Tle Map

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TEACHER: Mr. Israel M. Marquez
Quart Content Performance Most Essential Learning Duration Activities Assessment Resources Core values
er standard Competencies
The learners The learners LO 1. Utilize appropriate kitchen .
demonstrate independently tools, equipment, and Written Power point
 Interactive examination Presentation, Responsive
an use and paraphernalia
discussion modules and
understandin maintain tools, 2 Weeks (Fill in the blanks, pictures.
1.1 identify types of tools,  Picture analysis
g the use and equipment, and multiple choice)
maintenance materials in equipment, and paraphernalia  Sorting and
of equipment cookery classifying Recitation
1.2 classify the types of Discipline
in cookery according to  Observing
1ST appropriate cleaning tools and Performance task
standard equipment based on their uses
LO 2. Maintain appropriate
kitchen tools, equipment, and
 Picture analysis Power point
paraphernalia Teacher created Demonstrativ
 Demonstration of the Presentation,
skills test ( essay type) e
1.1 select various types of Video recorder
chemicals for cleaning and  Role playing Performance
1 Week
sanitizing kitchen tools,  Discussion based output
equipment, and paraphernalia Responsive
1.2 clean and sanitize kitchen
tools and equipment following
manufacturer’s instructions use
cleaning tools, equipment, and
paraphernalia in accordance to
standard operating procedures
maintain kitchen tools, equipment,
and work areas
The learners
LO 1. Carry out measurements  Analytical Thinking Work sheet and
The learners and calculations in a required task  Seatwork Written Power Point
an  Discussion
independently 1.1 give the abbreviations and examination Presentation
understandin  Problem solving Progressive
measure and equivalents of measurements 2 WEEKS
g performing  Reporting (Multiple choice,
ingredients in 1.2 measure ingredients according True or false)
and to recipe requirement
Performance task
TEACHER: Mr. Israel M. Marquez
SUBJECT: TLE (Nail Care)
Grade: 7
Quarter Content Performance Most Essential Learning Duration Activities Assessment Resources Core values
standard Competencies

The learner The learner LO 1. Prepare the necessary  Think pair share Written examination Power point
demonstrates independently tools and equipment for the  Video analysis (identification) Presentation,
understanding uses nail care specific nail care activity modules and Responsive
 Demonstration
Individual performance pictures
of the use of tools and  Role playing
tools and equipment in 1.1 Identify the uses of tools
and equipment in nail care 1 WEEK  Interactive Performance Task
equipment in Nail Care Discussion
Nail Care Servicing according to task requirements
Services 1.2 Use tools and equipment
2ND according to task requirement
1.3 Observe safety procedure
of using tools and equipment

The learner LO 2. Perform basic preventive  Demonstration

The learner and corrective maintenance Performance task Responsive
demonstrates  Interactive Power Point
independently Recitation and
understanding 2 WEEKS Discussion Presentation and
maintains tools 1.1 Clean tools according to Demonstrative
in maintaining video recorder.
and equipment standard procedures
tools and
in Nail Care
equipment in 1.2 Inspected defective tools
Nail Care and equipment

LO 1. Identify nail structure Written Examination

4 WEEKS  Labelling
The learner and shapes ( Summative type) Responsive
The learner  Video analysis Power Point
independently and
demonstrates  Demonstration of the Presentation and
practice nail 1.1 Identify nail structure and Performance based Demonstrative
understanding skills in nail video recorder.
shapes in Nail shapes output
in nail shapes Trimmings
Care Services 1.2 Perform nail trimmings to
in Nail Care
varied shapes

Quarter Content Performance Most Essential Learning Duration Activities Assessment Resources Core Values
standard Competencies
The learner The learner uses L.O. 1: Use basic tools in
demonstrates basic tools in embroidery
understanding embroider and
on the principles create 1.1 Basic tools and
 Identify Me Written Examination Power point Responsive
and concepts of embroidered materials in embroidery are 2 Weeks
 Demonstration presentation
embroidery article identified. Moving Quiz and materials Patience
1.2Different embroidery  Interactive
use in
stitches are performed based discussion Performance task embroidery
on the given steps.  Video analysis
3rd 1.3 Proper use of tools is Hands on activity Discipline

