Copetta (2014)

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Plant Biosystems - An International Journal Dealing

with all Aspects of Plant Biology: Official Journal of the
Societa Botanica Italiana
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Fruit production and quality of tomato plants (Solanum

lycopersicum L.) are affected by green compost and
arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi
a b c a
A. Copetta , L. Bardi , E. Bertolone & G. Berta
Dipartimento di Scienze dell'Ambiente e della Vita , University of Piemonte Orientale
“Amedeo Avogadro” , via Bellini 25/G, 15100, Alessandria, Italy
Ente C.R.A., Istituto Sperimentale per la Nutrizione delle Piante , via Pianezza 115, 10149,
Turin, Italy
Dipartimento per la Valorizzazione e la Protezione delle Risorse Agroforestali , University
of Turin, via Leonardo Da Vinci 44 , 10095, Grugliasco, Turin, Italy
Published online: 03 Mar 2011.

To cite this article: A. Copetta , L. Bardi , E. Bertolone & G. Berta (2011) Fruit production and quality of tomato plants
(Solanum lycopersicum L.) are affected by green compost and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi, Plant Biosystems - An
International Journal Dealing with all Aspects of Plant Biology: Official Journal of the Societa Botanica Italiana, 145:1,
106-115, DOI: 10.1080/11263504.2010.539781

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Plant Biosystems, Vol. 145, No. 1, March 2011, pp. 106–115

Fruit production and quality of tomato plants (Solanum lycopersicum

L.) are affected by green compost and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi


Dipartimento di Scienze dell’Ambiente e della Vita, University of Piemonte Orientale ‘‘Amedeo Avogadro’’, via Bellini 25/G,
15100, Alessandria, Italy, 2Ente C.R.A., Istituto Sperimentale per la Nutrizione delle Piante, via Pianezza 115, 10149,
Downloaded by [Ams/Girona*barri Lib] at 06:38 14 November 2014

Turin, Italy, and 3Dipartimento per la Valorizzazione e la Protezione delle Risorse Agroforestali, University of Turin, via
Leonardo Da Vinci 44, 10095, Grugliasco, Turin, Italy

Green compost, produced from green wastes, is characterized by high quality standards. The influence of soil amendment
with green compost and with an arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungal-rhizobacterial mixed inoculum on plant growth and
on yield and quality of fruits in tomato was studied. Inoculated and non-inoculated plants were transplanted in pots with
soil added with different compost proportions (0, 25, 50, 75 and 100%). Tomato fruits were analyzed for glucose, fructose,
nitrate, nitrite, malate, citrate, carotenoids, and ascorbic acid content. There are significant differences in shoot and root
dry weights between mycorrhizal and control plants, whereas the addition of compost to substrate until 75% increased
shoot dry weight. AM tomato plants showed significantly higher concentrations of glucose and malate in fruits. Citrate was
higher with 50% and 75% compost, while its lowest concentration was detected in plants without compost. Nitrate content
was increased by AM inoculum and compost; nitrite content was decreased. Higher amounts of compost increased
carotenoid content; ascorbate levels were significantly higher in control plants. These results show that the use of AM
inoculum and green compost can improve fruit quality, affecting biochemical composition and relative proportion of
various compounds.

Keywords: Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi, carotenoids, fruit quality, green compost, Solanum lycopersicum L., sugars

compounds (carotenes, lutein, and b-cryp-tox-

anthin) in tomatoes reduce prostate cancer risk
Current methods in fruit and vegetable production (Giovannucci et al. 1995), cardiovascular patholo-
use fertilizer application regimes that are aimed to gies (Limpens et al. 2006) and they could be
reach maximum volume or weight of yield, some- responsible for the lower risk of developing digestive
times neglecting the aspects of quality (Oke et al. tract pathologies (Franceschi et al. 1994). Particu-
2005). larly, lycopene suppresses cell proliferation (Levy
Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) is one of the et al. 1995) and interferes with cancer cell growth
most widely consumed vegetable crops in the world (Clinton et al. 1996). The relative contributions of
and a main component of the traditional Mediterra- taste and aroma to tomato flavor has not been clearly
nean diet (Dumas et al. 2003). Since tomato plays an delineated, but sweetness is usually correlated to
important role in human diet, its nutritional quality total soluble solids and sugar content, mostly
is of particular concern to consumers throughout the fructose and glucose, whereas acidity is correlated
world (Chapagain & Wiesman 2004). Tomato fruits to pH and organic acid content, mostly citric and
represent a major source of antioxidant micronu- malic acid (Malundo et al. 1995; Auerswald et al.
trients such as vitamin C, lycopene, and b-carotene. 1999). Tomato fruit taste and antioxidant content
These compounds have been shown to play a role in vary among cultivars, growing environments, pro-
the prevention of diseases: lycopene and other duction methods, harvest time, storage, and trans-

