M.Sc. Horticulture

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Course Curriculum for M. Sc.

Horticulture/M. Sc. (Ag.) Horticulture,
M.Sc. (Horticulture)
SDMHC 101 Systematic Horticulture
SOMHC 102 Plant Propagation and Nursery Management
SOMAHC 103 Statistical Methods and Experimental Designs
SOMHC 104 Advances in Pomology : Tropical and Subtropical Fruits
SOMHC 105 Practical I
SOMAHC 106 Practical II

M.Sc. (Horticulture)
SDMHC 201 Advances in Temperate- Zone Pomology
SDMHC 202 Advances in Olericulture
SDMHC 203 Canopy Management in Fruits Crops
SDMHC 204 Biotechnology of Horticultural Crops
SDMHC 205 Practical I
SDMHC 206 Practical II


M.Sc. (Horticulture)
SDMHC 301 Advances in Post- Harvest Technology and Management of Fruits
and Vegetables
SDMHC 302 Protected Cultivation of Horticultural Crops
SDMHC 303 Advances in Floriculture and Landscaping
SDMHC 304 Advances in Orchard Management
SDMHC 305 Practical I
SDMHC 306 Practical II


M.Sc. (Horticulture)
SDMHC 401 Biotic and Abiotic Stress Management in Horticultural Crops
SDMHC 402 Organic Horticulture
SOAHE 506 Practical I
M.Sc. (Horticulture)
Semesters/Papers Title of the papers
Sn.No Subject Subject Code Total Marks Theory Mini.
No Marks Internal Passing marks Credit
Name Marks

1 Systematic SDMHC Paper 100 60 40 40 3

Horticulture 101
2 Plant SDMHC Paper 100 60 40 40 3
Propagation 102
and Nursery
3 Statistical SDMHC Paper 100 60 40 40 3
Methods and 103
4 Biotechnology SDMHC Paper 100 60 40 40 3
of 104
5 PRACTICAL I SDMHC Paper 100 60 40 40 2

6 PRACTICAL II SDMHC Paper 100 60 40 40 2


Total aggregate of First Semester is 45% Max. Marks – 600, Min.Marks – 250
M.Sc. (Horticulture)
Semesters/Papers Title of the papers
Sn.No Subject Name Subject Code Total Theory Mini.
No Marks Marks Internal Marks Passing Credit

1 Advances in Temperate- SDMHC Paper 100 60 40 40 3

Zone Pomology 201
2 Advances in Olericulture SDMHC Paper 100 60 40 40 3
3 Canopy Management in SDMHC Paper 100 60 40 40 3
Fruits Crops 203

4 Biotechnology of SDMHC Paper 100 60 40 40 3

Horticultural Crops 204

5 PRACTICAL I SDMHC Paper 100 60 40 40 2


6 PRACTICAL II SDMHC Paper 100 60 40 40 2


Total aggregate of First Semester is 45% Max. Marks – 600, Min.Marks – 250
M.Sc. (Horticulture)
Semesters/Papers Title of the papers
Sn.No Subject Name Subject Total Theory Mini.
Code No Marks Internal Passing Credit
Marks Marks marks

1 Advances in Post- SDMHC 100 60 40 40 3

Harvest Technology and Paper 301
Management of Fruits and
2 Protected Cultivation of SDMHC 100 60 40 40 3
Horticultural Crops Paper 302
3 Advances in Floriculture SDMHC 100 60 40 40 3
and Landscaping Paper 303
4 Advances in Orchard SDMHC 100 60 40 40 3
Management Paper 304
5 PRACTICAL I SDMHC 100 60 40 40 2
Paper 305

6 PRACTICAL II SDMHC 100 60 40 40 2

Paper 306

Total aggregate of First Semester is 45% Max. Marks – 600, Min.Marks – 250
M.Sc. (Horticulture)
Semesters/Papers Title of the papers
Sn.No Subject Name Subject Code Total Theory Mini.
No Marks Internal Passing Credit
Marks Marks marks

