BSI 599 P.TEsting
BSI 599 P.TEsting
BSI 599 P.TEsting
Amendment Nos. 1, 2
and 3
Methods of testing
UDC 614.894.24
BS 599:1966
Co-operating organizations
© BSI 04-1999
First published, 1935 Amendments issued since publication
First revision, May, 1939
Second revision, February, 1966 Amd. No. Date Comments
Co-operating organizations Inside front cover
Foreword iii
Section 1. General
1 Scope 1
2 Classes of measurement 1
Section 2. Symbols and terminology
3 Symbols 1
4 Terminology 2
Section 3. Test procedure and standard installation conditions
5 Hydraulic pressure test 5
6 Duration and range of performance test 5
7 Control of head 5
8 Test arrangements 5
a. Standard test conditions 5
b. Pumping installation under standard conditions 8
c. Pumping installation under submerged conditions 8
d. Borehole and deep-well pumps 8
e. Self-priming pumps 8
f. Pumping installation under non-standard conditions 8
Section 4. Procedure for measurement of head, discharge,
speed and power input
9 General 15
Sub-Section A. Measurement of head
10 Pressure tappings and instrument connecting lines 15
a. Inlet head 15
b. Outlet head 15
c. Special layouts 15
11 Pump total head 16
12 Instruments for pressure measurement 16
Sub-Section B. Measurement of discharge
13 General 18
14 Weighing tank method 18
15 Volumetric tank method 19
16 Uncalibrated orifice plates, venturi tubes and nozzles 19
17 Uncalibrated notches, weirs and flumes 20
18 Dilution method of flow measurement — constant rate injection 20
19 Velocity area method of flow measurement 20
Sub-Section C. Measurement of speed and pump power input
20 Measurement of speed 21
21 Measurement of pump power input 21
a. Measurement of torque 21
b. Electric power measurements 21
c. Types and grades of measuring devices 21
Sub-Section D. Overall efficiency of a pumping unit
22 Overall efficiency 22
Sub-Section E. Fluctuations and variations in readings
and limits of error
23 Permissible fluctuations in readings and use of damping 22
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24 Limits of error 23
Section 5. Cavitation testing
25 General 25
26 Measurement of pressure 25
27 Measurement of temperature and vapour pressure 25
28 Measurement of discharge 25
29 Pump power input 25
30 Interpretation of results 25
Section 6. Tests with vaporizing liquids
31 General 26
32 Method of test 26
Section 7. Tests with viscous liquids
33 General 26
34 Measurement of pressure 26
35 Measurement of discharge 26
36 Measurement of temperature 26
37 Measurement of viscosity 27
38 Permissible variation in viscosity 27
Section 8. Testing of pumps for liquids containing suspended solids
39 General 27
40 Capability of dealing with solids 27
41 Measurement of duty and efficiency 27
42 Measurement of discharge 28
43 Measurement of weight density 28
Appendix A The estimation and analysis of limits of error 29
Appendix B Effect of installations and conditions 37
Appendix C Model testing and tests at modified speeds 38
Appendix D Values of some U.K. units in terms of SI units 40
Figure 1 — Illustration defining the positional datum for
different types of impeller pumps 4
Figure 2 — Flow normalizer 6
Figure 3 — Arrangements of single tappings and ring
connections for measurement of head using manometers 9
Figure 4 — Arrangement of single tappings and ring
connections for measurement of head using Bourdon gauges 13
Figure 5 — Device for measuring pressure-plus-velocity-head
and location of measuring points 17
Figure 6 — Baffle tank and arrangement for varying inlet pressure 18
Table 1 — Types and grades of measuring devices 22
Table 2 — Maximum permissible fluctuations in readings
for Class A, B and C measurements 23
Table 3 — Permissible damped fluctuations for Class A, B
and C measurements 23
Table 4 — Maximum permissible limits of uncertainty 24
Table 5 — Limits of variation between repeated measurements
of the same quantity 24
Table 6 — Permissible variations in kinematic viscosity 27
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Tests may be made in which the methods of measurement do not all fall into one
class and the method of arriving at the combined limit of error when calculating
the pump efficiency is described in Appendix A.
Notes on the estimation of limits of error, and the effect of disturbed flow on head
measurements are given in Appendix A and Appendix B.
Acknowledgement is made to British Hydromechanics Research Association
Reports numbers SP 625 and PR 685 for the material for Figure 2a and
Figure 2b.
NOTE 1 Where metric equivalents are stated the figures in British units are to be regarded as the
standard. The metric conversions are approximate. More accurate conversions should be based on the
tables in BS 350, “Conversion factors and tables”.
NOTE 2 In place of the customary, but incorrect, use of the pound and kilogramme as units of force,
the units called pound-force (abbreviation lbf) and kilogramme-force (abbreviation kgf) have been
used in this standard. These are forces which when acting on a body of mass one pound, or kilogramme
respectively, give it an acceleration equal to that of standard gravity.
NOTE 3 Except for the hydraulic pressure test (see Clause 5) the requirements for Class A, B and C
tests are given in BS 5316, “Acceptance test for centrifugal, mixed flow and axial pumps”,
Part 1, “Class C tests”, Part 2, “Class B tests” and Part 3 “precision class tests”.
A British Standard does not purport to include all the necessary provisions of a
contract. Users of British Standards are responsible for their correct application.
Compliance with a British Standard does not of itself confer immunity
from legal obligations.
Summary of pages
This document comprises a front cover, an inside front cover, pages i to iv,
pages 1 to 40 and a back cover.
