Sikagard Colour Enhancer-En - (02-2019) - 1
Sikagard Colour Enhancer-En - (02-2019) - 1
Sikagard Colour Enhancer-En - (02-2019) - 1
Sikagard® Colour Enhancer is a low odour, water- Paths, patios, natural stone, concrete and block pav-
based acrylic coating used to seal and protect patios, ing where it will protect from the effects of sunlight,
paths, natural stone, concrete and block paving from water, oil, petrol and organic growth.
the effects of sunlight, water, oil, petrol and organic
growth. The milky solution dries to a hard-wearing wa- CHARACTERISTICS / ADVANTAGES
ter repellent film which gives a low sheen slip resist-
ant finish which will reduce dirt pickup and facilitate ▪ Water based formulation – non-flammable, low
easier cleaning. The product is safer to use than con- odour.
ventional solvent based products, i.e. it is non- flam- ▪ Improves appearance of paths/stone.
mable and will not harm plants and animals when ▪ Also acts as a dustproofer and facilitates easier clean-
used as directed. ing.
▪ Dramatically improves water and mark resistance -
High degree of water repellency in dried film.
▪ Contains a fungicide – prevents unsightly growth in
the film
▪ Easily cleaned with a simple detergent wash.
M.F.F.T ca. 0°C
Packaging 5L Yellow Stackable Jerry
Appearance / Colour White emulsion, dries clear.
Shelf life 12 months when stored according to manufacturers instructions.
Storage conditions Store at 5 - 30°C temperatures in original containers. PROTECT FROM
Density ca. 1.01 g/cm³
Consumption 1 Litre will cover approximately 8m² per coat depending on nature of sur-
Initial Set Time Drying time 4 hours
APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS bad oil stains, use a proprietary detergent and hot wa-
ter. For very badly soiled surfaces, use SIKA® BRICK
SUBSTRATE QUALITY / PRE-TREATMENT CLEANER. In all cases, wash down the cleaned surface
with a hose and broom to remove all traces of clean-
Surfaces must be free from grease, dust, loose materi- ing product. All artificial stone (cement based) and all
al, algae etc. Clean surfaces with Sika®STOP Green. For block pavers must be left for three months minimum
Sikagard® Colour Enhancer
February 2019, Version 01.0
after placing before overcoating with this product. This LOCAL RESTRICTIONS
will allow salts to leach out which otherwise may cause
unsightly white patches appearing beneath the sealer, Note that as a result of specific local regulations the
especially when the patio is wet. declared data and recommended uses for this product
may vary from country to country. Consult the local
APPLICATION Product Data Sheet for the exact product data and
Stir well before use. May be applied to damp (but not uses.
wet) surfaces. Apply using a long pile roller and tray or
low-pressure spray. Ensure even and thorough cover- ECOLOGY, HEALTH AND SAFETY
age, especially on textured finishes where ponding of
the material MUST be avoided. Apply in two coats, al- LEGAL NOTES
lowing no more than 2 hours between coats. An extra
coat may be applied if a semi-gloss finish is required. The information, and, in particular, the recommenda-
Drying time will be 4 hours from last coat at 20°C. This tions relating to the application and end-use of Sika
will be extended at lower temperatures. Do not apply products, are given in good faith based on Sika's cur-
below 5°C. rent knowledge and experience of the products when
properly stored, handled and applied under normal
MAINTENANCE conditions in accordance with Sika's recommenda-
tions. In practice, the differences in materials, sub-
CLEANING strates and actual site conditions are such that no war-
ranty in respect of merchantability or of fitness for a
Areas treated with this product can be cleaned with particular purpose, nor any liability arising out of any
warm water and detergent or Sika®STOP Green. legal relationship whatsoever, can be inferred either
Do not use acid-based cleaners, as these will from this information, or from any written recom-
remove/discolour the product. Avoid using power mendations, or from any other advice offered. The
washes. user of the product must test the product’s suitability
for the intended application and purpose. Sika re-
FURTHER INFORMATION serves the right to change the properties of its
products. The proprietary rights of third parties must
All technical data stated in this Data Sheet are based be observed. All orders are accepted subject to our
on laboratory tests. Actual measured data may vary current terms of sale and delivery. Users must always
due to circumstances beyond our control. refer to the most recent issue of the local Product Data
Sheet for the product concerned, copies of which will
IMPORTANT CONSIDERATIONS be supplied on request.
Sika Services AG
Tüffenwies 16
8048 Zürich
Tel: +41 58 436 4040