P.G. Diploma in Industrial Safety, Health and Environmental Managemnt Pgd-Ishem

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(Affiliated to University of Rajasthan)


Department of Environmental Science


Industrialization is basically considered for the comfortable living of human beings. We
are getting different types of goods and luxuries due to industrial products though, these
are positive aspects of industrialization, along with the development in science and
technology the calamities related to industries and environmental pollution problems are
increasing day by day. Bhopal Gas Tragedy, Chernobyl Accident, Three Mile Island
Nuclear Accident, etc. are some of the examples of safety violation. The above
mentioned incidences are to enough to understand the severity of Industrial calamities.
To avoid such circumstances various laws and orders implementation is necessary but not
the fact is that not only laws but proper training and education about safety rules and their
implementation are prior requirements for any industry. In this ever increasing era of
industrialization, accidents are becoming a part of process and therefore, there is need of
qualified and experienced manpower that can handle the complex industrial situations
and avoid the calamities. Nowadays, there is high demand for such safety professionals
from different industries. In many nations, it has been made mandatory to appoint well
trained and qualified professional for the Industry. Every year around 20 students from
our college and 100s of students from other Department of Environmental Science
complete M. Sc. degree and join Environmental Consultancy or Industry as an
Environmental Professional. With their M. Sc. Environmental Science, if they get add-on
course as a P.G.Diploma in Industrial Safety Health and Environment which is
compulsory under Factories Act, 1948 for a person joining industry as Environment and
Safety Officer, these students will get immediate entry in the industry and good salary
package after completion of their P.G. Considering the present scenario in mind,
Department of Environmental Science, propose to start P.G. Diploma in Industrial Safety,
Health and Environment Management (PGDISHEM ). The course is designed for the
students and employees from industries who will be exposed to comprehensive and
rigorous training covering all areas of Safety, Health and Environmental management.
Objectives :
To develop highly qualified professional manpower the basic requirement lies on
systematic quality based coaching and training in Advanced Science and Technologies.
Therefore, the course is designed to train and provide expert human resource to safety
management and expected to bring direct benefits to industry and society. The course is
based on following objectives:
 To develop an expert manpower to handle the complex industrial environment.
 To give knowledge about occupational health, industrial hygiene, accidental
prevention techniques to the students.
 To make the student aware about safety auditing and management systems,
pollution prevention techniques etc.
 To train the students about risk assessment and management.
 M. Sc. Environmental Science students will get an add on diploma.
 It will produce well trained, qualified and expert manpower for the Industrial
 Better placement opportunity for M. Sc. Environmental Science students.
 Course will be useful for in-service people from the industry.
 More interaction between Institution and Industry

Eligibility for Admission:

A candidate who has secured more than 55% or CGPA of 3.5 in the UGC Seven Point scale
[36% or Pass marks for SC/ST/Non-creamy layer OBC/SBC] or equivalent in the Bachelor
degree in Science or Engineering or Technology or Medicine or Pharmaceutical Science shall be
eligible for admission to First Semester of P.G. diploma in Industrial Safety Health and
Environmental Management course. For candidates from outside state of Rajasthan 60% or
CGPA of 4.0 in the UGC Seven Point Scale will be applicable irrespective of the category

Academic Duration of Course and Examination:

The course will complete in one year duration having two semesters. Each Semester includes
two times internal assessment/Assignments also includes lab work and Industrial training/
relevant institutional training/Consultancy training in authorized consultancies etc.

Course structure and Scheme of Examination:

1. Each theory paper carries 100 marks. The internal assessment will be 30 marks and EoSE shall
carry 70 marks. The EoSE will be of 3 hours duration. There will be a practical examination of
100 marks in all Semester based on the theory paper/industrial Training.

2. There will be two parts in EoSE theory paper. Part „A‟ of theory paper shall contain 10 Short
Answer Questions of 14 marks, based on knowledge, understanding and applications of the
topics/texts covered in the syllabus. Candidate has to attempt seven questions out of 10 and each
question will carry two marks for correct answer.

3. Parts “B” of EoSE theory paper will consisting of four questions from each unit with internal
choice of 14 mark each. The limit of answer will be five pages.

4. Each Laboratory EoSE will be of four hour durations and involve laboratory
experiments/exercises/ Seminar presentation Project work or field study / Industrial Training/
consultancy training and viva-voce examination consisting of 100 Marks.