LO2. Create embroidered


2.1 Embroidered article is  Creating

created based on the Performance task Patience
 Performing
principles and elements of Power point
 Designing Project base
design. 2 Weeks presentation
2.2 Colour scheme are  Hands on activity outcome
and materials Discipline
applied in creating the use in
Written works
design. embroidery
( Reflection paper)
2.3 Design is transferred Creative
following the given steps.
The learner The learner
demonstrates understands and 2.4 Good working habits are
understanding create recycled observed
on the principles project
and concepts of LO 1. Understand
recycling Recycling 1. Recycled  Video analysis Power point Responsive
articles are identified based  Interactive presentation
Formative quiz
on recyclable materials discussion
Oral recitation
LO2. Create Recycled
project 1 Week
 Creating Power point
2.1 Recycled articles are  (Recycled project) Productive
produced artistically based
 Performing Formative Quiz and materials Creative
on the given steps.
 Designing use in
The learner Performance task Innovative
2.2 Tools are properly used.  Picture analysis Recycling
The learner understand
demonstrates wrapping of gift Project based
2.3 Good working habits are
understanding items outcome
on the principles
and concepts of LO1. Wrap Gift Items
gift wrapping  Interactive
1. Tools are properly used. Discussion Patience
Power point
2. Principles and elements  Demonstration Written Examination presentation
of design are applied.  Designing and materials
Performance task
 Creating use in Gift Discipline
3. Gift items are wrapped 2 Weeks (Gift wrapping)
4. Decorative articles are Creative
applied to enhanced
wrapped gift items.

5. Good working habits are

Quarter Content Performance Most Essential Learning Duration Assessment Activities Resources Core Values
standard Competencies
The learner The learner USE TOOLS,
demonstrates independently EQUIPMENT, AND Computer, books,
understanding use tools, PARAPHERNALIA LO and Modules Innovative
Teacher created Quiz
on the use of equipment, and 1. Identify FOS tools, Week 1
tools, paraphernalia in equipment, and test
equipment, and FOS paraphernalia applicable to
paraphernalia in a specific job Video analysis Computer, books,
FOS 1.1. classify equipment, Questioning and Modules Appreciation
tools, and paraphernalia
4th according to types and
functions Computer, books,
1.2. describe equipment, Recitation and Modules Integrity
tools, and paraphernalia
based on the specified task
Week 2
LO 2. Use FOS tools, Computer, books,
equipment, and Performance and Modules Nationalism
paraphernalia 1.1. use Task
equipment, tools, and
paraphernalia based on the
task requirements

1. Perform after-care Computer, books,
activities for tools, Performance and Modules
equipment, and Task
paraphernalia 1.1. clean Appreciation
tools, equipment, and
paraphernalia after use
according to standard
operating procedures
1.2. store tools, equipment,
The learner The learner
and paraphernalia in
demonstrates independently
appropriate area in
performing perform
accordance with safety
calculations in calculations in Computer, books,
FOS FOS Quiz and Modules
LO 1: Identify hazards and Teacher created
risks 1.1. clarify and explain
regulations and workplace test
safety and hazard control
practices and procedures Computer, books, Innovative
1.2. identify hazards/risks in and Modules
the workplace and their
corresponding indicators Essay
LO 2: Evaluate and control
The learner The learner hazards and risks 1.1.
demonstrates independently
how to interpret interpret layouts determine effects of hazards
layout areas of areas of front 1.2. follow OHS procedures
front-office office reception for controlling hazards/risks
reception in the workplace

INTERPRET DESIGN Computer, books,

and Modules
AND LAYOUT LO 1. Performance task
Read and interpret front-
office reception area 1.1. Demonstration
read and interpret
symbols and layout in a Integrity
given sample plan for a
front- office reception
area 1.2. describe parts
and functions of a front
office reception layout
1.3. evaluate a sample
front office reception