1 Biotic and Abiotic SDMHC Paper 100 60 40 40 3

Stress 401
Management in
2 Organic SDMHC Paper 100 60 40 40 3
Horticulture 402
3 SEMINAR SDMHC Paper 100 60 40 40 3
4 THESIS (THESIS & SDMHC Paper 200 130+50 20 2
5 PRACTICAL SDMHC Paper 100 60 40 40 2

Total aggregate of First Semester is 45% Max. Marks – 600, Min.Marks – 250
Syllabus for M.Sc. Horticulture/ M.Sc.(Ag.) Horticulture 2014-15
First Semester

SDMHC 101: Systematic Horticulture

Introduction, importance and scope, botanical terminology. Plant classification history and
systems- artificial, natural and modern systems. Nomenclature: importance, bino.mial
classification and its salient.features. Morphological description of (vegetative, floral and fruit
features) of the following important families of fruits, vegetables and ornamental crops:-
Anacardiaceae - Mango, Cashewnut; Rutaceae- Citrus, . Murrayas, Kamini; Musaceae- Banana;
Myrtaceae- Guava, Bottle brush, Rosaceae- Apple, Pear, Plum, Peach, Apricot, Loquat, Rose;
Apocyanaceae- Karonda, Kaner, Chandini; Vitaceae- Grapes; Sepindaceae- Litchi; Caricaceae-
Papaya; Brassicaceae- cauliflower, cabbage, Radish, Turnip; Cucurbitaceae- Cucurbits;
Solanaceae- Brinjal,Tomato, Chillies, Potato, Rat-ki-rani; Leguminaceae- Peas, Beans, Kachnar,
Ashok, Cassia; Malvaceae- Bhindi, Hibiscus; Euphorbiaceae- Achalipha, Poinsettia, Croton;
Nyctaginaeceae-Bougainvillea; Rubiaceae- Hamelia, Mussanda, Ixoraparviflora; Ramnaceae- Ber;
Amaryllidaceae- Onion, Garlic.
Practicals- Identification and botanical description (vegetative and floral features) of
available fruits, vegetables and ornamental plants.

SDMHC 102: Plant Propagation and Nursery Management

Introduction, life cycle in plants,cellular basis for propagation, apomixis, polyembrony,
germination process and environmental factors affecting it, quality of seeds, seed dormancy,
treatments to facilitate germination, seed testing, diseases control during germination.Clone and
phase variation, genetic variation in asexually propagated plants, producton and maintenance of
pathogen free clones, cutting- anatomical, physiological and biochemical aspects of root initiation
in cuttings, types of cuttings, use of bioregulators, mist systems of rooting cuttings, planting and
care, layering- principles and methods.Reasons for grafting and budding, categories of root-stock,
formation of graft and bud union, factors influencing the healing of graft union, limits of grafting,
graft incompatibility, scion-stock relationship, techniques of grafting, budding and layering.
Micro propagation: Introduction, objectives, merits and demerits, facilities and equipments,
aseptic techniques and use of antibiotics, media preparation, micro propagation techniques- clonal
propagation, direct orgamagenesis, embryogenesis, meristem culture culture, micro grafting,
hardening, packing and transport of micropropagules.Nursery Management: types of nursery,
location, components planning and layout of a commercial nursery,structures, media mixtures,
nursery management practices
Practicals- Practice of grafting, budding, cutting and layering, anatomical studies ofrooting of
cuttings and grafting union, planning and layout for commercial nursery, sample seed testing, use
of bioregulators in propagation, sterilization of equipments and laboratory, media preparation,
selection and preparation of explants, meristem culture and micro grafting, planning and layout of
experiments on various aspects of propagation. Visit to tissue culture labs and nurseries.

