What Changes Take Place When Water Is Heated or Cooled

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After performing the activity, you should be able to:

1: Describe what happens to water when it is heated;

2: Describe what happens to water when it is cooled;

3: Represent through drawing/illustration what happens to the particles of water when it is

heated and then cooled; and

4: Explain the processes taking place at the sub-microscopic level.

Material Needed:

 100mL, tap water (or ½ cup tap water)

 1 piece, beaker or Erlenmeyer flask, 200 or 250 mL
 1-piece, small watch glass
 Electronic Kettle
 1 marker pen (any color)


Part A: Boiling water

1: Let the water boil using the Electronic Kettle. Observe carefully what is happening to the water when it
is already boiling.

2. You may do any of the following: Write the description or draw a cartoon to demonstrate how the
particles of water behave as they are heated.

3. After boiling the water for 10 minutes, turn the Electronic Kettle off.

Part B: Cooling water

1: Using the hot water from Part A, cover the beaker with a watch glass.


Q1: Describe what you observe in the water inside the beaker and above the level of water.

The water inside the beaker forms bubbles inside of it and is creating steam.

Q2: What do you think is inside bubbles that form when the water boils? Where did they come from?

The bubbles contain water that is just in a gaseous state and it comes from the water as it boils.

Q3: If you keep boiling the water for more than 10 minutes, what do you think will happen to the
amount of water in the beaker? Why?

We think that it will be a lot less than the original amount due to it evaporating and turning into

Q4: Where did the water go?

As the water evaporates, it gets mixed with the air.

Q5: Can you explain by illustration how the water change from liquid to gas? What is happening to the
particles of the water?

The water particles are being separated causing them to move more freely turning it into gas.

Q6: Describe what you observe in the water inside the beaker and at the bottom of the watch glass.

Inside the beaker, there are water droplets caused by condensation, the same goes for the watch glass.

Q7: Where does the water at the bottom of the watch glass come from?

The water was from vapor/steam that cannot escape the beaker and condensed into droplets of water.

Q8: Can you explain by illustration how the water changes from gas to liquid?

The steam from the hot water gets trapped due to the watch glass and eventually causes tiny droplets to

Q9: Describe what is happening to the particles of water.

The particles of water are being constantly being separated and combined in the process of vaporization
and condensation.


The water inside a beaker is forming bubbles and creates steam. If the water is boiled for more
than 10 minutes, it will evaporate and turn into vapor/steam. As the water evaporates, it gets
mixed with the air and changes from liquid to gas. The steam is trapped in the watch glass and
causes tiny droplets to form. The particles of water are separated and combined in the process
of vaporization and condensation.

The water inside a beaker forms bubbles and creates steam. If it is boiled for more than 10
minutes, it will evaporate and turn into vapor/steam. The steam is trapped in the watch glass
and causes tiny droplets to form, which are separated and combined in the process of
vaporization and condensation.

Illustration of the evaporation process.


Humidity, Evaporation, and Boiling.


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