Matias, Eiron Audrey P. - Time Setting of Portland Cement

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NAME: Eiron Audrey P.

Matias Score: ___________

Section: BSCE 3-E Date: November 06, 20211

Activity 5.0
“Slump Test”

Direction: Based on the “Slump Test” video provided, all data are gathered and tabulated in table.
Illustrate the following steps on your own perspective and complete the table using the given

1. Prepare and clean the internal and outside surface of the mold;
• Looking back from all the previous test discussed in this subject, preparing all the
materials needed is always at first. It is important because it is also a way of
lessening the time you have to spend in doing a certain test. Cleaning the mold to
be used should not be forgotten because cleaning it will make sure that there are no
extra particles that will be involve in the test that later on can possibly give errors
and mistakes to the result.

2. Apply some oil (bitumen material/motor oil/crude oil is highly recommended) inside the
surface of the cone;
• Adding oil inside the molder is a way to easy take out the concrete inside the shaped
cone molder.

3. The mold to be use should be in frustum of a cone, having a 300 mm of height, 200 mm in
bottom diameter and top diameter of 100 mm
• For this test, there is a required measurement for the molder, where height must be
300mm, bottom diameter should be 200mm and 100mm for top diameter.
Considering an exact size for the cone to be used is also useful because the size of
the molder and also the size of the concrete after we take it out from the mold will
be compared later.
4. The base/bottom of the cone should be placed on a smooth and level surface;
• The fourth step of this step is about having a flat surface where your test will be
conducted. This way, you can work easily and at the same time you can make sure
that you the mixture you will put inside the cone is also in level.

5. Randomly get fresh concrete at the first, middle and last discharge of the mixture;

• Prepare the coarse aggregate you’re going to used and combine it with water to
have a mixture for this slump test.

6. Make sure to hold tight the two handle and lock the foot clamp of the slump cone so that it
will not move before and after pouring of concrete;
• Lock the clamp to avoid the spread of the mixture that will be place later in the
cone. It is also a way of compressing your mixture inside the cone to create a
good shape of concrete and at the same time to main the cleanliness where you
are conducting the test.

7. Pour the fresh concrete in three equal layers;

• The seventh step of this procedure is where your mixture will start to be useful.
Carefully and slowly place the mixture inside the cone and make sure to pour it in
three equal layers to make sure that your concrete inside that cone is in level and
compressed. First is from the bottom of the cone with a diameter of 200mm and
until you filled it with mixture.

8. Each layer should be tampered circularly 25 times using tampering rod with hemispherical

• Like what I have said from the previous step, you have to make sure that the
mixture you placed inside the cone is compressed and you can do this with the
help of tampering rod with hemispherical tip. You will use it Every time you will
add mixture in each layer of the mold.
9. When the mold is completely filled with concrete (completed 3 layers), hold the tampering
rod horizontally and roll it to the top surface of the cone to ensure that no excess of concrete
will remain around it;
• To make sure that you already filled the 3 layers without excess you can use the
tampering rod and place it above the cone horizontally.

10. After filling and leveling, the slump cone should slowly and carefully lift vertically (for
about five seconds);

• Now remove the slump cone by lifting it vertically. You have to do this step with
care because if you suddenly lift it without care, there is a possibility that the
concrete will be in bad condition.

11. The unsupported concrete can now observe its result;

• You can now observe the concrete. See difference between its size which is an
important factor for concrete slump test.

12. Invert the slump cone and place it besides the slumped concrete. Place the tampering rod
at the top of the inverted cone and measure the center of the slumped concrete and
tampering rod;
• Compare the differences between the cone and the concrete you created based on
their sizes and how they look like. Upon measuring it, you can now say what type
of concrete slump it is. It can be true slump, zero slump, collapsed slump and can
also be shear slump.

13. Using measuring tape, measure the slump between tampering road and center of the
slumped concrete; and
• Compare the differences between the cone and the concrete you created based on
their sizes and how they look like. Upon measuring it, you can now say what type
of concrete slump it is. It can be true slump, zero slump, collapsed slump and can
also be shear slump.
14. Gather and record the measured data to the given table.
• Record all the data you gathered because it is where your conclusion will be based
from. Record it using tabulation data and start your interpretation from the test you

Table 5.3 – Slum Test Result

For Rounded
Standard Class A
40kg of Cement: 0.054m³ of Sand: .081m³ of Gravel
Kgs. Kgs. kg / kg mm. (inch)

1 A 7.0 15.0 0.4667 25 (1) TRUE LOW


2 A 8.6 13.6 125 (5)
3 A 8.2 16.2 0.5062 75 (3) TRUE MEDIUM

Table 5.4: Concrete Mix Design use in Slump Test (base on video provided)


m³ m³ kg mm.

