Tan V CA
Tan V CA
Tan V CA
Yulo, Quisumbing, Torres, Ali & Bello Law Offices for petitioner.
This petition seeks to set aside the decision of the Court of Appeals dated January 12, 1993 in CA-G.R.
CV No. 31083, entitled Ramon Tan, plaintiff-appellee, vs. Rizal Commercial Banking
Corporation, defendant-appellant, reversing the decision of the Regional Trial Court dated December 28,
1990 ordering respondent bank Rizal Commercial Banking Corporation (RCBC), Binondo Branch, to pay
petitioner damages and attorney's fees in the amount of ONE MILLION THIRTY FIVE THOUSAND
(P1,035,000.00) PESOS.
Petitioner Ramon Tan, a trader-businessman and community leader in Puerto Princesa, had maintained
since 1976 Current Account No. 109058068 with respondent bank's Binondo branch. On March 11, 1988,
to avoid carrying cash while enroute to Manila, he secured a Cashier's Check No. L 406000126 from the
Philippine Commercial Industrial Bank (PCIB), Puerto Princesa branch, in the amount of Thirty Thousand
(P30,000.00) Pesos, payable to his order. He deposited the check in his account with RCBC Binondo on
March 15. On the same day, RCBC erroneously sent the same cashier's check for clearing to the Central
Bank which was returned for having been "missent" or "misrouted." 1 The next day, March 16, RCBC
debited the amount covered by the same cashier's check from the account of the petitioner. Respondent
bank at this time had not informed the petitioner of its action which the latter claims he learned of only 42
days after, specifically on March 16, when he received the bank's debit memo. 2 Relying on the common
knowledge that a cashier's check was as good as cash, that the usual banking practice that local checks
are cleared within three (3) working days and regional checks within seven (7) working days, and the fact
that the cashier's check was accepted, petitioner issued two (2) personal checks both dated March 18.
Check No. 040719 in the name of Go Lac for Five Thousand Five Hundred (P5,5000.00) Pesos was
presented on April 25, 3 more than 30 days from petitioner's deposit date of the cashier's check. Check
No. 040718 in the name of MS Development Trading Corporation for Six Thousand Fifty-Three Pesos
and Seventy Centavos (P6,053.70) was returned twice on March 24, nine (9) days from his deposit date
and again on April 26, twenty-two days after the day the cashier's check was deposited for insufficiency of
funds. 4
Petitioner, alleging to have suffered humiliation and loss of face in the business sector due to the
bounced checks, filed a complaint against RCBC for damages in the Regional Trial Court of Palawan and
Puerto Princesa, Branch 47, docketed as Civil Case No. 2101. 5
First, that it was RCBC's responsibility to call his attention there and then that he had erroneously filled
the wrong deposit slip at the time he deposited the cashier's check with the respondent bank's teller and it
was negligence on RCBC's part not to have done so; 6
Second, that RCBC had been remiss in the performance of its obligation to the petitioner when it
"missent" the cashier's check to the Central Bank knowing, as it should, that the source of the check,
PCIB, Puerto Princesa Branch, is not included in the areas required to be cleared by the Central Bank, a
fact known to the banking world and surely to the respondent bank; 7
Third, that RCBC upon knowing of its error in "missending" the cashier's check to the Central Bank did
not attempt to rectify its "misclearing" error by clearing it seasonably with PCIB, Puerto Princesa, thru its
own RCBC Puerto Princesa Branch with whom it had direct radio contact; 8
Fourth, that as an old client, with twelve (12) years of good standing then, RCBC should have given him
more consideration by exerting greater diligence in clearing the check with PCIB, Puerto Princesa, to
protect its client's interest; 9
Fifth, that RCBC failed to inform petitioner promptly that the check had not been cleared, despite its
debiting without delay the amount covered by the check from the account of the petitioner and hastily
charging the latter service fees immediately after the return of the "missent checks"; 10 and
Finally, that the bounced checks resulting from RCBC's "misclearing" had put in doubt his credibility
among his business peers and sullied his reputation as a community leader which he had painstakingly
cultivated for years. His community standing as a business-socio-civic leader was a source of pride for
him in his old age of 70. He cited being Chairman of Palawan Boy Scout Council, 2-term President of the
Rotary Club of Puerto Princesa, member of Palawan Chamber of Commerce and Industry, member of the
Monitoring Team of the Palawan Integrated Area Development Project, member of Lion's Club, Philippine
Rifle Pistol Association and the Saturday Health Club to justify his claim for moral damages. 11
In its defense, RCBC disowning any negligence, put the blame for the "misrouting" on the petitioner for
using the wrong check deposit slip. It insisted that the misuse of a local check deposit slip, instead of a
regional check deposit slip, triggered the "misrouting" by RCBC of the cashier's check to the Central Bank
and it was petitioner's negligent "misuse" of a local deposit slip which was the proximate cause of the
"misrouting," thus he should bear the consequence. 12
RCBC alleged that it complied strictly with accepted banking practice when it debited the amount of
P30,000.00 against petitioner's account since under Resolution No. 2202 dated December 21, 1979 of
the Monetary Board, it is a matter of policy to prohibit the drawing against uncollected deposits (DAUDS)
except when the drawings are made against uncollected deposits representing bank
manager's/cashier's/treasurer's checks, treasury warrants, postal money orders and duly funded "on us"
checks which may be permitted at the discretion of each bank. 13Without crediting the P30,000.00
deposit, petitioner's balance before and after was Two Thousand Seven Hundred
Ninety-Two Pesos and the (P2,792.88) Eighty-Eight Centavos. 14 Thus, it dishonored the two (2) checks
amounting to P11,553.70 since they were drawn against insufficient funds. RCBC added that petitioner
had no bills purchase (BP) line which allows a depositor to receive or draw from proceeds of a check