TEACHER: Mr. Israel M. Marquez

Quarter Content Performance Most Essential Learning Duration Activities Assessment Resources Core Values
standard Competencies
The learner The learner
demonstrates independently LO 1. Identify caregiving
tools, equipment, and  Individual Written examination Power point Responsive
understanding uses tools,
on the use of equipment and paraphernalia applicable Research (Multiple choice) presentation and and
tools, paraphernalia in to a specific job  Discussion Other materials Expressive
1 WEEK Recitation use in this
equipment and caregiving  KWL chart
Q1 paraphernalia in 1.1 Classify equipment,  Picture Performance based lesson
caregiving. tools, and paraphernalia Compilation output
according to types, and making

Written examination Patience

LO 2. Use caregiving tools, Power point
 Think pair share
equipment, and (Multiple choice) presentation,
1 WEEK  Discussion
paraphernalia Modules and
2.1 Use equipment, tools  Video analysis Recitation Discipline
Other materials
and paraphernalia based  Demonstrating of
Performance based use in this
on the task requirement proper use of tools
output lesson
and equipment’s
The learner The learner for Caregiving
demonstrates independently Patience
 Discussion
understanding maintains tools, LO 1. Perform aftercare Written examination Power point
 Video analysis
in maintaining equipment and activities for tools, (Multiple choice) presentation and Productive
tools, equipment and  Watch and Reflect
paraphernalia in materials used in
2 WEEKS  Portfolio Making Recitation
equipment and caregiving. paraphernalia  Demonstration Performance based the topic. Creative
paraphernalia in 1.1 Clean tools, output
caregiving. equipment and
paraphernalia after use
1.2 Store tools, equipment
and paraphernalia in the
appropriate area
1.3 Check tools,
equipment and
paraphernalia regularly for
1.4 Carry out routine
The learner maintenance as per
The learner
independently Standard Operating
practices Procedures (SOP) 2 WEEKs Written examination
understanding Creative and
occupational  Picture analysis
on the practice Recitation
health and  Interactive Power point Responsive
of occupational LO 1. Identify hazards and
safety discussion presentation and
health and risks Performance based
procedures in  Group Reporting Modules
safety output
procedures in 1.1 Identify hazards and  Individual
caregiving. risks Research
 Watch and Reflect
1.2 Determine hazard and  Inside the house
risks indicators in the
1.3 Determine the effects 1 WEEK Written examination
of hazards  Identifying Games Creative
Recitation Power point
 Discussion
LO 2. Evaluate and control presentation, Innovative
 Group Reporting Performance based Modules and
hazards and risks1.1 Follow
 Case Study output Other materials Patience
Occupational Health and
Safety (OHS) procedures in use in this
dealing with and for lesson
controlling hazards and risks
1.2 Establish organizational
protocol in providing
appropriate assistance in
workplace emergencies

Quarter Content Performance Most Essential Learning Duration Assessment Activities Resources Core Values
standard Competencies
LO 1. Identify materials and
tools for a task
The learner The learner 1 WEEK Written Examination  Picture analysis
demonstrates an independently 1.1 Describe tools and  Interactive discussion
Oral Recitation Responsive
understanding of prepares materials used in carpentry  Individual Research Power point
the underlying carpentry tools  Categorizing presentation Expressive
principles in the and construction 1.2 Prepare tools and
 Venn Diagram and Modules
preparation of materials based materials for a task
carpentry tools on industry Performance based
2nd LO 2. Request appropriate
and construction standards. output
materials and tools  Interactive discussion Power point Creative
2.1. Fill out forms in Written Examination
 Creating your own and Modules
requesting for carpentry requisitions form
tools and materials as
required for a task Responsive
The learner Performance task
LO 1. Check condition of 2 WEEKS  Interactive discussion Expressive
The learner independently
tools and equipment  Drawing of symbols
demonstrates an performs 1.1 Segregate defective tool Oral Recitation  Creating Power point Creative
understanding of maintenance of from functional ones presentation
1.2 Label defective tool Accuracy
the underlying carpentry tools and Modules
1.3 Report the list of
principles in the and equipment
defective tools
maintenance of based on
carpentry tools industry LO 2. Perform basic
and equipment. standards. preventive maintenance
2.1 Repair defective tools Performance task  Gather and inspect
2.2 Conduct preventive
maintenance of carpentry