Correspondence: Graziella Berta, Dipartimento di Scienze dell’Ambiente e della Vita, University of Piemonte Orientale ‘‘Amedeo Avogadro’’, via Bellini 25/G,
15100, Alessandria, Italy. Tel: þ39-0131-360-232. Fax: þ39-0131-360390. E-mail: [email protected]
ISSN 1126-3504 print/ISSN 1724-5575 online ª 2011 Società Botanica Italiana
DOI: 10.1080/11263504.2010.539781
Compost and AMF affect tomato quality 107

port modalities (Islam et al. 1996; Veit-Köhler et al. 1988), improving mineral nutrition (Kapulnik 1991;
1999; Cano et al. 2003; Dumas et al. 2003; Gautier Gamalero et al. 2004), and phytohormone synthesis
et al. 2005; Heeb et al. 2005). (Glick 1995; Gamalero et al. 2008).
Methods for the production of fruits and vegeta- The aim of this work was to evaluate the influence
bles of optimal quality involve constantly changing of an AM fungal-rhizobacterial mixed inoculum
strategies to incorporate the new knowledge coming associated to green compost on plant growth on
from the sciences of production, food quality, yield quality of fruits of tomato grown in greenhouse;
nutritional values, and health beneficial roles of food we analyzed the effects on plant growth and
components (Oke et al. 2005). morphology, and content of sugars, organic acids,
Among the suitable practices for sustainable caroteinoids, ascorbic acid, nitrates and nitrites in
management of agriculture soils, there is the use of fruits.
arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AM fungi). Arbuscular
mycorrhizae are the most common symbiotic asso-
ciation between plants (more than 80%) and soil Materials and methods
fungi (Smith & Read 1997) of the Phylum Glomer-
Microbial inoculum
omycota (Schüßler et al. 2001). Principally, AM
fungi improve mineral nutrition, plant growth, Mycorrhizal inoculum consisted of sporocarps,
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tolerance to water stress and adverse environmental spores, hyphae, and root fragments colonized by a
conditions, and resistance to plant pathogens. AM number of AM fungi (Glomus mosseae, G. caledonium,
fungi colonize plant roots, but they influence the G. viscosum, G. intraradices and G. coronatum),
whole plant physiology altering hormonal profile combined with attinomycetes and rhizobacteria.
(Allen et al. 1980; Dixon et al. 1988; Torelli et al.
2000) and influencing photosynthetic efficiency (Rai
Soil and compost
et al. 2008). Recent studies have demonstrated that
AM fungi can also affect the volatile compounds The soil was obtained from a field which was
produced in the leaves (Guerrieri et al. 2004) and cultivated with maize, sited in Castelceriolo (Ales-
increase the concentration of essential oils within sandria, Italy). The green compost was provided by
basil (Copetta et al. 2006) and oregano leaves Saceccav (Castelceriolo, Alessandria, Italy) and
(Khaosaad et al. 2006). consisted of garden and growing refuse composting.
The use of AM inocula in agriculture is relatively Table I shows physico-chemical characteristics of soil
recent; their efficacy can be influenced by the and green compost.
modality of application to soil and by the crop. The
success of an AM inoculum can be influenced by the
Seedling production
soil physical structure, porosity, water capacity,
nutrient, and organic matter content (Azcón-Aguilar Tomato seeds (S. lycopersicum L. cv. Guadalete),
& Barea 1997). These soil characteristics are kindly provided by Dr. Scaravonati (Solanum c.s.a,
improved by the addition of compost (Jakobsen Lodi, Italy), were surface sterilized by gently
1996; Ros et al. 2003; Pagliai et al. 2004). shaking in a 5% NaClO solution for 3 min and
Composting has been defined as aerobiotic microbial rinsed six times for 5 min and four times for
activity leading to decomposition of most biodegrad- 20 min in sterile demineralized water (Gamalero
able materials, usually mixtures of organic materials, et al. 2004). The seeds were pregerminated on
which results in organic residue stability (Valdrighi moist sterile filter paper at 248C for 3 days and
et al. 1996). The addition of compost to soil is transplanted into alveolar boxes (50 cm 6 60 cm, 5
considered an environmentally safe and agronomi- cm 6 5 cm; 120 alveoli; 20 cm3 of volume each)
cally advantageous process at acceptable operational with sterile substrate constituting to 1:1 fine quartz
costs (Dell’Abate et al. 2000). Green compost has a sand (0.6–1.2 mm):vermiculite (Punto Elle, Turin,
positive effect on soil productivity and soil character- Italy) or 1:1:2 fine quartz sand:vermiculite:mycor-
istics (Garcı́a et al. 1991) and its use is suitable rhizal inoculum. Plantlets were kept in a growth
mainly for its low risk of toxicity (Witter & Lopez chamber with a 16/18 h light/dark photoperiod, 26/
Real 1998). 228C light/dark thermoperiod, 150 mEm72s72 light
The AM-induced improvement of quality and irradiance at container height, and watered to soil
quantity of plant production can also be emphasized saturation with tap water. Five plantlets per
by the association with rhizobacteria. Among the treatment were collected 21 days after sowing
free-living microorganisms, plant growth-promoting and used for morphological analysis; 50 plantlets
rhizobacteria (PGPR) have received special atten- were collected after 28 days of growth to
tion. PGPR can exert a beneficial effect on plant be transplanted in pots for the greenhouse
growth by suppressing soil-borne pathogens (Weller experiments.
108 A. Copetta et al.