5. The aim of Project work or field study / Industrial Training/ consultancy training is to
introduce students to research methodology in the subject and prepare them for pursuing research
in theoretical or experimental or computational areas of the subject. The project work or Field
Study is to be undertaken under guidance jointly by Head of the Department and a senior faculty
or a Scientist or any other suitable person with proven research excellence in the concerned field
of study. Project work or field study / Industrial Training/ consultancy training can also be taken
up in an outside institution of repute Department. The guide will make continuous internal
assessment of the Project work or field study / Industrial Training/ Consultancy training. EoSE
for Project work or field study / Industrial Training/ consultancy training and seminar will be
held at department of the college by a board of three examiners consisting of HoD, two senior
faculty of the department or expert from interdisciplinary department of the institution.

6. Supplementary/ due paper/ special examinations will be resolute as per the institutions
autonomous rules

7. Grade/CGPA/percentage/division will be decided as per the autonomous guidelines of the

Proposed course for P.G.D. in I .S.H.E.M*
S.No. Code Paper Title Theory Practical Marks Total
Hours Hours External Internal
1. ISHEM 1 Safety, Health and 70 30 100
2. ISHEM 2 Legislation on Safety, 70 30 100
Health and Environment
3. ISHEM 3 Safety in Industries 70 30 100
4. ISHEM 4 Environmental Impact
Assessment and
5. ISHEMPBT5 Practical Based on 60 40 100
Theory Paper /In-plant
Training and Visits

1. ISHEM 1 Hazard Identification, 70 30 100
Assessment and Control
2. ISHEM 2 Safety Engineering 70 30 100
3. ISHEM 3 Environmental 70 30 100
Management System
and ISO 14000
4. ISHEM 4 Natural Disasters and 70 30 100
5. ISHEMPBT5 Practical Based on Theory 60 40 100
Paper /In-plant Training
and Visits Project
Semester -I
Duration : 3 hrs. Max. Marks : 70
Note: There will be two parts in end semester theory paper.
Part A of the paper shall contain seven short answer questions of 14 marks. Each question will carry two
marks for correct answer.
Part B of the paper will consist four questions one question from each unit with internal choice. Each question
will carry 14 marks.

Occupation, Safety And Management; Occupational Safety, Health and Environmental Safety,
Management – Principles & practices, Role of Management in Industrial Safety, Organization
Behaviaraion Human factors contributing to accident. Planning for Safety: Planning: Definition,
purpose, nature, scope and procedure. Management by objectives and its role in Safety, Health
and Management (SHE)

Monitoring for Safety, Health & Environment: Occupational Safety, Health and
Environment Management System, Bureau of Indian Standards on Safety and Health: 14489 –
1998 and 15001 – 2000, ILO and EPA Standards. Principles of Accident Prevention: Definition:
Incident, accident, injury, dangerous, occurrences, unsafe acts, unsafe conditions, hazards, error,
oversight, mistakes etc.

Education, Training and Employee Participation in Safety: Element of training cycle,
Assessment of needs. Techniques of training, design and development of training programs.
Training methods and strategies types of training. Evaluation and review of training programs.
Competence Building Techniques (CBT), Concept for training, safety as a on-line function.
Employee Participation: Purpose, areas of participation, methods, Role of trade union in Safety,
Health and Environment Protection.

Management Information System: Sources of information on Safety, Health and Environment
Protection. Compilation and collation of information, Analysis & use of modern methods of
programming, storing and retrieval of MIS for Safety, Health and Environment. QCC HS
Computer Software Application and Limitations.
Duration : 3 hrs. Max. Marks : 70
Note: There will be two parts in end semester theory paper.
Part A of the paper shall contain seven short answer questions of 14 marks. Each question will carry two
marks for correct answer.
Part B of the paper will consist four questions one question from each unit with internal choice. Each question
will carry 14 marks.

Background and Scope: ILO Convention and Recommendation concerning Occupational
Health & Safety. Relevant Conventions and Recommendation of ILO in the furtherance of
Safety, Health and Environment (SHE). SHE a human right issue. Trade Policy affecting OHS

Important Safety related Legislation :Overview of Indian legislation pertaining to SHE. The
Factories Act, 1948 (Amended) and Rules: Provisions under the Act and Rules made there-under
with Amendments Case Laws under the Factories Act. Contract Labour (Abolition and
Regulation) Act, Public Liability Insurance Act, Social Accountability 8000 SA-8000

Outline of other related important Legislation: Indian Boilers Act, 1923 with allied
Regulations, 1961, Indian Explosives Act, 1984 and Rules. Hazardous Material Transportation
Rules.The Dock Workers (Safety, Health & Welfare) Act, 1996 and Rules and Regulations The
Building and other Construction Workers (Regulation of Employment and Conditions of
Service) Act, 1996 and Cess Act.

Environment Protection Legislations: Water (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act 1974 and
Rules. Air (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act 1981 and 1982 and Rules. Environment
Protection Act 1986 (Amended) and Rules. MSIHC Rules. Noise Pollution Act, 1998, Bio-
Medical Waste. Hazardous Waste Management Rules. Chemical accident (Emergency
preparedness, planning and response) Rule 1986.

