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1. List out the steps involved in selecting a repair procedure.

• Selecting a repair procedure a) Describe about the inspection to be carried out during and after
• Do repair job in time the construction of structure.
• If defects are few and isolated repair on an individual basis. Inspection of Buildings Under Construction are required for a
Otherwise variety of purposes ,including statutory requirements, which will
do in a generalized manner. dictate the frequency and scope of inspection and reporting
• Ensure that the repair prevents further development of format, and these must be agreed between the professional
defects. and the client.
• Incase of lost strength, repairs should restore the strength.
• If appearance is a problem, the number of applicable types of
become limited and the repairs must be covered.
• Repair works should not interfere with facilities of the
• Take care in addition of section to a member and in
redistributing live
loads and other live load moments. After selecting a suitable
method of
• Repair, and after considering all the ramifications of its
application, the
last step is to prepare plans and specification and proceed with
the work.

2. Show the possible decisions that can be made after

evaluating the strength of a structure.
• To permit deterioration to continue.
• To make measures to preserve the structure m the present
conditionwithout strengthening.
• To strengthen the construction.
• If deterioration is exceptionally severe, to reconstruct or
possiblyabandon it.

3. List any four durability parameters.

Resist weathering action, chemical attack, abrasion and other
degradation processes

4. Classify the types of cracks based on its thickness.

Thin Crack - less than 1 mm in width, (b) Medium Crack - 1 to 2
mm in width, (c) Wide Crack - more than 2 mm in width. (d)
Crazing - Occurrence of closely spaced fine cracks at the
surface of a material is called crazing.

5. Define aspect ratio.

The aspect ratio of a geometric shape is the ratio of its
sizes in different dimensions. For example, the aspect
ratio of a rectangle is the ratio of its longer side to its
shorter side—the ratio of width to height, when the
rectangle is oriented as a "landscape".

