CTH - 2023 02 11 - Minutes

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February 11, 2023
Sagehill Stables Boardroom,
4180 Waverley Street, Winnipeg

Present: Gwen Donohoe, Annelise (Lisa) Fritz, Jeannine Huber Taylor, Karen Lagadi,
Bob McConnomy, Michelle McConnomy, Jo-Ann Park and Domanie Schadek.

1 - Adoption of Minutes - January 28, 2023

Moved by Bob McConnomy,

That the minutes of the January 28, 2023 meeting be approved as submitted.

2 - Nomination of Positions

On December 18, 2022, Lisa accepted the nomination for the initial position as Treasurer, and
in doing so, consented to initiate the process for establishing a bank account for Connecting
Through Horses. Lisa consented to be the primary signatory, and Karen and Jo-Ann consented
to be the second signatories, as required.

Seeking nominations to complete a Board of Directors.

Discussion ensued with respect to the core positions, and the following positions were
identified: Chairperson, Vice-Chair, Treasurer and Secretary. Other areas of responsibility
identified included fundraising, marketing, programming, volunteers and finance.

A suggestion was made to create descriptions that provide a brief overview of each member’s
duties and responsibilities.

Consensus that Sagehill Stables should have a representative on the Board, recognizing that
the member would abstain from voting when there is a potential conflict of interest.

Commentary included that Jeannine Huber Taylor would be the 4-H Liaison, as she is actively
involved with the Sagehill Stables 4-H Club.

Moved by Karen Lagadi,

That Gwen Donohoe be appointed as the Sagehill Stables representative on the Board of
Directors for Connecting Through Horses.
Carried Unanimously
Connecting Through Horses - Minutes - February 11, 2023

Moved by Gwen Donohoe,

That Domanie Schadek be appointed as the Chairperson of the Board of Directors for
Connecting Through Horses until September 2023.

Moved by Bob McConnomy,

That Karen Lagadi be appointed as the Vice-Chairperson of the Board of Directors;
And That this appointment be on the understanding that the position duties and
responsibilities have yet to be defined.

Moved by Annelise Fritz,

That the minutes of the meetings continue to be taken by Jo-Ann Park, on an interim basis.


3 - Guiding Principles

On January 27, 2023, the following was approved in principle, and tabled to the next meeting
for further discussion and in order to receive any additional feedback, namely:

Connecting Through Horses seeks to

1. Promote respect amongst one another, equines and within our community.
2. Work together to resolve challenges in thoughtful and meaningful ways.
3. Seek to create opportunities for equine activities for those underserved.
4. Support and recognize its volunteer base, both people and equines.
5. Network to form partnerships with individuals, local businesses and organizations within
the community.
6. Annually define the specific opportunities and programs to be offered.

Discussion ensued with respect to the order of the foregoing guiding principles, including an
amendment to the wording for number 6. Consensus reached on Guiding Principles.

Moved by Bob McConnomy,

That the following Guiding Principles be adopted, in principle, namely:

Connecting Through Horses seeks to

1. Promote respect amongst one another, equines and within our community
2. Seek to create opportunities for equine activities for those underserved.
3. Network to form partnerships with individuals, local businesses and organizations within the
4. Support and recognize its volunteer base, both people and equines.
5. Work together to resolve challenges in thoughtful and meaningful ways.
6. Determine opportunities and programs to be offered on an annual basis.

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Connecting Through Horses - Minutes - February 11, 2023

4 - Lac La Croix Indian Ponies (Ojibwe Horse)

On January 28, 2023, Gwen consented to explore this unique opportunity to re-home nine Lac
La Croix ponies at Sagehill Stables, and report back.

A draft proposal on the Lac La Croix Ponies dated February 5, 2023, was submitted by Gwen
and outlined an introduction to the Lac La Croix Pony, why Sagehill is considering bringing the
ponies here, how Connecting Through Horses could be involved, what kind of financial
responsibility are we talking about, ideas for fundraising and the potential unknowns.

Discussion ensued on this topic, which included but was not limited to the following:
• a sustainable long term plan with full (true) cost accounting is a definite requirement
• information on the condition (overall health, confirmation) of the nine semi-feral ponies
• question if the herd contains mares, geldings and/or a stallion
• specifics on transportation to Sagehill Stables, including cost
• an outline for the timeframe of events - i.e. arrival date
• aspect of quarantine period for herd
• costs associated with initial veterinary and farrier assessments
• an outline of costs associated with ongoing veterinary (i.e. immunizations) and farrier costs
• accommodation at Sagehill, identifying costs for paddocks, fencing, enclosures
• training for ponies - volunteer and hired, associated costs
• feasibility of breeding component
• impact on existing paddock environment at Sagehill
• impact on school horses and boarded horses at Sagehill
• communication with existing clientele at Sagehill - i.e. indoor and outdoor boarders
• recognition that CTH has minimal financial resources at this time
• recognition that substantial fundraising efforts and incoming revenues would be required
• identify funding sources - fundraising, sponsorships, grant opportunities
• questions on available funding - short term, long term
• roles and responsibilities of Sagehill Stables, Connecting Through Horses
• roles and uses of ponies
• opportunities for Equine Assisted Learning and Indigenous community programs
• opportunities for school groups, cultural awareness programming
• identify potential support and resources within the horse community - i.e. other owners
• establishment of a volunteer base, including roles and responsibilities
• what happens to the ponies if CTH or SHS cannot sustain horses over the long term
• require creation of back-up plan
• reiteration of requirement for a thorough long-term, sustainable plan with true-cost
accounting for all aspects of this proposed venture.

Moved by Domanie Schadek,

That an Ad Hoc Committee comprised of Gwen Donohoe, Michelle McConnomy, Bob
McConnomy and Karen Lagadi be created to further explore the proposal of rehoming nine Lac La
Croix Ponies at Sagehill Stables and report back.

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Connecting Through Horses - Minutes - February 11, 2023

5 - Determination of Opportunities and Programs for 2023

On January 27, 2023, the following statement was tabled for further discussion, namely:
For 2023, the focus of Connecting Through Horses is to provide on opportunities for children
at summer camps, along with provide opportunities to seniors groups to visit and interact with
the school lesson horses (as provided by Sagehill Stables).

A draft document for discussion, titled “How will Sagehill Stables be involved in Connecting
Through Horses” dated February 5, 2023, was submitted by Gwen.

No discussion. No decisions.

6 - Fundraising Opportunity - Spring Break Week

On January 28, 2023, Lisa and Jo-Ann consented to report back to the February 11, 2023
meeting on the planning and preparations for a hot dog bar, and a treats table, as part of a
fundraising event held at Sagehill Stables during Spring Break Week (March 27 to 31, 2023).

No discussion. Brief mention on the proposed acquisition of a Square One machine for
accepting payments. No decisions. Request made for more information on the planned
Sagehill Stables events to determine next steps for CTH fundraising opportunities.

7 - Networking Opportunities
No submissions. No discussion.

8 - Letterhead and Introduction Letter

A draft Introduction Letter was circulated for discussion purposes, with commentary that the
footer contain contact information such as email address, website, telephone number.
Suggestion that the letter not address one fundraising event, but rather be more generic for
use year-round. Gwen consented to create an email address for Connecting Through Horses.
No discussion. No decisions.

9 - Logo Competition
A discussion document was circulated for commentary, and to identify next steps. Suggestion
of an entry fee for the logo competition. No discussion. No decisions.

10 - Next Meeting Date

Consensus on the next meeting date.
Saturday, February 25, 2023 at 4:00 pm at Sagehill Stables.

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