There Eyes Were Watching God
There Eyes Were Watching God
There Eyes Were Watching God
Submitted by: France Xavier S. Villagonzalo
Submitted to: Dr. Maribelle Zipagan
Going back to the flow of the story, Their Eyes Were Watching
God follows Janie's journey from repression to spiritual satisfaction as
she struggles with the demands placed on her by others. Janie raises
marriage and love in her mind as the ultimate achievement, inspired by a
revelation she gained as a youngster after seeing a union between a
bee and a flower, but this idea was tainted when she married Logan and
Jody, two men she does not love and who prolong her loneliness.
Janie's goal for self-satisfaction via sexual and romantic fulfillment
dwindles when Logan and Jody both quit making presentations to her in
Janie's journey was not simple; it was fraught with years of grief
and emptiness until she discovered a momentary pure live love in tea
cake. All three of her spouses have contributed to her realization that
being at peace is preferable. She returned to Eatonville, having already
lived her dream; she had been to the "horizon and back," and she knows
the people will gossip behind her back, but she doesn't care. Their Eyes'
final ending.