6. What do you mean by critical length of fibre.

We define the critical fibre length as the length of the
smallest fibre segment which can still be broken during
the fragmentation test, at a given value of the strain
imposed on the specimen.
7. List out the types of corrosion inhibitors.
Cathodic Inhibitor 2. Anodic Inhibitor. 3. Volatile Corrosion
Inhibitor. 4. Mixed Inhibitors .
8.What is the purpose of underpinning.
Underpinning is the reinforcing of an existing building
foundation. It is required when the original foundation is no longer strong
enough to support the house. This is usually a result of a change to the soil
structure, whether due to the type of soil or some external influence on the
9.Discuss about the process of gunite and shotcrete..
For gunite, water is added to the dry concrete mix at the gun-
shaped nozzle opening (hence the name “gunite”). The concrete is made in
the air right before hitting its target. Shotcrete is different in that it is trucked
to your property wet in a cement truck
b) Describe the various repair strategies for RC buildings. a) List the various components of quality control and explain it in detail. Reviews
Repair is the technical aspect of rehabilitation. The four main components of a quality management process are Quality
Refers to modification of a Planning, Quality Assurance, Quality Control and Continuous Review structure – Reviews can be formal or informal.
structure partly or wholly which is damaged in appearance or serviceability. Improvement.
Stages of repair: Repair of concrete structure is carried out in the following Quality Planning Assessment – The assessment that the review performs may be direct or
stages: Determines which quality standards are necessary and provides guidance indirect, i.e. a product review directly addresses the quality of the project.
a) Removal of damaged concrete to stakeholders on how quality management will be performed on the Any faults identified may actually be caused by the project management
b) Pretreatment of surfaces and reinforcement project. It will include: process being inadequate. The review is therefore indirectly assessing the
c) Application of repair materials process! This should be recognised and documented.
d) Restoring the integrity of individual sections and strengthening of
structure as a whole.  Stakeholder expectations – this section should document Type – a review may be aimed at project management processes or
a) Removal of damaged concrete specifically what the customer expects in terms of project project deliverables.
Prior to the execution of any repair, one essential and common quality. Including whether they have specified any external
requirement is that quality standards and what their priorities are in terms of the Decision – a review should identify 3 possible outcomes:
the deteriorated or damaged concrete should be removed. areas affected by quality.
 Removal of defective concrete can be carried out using tools and
equipment the types  Success criteria (as defined in the business case) in
of which depend on the damage. addition to the defined success criteria this section should also 1. Subject for review fit for purpose and can be signed off.
 Normally, removal of concrete can be accomplished by hand tools, or define acceptable tolerances for achievement of those 2. Subject for review needs some correction but subject to
when that is objectives. completion of clearly stated actions it can be signed off. No
impractical because of the extent of repair, it can be done with a light or  Standards applicable (internal and external) – the project further reviews required
medium environment may require that the Quality Plan incorporates the 3. Subject for review is sub-standard and requires re-word and a
weight air hammer fitted with a spade shaped bit. requirements of external standards. These could range from repeated review.
 Care should be taken not to damage the unaffected concrete portions. the Company’s own quality standards to ISO 9000 or Health Quality Control
 For cracks and other narrow defects, a saw-toothed bit will help achieve and Safety at Work Legislation.
sharp edges Quality control consists of inspection, testing and quality measurement
and a suitable under cut.
 Roles and responsibilities concerned with quality – these verifies that the projects deliverables conform to specification, is fit for
may include quality assurance testing, supervision and purpose and meet stakeholder’s expectations.Quality control techniques
b) Pretreatment of surfaces and reinforcement:
management roles are varied and the technique used should be driven by the nature of the
The preparation of a surface/pretreatment for repair involved the following
steps:  The process that will be followed – these will be documented project.The most obvious example of quality control is the inspections and
 Complete removal of unsound material. in a systematic way and will govern the mechanisms for the tests that are done to check whether a product meets is specification. The
 Undercutting along with the formation of smooth edges. product of the product specifications and testing procedures. exact inspection method used depends entirely on the technical nature of
the product being developed by the project. Inspections that may be
 Removal of the cracks from the surface.  How continuous improvement will be actioned – this may relevant:
 Formation of a well-defined cavity geometry with rounded inside corners. include making adjustments to processes where they are
 Providing, rough but uniform surface for repair. proven to be unsatisfactory.
The cleaning of all loose particles and oil and dirt out of the cavity should Construction – part of Quality Control would be to check the strength of
be carried out  Project assurance techniques – This section will describe the concrete. Aircraft – part of Quality Control would be to check the quality
shortly before the repair. This cleaning can be achieved by blowing with how assurance will be perfomed and who is responsible. It will of the welding·
compressed air, define policies of quality reviews and audits of the management
hosing with water, acid etching, wire brushing, scarifying or a combination. process . Process – part of Quality Control may be to pilot before making live.
Brooms or  Quality control measures – will define control measures that
Having inspected the products and gained the data on their performance,
we need to identify any problems and understand the causes – tools that
brushes will also help to remove loose material. will be used
c) Application of repair materials: can be used to display the inspection data are:
 After the concrete surface has been prepared, a bonding coat should be  Interactions with other processes such as configuration
applied to the management, change control and how these links will be Histogram – plots frequency of variables.The height of the bar shows how
entire cleaned exposed surface. established. often a particular result occurs and the number of bars indicates the range
 It should be done with minimum delay. of results
 The bonding coat may consist of bonding agents such ass cement slurry, Quality Assurance
cement sand Quality reviews are a key tool for quality assurance but could also be used
mortar, epoxy, epoxy mortar, resin materials etc. for quality control. The way they will be conducted will be set out in the
 Scatter Chart – used where there are 2 variable and we want
 Adequate preparation of surface and good workmanship are the to see if there is a relationship between them, i.e. the strength
Quality Plan. Four overall objectives for review:
ingredients of of number of cubes against recorded outside temperatures may
efficient and economical repairs. show relationship between strength and temperature.
d) Repair procedure:  Control Chart – plots value for each of a number of outputs of
The repair of cracked or damaged structure is discussed under two distinct 1. Provide assurance that the project is proceeding according to the same process. It also sets tolerances for the values
categories, agreed plans/processes. measured. This allows us to identify if the process is in or out of
namely, ordinary or conventional procedures; and special procedures using 2. Measure effectiveness of agreed plans/processes control. For example plotting the results for the test of each
the latest 3. Capture lessons learned weld on the ship to ensure our welding process was within
techniques and newer materials such as polymers, epoxy resins etc. 4. Identify areas of non-compliance and opportunities for acceptable control limits
A repair procedure may be selected to accomplish one or more of the improvement
following objective:  Run Chart – plots the history of a single variable. For example
a) To increase strength or restore load carrying capacity. Quality Assurance covers the whole project lifecycle and is not if a key performance criterion for a project was the variance
b) To restore or increase stiffness concentrated on any particular phase. It ensures that the other processes between actual and cost, this variable could be plotted over
c) To improve functional performance. (mainly Planning and Control) are being adequately performed and that the time to track its variation and identify trends.· Tools for
d) To provide water tightness. project is adhering to any corporate standards that are relevant to the understanding causes or prioritising areas for action:
e) To improve appearance of concrete surface. project.  Pareto Chart – this is a type of histogram that orders the
f) To improve durability. Quality Assurance involves pre-planned, regular reviews and independent information in a particular way. This is sometime called the
g) To prevent access of corrosive materials to reinforcement. audits to verify that work is being carried out consistently in accordance 80:20 rule; 80% of the observable faults are cause by 20% of
with defined procedures and to provide confidence to stakeholders the the root causes. This enables us to direct problem solving
project will satisfy relevant quality requirements and standards. where it will be most effective.
 Process Control Chart – a graphical representation of a
process showing activities and decision points. A flow is used
to show how different parts of a system interrelate. It can help
the project team identify where quality problems may occur or
redesign a process to correct problems.
 Cause and Effect – is simply a graphical technique to help
develop an understanding of how certain causes may lead to a
particular effect.This section may also define how the project
should control change and perform configuration management