Table I. Physico-chemical characteristics of soil and green Table II. Treatments.

Field soil : green compost Non-inoculated Inoculated
Field Green
Parameters soil compost 1 : 0 C M
3 : 1 25% 25%M
pH 6.21 8.02 1 : 1 50% 50%M
Specific Oxygen Uptake nr 0.33 1 : 3 75% 75%M
Rate (mgOgSV h) 0 : 1 100% 100%M
Texture (g/kg)
Sand nr 833
Large silt nr 56
Small silt nr 69 Plant morphology and growth analysis
Clay (g/kg) nr 42
Dry residue (1108C) 990 402.2 The following parameters were determined on 21
Moisture content (g/kg) 10 597.8 days old plantlets: shoot length, leaf number, root
Ashes (6508C) (ss) 977.6 738.1 and shoot fresh weight, total root length, mycorrhizal
Organic substance (ss) 22.4 261.9 colonization and arbuscular density. Roots and
Total elemental content
shoots of 5 months-old plants were dried at 608C
C (g/kg ss) nr 314.2
for 3 days, then weighed to determine the dry weight.
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N (g/kg ss) 50.1 25.9

P (P2O5) (g/kg ss) 0.026 8.7
K (g/kg ss) 0.237 nr
Cd (mg/kg) nr 0.050 + 0.004 Mycorrhizal colonization
Cr (mg/kg) nr 0.019 + 0.002 Forty randomly chosen 1 cm-long pieces were cut
Ni (mg/kg) nr 0.200 + 0.021
Pb (mg/kg) nr 6.338 + 0.279 from each root system and fixed in 70% ethanol,
Toxicity test then stored at 48C until mycorrhizal colonization
Heterocypris incongruens nr Biostimulation analysis.
Dictyostelium discoideum nr Feebly toxic Mycorrhizal colonization and arbuscule abun-
Vibrio fischeri nr Feebly toxic dance were estimated according to Trouvelot et al.
Eisenia parva nr No toxic
Lepidium sativum nr Biostimulation
(1986). Root pieces were cleared for 30 min at 608C
Sorghum vulgare nr No toxic in 10% KOH, stained with 1% methyl blue in lactic
Cucumis sativus nr Biostimulation acid and mounted on a slide. The intensity of
Allium porrum nr No toxic mycorrhizal colonization was evaluated microscopi-
Zea mays nr No toxic
nr, not recording.
Fruit analysis
Fruits of same dimension (approximately 20 g) were
Greenhouse assay experimental design and growth
harvested at the red ripe stage and stored at –208C.
Frozen fruits were deprived of skins and homoge-
Twenty-eight days-old inoculated and non-inocu- nized with mortar and pestle. Homogenized fruit
lated tomato seedlings were transplanted in pots with tissue was centrifuged (10,000 rpm 6 5 min) and the
soil added with different compost proportions and following parameters were determined in the super-
cultivated for 5 months (May–September 2004) in a natant: pH by means of a pH meter (Crison
greenhouse sited in Castelceriolo (Alessandria, MicropH 2001, Carpi, Modena Italy) and EC by
Italy). means of an EC meter (Orion Model 120). Twenty-
The experimental design was a block of 50 plastic five grams of homogenized samples were dried at
pots of 7.5 l. Green compost was diluted with field 608C for 3 days. Water and dry matter content were
soil to create compost concentrations of 0, 25, 50, estimated by the difference in the weight before and
75, and 100% (v/v). Ten replicates were made for after lyophilization.
each dilution. Each pot was planted with one Glucose, fructose, nitrate, nitrite, malic, citric, and
inoculated or non-inoculated plantlet (five contain- ascorbic acid content were determined using stan-
ers per treatment – see Table II). During transplant- dard enzimatic analytical kits (R-Biopharm, Roche)
ing mycorrhizal (M), plant roots were surrounded for the detection of these compounds in foods. One
with 1 l of 1:1 field soil:mycorrhizal inoculum gram of tomato juice was diluted to 100 ml with
mixture in order to reinforce the inoculum. Plants MilliQ water (Millipore). The suspensions were
were shaded from May to September and watered filtrated through Whatman filter paper and the clean,
every day for 8 min at 4 a.m. with running tap water. colorless serum was used for analysis.
Plants were harvested after 5 months from the The analysis of carotenoids was carried out
sowing. according to Oke et al. (2005) for the extraction in
Compost and AMF affect tomato quality 109