This standard has been updated (see copyright date) and may have had
amendments incorporated. This will be indicated in the amendment table on
the inside front cover.
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Section 1. General
1 Scope
This British Standard specifies the methods to be employed in the determination of the performance and
efficiency of pumps handling fluids which behave as homogeneous liquids.
The formulae quoted are based on the assumption that the liquid handled is clean water at a temperature
of 62 °F (16.6 °C) with a weight density of 62.35 lb/ft3 (998.75 kg/m3).
It also includes details of the special precautions to be taken where the tests are to be carried out using
liquids which are hot, are viscous, are liable to evolve vapour or gases, vary in density or contain solids in
The standard does not specify requirements for the testing of oil hydraulic positive displacement (OHPD)
2 Classes of measurement
To facilitate estimation of the accuracy with which a test is conducted, methods of measurement are
specified in three classes, A, B and C, in descending order of accuracy. The procedures applicable for
measurement in each class are laid down in the following sections, and the choice of method may be made
in accordance with the requirements of the test.
A 95 per cent degree of confidence is used throughout this standard. The estimated limits of error
corresponding to this degree of confidence in derived quantities (for example efficiency) can be calculated
in accordance with the provisions for Appendix A.
The limits of uncertainty laid down in this standard are those applicable to measurements taken and to
the quantities calculated therefrom; they do not apply to discrepancies between specified and actual
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Gallons gal
Cubic feet ft3
Cubic metres m3
Weight density w
Kinematic viscosity v
Pump efficiency ½
Overall efficiency ½o
Driving unit efficiency ½D
4 Terminology
The positional datum. (See Figure 1.) For centrifugal, mixed flow or axial flow pumps, the positional
datum shall be taken as the elevation of the highest point of the entrance edges of the first stage impeller
blades, whatever the disposition of the shaft.
For reciprocating pumps the positional datum shall be taken as the evaluation of the horizontal plane
through the centre of gravity of the volumes swept out by the rams, pistons or corresponding parts.
Head. This is the excess energy content of the liquid per unit weight above that of still liquid at absolute
zero pressure at the positional datum, expressed in units of length.
It comprises three components:
i) Pressure head. The pressure energy per unit weight of the liquid, it is equal to:
absolute pressure absolute pressure
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- × 1 – ------------------------------------------------------------------------
weight density at atmospheric 2 × bulk modulus of fluid
pressure and test temperature at test temperature
In many cases the second term in brackets may be neglected (i.e. the fluid may be considered
incompressible). For the purpose of this standard, this may be done when the value of the expression
absolute pressure × 100
2 × bulk modulus of fluid at test temperature
is one quarter or less of the permissible percentage for the appropriate class of pressure measurement.
NOTE Where the test temperature exceeds the boiling point of the liquid at atmospheric pressure, which is the case with many
boiler feed pumps, the pressure head may be taken as the absolute pressure multiplied by the mean specific volume. The mean
specific volume should be the arithmetic mean of the actual specific volume at the pump inlet and the specific volume
corresponding to pump inlet entropy and pump outlet pressure. For water these values can be obtained from steam tables.
ii) Positional head Positional head at any point in a liquid is the height of that point above the positional
iii) Velocity head. The kinetic energy per unit weight of the liquid. It is defined by the expression:
h v = -------
Total inlet head. (Hi) The algebraic sum of the pressure head, the positional head, and the velocity head at
the point of measurement on the inlet side of the pump.
Total outlet head. (Ho) The algebraic sum of the pressure head, the positional head and the velocity head
at the point of measurement on the outlet side of the pump.
Pump total head. The head imparted to the liquid by the pump. It is the excess of the outlet head over the
inlet head, (Ho – Hi).
Net positive suction pressure head, (NPSH) more accurately termed the Net positive inlet head, is the inlet
head less the vapour pressure of the liquid expressed in feet of the liquid pumped.
Power. This is expressed in units of horsepower:
One horsepower is equivalent to 33 000 ft lb/min (745.700 watts).
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Pump power input. The power absorbed by the pump, as measured at the pump input shaft.
Volume. This is expressed in either U.K. gallons or cubic feet or cubic metres.
1 U.K. gallon = 0.160 544 ft3 (0.004 546 092 m3).
Discharge (volume rate of flow). This is the volume rate of flow and shall be expressed in either gallons
per minute (gal/min) or cubic feet per second (ft3/s) or cubic metres per second (m3/s).
Weight density. The weight per unit volume of a liquid expressed in pounds per cubic foot (lb/ft3) or
kilogrammes per cubic metre (kg/m3).
Pump power output (water horsepower). This is defined by the expression:
Normal test condition. For the purposes of this standard a representative operating condition shall be
selected, which shall be known as the normal test condition.
Pump efficiency. The ratio of the pump power output to the pump power input.
Overall efficiency. The ratio of the pump power output to the rate of input of energy to the driving unit.
Driving unit efficiency. The ratio of the output power of the driving unit to the rate of input energy to the
driving unit.
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The positional datum for centrifugal, mixed flow or axial flow pumps shall be taken as the elevation of highest point of entrance edges of the first
stage impeller-blades, whatever the disposition of the shaft.
For reciprocating pumps the positional datum shall be taken as that of the horizontal plane through the centre of gravity of the volumes
For other pumps the nearest equivalent elevation to the above shall be taken.
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Figure 1 — Illustration defining the positional datum for different types of impeller pumps
BS 599:1966
7 Control of head
The head required for testing may be obtained by throttling in the outlet pipe. If it is necessary to reduce
the inlet pressure by throttling in the inlet pipe reference should be made to Section 5, Clause 27.