1 A 0.0025 0.0338 15.0 18.50

2 A 0.0204 0.0306 13.6 18.50

3 A 0.0243 0. 0365 16.2 18.50
Analysis/Interpretation of Result:
❖ As we can see in our tabulation data, we can say that our sample number 2 is the one
with a high degree of workability. This sample is having a content of 13.6kgs of
cement and 8.6kgs of water. It is followed by sample number 3 with cement content of
16.2kgs and water content of 8.2kgs. The sample with a low degree of workability is
our first sample with 15kgs of cement and 7kgs of cement. Therefore, we can conclude
that the in adding a water to the cement, it should be more than half of the kgs of the
cement. In addition, our sample number 1 is only for foundations with only light
reinforcement. Our sample number 2 on the other hand is for sections with congested
reinforcement and not suitable for vibrations. Our last sample, the sample number 3 is
for manually compacted flat slobs using crushed aggregates.


1. Calculate the Volume of the Fine Aggregate:

VFA=(CC) x (0.54 m³) / 360

VFA= (15) x (0.54 m³)

= 0.0225 m3

VFA= (13.6) x (0.54 m³)

=0.0204 m3

VFA= (16.2) x (0.54 m³)

= 0.0243 m3

2. Calculate the Volume of the Coarse Aggregate.

VCA=CC) x (0.81 m³) / 360

VCA= (15) x (0.81 m³)

= 0.0338 m3

VCA= (13.6) x (0.81 m³)

=0.0306 m3

VCA= (16.2) x (0.81 m³)

= 0.0365 m3
3. The Water – Cement Content Ratio.

WCR = 7
= 0.4667

WCR = 8.6

WCR = 8.2
= 0.5062
NAME: Eiron Audrey P. Matias Score: ___________
Section: BSCE 3-E Date: November 06, 2021

Activity 5.1
“Compressive Strength Test”

tabulated in table 6.3 and 6.4 . Illustrate the following steps on your own perspective and complete
the table using the given formula.

1. Prepare the cube/cylindrical concrete mold and clean the internal and outside surface of the
• Prepare all the materials needed to make sure that you will not forget any procedure
you have to do for the test. As we observe, preparing all the materials needed is the
first step of all the previous test that we conducted, it is because of the fact that
doing this will make things easier. In addition, cleaning the molder is also an
important part to make sure that there will be no added particles in our sample. e

2. casting mold should be 15 cm x 15 cm x 15 cm cube mold or cylindrical specimens of 15

cm diameter x 30 cm long;
• Considering the right measure of the mold is also important because later when you
are observing the fracture it creates, you will also base it on how it looks like when
it’s a well-shaped concrete.

3. Apply some oil (bitumen material/motor oil/crude oil is highly recommended) in internal
surface of the mold to avoid sticking of cement paste;
• Putting some oil inside the mold is a way of getting the concrete easier.

4. Randomly get fresh concrete at the first, middle and last discharge of the mixture;
• Choose a coarse aggregate that you want to use in making a mixture. In choosing
the concrete, you also have to consider what’s the best from what you’re going to
5. Make sure to hold tight handle of the mold so that it will not move before and after pouring
of concrete mixture;
• To avoid spreading the mixture, hold the handle tight. It is also an important step
to avoid error in your result. Because as we all know, the cement content in our
mixture is weighted. So, we have to make sure that our mixture will fits well on our

6. Pour the fresh concrete in the mold in three equal layers;

• Do not just placed the concrete in the mold. You have to create three equal layer
upon poring it for you to be able the next step.

7. Each layer should be tampered circularly 25 times using tampering rod. Take note, don’t
let tampering rod to reach the bottom surface of each layer, it can cause segregation which
may affect the output;
• Use tampering rod to compress the mixture. As stated, it should be 25times Every
time you will add another layer of mixture. When we say Tempering rods, these are
dimensionally accurate rods used to tamp fresh concrete into concrete cylinder
molds and grout sample boxes to eliminate voids and excess air.