The learner The learner Responsive
demonstrates an independently LO 1. Select measuring  Interactive discussion
Written Examination Creative
understanding of performs instruments  Venn Diagram
Power point
the concepts and accurate Oral Recitation  Create a diagram
1.1 Identify linear presentation
underlying measurements and Modules
measuring instrument
principles in and calculation
appropriate for a given
performing based on a given
measurements task. Productive
and calculations.
LO 2. Carry out  Analytical problem
measurements and  Problem solving
calculations Performance task
Power point
2.1. Measure given
and Modules
2.2. Calculate amount of Illustrative
materials for a specific task Responsive
The learner The learner Creative
demonstrates an independently
Written Examination
understanding of reads and
the concepts in interprets simple LO 1. Analyze signs, Oral Recitation  Interactive discussion
interpreting technical symbols and data  Matching type
Performance task Power point
technical drawing signs
1.1 Explain the importance presentation
drawing signs and symbols
of signs, symbols and data and Modules
and symbols in based on
carpentry. standard in interpreting a work plan
1.2 Determine appropriate
signs and symbols needed in
the plan

Power point
 Drawing
presentation Responsive
LO 2. Interpret technical  Isometric figure making
Modules, and
drawings and plans 1 WEEK and its equivalent
drawing Creative
2.1 Read working plan materials.

2.2 Interpret working plan

Performance task
LO 3. Apply freehand Responsive
sketching  Drawing Power point Expressive
3.1 Perform freehand
Modules, and Creative
sketching exercises
1 WEEK drawing
The learner 3.2 Draw simple carpentry materials
The learner
independently plans based on given tasks
demonstrates an Written Examination
prepares an
understanding of
the concepts of health and safety Oral Recitation  Interactive discussion
occupational checklist being  Individual Research
LO 1. Identify hazards and Performance task
health and safety applied in  Identification
procedures. carpentry.  Venn Diagram Power point
1.1 List down the different  Look Think DO presentation
health hazards and risks and Modules
found in the workplace

1.2 Discuss the effects of

health hazards and
occupational risks

Quarter Content Performance Most Essential Duration Assessment Activities Resources Core Values
standard Learning Competencies
The learner The learner LO 1. Prepare
demonstrates demonstrates equipment, tools,
understanding independently materials and utensils  Written  Interactive
on processing the procedures 1.1. Prepare Equipment Examination discussion
food by salting, of processing and tools for salting,  Oral Recitation  Match me Power point Responsive
curing and food by salting, curing and smoking in 1 WEEK  Table chart presentation
smoking. curing and accordance with Expressive
 Web map and Modules
smoking.  Arrange me
3rd 1.2. Check, sanitize
and calibrate
Equipment for the
above food processing
methods in accordance
with manufacturer’s

LO 2. Prepare the raw  Written  Interactive

materials Examination
1 WEEK discussion
2.1. Sort and grade raw
 Oral Recitation  Individual
materials are in Responsive
accordance with Research Power point
specifications  Match me presentation Expressive
2.2. Prepare eggs for  Venn Diagram and Modules
salting in accordance
with approved standard
2.3. Prepare poultry for
curing in accordance
with approved
specifications and  Interactive
standard procedures 4 WEEKS
Oral Recitation discussion Power point
LO 3. Prepare salting  Making Itlog na presentation , Responsive
Performance Task
and curing solutions maalat materials use
and mixtures Expressive
 Demonstration for Egg salting.
3.1. Measure and weigh
required ingredients for Productive
pumping pickle, cover
pickle and dry cure Oral Recitation
mixture in line with
approved specifications Performance Task  Interactive
LO 4. Cure the Power point
 Basic Dry Curing
materials presentation ,
Recipe Responsive
4.1. Cure mixture at materials use
room temperature or  Demonstration
for Curing. Expressive
temperature at Productive
appropriate number of
4.2. Submerged
materials being cured in
solution to obtain even
distribution/ penetration  Written
of cure mixture in line Examination
with approved  Oral Recitation  Interactive
specifications discussion
1 week  Performance
task  Basic Dry Curing
LO 5. Finish the cured
materials Illustrative
 Demonstration
5.1. Wash and drain cured Power point Responsive
food materials from the presentation
solution, in accordance with
and Modules Creative
standard operating
5.2. Boil and dip in grana
solution salted eggs
according to approved
5.3. Transfer the cooked
products to containers and
cool according to
Quarter Content Performance Most Essential Learning Duration Assessment Activities Resources Core Values
standard Competencies
LO 1. Prepare hand tools
The learners The learners and equipment in 1 Week
demonstrate shall be able to Illustration  Picture analysis
an use hand tools Responsive
 Web map Power point
understanding and equipment 1.1 List hand tools and
Written  Discussion presentation, Expressive
of hand tools in Illustration equipment based on job
Examination  Identifying modules and
and requirement Innovative
4th  My own description materials for
equipment in Performance Test this Lesson.
1.2 Identify appropriate Productive
hand tools and equipment
1.3 Classify hand tools and
equipment according to
function and task

