The document lists the conjugations of common English verbs in their bare infinitive, past simple, and past participle forms. Some examples given are: be/was/been, do/did/done, have/had/had, can/could/could, eat/ate/eaten, beat/beat/beaten. In total, over 50 common English verbs and their forms are provided in the document.
The document lists the conjugations of common English verbs in their bare infinitive, past simple, and past participle forms. Some examples given are: be/was/been, do/did/done, have/had/had, can/could/could, eat/ate/eaten, beat/beat/beaten. In total, over 50 common English verbs and their forms are provided in the document.
The document lists the conjugations of common English verbs in their bare infinitive, past simple, and past participle forms. Some examples given are: be/was/been, do/did/done, have/had/had, can/could/could, eat/ate/eaten, beat/beat/beaten. In total, over 50 common English verbs and their forms are provided in the document.
The document lists the conjugations of common English verbs in their bare infinitive, past simple, and past participle forms. Some examples given are: be/was/been, do/did/done, have/had/had, can/could/could, eat/ate/eaten, beat/beat/beaten. In total, over 50 common English verbs and their forms are provided in the document.
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bare infinitive past simple past participle
be was / were been być
do did done robić have had had mieć can could could móc, potrafić eat ate eaten jeść beat beat beaten bić bite bit bitten gryźć hide hid hidden ukrywać, chować ride rode ridden jeździć write wrote written pisać rise rose risen podnosić się, wschodzić drive drove driven jechać give gave given dawać forgive forgave forgiven wybaczać break broke broken złamać speak spoke spoken mówić steal stole stolen kraść fall fell fallen upadać take took taken brać, wziąć shake shook shaken trząść choose chose chosen wybierać ring rang rung dzwonić drink drank drunk pić sing sang sung śpiewać swim swam swum pływać run ran run biec come came come przychodzić become became become stać się begin began begun zaczynać blow blew blonw wiać, dmuchać draw drew drawn rysować fly flew flown latać grow grew grown rosnąć know knew known znać throw threw thrown rzucać show showed shown pokazywać bring brought brought przynosić buy bought bought kupić fight fought fought walczyć think thought thought myśleć catch caught caught łapać teach taught taught uczyć kogoś build built built budować burn burnt / burned burnt /burned palić dream dreamt / dreamed dreamt / dreamed marzyć, śnić feel felt felt czuć learn learnt /learned learnt /learned uczyć się leave left left opuszczać lend lent lent pożyczać komuś mean meant meant znaczyć sleep slept slept spać smell smelt smelt czuć, pachnieć spend spent spent spędzać, wydawać lose lost lost gubić, tracić cost cost cost kosztować cut cut cut ciąć put put put kłaść hurt hurt hurt ranić let let let pozwalać set set set ustawiać, zachodzić quit quit quit rezygnować shut shut shut zamykać read read read czytać hang hung hung wieszać hear heard heard słyszeć hold held held trzymać lead led led prowadzić find found found znajdować make made made robić meet met met spotykać pay paid paid płacić say said said powiedzić sell sold sold sprzedawać tell told told powiedzieć sit sat sat siedzieć win won won wygrywać stand stood stood stać understand understood understood rozumieć get got got dostawać forget forgot forgotten zapominać see saw seen widzieć wear wore worn nosić (ubranie)