Sept-19-23, 2022
Sept-19-23, 2022
Sept-19-23, 2022
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials
from Learning Resource Portal
Video Lesson on Active and Passive Voice Video Lesson on Tenses of Verbs
B. Other Learning
Resources Y340fV9J9w4RnHBsWNFCcx/view?usp=sharing MsD/view?usp=sharing
A. Reviewing previous Introduce the learner’s final task for this
lesson by emphasizing that their
lesson or presenting Invite the learners to study Grammar Points on active and passive voice.
expected output is meaningful journal
the new lesson entries
Allow them to remember the salient rules in transforming active sentences to Introduce the activity by saying that the learners will focus on language. Help the
B. Establishing a Purpose
passive sentences and vice versa. Provide more examples for a thorough learners complete the given sentences by directing their attention to the word pool.
for the lesson understanding of the text. Give two minutes for the learners to accomplish the task.
C. Presenting examples or Process the activity by asking them the process questions found in
Guide the students in answering the
instances of the new Guide the students in answering the ASSESSMENT activity the LM. Lead the learners in identifying the uses of the simple past
form of the verb using the answers from the previous activity. worksheet.
D. Discussing new Guide the students in answering What’s More Activity Discuss the notes
concepts and practicing Guide the students in answering SIMPLY FACTUAL provided on simple past form of the verb on the LM. Use the previous
new skills #1 sentences to guide the learners.
E. Making generalizations Ask the learners to identify each picture by asking them to answer the Point out also the formation of the Guide the students in answering
and abstractions about activity WHAT I KNOW. simple past form when using a WHAT I HAVE LEARNED
the lesson regular and irregular verb.
Provide examples of regular and
irregular verbs transformed into the
simple past tense.
Let the students answer Discus the process or procedure on Guide the students in answering Guide the students in answering the
F. Evaluating Learning
Module 3 – Worksheet how to answer WHAT I CAN DO What’s More Activity ASSESSMENT activity