SDMHC 103: Statistical Methods and Experimental Designs

Sampling theory- introduction, simple random sampling, estimates of sampling variance, stratified
random sampling, two stage sampling, systematic sampling, estimate of proportions.
Test of hypothesis- introduction, one sample t-test and two sample t- test. Chisquare test-
properties, testing significance of properties, testing independence of tributes Bartlett test, (F-
Test).Correlation- coefficient of correlation, test of significant, Fisher's Z- transformation, rank
correlation, intraclass correlation. Regression- regression curve, fitting of line regression.Need for
an experiments, designing of an experiment, experimental error, principles of experimental design,
analysis of designed experiments- analysis of variance, mathematical details, assumptions,
transformation and anova table, pairwise comparisons and specific comparisons of treatments.
Completely randomized design- layout, application, merits and demerits, analysis of equal and
unequal observations. Randomized block design- layout, application, merits and demerits, analysis,
efficiency of blocking. Latin square design- layout, application, merits and demerits, analysis,
change over design. Analysis of covariance for reduction of experimental error in CRD, RBD and
L. S. designs. Split plot and related designs layout, application, merits and demerits, analysis,
efficiency, variants of split plot design, strip plot design. Factorial experiments- concept of
factorial treatments, definition of main effects and interrelations, analysis of series using Yates
Practicals- Practicals based on above topics.

SDMHC 104: Advances in Pomology: Tropical and Subtropical Fruits Introduction, prospects
and scope, constraints of fruit industry. Origin and distribution, area and production, taxonomy,
classification and description of important cultivars, nutrition, bearing habit, pollination and fruit
set, use of bioregulators, special problems and physiological disorders in the production of the
following fruits:Tropical and subtropical fruits- Mango, Citrus fruits, Banana, Guava, Grape,
Litchi, Papaya, Pine-apple, Jack-fruit.Minor fruits- Ber, Aonla, Pomegranate, Loquat, Sapota,
Phalsa, Bael, Karonda,
Practicals- Identification and morphological features of important cultivars of fruit, effect of
bioregulators, practice of commercial propagation techniques, moisture conservation techniques,
pollen germination, study of mango malformation, guava wilt, citrus decline, blossom biological
studies, visit to Fruit Research Centres.
Second Semester

SDMHC 201: Advances in Temperate-Zone Pomology

Introduction, scope, area and production, temperate regions, contour planting, rest period and
chilling requirement. Origin and distribution, area and production, taxonomy, classification and
description of important cultivars, clonal rootstocks, training techniques, bearing habit, pollination
and fruit set, use of bio-regulators, special problems and physiological disorders of the following
fruits: Pome Fruits- Apple and Pear,Stone Fruits- Peach, Plum, Apricot, Cherry and Almond,Nut
Fruits- Walnut, Pecannut, Hazelnut and Pistachio etc. Berries- Strawberry, Raspberry,
Gooseberry,Kiwi fruit. Exposure to wild fruits of Uttarakhand hills.
Practicals- Identification and morphological features of temperate fruits, practice of contour
planting, commercial propagation methods, pollen collection and germination, pruning and
training, use of bioregulators, visit to Temperate Fruit Research Stations.

SDMHC202: Advances in Olericulture

Introduction, types of vegetable farming, vegetable forcing, bioregulators in vegetable production,

principles of vegetable seed production. Origin and distribution, area and production, taxonomy,
classification and description of cultivars, use of bioregulators, seed production, specific problems
and physiological disorders of the following vegetables: Solanaceous Vegetables- Potato, Tomato,
Brinjal, Chilli, Capsicum, Root Vegetables- Radish, Turnip, Carrot, Cole Vegetables- Cauliflower,
Cabbage, Knol-khol, Legume Vegetables- Peas and French bean, Bulb Vegetables- Onion, Garlic,
Cucurbits- Cucumber, Water melon, Bottle gourd, Sponge gourd, Musk melon, Pumpkin, Leafy
Vegetables- Spinach, Amaranthus, Okra and Sweet Potato
Practicals- Identification and morphological features of vegetables, seed production techniques,
study of disorders, use of bioregulators, basal and foliar application of nutrients, cost of vegetable
cultivation, experimental trials, visit to vegetable seed production centres and processing units.