 Discussion
The learners The learners Responsive
demonstrate shall be able to LO 1. Inspect hand tools
True or False
an maintain tools, and equipment received
drawing in Illustration  Disposal or
understanding 2 Weeks Expressive
of concepts instruments,
1.1 Check list of tools and Written task
and principles equipment, and Power point
equipment to be
in maintaining paraphernalia presentation Creative
requested per job  Individual Research
hand tools, and modules
Essay Expressive
instruments, 1.2 Inspect the condition
equipment, of all the requested tools  Situational Analysis
and and equipment Recitation

1.3 Assess the hand tools Accuracy

and equipment for proper  Demonstration
operation and safety
Performance task
LO 2. Use and maintain
hand tools, measuring
instrument and  Hands on activity Power point
presentation Illustrative
Performance Task
modules and
2.1 Perform safety  Role playing other materials
procedures in using hand use for this
Performance based Responsive
tools and equipment lesson.
2.2 Follow procedures in  Identifying
cleaning illustration tools Creative
2.3 Identify malfunction, Examination  Reporting
unplanned or unusual
events and report to
property custodian Recitation
LO 3. Prepare an
inspection report of the
hand tools, drawing
instruments, equipment,  Group activity Power point
and paraphernalia presentation
received in technical modules and
Group performance other materials
use for this
1.2 Follow procedures in lesson.
preparing an inspection
report to the property
The learners The learners  Discussion
demonstrate shall be able to
LO 1. Select measuring True or False  Draw the geometric
an perform Responsive
instruments 1 week Figures
understanding accurate Written task
of concepts measurements 1.1 Interpret object or
and principles and calculation component to be
in performing based on a measured according to  Identifying Accuracy
measurements given task. the appropriate regular Essay
and calculation geometric shape
1.2 Select measuring tools
appropriate to the object  Converting
to be measured based on Power point
job requirements presentation
modules and
1.3 Obtain correct  Analytical Thinking other materials Creative
specification from use for this
Performance task lesson.
relevant sources

1.4 Select appropriate

measuring instruments  Think Pair share
according to job Performance based
requirements Output
1.5 Use alternative Illustrative
measuring tools without  Individual Research
sacrificing cost and quality
of work Oral Recitation

 Drawing Responsive
LO 2. Carry out
mensuration and Written
2.3 Perform calculation Examination Creative
needed to complete task  Picture analysis
by applying trade
mathematics/mensuration Productive

2.4 Employ different Written Illustrative

techniques in checking for
accuracy of the Accuracy
The learners The learners
demonstrate shall be able to
 Make an Illustration
LESSON 4: PREPARE read and
 Interactive Discussion
understanding interpret Demonstration
LO 1. Analyze signs, 
of concepts technical symbols, and data (Sketching Technique)
and principles drawings and 1.1 Prepare tools and 2 Weeks Performance task  Search and Draw
in interpreting work plans instruments used in  Drawing the lines
technical accurately illustration Written
 Drawing the shapes Responsive
1.2 Interpret signs, Examination
drawings and  Question and Answer Power point
work plans symbols, and data presentation
Performance based
according to job
output modules and
other materials
1.3 Perform simple trade Project use for this
mathematical conversions
2. Interpret illustration
drawings and plans Expressive
2.1 Identify illustration
tools and materials to be Responsive
used in preparing a simple
2.2 Identify dimensions Expressive
and specifications
The learners according to job
demonstrate The learners requirements
an shall be able to
LESSON 5: PRACTICE consistently
of concepts observe Written
and underlying precautionary Examination
LO 1. Identify hazards and  Interactive Discussion Productive
principles of measures and risks Think pair share
Performance task 
Power point
Occupational respond to risks 1.5 Follow OHS policies  My safe Workspace
Health and and hazards in Recitation presentation
and procedures in 1Week  Creating Intelligence
identifying hazards and modules and
Safety (OHS) in the workplace  Role playing
risks Group performance other materials
relation to
1.6 Explain hazards and use for this
health and risk Responsive
risks in the workplace lesson.
hazards in the
1.7 Identify hazards and
workplace risks indicators as
prescribed by the
1.8 Apply contingency
measures in accordance
with the OSH procedures

