e: from the point set, and express similarity d ( g ( A ) ,B ) over g E C C G, where C is a set of
each other point as eh +.(e: - eh) +.\(e; - eh), and tally a transformations represented by a rectangular cell in parame-
vote for each tuple (i, eo, e l , e2) in entry (k,l ) of the table. ter space. The algorithm starts with a cell C that contains all
The tuple (i, eo, e l , e2) that receives most votes indicates possible minima, which is inserted in a priority queue, us-
the target point set Ti containing the query point set. The ing the lower bound X(C, A, B ) as a key. In each iteration,
affine transformation that maps (eh, e:, e:) to the winner the cell having a minimal associated value of X is extracted
(eo, e l , e2) is assumed to be the transformation between the from the priority queue. If the size of the corresponding cell
two shapes. The complexity of matching a single query set is so small that it achieves the desired accuracy, some trans-
of n points is O ( n ) .There are several variations of this ba- formation in that cell is reported as a (pseudo-)minimum.
sic method, such as balancing the hashing table, or avoiding Otherwise the cell is split in two, the lower bounds of its
taking all possible S ( n 3 )3-tuples. sub-cells will be evaluated, and subsequently inserted into
The generalized Hough transform [8], or pose clustering the priority queue.
[51], is also a voting scheme. Here, affine transformations The previous algorithm is simple, and tests show that
are represented by six coefficients. The quantized transfor- it has a typical running time of a few minutes for trans-
mation space is represented as a six-dimensional table. Now lation, translation plus scaling, rigid transformations and
for each triplet of points in one set, and each triplet of points sometimes even for affine transformation. Since transfor-
from the other set, compute the transformation between the mation space is split up recursively, the algorithm is also
two triples, and tally a vote in the corresponding entry of expected to work well in applications in which the minima
the table. Again the winner entry determines the matching lie in small clusters. A speed-up can be achieved by com-
transformation. The complexity of matching a single query bining the progressive subdivision with alignment [38].
set is S ( N m 3 n 3 ) .
In the alignment method (27, 541, for each triplet of 6. Concluding remarks
points from the query set, and each triplet from the target
set, we compute the transformation between them. With
We have discussed a number of shape similarity prop-
each such transformation, all the other points from the tar-
erties. More possibly useful properties are formulated in
get set are transformed. If they match with query points, the
[57]. It is a challenging research task to construct similar-
transformation receives a vote, and if the number of votes
ity measure with a chosen set of properties. We can use a
is above a chosen threshold, the transformation is assumed
number of constructions to achieve some properties, such as
to be the matching transformation between the query and
remapping, normalization, going from semi-metric to met-
the target. The complexity of matching a single query set is
ric, defining semi-metrics on orbits, extension of pattern
space with the empty set, vantageing, and imbedding pat-
Variations of these methods also work for geometric fea-
terns in a function space, see [57].
tures other than points, such as segments, or points with nor-
A difficult problem is partial matching. Applications
mal vectors [ lo], and for other transformations than affine
where this plays a vital role is the registration of scan-
transformations. A comparison between geometric hashing,
ning data sets from multiple views, reverse engineering, and
pose clustering, and the alignment method is made in [60].
shape database retrieval. The difficulty is that the distance
Other voting schemes exist, for example taking a probabilis-
measure must be suitable for partial matching. The dissim-
tic approach [39].
ilarity must be small when two shapes contain similar re-
gions, and the measure should not penalize for regions that
5.2. Subdivision Schemes do not match. Also, the number of local minima of the dis-
tance can be large. For example, even for rigid motions in
As mentioned above, deciding whether there is a trans- 2D, the lower bound on the worst case number of minima of
lation plus scaling that brings the partial Hausdorff distance the Hausdorff distance is s2(n5)[47]. So, for large values
under a given threshold is done in [30] by a progressive of n, the time complexity is prohibitively high if all local
subdivision of transformation space. The subdivision of minima should be evaluated. Finding a good approximate
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