L00 CAE Glossary

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The Finite Element Method (FEM) is a numerical technique to find

Finite Element approximate solutions of partial differential equations. It was originated from
Method (FEM) the need of solving complex elasticity and structural analysis problems in Civil,
Mechanical and Aerospace engineering.
Any continuum/domain can be divided into a number of pieces with very
small dimensions. These small pieces of finite dimension are called Finite
Field The field variables, displacements (strains) & stresses or stress resultants must
Conditions satisfy the governing condition which can be mathematically expressed.
A set of independent functions satisfying the boundary conditions is chosen
and a linear combination of a finite number of them is taken to approximately
specify the field variable at any point.
A structure can have infinite number of displacements. Approximation with a
Degrees reasonable level of accuracy can be achieved by assuming a limited number of
of Freedom displacements. This finite number of displacements is the number of degrees
of freedom of the structure.
The formulation for structural analysis is generally based on the three
fundamental relations: equilibrium, constitutive and compatibility. There are
two major approaches to the analysis: Analytical and Numerical.
Analytical approach which leads to closed-form solutions is effective in case of
simple geometry, boundary conditions, loadings and material properties.
However, in reality, such simple cases may not arise. As a result, various
numerical methods are evolved for solving such problems which are complex
in nature.
For numerical approach, the solutions will be approximate when any of these
Numerical relations are only approximately satisfied. The numerical method depends
approach heavily on the processing power of computers and is more applicable to
structures of arbitrary size and complexity.
The application of finite difference method for engineering problems involves
replacing the governing differential equations and the boundary condition by
suitable algebraic equations.
Nodes The elements are connected through number of joints which are called Nodes.
Discretization is the process of transferring continuous functions, models,
variables, and equations into discrete counterparts. This process is usually
carried out as a first step toward making them suitable for numerical
The FEM has been developed to solve problems of continuum mechanics. The
continuum will subdivided into finite elements (continuum elements), which
can be described with a finite number of parameters. Approach functions are
be defined within these elements.
The displacement at any point of a deformable body may be expressed by the
components of u, v and w parallel to the Cartesian coordinate’s axes. The
Strain- components of the displacements can be described as functions of x, y and z.
Displacement Displacements basically the change of position during deformation. If point P
(x,y,z) is displaced to P’ (x’,y’,z’), then the displacement along X, Y and Z
The continuum is divided into a number of elements by imaginary lines or
of the
surfaces. The interconnected elements may have different sizes and shapes.
After continuum is discretized with desired element shapes, the individual
element stiffness matrix is formulated. Basically it is a minimization procedure
whatever may be the approach adopted. For certain elements, the form
involves a great deal of sophistication. The geometry of the element is defined
in reference to the global frame. Coordinate transformation must be done for
elements where it is necessary.

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