organic phase and to Hart and Scott (1995) for the

Mycorrhizal colonization
chromatographic analysis. Briefly, 4 g of tomato
pulp, after mortar crushing, were put and weighed Mycorrhizal colonization and arbuscule formation
into 250 ml brown bottles. In each bottle of significantly decreased with the increase of green
100 ml 2:1:1 hexane: acetone: ethanol solution
containing 0.1% butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT) Table III. Morphological parameters of control and AM plant after
and 1 mg/ml of b-apo-80 -carotenal dissolved in 21 days of growth.
hexane as internal standard were added; the bottles
were closed and shaked for 10 min at 250 rpm on Parameters Control AM plant
an orbital shaker. After adding 15 ml of distillated Leaf number 4.0 + 0.1 a 5.2 + 0.4 b
water and a further 5 min shaking, the organic Shoot length (cm) 4.1 + 0.3 a 6.4 + 0.6 b
layer (50 ml) was separated from the aqueous Shoot fresh weight (g) 0.112 + 0.007 a 0.164 + 0.012 b
layer (65 ml) and centrifuged at 4000 rpm for Root fresh weight (g) 0.062 + 0.003 a 0.082 + 0.008 b
Mycorrhizal nd* 15.3 + 2.1 b
6 min.
colonization (%)
The organic extract was directly subjected to Arbuscule nd 13.4 + 1.5 b
HPLC analysis (Jasco PU-980 equipped with a Jasco abundance (%)
UV-2075 Plus detector) on a Supelco LC-18
Downloaded by [Ams/Girona*barri Lib] at 06:38 14 November 2014

column, 150 mm 6 4.6 mm, particle size 5 mm. *nd, not detected. Inoculum application increased leaf, shoot and
root parameters. No sign of AM colonization was detected in
The operating condition were: isocratic elution with control roots. Mean values + SEM are shown; different letters
mobile phase acetonitrile:methanol:dichloromethane indicate statistically significant differences (p 5 0.05) between
75:20:5 containing 0.1% BHT and 0.05% trietha- control and mycorrhizal plants, along the lines of the table.
nolammine; methanol was added with 0.05 M
ammonium acetate; flow rate 1.5 ml/min, injection Table IV. Shoot and root dry weights (g) of tomato plants after five
volume 20 ml, 450 nm. Lycopene and b-carotene months of growth.
were quantified by external standards analysis. All
Shoot dry weight Root dry weight
reagents were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich Cor-
poration (USA). C 4.82 + 0.49 a 1.01 + 0.13 a
25% 22.84 + 2.23 bc 6.63 + 1.16 bc
50% 27.08 + 0.71 b 7.44 + 1.21 bc
Statistical analysis 75% 26.72 + 4.72 b 6.51 + 1.47 bc
100% 29.68 + 3.29 bd 6.07 + 1.03 bc
Data were statistically analyzed by ANOVA followed M 17.28 + 2.25 ce 4.38 + 0.88 cd
by Fisher’s probable least-squares difference test 25% M 26.82 + 3.55 bf 5.54 + 0.89 bcd
with cut-off significance at p ¼ 0.05. 50% M 24.45 + 6.16 be 3.44 + 0.95 ad
75% M 36.96 + 4.09 d 5.74 + 0.82 bcd
100% M 35.32 + 1.70 df 5.86 + 1.16 bcd
Results Mean values + SEM are shown; different letters indicate statisti-
cally significant differences (p 5 0.05) among treatments, along
Seedling growth
the columns of the table.
After 21 days of growth, plants treated with microbial
inoculum were colonized, whereas no AM coloniza-
tion was detected in control roots. Mycorrhizal
Table V. AM colonization parameters of tomato plants.
inoculum induced significant increases in leaf
number, in shoot length and shoot and root fresh Mycorrhizal Arbuscule
weight (Table III). degree % abundance %