LO 2. Evaluate and control

hazards and risks
2.4 Determine the effects
of hazards in the
2.5 Identify the methods
in controlling hazards and
2.6 Follow OHS
procedures for controlling
hazards and risks

TEACHER: Mr. Israel M. Marquez

Quarter Content Performance Most Essential Learning Duration Activities Assessment Resources Core Values
standard Competencies
The learner The learner LO 1: Trace the history &  Video analysis Written examination
demonstrates demonstrates development of fashion Power point
2 weeks  Individual Responsive
accessory production (Multiple choice) presentation
understanding of understanding of Research
concepts, concepts, LO 2: Select materials  Think Pair share Performance task
theories and theories and tools and equipment in
techniques in techniques in making fashion Power point
making Fashion making Fashion accessories 2 Weeks Written examination Responsive
 Picture analysis presentation and
Accessories Accessories
 Discussion modules
1st 2.1 Identify materials tools (Matching type)
and equipment in making
fashion accessories.

LO 3: Use basic tools in

fashion accessory
3.1 Discuss the functions 3 weeks Power point Demonstrative
and uses of each materials,  Interactive Recitation
Discussion presentation and
tools and equipment Expressive
3.2 Demonstrate  Demonstration of Performance Task modules
techniques and procedures the skills
in using the tools in
making fashion accessory
Written examination Power point Patience
presentation and
4: Identify Fashion 1 week  Analytical (Computation type)
Accessory cost component Thinking
4.1 Compute production Performance based
 Purchasing
cost output
4.2 Purchase fashion
accessory materials

Quarter Content standard Performance Most Essential Learning Duration Activities Assessment Resources Core Values
standard Competencies
The learner The learner LO 1: Follow methods and
demonstrates independently procedures in making
demonstrates fashion accessory  Interactive Discussion Written
understanding of Power point Responsive
common  Individual Research Examination
concepts, theories presentation
competencies 1.1 Discuss different  Scrap book
and techniques in Recitation Expressive
in making methods, techniques and 1 week making( Fashion
making Fashion Fashion procedures in making
Accessories accessories) Performance Task
Accessories Fashion Accessory
1.2 Demonstrate methods / Materials use Demonstrative
 Demonstration of the Performance Task
procedures in making in fashion
Fashion Accessory 4 weeks accessories
projects / products

LO 2: Describe quality
projects / products of
Fashion Accessory
2.1 Discuss the different  Interactive Discussion examination Expressive
characteristics of a quality (Multiple choice) Power point
 Designing presentation
fashion accessory 1 week  Checklist
projects / products Performance based Materials use
 Creating for fashion Creative
2.2 Apply elements of arts accessories
and principles of design in Oral recitation
fashion accessory
projects / products

2.3 Select quality supply

and materials for fashion
LO 3: Prepare packaging 1 week
of finished Fashion
Accessory Power point Patience
Performance based Materials use
3.1 Select appropriate
quality packaging outcome for Packaging Demonstrative
 Discussion
materials for fashion
 Creating ( Packaging Oral recitation
3.2 Apply creativity in

Quarter Content standard Performance Most Essential Learning Duration Activities Assessment Resources Core Values
The learner The learner LO 1:Trace the history 1  Video analysis Written Examination Responsive
demonstrates independently & development of WEEK. (Multiple choice, Essay and Power point
 Interactive
origami, paper Mache presentation Expressive
understanding of demonstrates discussion True or False)
(vases) production
concepts, theories common  Individual research
and techniques in competencies Recitation
1.1 Discuss history and
making Origami in making development of Origami
LO 2: Plan a design and
pattern for an origami  Interactive Perseverance
paper craft 1 Power point
(vases/frames) WEEK. presentation Creative
 Sketching and Recitation
and materials
2.1 Discuss the design Designing Patience
Performance Task use for
to be made
2.2 Sketch the design