8 Test arrangements
a. Standard test conditions. Ideally a pump should be tested under the conditions in which it is intended
to be used. A standard test arrangement should be used if site conditions permit, or are unknown, or do not
need to be considered. This arrangement is described below, together with other permissible arrangements.
i) Inlet connections.
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Figure 2a.
Figure 2a and Figure 2b are taken from BHRA reports numbers SP 625 and PR 685.
See Foreword.
Figure 2 — Flow normalizer
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The nominal bore of the straight parallel pipe shall be the same as the bore of the pump inlet to which it is
ii) Outlet connections.
The nominal bore of the straight parallel pipe shall be the same as the bore of the pump outlet to which it
is connected.
b. Pumping installation under standard conditions. Standard tests can be carried out on a
combination of a pump and associated fittings of the final site installation or an exact reproduction thereof
or fittings introduced for testing purposes and taken as forming part of the pump itself, provided that
connections on the inlet and outlet sides of the whole combination can be made in accordance with
Subclause 8 a. Measurements shall then be taken in accordance with Subclauses 10 a i) and 10 b i).
c. Pumping installation under submerged conditions. Where a pump, or a combination of a pump and
its fittings, is tested or installed in conditions where standard connections on either inlet or outlet as
described in Subclause 8 a cannot be made owing to inaccessibility or submergence, measurements shall
be taken in accordance with Subclauses 10 a iii) and 10 b iii).
d. Borehole and deep-well pumps. Borehole and deep-well pumps cannot usually be tested with their
complete lengths of delivery main, and consequently the loss of head in the portions omitted, and the power
absorbed by any shafting therein, cannot be measured. A thrust bearing, if fitted, would also be more
lightly loaded than when eventually installed.
It is preferable, therefore, that the specified normal test condition (see Clause 4) of a pump of this type
should be based upon the conditions under which measurements can actually be made. The measurements
of head shall then be taken in accordance with Subclause 8 a and 8 b. Additional losses of head and power
caused by the remainder of the installation can then be assessed and the overall performance confirmed by
the test on site, if required.
e. Self-priming pumps. When a pump is specified to be self-priming it shall be tested at the specified
elevation above the still surface of the liquid and drawing through an inlet pipe of the specified volume and
disposition both vertical and horizontal.
When the pump is specified to deal with a mixture of water and air, it shall be tested with a controlled inlet
of air, through a calibrated device for air measurement.
When the pump is to be tested at a position where the local barometric pressure differs from that specified
or where the liquid is other than cold water, steps shall be taken to ensure that the NPSH conforms with
that under the specified condition.
f. Pumping installation under non-standard conditions. Where it is impracticable to test a pump in
accordance with the standard test conditions specified in Subclauses 8a and 8b, or where alternatively it is
required to ascertain the performance of a pump, not under standard conditions, but under the conditions
in which it will work when installed, or where it is desired to test the performance of a pumping installation
including items other than the pump itself, then the following decisions shall be made and recorded with
the test results:
i) The precise range of the items to be included in the installation to be tested.
NOTE Where auxiliary plant is involved, whether the consumption of each individual item is or is not to be debited to the
ii) The exact positions in the proposed layout at which inlet head and outlet head (or their difference) are
to be measured.
iii) The point in the circuit, the flow past which is to be credited to the installation.
iv) The nature of the supply of energy (e.g. mechanical, electric, fuel, steam, hydraulic, pneumatic).
v) The position, or positions, at which the supply of energy is to be measured.
vi) The method as laid down in the foregoing specification which is to be used for hydraulic
measurements; the method as laid down in other relevant British Standards to be used for the
measurement of power, fuel, etc., both quantitative and, where necessary, qualitative; the method of
measurement to be used where no British Standard exists.
vii) The extent to which the conditions pertaining during the tests may vary from the specified
viii) Where lubricating oil or other consumable stores are to be taken into consideration, the methods of
measurement to be used for these.
ix) The proposed date(s), usually referred to the date of installation, of the tests, their duration and the
frequency with which readings are to be taken.
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Figure 3a — Ring connections for measurement of head using liquid pumped in manometers
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Figure 3b — Ring connections for measurement of head using heavy liquid in manometers
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Figure 3c — Single tappings for measurement of head using heavy liquid in manometers
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Figure 3d — Ring connections for measurement of head using heavy liquid in differential manometer
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Figure 4a — Ring connections for measurement of head using Bourdon gauges on inlet and outlet
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Figure 4b — Single tappings for measurement of head using Bourdon gauges on inlet and outlet
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ii) Installations in accordance with Subclause 8 b. Where a pump is tested in combination with fittings
forming part of the site or test installation the provisions of Subclause 10 a i) above shall be applied to the
outlet flange of the fittings and not to the outlet flange of the pump. This procedure debits against the pump
all energy losses caused by fittings on the outlet side.
iii) Installations in accordance with Subclause 8 c. The outlet head shall be as defined in Clause 4 and is
equal to the positional head of the still surface of the volume of liquid into which the pump delivers plus
the pressure head equivalent on that surface. This assumption debits against the pump all energy losses
caused by fittings on the outlet side.
c. Special layouts. Provided that the installation conditions of Section 3 can be complied with,
measurements of delivery head of submerged pumps may be taken in accordance with Subclause 8 a.
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Where, however, the outlet flange of a pump of this type is defined, for convenience, as being situated at
some distance from the pump proper, so that it is preceded by a length of outlet pipe, and by a bend or bends
forming an integral and invariable part of the installation, the outlet head measurement shall also be in
accordance with Subclause 8 b.