C nd nd
Plant growth 25% nd nd
50% nd nd
After 5 months of growth, there were a number of 75% nd nd
differences between plants amended with mycorrhi- 100% nd nd
M 37.0 + 4.4 b 24.7 + 5.1 b
zal inoculum and/or green compost and control
25% M 22.6 + 10.0 bc 17.2 + 5.6 bc
plants (Table IV). There were significant differences 50% M 13.5 + 8.6 c 6.7 + 3.6 c
in shoot and root dry weights between mycorrhizal 75% M 13.2 + 9.4 c 8.8 + 5.3 c
(M) and control (C) plants. Shoot biomass signifi- 100% M 0.5 + 0.5 a 0.2 + 0.2 a
cantly increased with the higher green compost
nd, not detected. No sign of infection was detected in control
content in the growth substrate. The best dry weight roots. Mean values + SEM are shown; different letters indicate
yield occurred at compost rates of 75% and AM statistically significant differences (p50.05) among treatments,
fungi application. along the columns of the table.
110 A. Copetta et al.

Table VI. Nutrient content (g/kg) of tomato in several treatments.

Glucose Fructose Malate Citrate Ascorbate* Nitrite Nitrate

C 3.0 + 0.3 a 4.3 + 0.3 a 0.7 + 0.1 a 2.2 + 0.1 ad 799 + 138 a 1.91 + 0.81 ab 2.43 + 0.86 a
25% 2.5 + 0.4 a 5.5 + 1.2 ab 0.7 + 0.1 a 3.1 + 0.4 ac 457 + 96 b 2.23 + 0.49 a 0.83 + 0.75 a
50% 3.7 + 1.0 a 3.9 + 0.7 a 1.0 + 0.1 c 4.4 + 0.6 b 126 + 50 cd 1.43 + 0.81 ab 3.20 + 1.46 a
75% 2.7 + 0.6 a 4.8 + 0.5 ab 1.1 + 0.2 c 3.2 + 0.3 c 81 + 24 cd nd 10.91 + 2.88 b
100% 2.2 + 0.3 a 3.4 + 0.6 a 1.0 + 0.2 ac 2.8 + 0.4 acd 113 + 66 cd 0.07 + 0.07 c 14.05 + 3.75 b
M 5.9 + 1.0 b 6.4 + 0.6 b 1.8 + 0.3 b 1.9 + 0.2 d 250 + 84 bd 0.73 + 0.40 bc 13.10 + 3.23 b
25% M 2.2 + 0.2 a 3.9 + 1.0 a 1.1 + 0.3 ac 2.3 + 0.2 ad 21 + 20 c nd 11.25 + 0.61 b
50% M 3.3 + 0.8 a 4.3 + 0.6 a 1.5 + 0.3 bc 2.3 + 0.3 ad 56 + 22 cd nd 12.06 + 0.52 b
75% M 2.9 + 1.0 a 3.4 + 0.7 a 1.1 + 0.1 ac 2.4 + 0.3 acd 162 + 115 cd 0.23 + 0.12 c 13.15 + 1.13 b
100% M 2.4 + 0.1 a 3.5 + 1.2 a 1.5 + 0.3 bc 2.6 + 0.2 ac 103 + 32 cd 0.11 + 0.11 c 14.87 + 0.22 b

*expressed in mg/l. nd, not detected. Mean values + SEM are shown; different letters indicate statistically significant differences (p 5 0.05)
among treatments, along the columns of the table.