SDMHC 203: Canopy Management in Fruits Crops

Canopy management - importance and advantages; factors affecting canopy development.

Canopy types and structures with special emphasis on geometry of planting, canopy manipulation
for optimum utilization of light. Light interception and distribution in different types of tree
canopies. Spacing and utilization of land area - Canopy classification; Canopy management
through rootstock and scion. Canopy management through plant growth inhibitors, training and
pruning and management practices. Canopy development and management in relation to growth,
flowering, fruiting and fruit quality in temperate fruits, grapes, passion fruits, mango, sapota,
guava, citrus and ber.
Practicals-Study of different types of canopies, training of plants for different canopy types,
canopy development through pruning, use of plant growth inhibitors, geometry of planting; study
on effect of different canopy types on production and quality of fruits.

SDMHC 204: Biotechnology of Horticultural Crops

Harnessing bio-technology in horticultural crops, influence of plant materials, physical, chemical
factors and growth regulators on growth and development of plant cell, tissue and organ culture.
Callus culture – types, cell division, differentiation, morphogenesis, organogenesis, embryogenesis.
Use of bioreactors and in vitro methods for production of secondary metabolites, suspension culture,
nutrition of tissues and cells, regeneration of tissues, ex vitro, establishment of tissue cultured
plants.Physiology of hardening - hardening and field transfer, organ culture – meristem, embryo,
anther, ovule culture, embryo rescue, somaclonal variation, protoplast culture and fusion.
Construction and identification of somatic hybrids and cybrids, wide hybridization, in vitro
pollination and fertilization, haploids, in vitro mutation, artificial seeds, cryopreservation, rapid
clonal propagation, genetic engineering in horticulture crops, use of molecular markers. In vitro
selection for biotic and abiotic stress, achievements of biotechnology in horticultural crops.
An exposure to low cost, commercial and homestead tissue culture laboratories, media preparation,
inoculation of explants for clonal propagation, callus induction and culture, regeneration of plantlets
from callus, sub-culturing, techniques on anther, ovule, embryo culture, somaclonal variation, in
vitro mutant selection against abiotic stress, protoplast culture, fusion technique, development of
protocols for mass multiplication, project development for establishment of commercial tissue
culture laboratory.
Third Semester

SDMHC301: Advances in Post- Harvest Technology and Management of Fruits and


Introduction, post harvest physio-biochemical changes; causes of post harvest losses, control of
post harvest losses- proper cultural operations, pre-storage treatments, transportation, storage,
environmental control, ionizing radiation, post harvest chemical treatments, storage of fresh fruits
and vegetables, factor affecting storage quality, storage disorders, marketing of fruits and
vegetables and their products.
History, objectives and scope of fruit and vegetable preservation, spoilage of fruits and vegetables,
principles of preservation- temporary and permanent; vitamins and other nutrients in preserved
products, food additives and their use in preservation. Principles and guidelines for establishing
processing unit. Containers: Types, merits and demerits, composition and manufacturing of tin and
glass containers, failures in glass containers, general principles and procedures of canning and
bottling, spoilage of canned products. Principles and methods of jam, jelly and marmalade;
theories of jelly formation, failures of jelly; unfermented fruit and vegetable beverages, juice
extraction equipments, general methods of preparation and preservation, preservation of
unfermented beverages.
General methods of making preserve and candy from some suitable fruits and vegetables,
preparation of pickles, chutneys, sauces, ketchup, soup and cocktail from suitable fruits and
vegetables, causes of spoilage.
Vinegar- quality standards, types, material processing and fermentation, methods of preparation,
post-production processes, spoilage; pectin preparation. Sun drying- merits and demerits,
procedure; mechanical dehydration of fruits and vegetables, home and commercial dehydrators,
packing and storage. Preservation by freezing- objectives, freezing and growth of micro-
organisms, freezing process, storage of frozen products; exposure on preservation by radiation.
Government policies, regulation and specifications for fresh and processed products.
Practicals- Identification of equipments used in preservation, canning of fruits and vegetables,
cut out test for canned products, preparation of jam, jelly, squash, juice, preserve, chutney,
ketchup, sauce, pickle; dehydration of potato, estimation of acidity, vitamin C, sugar, juice
content and T.S.S., visit to processing factories.
SDMHC 302: Protected Cultivation of Horticultural Crops