Duration : 3 hrs. Max. Marks : 70

Note: There will be two parts in end semester theory paper.
Part A of the paper shall contain seven short answer questions of 14 marks. Each question will carry two
marks for correct answer.
Part B of the paper will consist four questions one question from each unit with internal choice. Each question
will carry 14 marks.

Safety in Chemical Industries; Need of Safety in Chemical Industries, Types of chemical
industries, Indian Standards. Types of Chemical Hazards & Controls, Storage Hazards &
controls, Material (Property) Hazards & Controls, Process Hazards and Control, Pollution
Hazards & Control, Safe Transfer of chemical. Safe Transportation of Chemicals,
Instrumentation for safe plant Operation, Inspection, Testing & Maintenance, Work permit for
Chemical hazard work


Safety in Petroleum Refinery, Mining and Petrochemical Industry: OISD norms for
petroleum industry, Petroleum classification and hazards due to petroleum product. Hazards of
bulk storages, and their control measures. Storage of manufacturing process. Hazard and control
during manufacturing process.

Safety in Construction and Cement Industry : Basic Parameters governing the safety in
construction such as site planning and layout, safe access, safety work permit and checklist, good
housekeeping. Safety in the use of construction machinery and equipment. Health and welfare of
construction workers dust, noise, vibration, heat, humidity, and other hazard. First aid, medical
examinations and health records.

Industrial Health and Hygiene: Occupational health hazard, Introduction & classification of
health hazards. Dangerous properties of chemicals, dust, gases, fume, mists, vapors, smoke and
aerosols and their health effects. Routes of human entry system, recognition, evolution and
control basic hazards, and bio chemical action of toxic substance and toxicity, type and degrees
of toxic effects, threshold limits of exposure (TLV), STEL, IDLH, Ld/LC etc. Physiology of
work and occupational diseases.

Duration : 3 hrs. Max. Marks : 70

Note: There will be two parts in end semester theory paper.
Part A of the paper shall contain seven short answer questions of 14 marks. Each question will carry two
marks for correct answer.
Part B of the paper will consist four questions one question from each unit with internal choice. Each question
will carry 14 marks.


Overview of EIA; Objectives and development of EIA. Benefits of EIA, Indian directions of
EIA. Rapid and comprehensive EIA perspectives. Sources and collection of data for EIA.


EIA Notifications: EIA in Indian context, EIA Notification 2006, Prior environmental clearance
requirements, EIA authority - State and Central government, Committees for Environmental
Clearance, Application for EC, Form 1- contents. Categorization of projects, list of projects,
activity, financial overlays, conditions and specifications.

EIA Methodology: Outline of EIA process, Screening, Scoping, Purpose of scoping, impact
implications, Baseline studies and superimposition of projected plant emission impacts,
checklist, matrices, Overlays and Geographical Information System, Impact analysis and
Predictions, Environmental Impact Statement [EIS]; Public hearing as part of EIA.


Reports for Environmental Clearance: Generic structure of environmental impact assessment

document – Executive summary of Project, Introduction, Project description, Project benefits,
Policy legal and administrative framework, EIA methodology, Description of Environment,
prediction of environmental impacts, evaluation of impacts, Environmental impact statement
(EIS), Impact evaluation, Environmental Management Plan (EMP).

Laboratory Work /Industrial Visits and Project Report : Laboratory work and a Compulsory
project on Industrial training/ relevant institutional training/Consultancy training in authorized
consultancies etc is to be completed and a report is to be Submitted to the department.
Semester -II

Duration : 3 hrs. Max. Marks : 70

Note: There will be two parts in end semester theory paper.
Part A of the paper shall contain seven short answer questions of 14 marks. Each question will carry two
marks for correct answer.
Part B of the paper will consist four questions one question from each unit with internal choice. Each question
will carry 14 marks.

Safety Appraisal, Analysis and control Techniques: Safety Appraisal System, Damage
control, Total Loss Control (TLC), Job Safety Analysis (JSA) Product Safety, Standard (Safe)
Operating Procedure (SOP) Incident Recall Techniques, Procedures Analysis, Methodical
Analysis Technique for Human Error rate Prediction (THERP)

Hazard and Risk assessment Techniques : Definition , Hazards and risk assessment, Hazards,
Risk & detection techniques, Hazards and risk progression chart. Risk analysis assessment and
management, Preliminary Hazard Analysis (PHA) and hazard analysis (HAZAN), Failure mode
and effect analysis (FMEA), Hazards and operatility (HZOP) study, Fault tree analysis (FTA),
Event tree analysis (ETA).