Table VII. pH, water content and conductance in juice of tomato ences among the treatments in tomato juices pH.
fruits. Water content was significantly lower in fruits of
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Water Conductance
plants grown in pots with 25% and 50% green
pH content (g/kg) (mS) compost than in fruits of control plants. Analysis of
conductance of tomato juice showed a significantly
C 3.95 + 0.03 a 934 + 5 a 5.1 + 0.2 a higher concentration of minerals in plants treated
25% 3.99 + 0.02 a 913 + 4 b 4.7 + 0.5 a
with AM inoculum and/or green compost than in
50% 4.02 + 0.02 a 914 + 7 b 6.9 + 0.6 b
75% 4.00 + 0.02 a 918 + 14 ab 7.0 + 0.4 bd control plants (Table VII).
100% 3.97 + 0.02 a 927 + 5 ab 7.2 + 0.3 bd Lycopene was the most abundant carotenoid of all
M 3.96 + 0.02 a 927 + 5 ab 6.0 + 0.1 c samples of tomato fruits, followed by b-carotene. A
25% M 3.99 + 0.03 a 928 + 4 ab 5.9 + 0.2 c higher content of green compost in plant growth
50% M 4.08 + 0.10 a 935 + 12 a 6.7 + 0.4 bcd
substrate increased b-carotene, lycopene, and luteine
75% M 4.00 + 0.03 a 935 + 6 a 7.1 + 0.6 cd
100% M 3.99 + 0.01 a 936 + 5 a 7.7 + 0.4 d content of fruits (Table VIII).

Mean values + SEM are shown; different letters indicate statisti-

cally significant differences (p 5 0.05) among treatments, along Discussion
the columns of the table.
The growth effect in inoculated plantlets, compared
to control ones, was already reported in other studies
compost in the soil (Table V). No AM colonization on tomato. Berta et al. (2002) showed that G.
was detected in uninoculated roots. mosseae BEG12 improves root development improv-
ing input and transport of nutrient. Co-inoculation
of G. mosseae and rhizobacteria synergistically in-
Fruit quality
creases shoot and root growth, and influences root
In tomato fruits fructose and citrate content was architecture, improving phosphate nutrition (Gama-
always higher than glucose and malate content, lero et al. 2004).
respectively. Several differences in nutrient content After 5 months of growth, tomato plant growth
were detected among the treatments. was correlated to compost content in the substrate.
Fruits of inoculated plants (M) contained a Recent researches (Valdrighi et al. 1996; Atiyeh et al.
significantly larger quantity of glucose than fruits of 2000; Ouédraogo et al. 2001; Cooperband et al.
all other treatments (Table VI). In this treatment 2002) about several horticultural and economical
(M), tomatoes had also the largest fructose content. species growing in substrates with different soil/
Malate content of fruits significantly increased with compost ratio confirm the beneficial effects of
inoculum application and with green compost compost on shoot and root development. A sig-
content higher than 50%. Tomato fruits of plants nificant increase of several parameters, e.g. length
grown with 50% green compost had significantly and height of shoot, leaf number and length of
larger citrate content than the other treatments. inflorescence, in Solanum melongena, Cyamopsis
Application of green compost and/or microbial tetragonoloba, Capsicum annuum and S. lycopersicum
inoculum in the substrate significantly decreased harvested after growth in soil/compost substrate was
ascorbate content in fruits. Moreover, microbial observed (Gajalakshmi & Abbasi 2002).
inoculum and green compost decreased and in- At harvest time, inoculated tomato roots were
creased respectively the nitrite and the nitrate mycorrhized, but the increase of green compost in
content of fruits. There were no significant differ- the culture substrate decreased root colonization
Compost and AMF affect tomato quality 111

Table VIII. Tomato carotenoids in fruits of control and AM plants.

b-carotene (mg/kg) Lycopene (mg/kg) Luteine (mV)

C 57.2 + 4.5 a 449.9 + 81.0 a 21.9 + 2.2 a

25% 59.8 + 16.3 a 455.8 + 62.3 a 25.2 + 4.5 a
50% 83.0 + 10.8 acd 701.9 + 207.8 ab 46.9 + 11.2 bcd
75% 109.5 + 16.9 bcd 607.5 + 151.2 ab 38.3 + 5.8 ac
100% 147.8 + 8.5 b 975.8 + 122.1 b 61.2 + 6.5 bc
M 56.3 + 6.9 a 504.7 + 81.2 ac 30.6 + 3.9 ad
25% M 90.1 + 22.4 ad 530.7 + 89.0 ac 36.1 + 4.6 ade
50% M 107.1 + 12.9 bd 760.0 + 225.9 ab 35.6 + 5.3 ade
75% M 108.0 + 29.4 bd 876.5 + 196.5 bc 49.2 + 7.3 bce
100% M 145.1 + 13.9 b 839.1 + 105.6 bc 55.0 + 5.1 b

Green compost improved carotenoids content. Mean values + SEM are shown; different letters indicate statistically significant differences
(p50.05) among treatments, along the columns of the table.