Introduction, history, present status, importance, problems and prospects of protected cultivation.
Types and designs of protected structures and their management. Environment control in
protected structures. Growing media and sterilization. Soilless cultivation, hydro ponics and
aeroponics. Irrigation and fertigation. Integrated insect pest and disease management
Vegetable seedlings production under protection. Protected cultivation of crops (media, bed
preparation, varieties, planting, irrigation and fertigation, harvesting, specific operation for
different crops and economics) rose, carnation, gerbera, orchids, anthurium. lilium,
chrysanthemum, capsicum, tomatoes, exotic vegetables, potted ornamental plants.
Post harvest management of flowers and vegetable (sorting, grading, packing, storage,
transportation and marketing).
Study of different protected structures, cladding materials used, installation and their management.
Study of environment control devices used in protected structures and measurement of
temperature, RH, light and CO2. Study of growing media and sterilization. Study of irrigation and
fertigation system and their management. Soilless cultivation. Hydroponics and aeroponics.
Vegetable seedlings production under protection. Cultivation of Crops under protected
environment: Rose, Carnation. Gerbera, Orchid and Anthurium, Lilium and chrysanthemum,
Capsicum, Tomatoes, Exotic vegetables. Post harvest management of flowers and vegetable. Study
of insect pests and diseases and their control. Visit to commercial green house projects.

SDMHC303: Advances in Floriculture and Landscaping

History, importance and scope, problems and prospects, styles of gardening, formal garden and its
important parts. Landscaping- general principles, planning and designing, important elements,
landscaping public buildings, educational institutions, factories, historical places. Bio-aesthetic
planning , bonsai culture, flower forcing, role of colour in floriculture, exhibition, post harvest
management.Origin and distribution, area and production, taxonomy and morphological features,
classification and description of some important cultivars, propagation, special practices and
problems, use of bioregulators: Rose Gladious Carnation Tuberose
Marigold Gerbera Chrysanthemum Dahlia Baugainvillea Jaismines
Practicals- Identification of ornamental species, preparation of bonsai, use of bioregulators,
judging, practice to conserve the life of cut flowers, morphological features of some ornamental
plants, wintering in roses, preparation of shrubbery and herbaceous borders, propagation
techniques, planning and layout for a garden, cost of cultivation of commercial flowers, visit to
Ornamental Gardens.

