Building Maintenance
Building Maintenance
Building Maintenance
Work undertaken in order to keep, restore or improve every facility, i.e. every part of the
building, its services and surrounds to a currently acceptable standard and to sustain the
utility and value of the facility
These above parties are perceived to have different, and perhaps conflicting, goals.
Assuming that building maintenance may sometimes be dominated by one party.
BCM205-Constructions Methods III
Classification of maintenance
A classification of maintenance simply into routine or remedial, or planned and unplanned
categories is clearly of rather limited value. The Audit Commission considered a better
division of maintenance to be the following.
Types of Maintenance
BCM205-Constructions Methods III
according to the need to take the device out of service. With this this type incidences
of operating faults are reduced.
ii. Unplanned Maintenance – Adhoc maintenance carried out to no predetermined
iii. Preventive Maintenance – maintenance carried out at predetermined intervals, or
corresponding to prescribed criteria, and intended to reduce the probability of
failure, or the performance degradation of an item
iv. Corrective Maintenance – maintenance carried out after a failure has occurred, and
intended to restore an item to a state in which it can perform its required function
v. Emergency Maintenance – maintenance that it is necessary to put in hand
immediately to avoid serious consequences
vi. Condition-Based Maintenance – preventive maintenance initiated as a result of
knowledge of the condition of an item from routine or continuous monitoring
vii. Scheduled Maintenance – preventive maintenance carried out to a predetermined
interval of time, number of operations, mileage, etc.
Maintenance cycle
The maintenance cycle of a building depends on the latter’s individual circumstances (e.g.
the use, classification and condition), expectations of users and their affordability, with
adjustments made in accordance with certain special conditions and expected standards.
Nonetheless, the maintenance cycles of facilities or structures crucial to the safety or hygiene
of residents and the public, or those whose inspection and testing are prescribed by law, e.g.
external finishes, fire safety provisions, fire service installations and facilities, electrical and lift
installations, etc., shall not be extended.
Refurbishment/repair 3 years
Interior partition walls
Structural overhaul Whenever necessary
BCM205-Constructions Methods III
Electrical installations
Inspection, testing and certification
(Fixed electrical At least once every 5
by qualified electrical work
installations whose load years
exceeds 100 amps)
Inspection and reinstallation by
Every week
managing personnel
Implementation of overhaul and
Fire service installations
reporting to the Fire Service Every year
Inspection of fire doors 1 to 2 days
Service risers of gas Inspection by qualified gas work At least once every 18
supply contractors months
BCM205-Constructions Methods III