degree. The effects of compost on AM fungi are inoculum can synergically improve tomato growth
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contrasting. Some compost types (from selected (Gamalero et al. 2004). Poulton et al. (2001, 2002)
waste) improve the growth of this simbionts. showed that mycorrhizal tomatoes produce more
Particularly, 20% of vermicompost in the soil seeds and fruits compared to control ones; moreover
improve sorghum and strawberry growth and AM the symbiosis improved leaf area, flower number,
colonization (Murphy et al. 2000; Cavender et al. female and male reproductive functions, fruit num-
2003). Gryndler et al. (2005) show that humic ber, and seed quality. These results show that AM
substances into green amendment stimulate the infection can increase the fitness of host species
development of AM hyphae. Other organic amend- influencing the reproductive functions. Meunchang
ments do not influence the formation of AM et al. (2006), adding compost in the substrate,
structure (Leporini et al. 1992; Hafner et al. 1993; observed an increase in tomato shoot height, and a
Wani & Lee 1995). Compost can inhibit AM fungi further increase adding the rhizobacteria Azospir-
infection: compost increase negatively affects G. illum, Azotobacter and Beijerinckia.
mosseae and G. deserticola colonization in soy and Many compounds (sugars, acids and more than
lettuce roots (Martı́n et al. 2002). two hundred volatile constituents) determine the
Several factors can have influenced the low flavor and fragrance of tomato fruits, but it is not yet
mycorrhization observed in tomato roots growing fully clear how and to what extent they contribute to
in pots with green compost concentration higher flavor and aroma (Malundo et al. 1995; Auerswald
than 25%. The amendment use enhanced phosphor- et al. 1999). Moreover, growing environmental
ous (P) content in soil culture (Toor & Bahl 1997). factors and many other factors influence tomato
Several studies show a negative effect of the increase fruit taste.
of available P on AM populations; moreover the Sweetness is particularly appreciated in tomatoes
suppressive effect of P on AM colonization (Allen for industrial use, and is usually correlated with
et al. 1980; Valentine et al. 2001; Fusconi et al. fructose and glucose content mainly accumulated
2005) and spore density (Menge et al. 1978) is into the vacuole of fruit cells (Ordóňez et al. 2005).
widely documented. Duke et al. (1994) observed a Our results show that the fructose content of fruits is
reduction of arbuscular formation in zones of higher than the glucose one. Other studies confirm
Artemisia tridentata roots exposed to high P concen- these data (Baldwin et al. 1991; Islam et al. 1996).
trations. Experiments carried out to develop pro- Malundo et al. (1995) showed that an increase of
cesses for the production of AM fungus inocula, fruit sugars linearly improved tomato flavor for a
show that 1:4 and 1:9 ratios of yard clippings sample of consumers. As shown in Table VI, we
compost and vermiculite tend to yield the greatest observed a strong increase of both glucose and
development of colonization of bahiagrass roots fructose in fruits from inoculated plants in absence of
(Douds et al. 2006), but the P content of compost compost (M) in respect to all the other samples; so
used in that assay was smaller than that of our study. we can deduce that microbial inoculum significantly
Moreover, composted organic material contains improved the tomato flavor. The taste experience is
products of decomposition, which can have strong subjective and often is not the single factor used to
inhibitory effects on mycorrhizal fungi (Gryndler determine the fruit quality (Cardello 1995; Shewfelt
et al. 2008). 1999). Generally nutritional, microbiological, and
Also the presence of PGPR (e.g. Attinomyces, physico-chemical characters determine food quality.
Pseudomonas spp., Bacillus spp.) in mycorrhizal Moreover, food quality is a consumer-based
112 A. Copetta et al.

perceptual/evaluative construct that depends on compared to noninoculated control, while a different

person, place and time and is subjected to the same mixture of mycorrhizal fungi and Gl. fasciculatum
influences of context and expectations as are other treatment did not affect pigment content in chile
perceptual / evaluative phenomena (Cardello 1995; ancho fruits. These results show that AM fungi
Moskowitz 1995; Shewfelt 1999). It is important to isolates or mixtures may increase carotenoid content
emphasize that there are many difficulties to estimate in fruits. Carotenoid accumulation in plant tissue
the importance of several compounds in tomato appears to be shaped by the physiological, genetic,
flavor and fragrance. and biochemical attributes of a plant species, as well
Acidity is correlated with pH and acid content, as by environmental growth factors such as light,
and citrate concentration is usually higher than temperature, and fertility (Kopsell & Kopsell 2006).
malate in tomato (Stevens 1979; Malundo et al. Some aroma compounds, namely, the apocarotenals
1995; Auerswald et al. 1999). Our data confirm these are derived from the breakdown of carotenoids
observations. Moreover inoculated plants (M) pro- mainly lycopene and b-carotene (Lewinson et al.
duced fruits with malate content significantly higher 2005 a,b). Moreover, correlations between lycopene
compared to nearly all treatments. Citrate content and the content of aroma volatiles have been
significantly increased in sample from plants growing reported in cherry tomatoes (Ishida et al. 1998).
in soil:green compost 1:1, and it decreased when Changes in nutritional fertility affect plant carotenoid
Downloaded by [Ams/Girona*barri Lib] at 06:38 14 November 2014