In this formula the velocity head is calculated as though there were uniform flow in both inlet and outlet
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The time during which liquid is collected shall be not less than 500 times the sum of the times taken to
divert the flow into and from the measuring tank. Note that in the case where two tanks are used
alternately during the measuring period, the flow being diverted from one to the other, only the times of
initial diversion into and final diversion from the measuring system are to be taken into account, not the
times of the intermediate diversions from tank to tank.
2) BS 1042, “Methods for the measurement of fluid flow in pipes”, Part 1, “Orifice plates, nozzles and venturi tubes”.
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Care must be taken in the installation to ensure that cavitation shall not occur in the measuring device. In
the case of orifice or venturi flow measurements this is ensured only if the absolute pressure of the low
pressure tapping is higher than the vapour pressure of the liquid at the temperature in the pipeline. When
cavitation does occur, e.g., in the throat of a venturi tube, it is usually audible.
The coefficients quoted for uncalibrated orifices, venturi tubes or nozzles in BS 10423) are based on the
conditions that the flow is free from pulsations and surges, and has a normal velocity distribution
undisturbed by the close proximity of bends, elbows, valves and other fittings or by the pump itself. Their
values may be seriously altered if this is not the case. The necessary straight lengths of pipe required
upstream of the device for various types of fittings, or combination thereof, may be found by reference to
BS 10423).
Consequently any valve used for controlling the flow shall preferably be placed downstream of the orifice,
venturi or nozzle, and either adequate straight lengths of pipe must be provided upstream of the device, or
a flow normalizer installed in accordance with the provisions of Clause 8 must be used. In some cases it
may be necessary to reduce pressure by a valve close to the pump outlet flange. In this case it is essential
to provide either sufficient straight length of pipe (see BS 10423)) or a flow normalizing device
(see Clause 8) between the control valve and the measuring device. Care must be taken to ensure that the
indications of the device are not affected by air coming out of solution at the control valve. The presence of
air can usually be detected by operating the air-vents on the measuring device.
3) BS 1042, “Methods for the measurement of fluid flow in pipes”, Part 1, “Orifice plates, nozzles and venturi tubes”.
4) BS 3680, “Methods of measurement of liquid flow in open channels”, Part 4A, “Thin plate weirs and venturi flumes”.
5) BS 3680, “Methods of measurement of liquid flow in open channels”, Part 2A, “Dilution methods. Constant rate injection”.
6) BS 3680, “Methods of measurement of liquid flow in open channels”, Part 3, “Velocity area methods”.
7) BS 353, “Methods of testing water turbine efficiency”.
8) BS 1042, “Methods for the measurement of fluid flow in pipes”, Part 2, “Pitot tubes” (in course of preparation).
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b. Electric power measurements. Where the electrical power input to an electric motor coupled
directly to the pump is used as a means of determining the pump power input, the following condition
shall be observed:
i) The electric motor shall be operated at between 40 per cent and 100 per cent of its rated power.
ii) The power factor during the tests shall be between 0.7 and unity.
iv) The motor efficiency shall for Class A and Class B tests have been measured either by an
input-output test, or by back-to-back tests on similar machines.
The electrical instruments used during measurements of motor efficiency shall conform with the
requirements specified in Table 1, and conditions in Subclause 21 b iii) shall be observed.
The electrical power input to the driving motor shall be measured by the two wattmeter method in the
case of a.c. motors or by one wattmeter in the case of d.c. motors.
c. Types and grades of measuring devices.
i) Indicating instruments. The type and grade of indicating instrument used for measuring
electrical power shall be in accordance with BS 34359) and equal to or better than, those shown in
Table 1, the grade of accuracy being that given in BS 8910).
ii) Integrating meters. Single-element and double-element integrating meters for a.c. shall be equal
to or better than those shown in Table 1.
iii) Timing devices. Time measurements shall be obtained from timing devices having an error not
exceeding one second per hour.
iv) Instrument transformers. Voltage and current transformers shall be equal to or better than
those shown in Table 1, the class of accuracy of the instrument transformer being that given in
BS 8111).
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Where the construction or operation of a pump is such that pressure fluctuations of greater magnitude than
those given in Table 2 are present, pressures may, in certain cases, be measured by means of an instrument
capable of providing integration over at least one complete cycle of fluctuation. The calibration of such an
instrument must comply with the provisions of Clause 12 for the appropriate class of measurement.
Table 2 — Maximum permissible fluctuations in readings for Class A, B and C measurements
Permissible fluctuation — percentage of meana reading at normal test condition
Class A Class B Class C
a. Damping. Providing that the fluctuations do not exceed the limits given in the above table, damping
may be introduced in the instrument connecting lines to the pressure measuring instruments (including
those measuring differential head across a venturi meter or orifice plate where used) to reduce fluctuations
to not less than the values given in Table 3.
Table 3 — Permissible damped fluctuations for Class A, B and C measurements
Permissible damped fluctuation — percentage of meana reading at normal test condition
24 Limits of error
Provided the conditions laid down in this British Standard regarding installation and instrumentation
have been met and the experimental procedure given in this Clause is followed, then the limits of error in
a test will be less than the values given in Table 4 for the appropriate class of each measurement.
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Rate of flow
Pressure head
Speed ± 0.5 ± 1.5 ± 3.0
Electrical power input
Overall efficiency (computed from discharge, head and
electrical power input) ± 0.7 ± 2.0 ± 4.0
Pump efficiency ± 0.8 ± 2.3 ± 4.5
The experimental procedure requires that repeated sets of observations of the measured quantities shall
be made at the Normal Test Condition, only speed and temperature being allowed to be controlled. Throttle
valve settings, water levels, glands, balance water etc., must be left completely unaltered. The differences
between these repeated readings of the same quantities will be a measure of the unsteadiness of the test
conditions, which are at least partly influenced by the pump under test as well as the installation.