8. When the mold is completely filled with concrete (completed 3 layers), hold the tampering
rod horizontally and roll it to the top surface of the mold to ensure that no excess of concrete
will remain around it;
• To flatten your concrete use the tampering rod. Place it above the mold horizontally
and start rolling to remove the excess that can cause difference to its size. You only
have to make your concrete the same size of your mold as much as possible.

9. To prevent evaporation of sample, cover the upper surface with glass plate;
• Use glass plate cover your sample and prevent from evaporation that may cause
errors to the result. Flat plate should be used in order to maintain its shape which is
10. The specimen shall be stored at the laboratory (or in any room with same temperature) for
24hr and 30mins under curing (use matting method);
• There is a specific time for you to wait until your specimen will reach its desired
properties. For this test, it is important to consider the given time which is 24 hours
and 30 minutes.

11. After that, demold the sample into the mold and submerge it into potable/clean water at
27ºC+2ºC until time of test;
• Place now the concrete in the water to let it absorb water. Because later, it is
required to make sure that the concrete is still wet when it will be placed in the
universal testing machine.

12. Make sure that the head of the water surface and top surface of the mold should not be
greater than 50mm;
• Make sure that the whole concrete is submerged in the water

13. Make sure that the Universal Testing Machine is clean before conducting test;
• As I always say, make sure that all the materials, machine that you’re going to use
is clean. Because there is a possibility that errors may occur if there are other
particles that will be involve. Even they should not.

14. When the testing day comes, remove the specimen from the water and conduct testing
while the specimen is in wet condition;
• Start the test when it is still wet.
15. Specimen shall be free in any unnecessary loose material and be wiped clean. Follow the
steel patter at the bottom of the machine and place the specimen at the center to ensure that
the specimen is align with the axis;
• You can now place the concrete in the universal testing machine. Make sure that it
is clean so we can make sure that there are no extra particles that can effect on the
breaking that may happen when the machine starts to work.

16. In machine control of the UTM, set it on stress-strain diagram and fill up the form as its
stated in the window.
• Set the machine that you’re going to use in stress-strain diagram to determine the
qualities such as elastic limit, proportional limit, yield strength, and, of course the
compressive strength of your concrete.

17. The load shall be applied slowly at a rate of 140kg./cm2/min until the specimen breaks
(observe the line graph in the monitor);
• Set the UTM machine only at the given rate.

18. 1When specimen breaks, stop the operation of the machine and remove the unnecessary
debris under break specimen;
• This is the step where you will stop observing the specimen. How it breaks, what
kind of fracture it results to concrete and you can now record all the data you will

19. Take a photo on the break specimen and notice its type of fracture; and
• Taking a picture is a way for you to easy identify the fracture it created. Specially
to today’s generation, camera will help you also to prove the test you made. You
can also use this photo for the documentation for this test.

20. Record and gather all the data in the monitor

• Take note of all the data you will have from the start of the test until the end.
Because those data will be your basis in your analysis for this compressive strength
Tabulation of Data:

Table 6.3: Details of Concrete Mix use in Compressive Strength Test


m³ m³ kg mm.

1 A 0.0225 0.0338 15.0 18.50

2 A 0. 0204 0.0306 13.6 18.50
3 A 0.0243 0.0365 16.2 18.50
Table 6.4: Compressive Strength Test Results
R (CF)
(days) (%) MPa (psi) .
COLUMN 150mm dia.
1 7-D AND x 300 mm 10 79% 30.22 (4,380) SHEAR PASSED
9C height
150mm dia.
2 SLAB S-1 x 300 mm 18 12.87 (1,865)
FOOTING 150mm dia.
3 F-1 TO F- x 300 mm 20 19.42 (2,814)
7 height

Analysis/Interpretation of Result:
❖ The only sample that passed and reach the acquired comprehensible strength of concrete
based on the 28-days mix design strength projection is the sample number one.
Therefore, it is not applicable to use the mixture from our sample number two and
sample number three. Upon analyzing the data, I can say that even though sample
number 3 was cured 10 days differ from sample one, still it didn’t reach the strength
that it must have from those curing days. So, meaning it is not about how much time it
will take in curing but to to the mixture itself. All in all the sample that we can use in
construction is only the sample with 15kg cement content.
1. Calculate the Volume of the Fine Aggregate:
VFA= (CC) x (0.54 m³) / 360