LO 3: Select materials WEEK.
for making origami Written
 Picture analysis Examination( Identification) Power point Responsive
3.1 Identify materials  Discussion presentation
suited for making a

LO 4: Follow methods 5 Project based output Creative

WEEK. Power point
and procedures in
Making an Performance task presentation Persistence
making origami 
Origami and materials
4.1 Demonstrate use for Patience
 Demonstration of
methods / procedures in the skills Origami
making origami projects making
/ products
Quarter Content Performance Most Essential Learning Duration Activities Assessment Resources Core Values
standard Competencies
The learner The learner PERFORM ORIGAMI
demonstrates independently PRODUCTION – PAPER
understanding demonstrates CRAFT
common (VASE/FRAMES)
of concepts,
competencies in Cooperative
theories and making LO 6: Describe quality  Group Reporting Recitation Power point and
techniques in Origami projects and products of presentation
making origami Responsive
Origami Week 1-
6.1 Discuss the different  Discussion Written
4th 4
characteristics of a quality examination(Essay)
origami projects /
products Creative
 Creating Materials use
6.2 Apply elements of
 Project design Performance task for origami
arts and principles of
design in producing Exercise
origami projects / Open
products  Checklist Written Examination
Power point mindedness
6.3 Select quality supply  Interview presentation
and materials for origami

LO 7: Package the
finished origami paper
craft (vases/frames) Week 5-  Individual research Written works
7 Power point Hard work
7.1 Select appropriate  Creating( Applying the ( Essay)
quality packaging technique in Materials use Persistence
packaging) Performance task
material for fashion for Packaging

7.2 Apply creativity in



TEACHER: Mr. Israel M. Marquez

Quarter Content Performance Most Essential Learning Duration Assessment Activities Resources Core Values
standard Competencies
The learner The learner LO 1. Understand Essay  Web map Responsive
applies the performs skillfully concepts related to  Interactive Discussion Power point
principles of art the use of design, Recitation presentation Expressive
needlecraft  Video analysis
and handicraft materials, and and modules
1 week Written task  Individual Research Innovative
to create a techniques to 1.1 Identify major  KWL Chart
beautiful and create needlecraft techniques Performance task  Partner in Crime
marketable embroidered
embroidered products. 1.2 State safety and
product. precautionary measures
LO 1. Understand
embroidery as a craft and Responsive
Written Task  Discussion
its techniques Power point Progressive
1 week  Think pair Share
Recitation presentation
1.1Define embroidery as a  Identifying and modules
needlecraft technique Matching type  Watch me!

1.2 Identify the tools and Essay

materials used

LO 2. Create embroidered Performance task Power point

products with package 6 Weeks presentation Creative
Performance task  Creating Embroidery modules and
2.1 Manipulate properly  Watch and apply embroidery Patience
the tools and materials for Project  Demonstration materials.
 Designing Hard work
embroidery Project based
 Hands on activity
2.2 Combine stitching
techniques in embroidery, Written Examination Power point Productive
Calado and smocking to presentation
modules and
create a well-made
project. materials.
2.3 Select appropriate
and quality packaging
Quarter Content Performance Most Essential Learning Duration Assessment Activities Resources Core Values
standard Competencies
The learner The learner LO 1. Treatment of hair
demonstrates an demonstrates and scalp
understanding of common and 1.1. Appreciate the Oral Recitation  Visual analysis
core Power point Responsive
the core benefits of scalp and hair  Interactive Discussion
competencies in Performance task presentation
concepts and treatment Sorting and
performing hair 
and modules Expressive
theories in hair care and scalp 1.2. Analyze scalp and 1 WEEK Classifying
care and scalp treatment hair structure Innovative
type  Situational Analysis
treatment. services 1.3. Distinguish diseases
and disorders of scalp and
Written task
2nd hair
1.4. Observe safety
precautions and sanitation
while at work
1.5. Explain the different
types of shampoo and