A minimum of three sets of observations shall be taken, and the value of each separate measurement and
of the efficiency derived from the measurements in each set shall be recorded. The percentage difference
between the largest and smallest values of each quantity shall not be greater than that given in Table 5. It
will be noted that a wider tolerance is permitted if the number of readings is increased up to the maximum
requirements of nine readings.
Table 5 — Limits of variation between repeated measurements of the same quantity
(based on 95 per cent confidence limits as defined in Appendix A)
Number of sets of observations Maximum permissible percentage difference between largest
and smallest readings of each quantity
Rate of flow
Pressure head 3 0.25 0.7 1.4
Speed 5 0.5 1.5 3.0
7 0.7 2.0 4.0
Electrical power input 9 0.9 2.5 5.0
The arithmetic mean of all the readings for each quantity is to be taken as the actual value for the purposes
of the test.
No reading or selection of readings in the set of observations may be rejected because it lies outside the
limits given in Table 5. Instead, the cause must be ascertained, the condition rectified and a new complete
set of observations made, i.e., all the readings in the original set must be rejected.
if the excessive variation is not due to some error of procedure or instrumentation, and therefore cannot be
rectified, there are two alternatives.
i) The measurements of the quantity must be taken to have limits of error associated with the lower class
for which the variation can be tolerated, as given in Table 4 and Table 5.
ii) The limits of error may be calculated by statistical analysis as given in Appendix A.
It is unlikely that variations outside the requirements of Table 5 will occur for the majority of pump tests
carried out under well controlled conditions in a laboratory or at a manufacturer’s works. Worked examples
to illustrate the procedure are given in Appendix A (Clause A6, Examples 1 and 2).
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26 Measurement of pressure
The provisions of Section 4, Clause 10, shall apply, but special precautions are necessary to prevent errors
due to air or vapour bubbles in the gauge connecting lines and gauges attached to the inlet pipe. The
connecting lines should be as short as possible and provision for purging from an auxiliary supply or from
the pressure side of the pump should be made.
28 Measurement of discharge
The flow shall be measured in accordance with the provisions of Section 4, Sub-section B.
Care must be taken in the installation to ensure that cavitation shall not occur in the flow meter. In the
case of orifice or venturi flow measurements, this is ensured only if the absolute pressure of the low
pressure tapping is higher than the vapour pressure of the liquid at the temperature in the pipe line. When
cavitation does occur, e.g. in the throat of a venturi tube, it is usually audible.
30 Interpretation of results
Where the highest degree of accuracy is required, tests must be carried out using liquid at the actual
conditions for which information is required.
Under other circumstances, calculations of performance at conditions other than those obtaining during
the test may be made, but it is not possible to specify limits of error for such calculated results. In particular
it should be noted that thermodynamic effects may cause deviation in actual performance from
performance calculated using affinity rules.
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32 Method of test
Pumps intended for use with vaporizing liquids shall be tested in accordance with the provisions of
Section 5, Cavitation testing.
34 Measurement of pressure
The provisions of Section 4, Clause 10 shall apply. Gauge connecting lines should be as short as possible,
and care must be taken to ensure that sufficient time is allowed for gauge readings to reach their final
35 Measurement of discharge
The provisions of Section 4, Sub-section B, shall generally apply, but for liquids with a viscosity
exceeding 2 centistokes, the procedures specified in BS 104212) to obtain the working coefficient for the
orifice or venturi tube, providing that the Reynolds number is not less than 20 000, shall be adopted.
For lower Reynolds numbers, BS 104212) describes special devices designed to give more constant
coefficients, and it is recommended that one of these should be adopted.
The following provisions apply to other forms of flow measurements:
a) no form of weir may be used.
b) if calibrated flow meters are used the calibration must be carried out with liquid at the conditions at
which the pump test is conducted.
c) if volumetric tanks are used, care must be taken to ensure that the liquid in the tank is free from air
bubbles and surface foam before readings are taken. In cases where it is not possible to observe this
precaution, volumetric tanks should not be used.
36 Measurement of temperature
Because of the marked variation of viscosity with temperature exhibited by most liquids it is essential that
temperature should be measured during the pump test, unless arrangements are made to measure
viscosity directly. For this purpose a temperature measuring device shall be provided with its sensitive
element not less than five or more than ten inlet pipe diameters upstream from the pump inlet flange, and
not less than ¼ of an inlet pipe diameter from the pipe wall. Reliable information on the viscosity and
density of the liquid over a range of temperature including that at which the pump test is conducted must
be available.
Where a venturi meter or orifice plate is used for flow measurement, similar provision for temperature
measurement must be made not less than five or more than ten pipe diameters upstream of the meter.
12) BS 1042, “Methods for the measurement of fluid flow in pipes”, Part 1, “Orifice plates, nozzles and venturi tubes”.
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37 Measurement of viscosity
As an alternative to temperature measurement as specified in Clause 36 above, or where reliable
information on the viscosity and density variations with temperature of the liquid pumped is not available,
provision may be made to measure the kinematic viscosity of samples taken continuously during the pump
Sampling points shall be provided not less than three nor more than five inlet pipe diameters upstream of
the pump inlet flange, and not less than three or more than five pipe diameters upstream of a venturi meter
or orifice plate used for flow measurement.
