eISSN: 2548-4613
Abstract — This paper deals with The Effect Of material without any method, so it can make the students
Suggestopedia Method On Students’ Achievement In bored. As teachers, we must build the interest of students to
Vocabulary At SMP Advent 2 Medan. This technique was first learn English by using varieties of methods. One of the
developed by by a Bulgarian scientist, GeorgiLozanov. who was possible ways to help students improve their vocabulary skill
a physician and psychotherapist. Suggestopedia is a teaching
is by using suggestology or suggestopedia teaching method.
system which makes use of all the possibilities tender suggestion
can offer. This research was conducted by applying the DePorter&Hernacki (2013) said that suggestion can influence
Experimental Research Method. This research was conducted in the result of students‘ learning situation; either gives a
three steps (pre-test, treatment and post-test). The Data are positive or negative suggestion [1].Suggestopedia is a method
analyzed by using t-test formula and used observation sheet and which builds students‘ imagination through audio visual aid
vocabulary test in order to see whether Suggetopedia Method to practice some language games in order to apply the
affects Students’ Achievement in Vocabulary or not. The result patterns of a new language form.
of the analysis showed that t- observed is higher than t-table ( Suggestopedia teaching method (in foreign languages and
5,31 >1,677) with the level of significant (0,05) and the degree other school disciplines) are completely different from all
freedom (df = 48). The result of the analysis shows that the
other methods of teaching. Suggestopedia, the application of
hypothesis of the study is accepted. It can be concluded that
Suggestopedia Method affects Students’ Achievement in the study or suggestion to pedagogy, has been developed to
Vocabulary. help students eliminate the feeling that they cannot be
successful and, thus, to help them overcome the barriers to
Keywords:suggestopedia method, vocabulary achievement learning (Lozanov, as cited in Larsen-Freeman, 1986,
I. INTRODUCTION Brown said that ―suggestopedia was a method that was
derived from Bulgarian psychologist GeorgiLazanov‟s (1979)
Vocabulary is oneof language aspects that is very
contention that the human brain could process great quantities
important for studying English. By having vocabulary well,
of material if given the right conditions for learning, which
students are easier to accept the teacher explanation.. In a
are state of relaxation and giving over of control to the
class, most of the students are passive because they do not
teacher‖[3]. Students must be comfortably relaxed in learning
know a lot of vocabularies. Based on writer experience, there
process by using soft music or classical as the background.
were some problems that make students lack in their
The teacher brings the material and motivate for students. To
vocabulary. There are some problems that often faced by
create the classroom comfortable in comprehend of
most of the students in junior high schools as the beginner in
vocabulary process without students under pressure to get
learning and mastering English lesson get especially in
ideas from they read. Suggestopedia most use centrality of
vocabulary mastery.
music and music rhythm in learning. Suggestopedia claimed
First, the students have difficulty in remembering new
as a dramatic learning process because it uses music, music
vocabulary encountered because they have never used the
rhythm, classroom management, the decoration of classroom,
language before. It is showed that the students did not know
and so on. If suggestopedia is apply in teaching learning
the meaning of question when they do of the test. Second
vocabulary, the students will be fun with different atmosphere
problem, the students are not interested in learning English.
in the classroom by using poster, relaxation by using music in
Most of students in Junior High School are still difficult to
their study, to make them not only remember but also
remember some new vocabularies. It can be understood
understand the words. It is suitable to apply suggestopedia as
because they have never met the English lesson in Elementary
a treatment for students to help them understand the
school before. Even though there are some students who have
vocabulary.From those statements above, it can be conclude
learned English before, but only the basic material. So, it is
that suggestopedia method will improve students‘ vocabulary
still difficult for students to communicate using English.
mastery by makes them relax and comfort when they study.
