Change Request Form Template

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Project Name:
Prepared by:
Date (MM/DD/YYYY):
Control No. (from CR Log):

Create links to referenced documents (e.g., Link_To_… ): use Insert  Hyperlink on your toolbar.
Refer to the Change Management Plan for instructions on how to use this document.

1. Requestor Information
Fill in with appropriate information or place an “X” next to those that apply:

Area of Change:
Scope [ ] Schedule [ ]
Budget [ ] Quality [ ]

Is this Change the result of a Risk Management Action?

No [ ] Yes [ ] Risk ID:
Proposed Change Description and Provide information below concerning the
requested change. Create links to any
References: supporting documentation.


Hyperlinks: Link_To_Supporting_Document1

Impact of Not Implementing

Proposed Change:

Alternatives: Page 1
Put your Put your Project Change Request Form Template
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2. Initial Review Results of the Change Request

Initial Review Date: Assigned to:

Action Comments
Approve for Impact Analysis [ ]
Reject [ ]
Defer Until (MM/DD/YYYY) [ ]
Express Approval [ ]

3. Initial Impact Analysis

Baselines Affected:
Configuration Items Affected
(e.g. product specifications):
Cost / Schedule Impact Analysis Required? (check one) Yes [ ] No [ ]
Impact on Cost:
Impact on Schedule:
Impact on Resources:
Risk associated with
implementing the change:
Risk associated with not
implementing the change:
Final Review Results:
Review Date: (MM/DD/YYYY)
Priority: (check one) High [ ] Medium [ ] Low [ ] Page 2
Put your Put your Project Change Request Form Template
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4. Impact Analysis Results

Specific Requirements Definition:

Additional Resource Requirements (insert rows as needed): Work Days Cost

Impact of Not Implementing the Change:
Alternatives to the Proposed Change:

5. Final Recommendation

6. Project Change Request Form / Signatures

Project Name:

Project Manager:

I have reviewed the information contained in this Project Change Request Form and agree:

Name Title Signature Date


The signatures above indicate an understanding of the purpose and content of this document by those
signing it. By signing this document, they agree to this as the formal Project Change Request Form. Page 3

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