Accident and Incident Investigation, Reporting and Analysis: Accident and Incident
Investigation : Philosophy, Purpose, Process and types of investigation, identifying the key
factors and the immediate and basic causes, corrective action, Ag, accident investigation form.
Standard classification of factors associated with accident, Methods of collecting and tabulating
data, Record keeping.

Major Accident Hazard (MAH) Controls: Concept of MAH, Definition of “Major Accident
Hazard”, Identification and assessment of MAH units, criteria and classification of threshold
quantities of Hazardous materials, Types and consequences of Major Accident Hazards : Fire,
Explosion and Toxic Release. Types and Effects of Gas Dispersion, Types of Toxic Spills,
Meaning of Dispersion and Effects. Safety Report, Safety audit Report and Risk Assessment

Duration : 3 hrs. Max. Marks: 70

Note: There will be two parts in end semester theory paper.
Part A of the paper shall contain seven short answer questions of 14 marks. Each question will carry two
marks for correct answer.
Part B of the paper will consist four questions one question from each unit with internal choice. Each question
will carry 14 marks.

Plant Design and Layout AND Citing criteria: General and Environmental guidelines,
Meteorological aspect, and Separation distances. Need for planning and Follow-up, Plant layout
and Design, Generals principles for factory building, Plant and equipment layout and fire
protection. Statutory provisions under the factories Act 1948 and rules, Indian Standard and
national building code.

Fire and Explosion. Fire phenomena : Chemistry of fire, Stage of fire, Factors contributing to
fire, Classification of fire, Common cause of industrial fires. Fire prevention and protection
system, Special safety precaution, Control of fire and explosion in handling / processing
flammable liquids, gases, vapors, mists, dusts etc. Fire emergency action plan and control room.
NFPA code and standard, on-site emergency plan, off-site emergency plan.

Electricity safety, lighting (illumination) and colour: Electricity, its usefulness and hazards,
statutory provisions, Indian standard, Effect of Electrical parameters on human body, safety
measures for electric work, over load and other protection, Lighting (illumination) and colour :
Principles of illumination, Types of Light: Natural and artificial, direct and indirect, and types of
installation, Effects of colour on safety.

Machine Guarding, Noise and Vibration: Requirement of machine guarding, Indian standard,
Principals of machine Guarding, Types and selection of guard, Mechanical Tool, Inspection,
testing & Maintenance. Noise and Vibration : Generation, Perception, Nature & Types of noise,
Effect & Hazards of noise and vibration, Statutory provisions, control Method.

Duration : 3 hrs. Max. Marks : 70

Note: There will be two parts in end semester theory paper.
Part A of the paper shall contain seven short answer questions of 14 marks. Each question will carry two
marks for correct answer.
Part B of the paper will consist four questions one question from each unit with internal choice. Each question
will carry 14 marks.

Environmental Management System in Industry : Quality of environment. ISO 14000
Environment standards, EMS model. Policy planning process, implementation and operation in

Environmental Pollution & Control Techniques: Definition of pollution, pollutant and
significance of pollution of pollution control. Types of environment pollution: air, water and land
pollution and control. Hazardous waste management system : landfill as incineration,
environment problems and solution Concept of Restoration Ecology and Reclamation of
degraded land.

Environment Impact Assessment and Audits : Basic concept of EIA, Needs for EIA and
Methods. Introduction and Significance of Environment Audit. Audit regulations, standards and
protocols. Setting up EIA and Audit Division in Industry.

Disasters and their management: Introduction of disasters, Classification and sub types of
disasters. Industrial disasters and related case studies. Precautions of SHE in disaster
management. Role of SHE in disaster management.

Duration : 3 hrs. Max. Marks : 70

Note: There will be two parts in end semester theory paper.
Part A of the paper shall contain seven short answer questions of 14 marks. Each question will carry two
marks for correct answer.
Part B of the paper will consist four questions one question from each unit with internal choice. Each question
will carry 14 marks.

Definition, Classification and types of Disasters. Natural Disasters their probable cause and
types. Impacts of Natural Disasters on Man and Materials.

Disaster Management in Industries. Terminology used in disaster management. State Disaster
management policies and rules. Natural disasters and their impacts on Industry

Role of safety officer in disaster management in industry. Economical impacts of natural
disasters on industry and role of EHS officer.

Mitigation efforts: UN draft resolution on Strengthening of Coordination of Humanitarian
Emergency Assistance, International Decade for Natural Disaster Reduction (IDNDR), Policy
for disaster reduction, problems of financing and insurance.



Laboratory Work /Industrial Visits and Project Report: Candidates are required to work for the
Project work or for an Industrial Training or Internship related to the subject at least for 8 weeks
and submit the report to the Department. The report will be evaluated by the panel of examiners
in the final examination where the candidate shall present their work by Power Point
Presentation followed by Vivavoce.

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