b) Discuss in detail about the thermal properties of concrete.
Explain how concrete structure is affected by thermal condition.
2.4 Thermal Properties
Thermal properties of concrete to understand the behavior of concrete to
heating and cooling.The
study of thermal properties of concrete is an important aspect while dealing
with the durability of
Concrete is a material used in all climatic regions for all kinds of
structures.The important
properties that will be discussed are:
 Thermal conductivity
 Thermal diffusivity
 Specific heat
 Coefficient of thermal expansion
2.4.1Thermal Conductivity
This measures the ability of material to conduct heat. Thermal conductivity
is measured in joules
per second per square meter of are conductivity of concrete depends on
type of aggregate a of body
when the temperature difference is 1degree C per meter thickness of the
The conductivity of concrete depends on type of aggregate moisture
content, density and
temperature of concrete. When the concrete is saturated, the conductivity
ranges generally between
about 1.4 to 3.4 J/S/
2.4.2 Thermal Diffusivity
Diffusivity represents the rate at which temperature changes within the
concrete mass. Diffusivity
is simply related to the conductivity by the following equation:
Where C is the specific heat, and P is the density of Concrete. The range
of diffusivity of concrete
is between 0.002 to 0.006
2.4.3Specific heat
It is defined as the quantity of heat, required to raise the temperature of a
unit mass of a material by
one degree centigrade. The common range of values for concrete is
between 840 to 1170 j/
2.4.4Coefficient Thermal Expansion
It is defined as the change in unit length per degree change of
temperature. In concrete, it depends
upon the mix proportions. The coefficient of thermal expansion of hydrated
cement paste varies
between 11x10^-6 and 20x10^-6 per degree C. The coefficient of thermal
expansion of aggregates
varies between 5x10^6 and 12x10^-6 per degree C Limestone
and Gabbros will have low values
and gravel and Quartzite will have high values of coefficient of thermal

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