inoculum was added into substrate. accumulations. Nitrogen fertilization seems to im-
Ascorbate, as vitamin E, flavonoids, anthocians, prove carotene accumulation. In fact, increasing N in
phenolic compounds and carotenoids, is an impor- the nutrient solution increased lutein–zeaxanthin, b–
tant antioxidant. In our work, ascorbic acid (vitamin carotene content in parsley (Petroselinum crispum
C) concentration was affected by both increasing Nym.) (Chenard et al. 2005). Hochmuth et al.
green compost and microbial inoculum. Conditions (1999) reported that carrot root carotenoid concen-
and plant nutrition can influence vitamin C content tration is maximized with 160 kg ha–1 N. Moreover
in fruits. For example, rising N fertilization decreases those N fertilization rates also maximized carrot root
ascorbic acid concentration in lemon, tomato, and yield and sugar content. b-Carotene, lycopene and
potato (authors cited in Veit-Köhler et al. 1999). luteine have been shown to play a role in the
Moreover, mycorrhizal fungi can improve N nutri- prevention of human diseases. b-Carotene is biolo-
tion in host plants. Inorganic N is quickly incorpo- gically separated to produce vitamin A, required for
rated into aminoacids and organic compounds and vision, epithelia maintenance, secretion of mucus,
translocated into the roots (Barea et al. 1987; Frey & and reproduction (Mayne 1996). Lycopene com-
Schüepp 1993; Tobar et al. 1994; Ibijbijen et al. bined with vitamin E may inhibits the growth of
1996; Azcón & Tobar 1998; Faure et al. 1998). In prostate cancer (Limpens et al. 2006). Lutein is a
our work, the increase of green compost/soil ratios in carotenoid selectively deposited in the human retina
pots corresponded a nitrite and nitrate content and lens, and responsible for the yellow pigmentation
decrease and increase, respectively, in tomato fruits; (macular pigment) (Bone et al. 1997; Khachik et al.
while fruits of control plants contained lower 1997). This pigment is postulated to participate in
concentrations of inorganic nitrogen and higher photoprotection, and diminished macular pigment
quantities of ascorbate (Table VI). Mycorrhizal levels may be related to retinal damage (Mares-
plants, absorbing reduced nitrogen, can conserve Perlman & Klein 1999; Wooten et al. 1999). The
energy useful to synthesize secondary metabolites consistently lower risk of cancer for a variety of
related to flavor and quality of fruits as previously anatomic sites that is associated with higher con-
hypothesized by Heeb et al. (2005) who observed an sumption of tomatoes and tomato-based products
improvement in sweetness, acidity and aromaticity in adds further support for current dietary recommen-
fruits of plants fertilized with NH4þ compared to dations to increase fruit and vegetable consumption
ones treated with NO37. (Giovannucci 1999).
Our results show that mycorrhizal inoculum did This work shows that both mycorrhizal inoculum
not improve carotenoid content of fruits while the and green compost improved growth and yield of
green compost increased b-carotene, lycopene, and tomato plant, did not modify the ascorbic acid
luteine. Chromatograms to carotenoid acknowledg- content of fruits, decreased the nitrite and increased
ment and analysis are similar to other studies (Hart & the nitrate concentration (nitrate and nitrite contents
Scott 1995; Lewinsohn et al. 2001), while b-carotene of fruits were always lower than legal limits – data not
and lycopene concentration is similar to that found shown). Moreover, AM fungi increased the glucose
in well ripe tomatoes by Giuntini et al. (2005). In a and malic acid content of fruits whereas green
recent study, Mena-Violante et al. (2006) observed a compost increased fruit carotenoids content. The
significant increase in carotenes and xanthophylls of application of mycorrhizal fungi and green compost
C. annuum fruits treated with a AM fungi consortium improving nutrient absorption improved flavor,
Compost and AMF affect tomato quality 113

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