Many teachers are still having less creativity when
teaching English. Usually the teachers just explain the
Proceedings of The 2nd Annual International Seminar on Transformative Education and Educational Leadership (AISTEEL)
eISSN: 2548-4613
Proceedings of The 2nd Annual International Seminar on Transformative Education and Educational Leadership (AISTEEL)
eISSN: 2548-4613
relations, to bring about increased self- esteem trough SuggestopediaMethod as a treatment was only applied in
increased self-satisfaction in musical performance, and to experimental group while the conventional or non
use the unique potential of rhythm to energize and bring Suggestopediawas applied in control group. The purpose was
order. to find out whether the students who will give treatment by
Suggestopedia Method could be achieve a higher score than
Theoritical Components of Suggestopedia those of the students who will give conventional or non
According to Bancroft, there are six principal components Suggetopedia Method.
are used in the classroom includes: authority, infantilization,
double- planedness, intonation, rhythm, concert pseudo- Instruments
passiveness[11]. In this study the writer used a test as the instrument to obtain
1. Authority.The students will remember and are influence the data. The data was collected by giving a multiple choice
from teachers. The teacher has authority in the classroom test. Similiar tests was used for pre-test and post-test. Each
to lead to greater expectancy and higher motivation on the test consist of 50 items. The test included 5 option, namely
a,b,c,d,e. Students were ask to choose the correct answer by
part of the students.
crossing the right answer.
2. Infantilization. The teacher and students should have
relation like parent to child to build their self-confidence Research Procedure
the teachers make a game for students like role playing, To again the data, reading test was used in this research. It
games. was devidedinto pre-testand post-test.
3. Double-Planedness. The students get stimulation from a. Pre- Test. A pretest was implemented in experimental
environment and teachers manner. They are not only group and control group in order to find the students‘
learning from the direct instruction but also from the vocabulary mastery before the treatment.Before starting
environment in which the instruction takes place. the experiment, a pre-test was administered to the
4. Intonation. Intonation gives a rise or fall of the voice in samples both groups with the same items. It was
the speaking to make effect when the program to be expected that the different of average score between them
memorized is presented in a rhythmical manner with not too far. In other words, the two groups were in the
suitable pauses between the words or phrases. same level of knowledge.b.Post- Test. The post-test
5. Rhythm. The rhythm in presentation to give strong effect were given to measure students‘ progress on vocabulary
of the sound with varying intonations then to maintains after they received the treatment. The posttest items
memorization at an optimal. It is useful to induce boredom sheets were given to both groups (experimental and
though monotony of repetition. control group) at the end of program. The procedure and
the items of post-test are similiar tothe pre-test. The
II. METHOD reason was to find out whether or not the students make
This study was conducted at Second Grade students of progress in their vocabulary mastery.c.Treatment. The
SMP Advent 2 Medan..The population of this study was the treatment was conducted after the administration of the
second grade of students of SMP Advent 2 Medan consist of pretest. The experimental group was taught by using
three classes will be choose to be sample. The classes were Suggestopedia Method.
labeled into experimental group (VIII-A) consist of 20 b. Scoring the text
students and control group (VIII-B) consist of 20 students. In scoring the reading achievement of the students, the
The sample of this study were all students (40 students) of research scored it based on the literal and interpretative
second year SMP Advent 2 Medan in 2016/2017 academic comprehension. In scoring the test, this research uses
year.The experimental method was used because the study score ranging from 0 – 100 by counting the correct
needed a statistical analysis in analyzing the acquire data.The answer and applying this formula.
study involved two classes; the fist class had chosen as an
experimental group which will givenSuggestopedia Method S = x 100 %
while the second class will chosen as a control group which Validity of the Test
will given conventional or non Suggestopedia Method. An instrument can be said valid if it can measure what is
Table 1. The treatment of the group supposed to be measured and a test can be said having a good
Group Test Treatment Test content validity if every item in the test represents the content
Experimental Pre- test Using Suggestopedia Post Test or material that is supposed to be mastered proportionally
Group Method
Control Pre- test Without using Post Test
Reliability of the Test
Group Suggestopedia Method The test is called reliable when there is consistency
whenever it is used to measure because the reliability of the
The table above shows that both classes were gives pre- test is one of characteristics of a good test. It means the test
test and post test, but they receive different treatment. give the same result when it is used to test the different
people in different time.