A ± 5 per cent
B ± 12 per cent
C ± 20 per cent
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Where the specific gravity of the liquid in the gauge-pipes and/or manometers differs from that of the main
flow, correction shall be made exactly, as described in Clause 10.
42 Measurement of discharge
This must be carried out by a method sensibly unaffected by the presence of the solids. Allowable methods
include the use of:
a. Weighing tank (corrected if necessary for weight density).
b. Volumetric tank.
c. Venturi tubes, venturi flumes, nozzles, other differential pressure devices listed for use with clean
water. In all cases the differential pressure head must be measured by the use of a counter-flow of clean
liquid or air, corrected if necessary for weight density, as described for measurement of pressure head.
d. Magnetic meters, subject to the limitations laid down for clear water tests.
e. Weirs and notches, as listed for use with clear water. Levels must be measured by means of a stilling
chamber, its connection to the main channel being kept clear by a slow counter-flow of clear liquid, and
correction to be made if necessary for specific weight.
Adequate means must be adopted to keep the edges of weirs, weir-plates and notches clear of obstructing
28 © BSI 04-1999
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As n increases, the value of M tends to approach the true mean value of the instrument readings within its
fundamental limits of precision. For example, if a pressure 50 lbf/in2 (3.51 kgf/cm2) is to be measured on a
gauge with 1 lbf/in2 (0.070 kgf/cm2) graduations, the true mean value can be established to within
approximately ± 0.5 lbf/in2 (0.0351 kgf/cm2), but not within say ± 0.05 lbf/in2 (0.003 51 kgf/cm2), for which
an instrument of greater precision would have to be used.
If n were sufficiently large and the variations were normally distributed, it would be found that 95 per cent
of the readings would be grouped about the mean value within certain limits, the magnitude of which would
be related to the standard deviation Sn as given in Equation (A2). It could therefore be stated that the odds
were 19 to 1 that any single one of these observations lay within these limits, which are called the 95 per
cent confidence limits of error or uncertainty. Obviously 99 per cent of the readings would lie within wider
limits, which could be similarly expressed in terms of Sn, but for practical pump testing 95 per cent limits
are generally accepted as providing sufficient certainty, and are used throughout this standard.
The arithmetic mean of a small number of consecutive measured values of the same quantity will, in
general, differ by a greater amount from the true mean value than would the arithmetic mean of a larger
number of consecutive readings. The 95 per cent confidence limits attached to the mean of n readings are:
The procedure, therefore, to determine the 95 per cent confidence limits of uncertainty due to the scatter
of experimental results about the mean is as follows.
1) Determine the mean value of the readings, using Equation (A1).
2) Calculate the standard deviation from the value of M so obtained.
The answer so obtained will indicate within what limits 95 out of 100 mean values obtained under identical
conditions might be expected to lie with respect to the true mean indicated value of the instrument being
Table 4 in Clause 24 is based on maximum limits of random error of all quantities, measured and derived,
as given in Table A2.
Table A2
Class A Class B Class C
30 © BSI 04-1999
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b. Systematic errors. The mean indicated value of an instrument reading may differ from the true mean
absolute value of the quantity being measured because of inherent and constructional limitations of the
instrument, and because of the limitations of its calibration. This source of uncertainty is called
systematic error. To confine this error within limits appropriate to the various classes of measurement,
conditions are laid down throughout this standard relating to scale lengths, divisions, calibration, and
installation. The maximum permissible limits of systematic error in the measurement of each basic
quantity are given in Table A3 and are the same as that given in Table A2 for random error.
Table A3
Class A Class B Class C
Derived quantities, such as pump power input calculated from separate measurements of torque and speed,
and pump efficiency, calculated from all the measured quantities, will have limits of systematic error which
can be calculated from those of the component measured quantities, as explained in Subclause A3 c.
Some instruments are less well suited for accurate measurement than others, although any instrument
where systematic error can be proved to be within the required limits will obviously be applicable for the
appropriate Class of measurement (see Clause A6, Example 3).
c. Combination of errors. The limits of systematic error in a derived quantity may be calculated by
combining in square law propagation the systematic errors of the linear component quantities as, for
Limit of percentage systematic error for pump efficiency =
This combination of the separate errors of torque and speed measurement is the reason why the maximum
permissible limits for input power if based thereon are higher than those for torque and speed separately.
1⁄ 2
2 2
For example: ± 0.5 + 0.5 = ± 0.7
© BSI 04-1999 31
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The limits of random error for derived quantities can be calculated in this way only in respect of that part
of the error which results from inaccuracies of reading. That part of the random error in the derived
quantity which results from the departures of the quantities, when measured, from their mean values
cannot be so calculated except where (as happens only rarely in practice) the components are mutually
independent. The reason may be clearly understood by studying conditions in the region of pump best
efficiency. Each of the component quantities may be fluctuating in a random manner about its mean value.
Since, however, the quantities are dependent, the effect of those fluctuations may result in movements
along the lines of the pump characteristics. Since the efficiency curve is at zero slope at its maximum, quite
large changes of the component quantities may in consequence not be reflected in similar changes of
efficiency. Efficiency, or any other derived quantity, must therefore be calculated for each separate set of
readings, and the standard deviation of repeated values for the efficiency must be worked out in exactly the
same way as described in A3 a for the individual component quantities in order to estimate the limits of
random error. These limits may then be added to those of systematic error, using the square-law
propagation method, as, for instance,
2 - (A7)
S n (minimum) = ± d ------------
n+1 (A8)
S n (maximum) = + d ------------- for an odd number of readings.
