This document contains 75 multiple choice questions testing knowledge of the anatomy of the upper limb, including bones, joints, muscles, nerves and vasculature. Specific topics covered include the sternoclavicular joint, shoulder joint, elbow joint, wrist joint, hand bones and joints, muscles of the arm and forearm, axillary fossa contents, brachial plexus formation and branches, and nerve innervation territories.
This document contains 75 multiple choice questions testing knowledge of the anatomy of the upper limb, including bones, joints, muscles, nerves and vasculature. Specific topics covered include the sternoclavicular joint, shoulder joint, elbow joint, wrist joint, hand bones and joints, muscles of the arm and forearm, axillary fossa contents, brachial plexus formation and branches, and nerve innervation territories.
This document contains 75 multiple choice questions testing knowledge of the anatomy of the upper limb, including bones, joints, muscles, nerves and vasculature. Specific topics covered include the sternoclavicular joint, shoulder joint, elbow joint, wrist joint, hand bones and joints, muscles of the arm and forearm, axillary fossa contents, brachial plexus formation and branches, and nerve innervation territories.
This document contains 75 multiple choice questions testing knowledge of the anatomy of the upper limb, including bones, joints, muscles, nerves and vasculature. Specific topics covered include the sternoclavicular joint, shoulder joint, elbow joint, wrist joint, hand bones and joints, muscles of the arm and forearm, axillary fossa contents, brachial plexus formation and branches, and nerve innervation territories.
1. What are the articulating surfaces of the sternoclavicular joint?
2. Name the possible movements in the sternoclavicular joint. 3. Which ligaments strengthen the sternoclavicular joint? 4. What is the type of the shoulder joint? 5. Name the possible movements in the shoulder joint. 6. What makes up the coracoacromial arch ("fornix humeri")? 7. Which joints make up the elbow joint? 8. Which joints participate in the pronation and supination of the forearm? 9. What is the type of the wrist joint? 10. Name the possible movements in wrist joint. 11. What is the type of the 1st carpometacarpal joint? 12. What movements can be performed in the 1st carpometacarpal joint? 13. What is the type of the 2nd-5th carpometacarpal joints? 14. What is the type of the 2nd-5th metacarpophalangeal joints? 15. What movements can be performed in the 2nd-5th metacarpophalangeal joints? 16. Name the thoracohumeral muscles. 17. Which muscles constitute the rotator cuff? 18. What makes the anterior wall of the axillary fossa? 19. What makes the posterior wall of the axillary fossa? 20. What makes the medial wall of the axillary fossa? 21. What makes the lateral wall of the axillary fossa? 22. What make up the borders of the quadrangular space? 23. What make up the borders of the triangular space? 24. What are the contents of the quadrangular space? 25. What are the contents of the triangular space? 26. Name the flexors of the arm. 27. Name the extensors of the arm. 28. Which muscles make up the boundaries of the cubital fossa? 29. Which muscle makes the floor of the cubital fossa? 30. Which muscles make up the thenar eminence? 31. Which muscles are found in the mesothenar (midpalmar space)? 32. Which muscles make up the hypothenar eminence? 33. Tendons of which muscles run within the carpal tunnel? 34. Tendons of which muscles run within the 1st dorsal carpal tendinous sheath? 35. Tendons of which muscles run within the 2nd dorsal carpal tendinous sheath? 36. Tendon of which muscle runs within the 3rd dorsal carpal tendinous sheath? 37. Tendons of which muscles run within the 4th dorsal carpal tendinous sheath? 38. Tendon of which muscle runs within the 5th dorsal carpal tendinous sheath? 39. Tendon of which muscle runs within the 6th dorsal carpal tendinous sheath? 40. List the direct branches of the axillary artery. 41. How is the cephalic vein formed? What does it drain? 42. How is the basilic vein formed? What does it drain? 43. Where does the cephalic vein empty into? 44. Where does the basilic vein empty into? 45. What is the name of the vein that forms an "N-shaped" anastomosis between the basilic and cephalic veins? 46. Which nerve is accompanied by the profunda brachii artery? 47. Whict artery is the direct continuation of the axillary artery? 48. Which area (groove) the brachial vessels travel in? 49. What are the terminal branches of the brachial artery? 50. Which arteries contribute to the superficial palmar arch? 51. Name the direct branches of the superficial palmar arch. 52. Which arteries contribute to the deep palmar arch? 53. Name the direct branches of the superficial palmar arch. 54. What prominent artery travels directly under the anatomical snuffbox? 55. Which spinal cord segments give rise to the superior trunk? 56. Which spinal cord segment gives rise to the middle trunk? 57. Which spinal cord segments give rise to the inferior trunk? 58. Which cord does the median nerve derive from? 59. Which cord does the ulnar nerve derive from? 60. Which cord does the radial nerve derive from? 61. Which cord does the musculocutaneus nerve derive from? 62. Which cord does the medial cutaneous nerve of arm derive from? 63. Which cord does the medial cutaneous nerve of forearm derive from? 64. Which cord does the axillary nerve derive from? 65. Name the nerves arising from the lateral cord which supply free upper limb. 66. Name the nerves arising from the medial cord which supply free upper limb. 67. Name the nerves arising from the posterior cord which supply free upper limb. 68. What are the terminal branches of the musculocutaneus nerve? 69. Which muscle does the musculocutaneus nerve pierce? 70. Which nerve passes through the carpal tunnel? 71. What are the terminal branches of the radial nerve? 72. Where is the cutaneous sensory area of median nerve? How many "half digits" are supplied on the palmar side of the fingers, incl. the thumb? 73. How many "half digits" does the ulnar nerve supply on the palmar side? 74. How many "half digits" does the ulnar nerve supply on the dorsal side? 75. How many "half digits" does the radial nerve supply? 76. What nerve innervates the interossei?