Proceedings of The 2nd Annual International Seminar on Transformative Education and Educational Leadership (AISTEEL)
eISSN: 2548-4613
To obtain the reliability of the test, the researcher used Kuder was 62,56. The lowest score of pre-test is 44 and the highest
Richardson Formula (Arikunto, 2007:100) as follows: score is 68. The lowest score of post-test is 52 and the highest
is 72.
Data Analysis
0,0 - 0,20 the reliability is very low The writer applied Suggestopedia Method on this
0,21 - 0,40 the reliability is low
research in student‘s achievement in vocabulary.After
0,41- 0,60 the reliability is fair
0,61 – 0,80 the reliability is high applying the technique, the writer gives the students post-test
0,81- above the reliability is very high for their achievement in vocabulary would be affected by this
Analysis Data technique the writer gives the students post-test whether their
In this study the data are obtained from experimental and achievement in reading would be affected by this technique.
control group. The data were analyzed by using t- test The number of the test was 50 in the form multiple choice.
formula, as follows:
Table 4. Level of achievement based on Brown (2004 : 294)
t= Mx My Score Level Category
80-100 A Excellent
dX 2 dY 2 1 1
70-79 B Good
Nx Ny 2 Nx Ny
60-69 C Adequate
50-59 D Inadequate or Unsatisfactory
t = total score
Mx = means of experimental group 0-50 E Falling or Unacceptable
My = means of control group
Nx = number of students in experimental group The score of the students‘ are increase. It can be seen that
Ny = number of students in control group the total score of the experimental group in the pre-test is
Dx = standard deviation of experimental group 1543 and in the post-test 1992. The mean in the pre-test is
Dy = standard deviation of control group 61.72, meanwhile in the post test is 79.68. The lowest score
of pre-test is 47. Based on level of achievement according to
Data Brown, 79,68, is one of the ranges of 70 –79 which
The data in this study was the scores of the students both in categorized is good.
control group and experimental group. The following tables It can be seen that the total score of control group in the
are the result of the pre-test and post-test of the two groups, pre-test is 1447 and in the post-test 1564. The mean in the
experimental group and control group. pre-test 57,88, while in the post-test is 62,56. The lowest
score of pre-test is 44. . Based on level of achievement the
Table 2. The Score of the Pre-test and Post-test by the students of the score are still low.
Experimental Group
Pre-test Post-test
Testing the Reliability of the Test
1543 1992
61,72 79,68 The result of the reliability computation is r = 0,75. Based
on the level of reliability above, it can be concluded that
The table above shows that the total scores of reliability of the test is high.
experimental group in the pre-test was 1543 with the mean
score was 61.72 and the total score in post-test was 1992 with Testing Hypothesis
the mean score was 79,68. The lowest score of pre-test in The result of computation of by using t-test is called t-
experimental group is 40 and the highest score is 63. The observed. In this study, the result of computation by using t-
lowest score of post-test in experimental group is 70 and the test is 5,31and the calculation by using t-test for degree of
highest is 84 freedom (df) 48 (Nx+Ny-2= 25+25 -2) at the level of
significance 0.05. The result of computation by using t-test
Table 3. The Score of the Pre-test and Post-test by the students of the showed that t-observed (t-obs) is higher than t-table. It can be
Control Group seen as follows
Pre-test Post-test T-obs> t-table (p = 0.05) with df 48
1447 1564
57,88 62,56
5.31 > 1,677 c with df 48
It means that alternative hypothesis (Ha) is accepted.
The table above shows that the total scores of control
group in the pre-test was 1447 with the mean score was 57,88 Research Findings
and the total score in post-test was 1564 with the mean score Based on data analysis, the two score of both experimental
and control group were different. The mean score of the post
Proceedings of The 2nd Annual International Seminar on Transformative Education and Educational Leadership (AISTEEL)
eISSN: 2548-4613
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