32 © BSI 04-1999
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If a full analysis were carried out, therefore, the standard deviation would be found to lie somewhere
between the extreme values given by Equations (A7) and (A8). The maximum permissible percentage
differences given in Clause 24 have been based on Equation (A8) and therefore may be expected to give
limits of error less than those calculated from the worst possible distribution. The reduction obtained by
the complete analysis is not, however, large for small numbers of readings, and the extra work involved
would be justified only in special cases.
A5 Estimation of limits of error
The systematic error in the instruments being used will be determined from the results of their calibration.
The random error will be estimated either from the maximum limits as given in Clause A3, or from such
limits as have been shown to be associated with the particular test installation being used, as discussed in
Clause A1.
An example of estimation of limits of error is given in Clause A6 (Example 4).
A6 Worked examples
Example 1. Analysis of pump test results carried out under controlled conditions to ensure compliance with
Table 5 of Clause 24.
Example 2. More detailed analysis of above results to calculate closer limits of error.
Example 3. Calculation of systematic errors in measuring equipment.
Example 4. Combination of systematic and random errors.
Table A4 — Typical pump test readings
Observation Speed Rate of flow Pump head feet of Input power Efficiency
number rev/min gal/min water horsepower per cent
1 1447.2 1051.6 61.46 23.59 83.00
2 1447.3 1047.9 61.73 23.59 83.07
3 1447.3 1049.0 61.51 23.55 83.03
4 1447.2 1050.4 61.41 23.54 83.06
5 1447.1 1046.5 61.62 23.53 83.06
6 1447.1 1054.3 61.34 23.65 82.87
7 1447.2 1052.4 61.28 23.56 82.93
8 1447.2 1052.7 61.43 23.63 82.96
9 1447.1 1049.8 61.55 23.58 83.03
The above Table gives a typical set of pump test observations on which the ensuing examples will be based.
Example 1. Analysis of pump test results carried out under controlled conditions to ensure
compliance with Table 4 of Clause 24
Assume the above results had been obtained under the conditions laid down in Clause 24 for repeated sets
of observations, the instrumentation all being such that Class A requirements were satisfied throughout.
First, the minimum three readings (Observations 1, 2 and 3) would be taken. The maximum percentage
difference between largest and smallest readings of each quantity is then calculated as follows
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Referring now to Table 4, Clause 24 it will be seen that flow and head measurements satisfy Class B
requirements (maximum permissible percentage difference 0.7 per cent) but not Class A (0.25 per cent).
Speed and power satisfy Class A. If Class A standard is required throughout, at least two more sets of
observations will be required. Provided no wider scatter is found, Class A limits for the five
observations (0.5 per cent) will be satisfied.
Taking then the first five observations in Table A4 maximum differences are as follows:
Speed. negligible.
Rate of flow. 1051.6 – 1046.5 = 5.1 i.e. 0.48 per cent.
Pump head. 61.73 – 61.41 = 0.32 i.e. 0.52 per cent.
Input power. 23.59 – 23.53 = 0.06 i.e. 0.25 per cent.
Pump head only now lies outside the Class A limits, because of the low reading obtained in Observation 4.
Taking the next two readings, and repeating the calculations for Observations 1 to 7,
Speed. negligible.
Rate of flow. 1054.3 – 1046.5 = 7.8 i.e. 0.74 per cent.
Pump head. 61.73 – 61.28 = 0.45 i.e. 0.73 per cent.
Input power. 23.65 – 23.53 = 0.12 i.e. 0.51 per cent.
Head and flow are now just outside the limits. Two more observations may be taken to attempt to establish
Class A requirements. Repeating calculations for Observations 1 to 9,
Speed. negligible.
Rate of flow. 1054.3 – 1046.5 = 7.8 i.e. 0.74 per cent.
Pump head. 61.73 – 61.28 = 0.45 i.e. 0.73 per cent.
Input power. 23.65 – 23.53 = 0.12 i.e. 0.51 per cent.
which is the same as for the first seven calculations, since all readings in Observations 8 and 9 lay within
the limits of scatter of the previous seven observations.
The maximum permissible percentage difference for nine readings (Class A) is 0.9 per cent. This is
satisfied. It only remains now to take the mean value of each quantity measured:
Speed. 1 (1447.2 + 1447.3 + 1447.3 + 1447.2 + 1447.1 + 1447.1 + 1447.2 + 1447.2 + 1447.1) = 1447.2
Rate of flow. 1 (1051.6 + 1047.9 + 1049.0 + 1050.4 + 1046.5 + 1054.3 + 1052.4 + 1052.7 + 1049.8) = 1050.5
Pump head. 1 (61.46 + 61.73 + 61.51 + 61.41 + 61.62 + 61.34 + 61.28 + 61.43 + 61.55) = 61.48
Power. 1 (23.59 + 23.59 + 23.55 + 23.54 + 23.53 + 23.65 + 23.56 + 23.63 + 23.58) = 23.58
Efficiency. 1 (83.00 + 83.07 + 83.03 + 83.06 + 83.06 + 82.87 + 82.93 + 82.96 + 83.03) = 83.00
34 © BSI 04-1999
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O1 = 99.82
O2 = 100.26
O3 = 99.90
and M = 100.00
Hence Sn 1⁄
( 100 – 99.82 )2 + ( 100 – 100.26 ) 2 + ( 100 – 99.90 )2 2
= --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1 ⁄2
0.182 + 0.262 + 0.102
= --------------------------------------------------------- (From A2)
= 0.235
Therefore 95 per cent confidence limits attached to the mean of the three readings are
© BSI 04-1999 35
BS 599:1966
where kÆh is the flow in gal/min when h is the differential measured in inches on the mercury column. The
mean value of k is 207.9. The deviations of each of the measured values of k are therefore
Bk = – 0.20, zero, + 0.1, + 0.3, –0.4, + 0.6, –0.5
(Bk)2 = 0.040, zero, 0.01, 0.09, 0.16, 0.36, 0.25
C(Bk)2 = 0.91
Dividing by one less than the number of readings (h – 1) = 7 – 1 = 6
Then ( S n ) = 0.91
Expressed as a percentage,
0.39 × 100
S n = ---------------------------- = 0.19,
and the 95 per cent confidence limits attached to the mean are
xS n (Table A1)
2.5 × 0.19
± = ± --------------------------
n 7
The volumetric tank against which the meter was calibrated would itself have been calibrated. For
instance, carefully measured weights of water may have been added in increments, and the corresponding
levels recorded. All the factors which could contribute to possible sources of error would have been noted
e.g., timing accuracy, leakage and evaporation losses, temperature effects etc. and combined in square law
propagation. If the result was say, ± 0.12 per cent 95 per cent confidence limits of error in the measurement
of flow by the volumetric tank, the corresponding limits for the value of k above would be
2 2
{ 0.18 + 0.12 } 2 = ± 0.22 per cent
This would now be carried forward as a systematic error in the subsequent use of the flowmeter.
