Pointers For Time Distribution (Oral Defense)

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Pointers for Time Distribution & Organization of Slides in Oral Presentation

of Graduation Project
Bilingual Education Major
Wilder Escobar M.A.
A. Form
- Time: 20-25 minutes for student’s presentation and 10- 15 minutes for questions. (Prior
rehearsal to manage time in an efficient way is imperative!)
- Language type: Academic
- Visual aids: maximum 18 PowerPoint slides: charts and images with key words and
sentences to help guide the audience through your speech. Dense and long paragraphs
are not recommended. Instead, it is strongly recommended that you learn the definitions
of your constructs and that you guide the audience with a chart with the names and years
of those who define them rather than having their definitions on the slides (See
description for each slide below)
- Handout: only relevant information about the study: brief definitions about how your
constructs inform your study, your research design, your data analysis and conclusion.
Conclusions must be in direct association with questions and objectives. There is where
you answer your questions thoroughly and account for the achievement of the objectives
or the lack thereof.
- Resources: Laptop, video beam, USB memory stick and CD Rom containing file with
PowerPoint slides. You must have your presentation in different versions and places and it
is advisable to send it to your email account as well, just in case all other magnetic forms
in which you have your presentation fail.
- Personal Appearance: Formal wear
B. Contents
- Slide N° 1: Affiliation (1 minute)
- Title of project
- Modality (thesis/monograph)
- Author’s name
- Advisor’s name
- Academic program, institution
- Slide N° 2: Theoretical framework (3 minutes)
- Evolution of key terms into main constructs (use a diagram)
- Relationship between/among main constructs (how do the constructs relate to one
another and complement each other to constitute the project you are presenting now)
- Key authors and relationship among them
- Slide N°3: Research questions & Objectives (2 minutes)
- Rationale
- Statement of the problem & research question
- Objectives
Slide N°4: Research design (3 minutes)
-Type of study
- Data collection Instruments
-Type of data & unit of analysis
-Setting & participants
Slide N° 5: Instructional design (2 minutes)
-Pedagogical approach & method
-Instructional intervention (step by step)
Slide N° 6: Data analysis (2 minutes)
-Procedures for data collection
-Procedures for analyzing the collected data
-Findings: Categories
Slide N° 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, &12: Data samples (8 minutes)
- Data samples to define and illustrate and support categories
Slide N° 13: Conclusions (2 minute)
-Answer the research question
Slide N° 14: Implications (1 minute)
-Further implications for pedagogical and research practice
Slide N° 15: Key references (only show them, do not present them)
-List of only key references
C. Session for questions & commentaries (10- 15 min)
-Jurors take turns to ask questions and comment on your project.
-The presenter responds briefly and concretely in a way that satisfies the inquirer.

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