LO 2. Prepare client
 Interactive Discussion
Written task
2.1 Assist client in  Creating Diagram
accordance with salon 1 WEEK Oral Recitation  Read and analyze
Power point Responsive
procedures  Venn Diagram presentation
2.2 Provide appropriate Performance task
modules, Progressive
clothing according to the
desired type of service,
and size and built of the
2.3 Advise client to
remove all jewelry and
accessories 2 WEEKS  Interactive
Oral Recitation
 Role playing Illustrative
LO 3. Apply shampoo
Performance Task  Drawing
and/or conditioner on the
 Watch and play Cooperative
client Power point
presentation Appreciation
3.1 Shampoo and/or Written task modules
condition hair as required
and following standard
3.2 Ensure client’s safety
and comfort during the
2 weeks  Interactive
entire process
 Interview
LO 4. Blow-dry hair Written task Responsive
 Demonstration of
4.1 Towel dry and comb Power point
hair according to service Oral Recitation the skill
presentation Progressive
requirements modules
4.2 Blow-dry hair Performance task
according to service
requirements and
following standard
4.3 Apply finishing
product on blow-dried
hair according to product
 Interactive
1 week discussion
Written task  Questioning
LO 5. Perform post-  Waste in the box Responsive
service activities Oral Recitation  Perform Progressive
3.1 Clean, sanitize, and
store tools and equipment sterilization
Performance task Power point
according to OHS Technique Productive
requirements modules
3.2 Segregate and
dispose waste materials
according to OHS

Quarter Content Performance Most Essential Learning Duration Assessment Activities Resources Core Values
standard Competencies
The learner The learner LO 1. Fundamentals in hair
demonstrates demonstrates coloring and hair bleaching
understanding common 1.1 Perform preliminary
of the core competencies in steps on hair coloring
concepts and hair coloring 1.2 Use tested products,
theories in and hair implements and supplies Responsive
performing hair bleaching 1.3 Classify various hair  Individual Research
Written task
coloring and activities coloring  Discussion Progressive
hair bleaching 1.4 Describe various types Recitation  Performing Hair
3rd Creative
of hair coloring application coloring
1.5 Conduct scalp and hair 2 WEEKS Group Performance Video analysis Power point
presentation Patience

analysis  Demonstration
1.6 Identify the effects of modules
 Group reporting Hard work
allergies and hair treatment
to hair coloring activity
1.7 Perform skin test/patch
test carefully
1.8 Discuss hair coloring
1.9 Explain dimensional

 Discussion
 5 sentence paragraph Illustrative
LO 2. Prepare client 1 WEEK Written task  Analytical thinking
2.1 Consult and advise  Picture analysis Cooperative
client on color options, and  Group reporting
checked for possible skin Performance task Appreciation
2.2 Check and analyze
condition of the hair and
scalp Prepare and use
protective clothing and
materials according to
OH&S requirements
2.3 Drape client following
established procedures to
Quarter Content Performance Most Essential Learning Duration Assessment Activities Resources Core Values
standard Competencies
The learner The learner LO 1. Understand Quilting 1 WEEK Reflection paper Video analysis Power point Responsive
applies the performs skillfully as a Technique presentation
the use of design, and modules Expressive
principles of
materials, and 1.1 Discuss the overview
art and Oral Recitation Interactive Discussion Innovative
techniques to of Quilting
handicraft to
create quilted
create a products 1.2 Demonstrate proper
Demonstration of the
beautiful and use of tools and materials Performance task
in Quilting skills
quilted Creating Responsive
product LO 2. Make Quilted Project Power point
products with package 6 WEEK presentation Progressive
Demonstration of the skills
2.1 Apply Quilt stitches on Video Editor Creative
Performance task
and materials
selected project
use for Patience
Creating /Planning quilted
2.2 Prepare project plan Hard work
Written task
for the expected quilted Discussion
2.3 Select appropriate Group Performance
Role playing
quality packaging material Illustrative
for finished project Power point Cooperative
2.4 Evaluate the Rubrics Evaluating modules Appreciation
quality/characteristics of
finished product (use

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