SDMHC304:Advances in Orchard Management

Importance and scope of orchard management, constraint in fruit production, concept of high
density planting. Orchard soil management systems, water requirement of fruit trees, factors
affecting water requirement, classification of soil moisture, effect of soil moisture on fruit trees,
disorders due to excess and deficient moisture, various factors affecting moisture supply to plants,
drip and sprinkler irrigation, fertigation, multistory cropping, drainage systems, organic manures,
fertilizers and bio fertilizers, role of elements in fruit production, disorders due to excess and
deficiency of elements, evaluating need for nutrients/tissue analysis; integrated nutrient
management(INM), Recent techniques of training and pruning, fruit thinning, splitting of fruits,
preharvest fruit drop, rejuvenation of old orchards. Internal and external factors of unfruitfulness,
practices to induce flowering; irregular bearing of fruit trees.Hardiness, winter killing, injuries and
their protection, IPM, protection from important insects and diseases.
Practicals- Study of different systems of layout, planting, study of drip and sprinkler irrigation,
identification and control of important diseases and insects, soil and foliar application of fertilizers,
study of deficiency symptoms of elements, practice of pruning and training, rejuvenation of old
orchards, tissue analysis, physical practices to induce flowering, use of bioregulators, cost of
cultivation of an orchard, visit to important orchards and Fruit Research Stations.
Fourth Semester
SOAHE401: Biotic and Abiotic Stress Management in Horticultural Crops
Stress – definition, classification, stresses due to water (high and low), temperature (high and
low), radiation, wind, soil conditions (salinity, alkalinity, ion toxicity, fertilizer toxicity, etc.).
Pollution - increased level of CO2, industrial wastes, impact of stress in horticultural crop
production, stress indices, physiological and biochemical factors associated with stress,
horticultural crops suitable for different stress situations.Crop modeling for stress situations,
cropping system, assessing the stress through remote sensing, understanding adaptive features of
crops for survival under stress, interaction among different stress and their impact on crop growth
and productivity.Greenhouse effect and methane emission and its relevance to abiotic stresses, use
of anti transpirants and PGRs in stress management, mode of action and practical use, HSP
inducers in stress management techniques of soil moisture conservation, mulching, hydrophilic
polymers.Rain water harvesting, increasing water use efficiency, skimming technology,
contingency planning to mitigate different stress situations, cropping systems, stability and
sustainability indices.
Seed treatment /hardening practices, container seedling production, analysis of soil moisture
estimates (FC, ASM, PWP), analysis of plant stress factors, RWC, chlorophyll flurosence,
chlorophyll stability index, ABA content, plant waxes, stomatal diffusive resistance, transpiration,
photosynthetic rate etc. under varied stress situations, influence of stress on growth and
development of seedlings and roots, biological efficiencies, WUE, solar energy conversion and
efficiency, crop growth sustainability indices, economics of stress management, visit to orchards
and water shed locations.
SDMHE 402: Organic Horticulture
Organic horticulture – definition, synonyms and misnomers, principles, methods, merits and
demerits.Organic farming systems, components of organic horticultural systems, different organic
inputs,their role in organic horticulture, role of biofertilizers, biodynamic and the recent
developments.EM technology and its impact in organic horticulture, indigenous practices of organic
farming, sustainable soil fertility management, weed management practices in organic farming,
biological/naturalcontrol of pests and diseases, organic horticulture in quality improvement. GAP -
Principles and management, HACCP exercise, certification of organic products and systems,
agencies involved at national and international levels, standards evolved by different agencies.
Constraints in certification, organic horticulture and export, IFOAM and global scenario of organic
movement, post-harvest management of organic produce.
Features of organic orchards, working out conversion plan, Input analysis manures, nutrient status
assessment of manures, biocomposting, biofertilizers and their application, pancha gavya
preparation and other 20 organic nutrients application, methods of preparation of compost,
vermicompost, green manuring, preparation of neem products and application, BD preparations and
their role, EM technology and products, biological/natural control of pests and diseases, soil
solarization, frame work for GAP, case studies, HACCP analysis, residue analysis in organic
products, documentation for certification, visit to fields cultivated under organic practices.

Thesis: Objective and evaluation

Aim of introducing thesis in M. Sc.(Ag.) Horticulture is to give the students preliminary

exposure for conducting the research and presenting its findings systematically and scientifically in
a manuscript shape. To fulfill this goal, a specific topic for thesis research shall be assigned to each
M. Sc. student by the teacher(s)/supervisor(s) of the department, in the first semester. The student
will carry out the research for thesis under the respective supervisor(s) and finally present it in a
book shape called thesis.
Each student will submit the thesis to the department/university towards the end of fourth
semester of M. Sc. (Ag.) Horticulture degree.
Evaluation of Thesis:
The procedure will be as under:
i. Critical examination of thesis by the external expert appointed by the university as per
specialization of thesis work.
ii. Each student shall give open presentation of thesis work before external/internal
examiners, faculty members and students in the department.

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