Thus, if this meter had been used for the flow measurements tabulated, the 95 per cent confidence limits
of overall error attached to the mean of the nine readings could be calculated as follows.
Example 4. Combination of systematic and random errors
The mean rate of flow for the nine readings was 1050.5. Putting this equal to 100 per cent, the percentage
deviations of the other readings were
ÖQ per cent 0.06, 0.25, 0.14, 0.01, 0.38, 0.36, 0.18, 0.21, 0.07
(ÖQ)2 0.0036, 0.0625, 0.0196, 0.0001, 0.1444, 0.1296, 0.0324, 0.0441, 0.0049
Adding, C(ÖQ)2 = 0.4412
Sn = = 0.235
9 – 1.0
95 per cent confidence limits of random error of the mean flow,
xS n 2.3 × 0.235
Ö R = ---------- =
n 9
= ± 0.18 per cent
36 © BSI 04-1999
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2 2 1⁄
Ö O = { 0.22 + 0.18 }
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N 2 3
H 1 = -------1 ⋅ Ì ⋅ H 2
where Q1 and H1 are the discharge and head under design conditions.
Q2 and H2 are the discharge and head under testing conditions.
N1 and N2 are the design and testing rotational speeds respectively.
Ì is the ratio dimensions of prototype/dimensions of model.
Necessary conditions that the design and testing flow patterns may be similar are:
a. That the relationship of dynamic and viscous forces shall be maintained. This is nearly the case
provided that, v1 and v2 being the kinematic viscosities of the fluid under design and testing conditions
respectively, the ratio of the design and testing Reynolds numbers does not depart too greatly from unity.
b. That no excessive variation occurs as between design and test conditions, in the proportion of the
boundary layer effects to those influences which govern the whole flow. This condition is usually satisfied
for clean cold water, provided the hydraulic mean depth (ratio cross-section area/perimeter) of any
cross-section of any flow passage is not less than:
The model tests and modified-speed tests referred to above are not applicable to pumps handling viscous
or non-homogeneous fluids, nor to pumps operating under cavitating conditions.
With clean cold water the variation in v is unlikely to be significant. In that case, the limits of error
prescribed in this standard will remain valid for modified-speed tests providing
4 /5 < < 5 /4
Provided that the above limitations are observed, the performance at the normal test condition of a pump
may be determined by calculation from tests at modified speed.
Tests at modified speed or on a model in which the above limitations are not observed may, of course, be
carried out and the results obtained within specified limits of error. These limits of error may not, however,
be applied to calculations of performance at full speed or full size.
38 © BSI 04-1999
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C3 Efficiency
Experience suggests that the efficiency of a full size pump is usually greater than that of a smaller model,
but insufficient information as yet exists on the comparative performance for a general “step-up” formula
to be recommended.
© BSI 04-1999
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Length Density
1 yd 0.9144 m 1 lb/in3 2.767 99 × 104 kg/m3
1 ft 0.3048 m 1 lb/ft3 16.0185 kg/m3
1 in 0.0254 m 1 lb/UKgal 99.7764 kg/m3
1 mile 1609.344 m
1 pdl 0.138 255 N
1 lbf 4.448 22 N
1 in2 6.4516 × 10–4 m2
1 ft2 0.092 903 0 m2 Pressure
1 yd2 0.836 127 m2 1 lbf/in2 6894.76 N/m2
2 6 2
1 mile 2.589 99 × 10 m
Energy (work, heat)
1 ft pdl 0.042 140 1 J
Volume 1 ft lbf 1.355 82 J
1 in3 1.638 71 × 10–5 m3 1 cala 4.1868 J
1 ft3 0.028 316 8 m3 1 Btua 1055.06 J
1 UKgal 0.004 546 092 m3
1 hp 745.700 W
1 ft/s 0.3048 m/s
1 mile/h 0.447 04 m/s Temperature
1 Rankine 5/9 of Kelvin unit
Mass (= 1 Fahren- (= 5/9 of Celsius unit) heit unit)
1 lb 0.453 592 37 kg
Numbers printed in bold type are exact.
As defined by the 5th International Conference on Properties of Steam, London, 1956, and used by ISO.
40 © BSI 04-1999
BS 599:1966
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