VFA= (15) x (0.54 m³)

= 0.0225 m3

VFA= (13.6) x (0.54 m³)

=0.0204 m3

VFA= (16.2) x (0.54 m³)

= 0.0243 m3

2. Calculate the Volume of the Coarse Aggregate.

VCA= (CC) x (0.81 m³) / 360

VCA= (15) x (0.81 m³)

= 0.0338 m3

VCA= (13.6) x (0.81 m³)

=0.0306 m3

VCA= (16.2) x (0.81 m³)

= 0.0365 m3

3. Calculate the Water – Cement Content Ratio.


WCR = 7
= 0.4667

WCR = 8.6

WCR = 8.2
= 0.5062
NAME: Eiron Audrey P. Matias Score: ___________
Section: BSCE 3-E Date: November 06,2021

Activity 5.2
“Flexural Strength Test”

Direction: Based on the “Flexural Strength Test” video, all data are provided and tabulated in
table 7.3 and 7.4. Illustrate the following steps on your own perspective and complete the table
using the given formula.

1. The rectangular concrete mold and clean the internal and outside surface of the
⚫ Prepare a clean rectangular molder where your concrete will be placed.
You have to make sure that there will be no extra particles in your mixture
that can affect the strength and flexibility of the concrete.

2. Sample casting mold should be 15-cm width x 15-cm height x 45-cm long
rectangular mold;
⚫ You also have to make sure that you are following the required measure of
the casting mold. This is because it will help you identify later the difference
the way it looks before and after it is placed in the machine.

3. Apply some oil (bitumen material/motor oil/crude oil is highly recommended) in

internal surface of the mold to avoid sticking of cement paste;
⚫ To easy take out the cement in mold, use oil to avoid its stickness from the
molder. It is also a way fir the cement to maintain its shape and quality upon
removing it o the mold.

4. Randomly get fresh concrete at the first, middle and last discharge of the mixture;
⚫ Choose and prepare a course aggregate that your going to use as a mixture for
this test. You have to prepare 3 fresh concrete that will be put later in 3 layers.
5. Make sure to hold tight handle of the mold so that it will not move before and after
pouring of concrete mixture;
⚫ This fifth step is very helpful to avoid wasting of mixture. Because if this step
will not be perform, thee is a possibility that the mold will flip that may cause
spreading of mixture outside the concrete.

6. Pour the fresh concrete in the mold in three equal layers;

⚫ Carefully and slowly now filled the molder with your mixture. Make it 3 layers
so you can perform the next step of this test nicely. Making it 3 layers will also
help to provide differences in each layer that later will be observed.

7. Each layer should be tampered circularly 25 times using tampering rod. Take note,
don’t let tampering rod to reach the bottom surface of each layer, it can cause
segregation which may affect the output;
⚫ Tampering each layer will make sure that each part of the layer is already
containing a mixture of cement. Because as we all know, if it is not densely
filled with the mixture, the strength of the concrete will become weak and will
also result to substandard that may cause error to the result of this test.

8. When the mold is completely filled with concrete (completed 3 layers), hold the
tampering rod horizontally and roll it to the top surface of the mold to ensure that no
excess of concrete will remain around it;
⚫ To avoid the excess in the mixture use a tampering rod and roll it above the mold.
This step is also a way of flattening the concrete that is also an important factor
when it will be tested in the machine later based on its flexibility.

9. To prevent evaporation of sample, cover the upper surface with glass plate;
⚫ Use a flat glass plate to cover your sample while it is in the curing process. This
plate will help to prevent evaporation in our concrete where we all know can
result to inadequate compaction that reduces the concrete strength.
10. The specimen shall be stored at the laboratory (or in any room with same
temperature) for 24hr and 30mins under curing (use matting method);
⚫ Place the specimen in a room with a correct temperature for its curing process.
Curing of your concrete begins after the exposed surfaces of the concrete have
hardened to efficiently to rest marring.

11. After that, demold the sample into the mold and submerge it into potable/clean
water at 27ºC+2ºC until time of test;
⚫ Place your sample in the water to maintain its moisture and for it to absorb water
that can affect the strength of the concrete.

12. Make sure that the head of the water surface and top surface of the mold should not
be greater than 50mm;
⚫ You also have ensure that your sample is submerge in the water but should not
be greater than required measure which is 50mm. In short, it should not
submerged more than the required water level.

13. When the testing day comes, remove the specimen from the water and conduct
testing while the specimen is in wet condition;
⚫ After the required day/days it should be placed in the water, remove it now in the
water and start the testing procedure using the universal testing machine.

14. Make sure that the Universal Testing Machine is clean before conducting test;
⚫ To prevent the rectangular build concrete from contamination to other particles,
ensure that the machine that will be used for the test is clean.
15. Remove any unnecessary material in the bearing surface of the loading and
supporting roller and clean the surface of the specimen where loading roller will be
⚫ Make sure that everything is in place, that there are no other things is the loading
and supporting area that may block and affect in the bending and flexing of your

16. Place the cured specimen in the support surface that is centered to the longitudinal
axis. The distance of support surface and the end surface specimen should be at least
50mm apart.
⚫ To start process of breaking your sample, put now that cured specimen in the
universal testing machine.

17. The load shall be applied slowly at a rate of 125 to 175 minpsi until the specimen
breaks (observe the line graph in the monitor);
⚫ You have to set the universal testing machine in the given rate which is 125 to
175 minipsi. It is important to applied a load where you can observe your sample
correctly and easily. This is also to see how much time and pressure it needs
before in breaks.

18. When specimen breaks, stop the operation of the machine and remove the
unnecessary debris under break specimen; and
⚫ If the rectangular concrete is already broken you can stop the machine and start
observing the specimen. You also have to record the information that you should
put in tabulation data to have a correct and accurate result.

19. Take a photo on the break specimen and record all the data in the monitor.
⚫ Take a photo that will serve as your proof and also a photo that will capture how
much it bend or break right after you remove your concrete in the machine.
Because if you will observe it later, there are lot of possible changes that may
occur that is not a part of the test anymore. So if you want to review the outcome
of your test, the photo will be helpful.
Table 7.0: Details of Concrete Mix Design use in Flexural Strength Test (base on video provided)


m³ m³ kg m.

1 A 0.0225 0.0338 15.0 18.50

2 A 0.0204 0.0306 13.6 18.50
3 A 0.0243 0.0365 16.2 18.50

Table 7.1: Flexural Strength Test Result (base on video provided)

(CF) (AFS)
(days) (%) MPa (psi)
150mm x
1 BEAM 1 150mm x 4 64.73 % 4.25 (600) PASSED
150mm x
2 BEAM 2 150mm x 12 97.09% 3.10 (450) FAILED
150mm x
3 BEAM 3 150mm x 8 85.27% 6.90 (1,000) PASSED

Analysis/Interpretation of Result:
❖ Based from our tabulation data, we can clearly say that there are two samples that
passed to the flexural strength test that was made. Unfortunately one of the sample
was mark as failed and it is the sample number 2. The reason why sample number
failed this test was because of the fact that its acquired flexural strength is lower
than the required flexural strength it must have. For our sample number 1, it
reaches 600psi which is higher that its requires flexural strength which should be
356psii only. Since it reaches the required strength, it passed the flexibility required
of the concrete. Therefore, to passed the test for flexural strength, the sample should
posses or it should be more than the required flexural strength of the
addition, I can say that the number of days it was cured is also a big factor in the
flexibity of the concrete.
1. Calculate the Volume of the Fine Aggregate:
VFA= (CC) x (0.54 m³)

VFA= (15) x (0.54 m³)

= 0.0225 m3

VFA= (13.6) x (0.54 m³)

=0.0204 m3

VFA= (16.2) x (0.54 m³)

= 0.0243 m3

2. Calculate the Volume of the Coarse Aggregate.

VCA= (CC) x (0.81 m³)

VCA= (15) x (0.81 m³)

= 0.0338 m3

VCA= (13.6) x (0.81 m³)

=0.0306 m3

VCA= (16.2) x (0.81 m³)

= 0.0365 m3

3. Calculate the Required Flexural Strength:


RFS= (356) x (0.6473) = 230.4388

RFS=(534) x (0.9709) = 518.4606

RFS= (469)( x (0.8527) = 275.4221

4. Determine if the Flexural Strength of structure is passed or failed.
if AFS>RFS ∴Passed
if AFS<RFS ∴Failed

Sample No.
1 600>230.4388 PASSED
2 450<518.4606 FAILED
3 1000>275.4221 PASSED

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