without waiting it to be cleared. Besides, RCBC maintained, had it forwarded the Cashier's Check to PCIB
Puerto Princesa, Palawan, it would take at least twenty (20) working days for the cashier's check to be
cleared and it would take the same length of time to clear the two (2) personal checks of Tan. 15
RCBC further asseverated it was merely acting as petitioner's collecting agent and it assumed no
responsibility beyond care in selecting correspondents under the theory that where a check is deposited
with a collecting bank the relationship created is that of agency and not creditor-debtor, thus it cannot be
Finally, respondent claimed that serious attempts were made to contact petitioner through the telephone
numbers in the signature specimen card of petitioner but to no avail. 17 The Assistant Branch Accountant
of RCBC Binondo Branch testified that the first telephone number in the card had been deleted from the
phone company's list and that when RCBC tried to contact petitioner's daughter Evelyn Tan-Banzon thru
a certain telephone number and when they asked for Evelyn Tan, they were told there was no such
person. 18
The trial court rendered a decision on December 28, 1990 in petitioner's favor, the dispositive portion of
which reads:
WHEREFORE, premises considered, plaintiff having proven the allegations of his verified
complaint by preponderance of evidence, the court hereby renders judgment ordering
defendant bank, Binondo Branch, Manila, to pay him damages and attorney's fees in the
total amount of P1,035,000.00 Philippine Currency, broken down as follows: P700,000.00
as moral damages, P200,000.00 as exemplary damages; P135,000.00 which is 15% of
the sum herein awarded to plaintiff, as attorney's fees and to pay costs of suit.
For having failed to prove by any receipt or writing to underpin it, plaintiff's claim for actual
damage is denied for lack of merit.
RCBC appealed to the Court of Appeals contending that the trial court erred in holding RCBC liable to
petitioner on account of its alleged negligence and in awarding petitioner moral and exemplary damages
and attorney's fees.
The Court of Appeals on January 12, 1993 rendered a decision with the following decretal portion:
WHEREFORE, and upon all the foregoing, the decision of the court below is REVERSED
and this complaint is DISMISSED without pronouncement as to cost.
The Court of Appeals' decision is based on the following findings:
What appeared to have caused the unfortunate incident was that the plaintiff filled up the
wrong deposit slip which led to the sending of the check to the Central Bank when the
clearing should have been made elsewhere.
But the claim of the plaintiff that he was not advised that the Cashier's check was missent
does not seem to be correct. The evidence indicated that the defendant bank thru its
personnel had called him up thru telephone in the number (No. 60-45-23) which he gave
in his specimen signature card. But it came out, that said telephone number was no
longer active or was already deleted from the list of telephone numbers.
There was an instruction on the part of the plaintiff for the bank to contact his daughter,
Mrs. Evelyn Tan Banzon and according to the plaintiff, she too, was not contacted as per
his instruction. The evidence, however, indicated that Ms. Evelyn Tan also could not be
contacted at the number supposed to pertain to her as appeared in the specimen
signature card. In other words while there was compliance with the instructions given by
the plaintiff but said instructions were faulty. The plaintiff as a customer of the bank is
under obligation to inform the defendant of any changes in the telephone numbers to be
contacted in the event of any exigency.
All in all, the facts indicate that the refusal of RCBC to credit the amount of P30,000.00 to
the plaintiff's current account is consistent with the accepted banking practice. As the
defendant bank had claimed, under Resolution No. 2202 dated December 21, 1979 of
the Monetary Board, it had been emphatically declared as a matter of policy that no
drawings should be made against uncollected deposits except when the drawings are
made against uncollected deposits representing bank manager's/cashier's/treasurer's
checks, treasury warrants, postal money orders, and duly funded "on-us" checks as may
be permitted at the discretion of each bank.
What the plaintiff should have done, before issuing the two (2) checks, was to await the
clearance of the Cashier's check and his failure to do so is a fault not ascribable to the
defendant who appeared under the circumstance merely to have followed the usual
banking practice.
Petitioner now seeks to reverse the decision of the Court of Appeals and affirm that of the lower court. He
raises the following errors:
In a most recent case decided by this Court, City Trust Corporation v. The Intermediate Appellate
Court, 22involving damages against City Trust Banking Corporation, the depositor, instead of stating her
correct account number 29000823 inaccurately wrote 2900823. Because of this error, six postdated
checks amounting to P20,209.00 she issued were dishonored for insufficiency of funds. The Regional
Trial Court dismissed the complaint for lack of merit. The Court of Appeals, however, found the appeal
meritorious and ordered the bank to pay nominal damages of P2,000.00, temperate and moderate
damages of P5,000.00 and attorney's fees of P4,000.00. Upon review, this Court quoted with favor the
disquisition of the appellate court:
We cannot uphold the position of defendant. For, even if it be true that there was error on
the part of the plaintiff in omitting a zero in her account number, yet, it is a fact that her
name, Emma E. Herrero, is clearly written on said deposit slip (Exh. B). This is controlling
in determining in whose account the deposit is made or should be posted. This is so
because it is not likely to commit an error in one's name that merely relying on numbers
which are difficult to remember, especially a number with eight (8) digits as the account
numbers of defendant's depositors. We view the use of numbers as simply for the
convenience of the bank but was never intended to disregard the real name of its
depositors. The bank is engaged in business impressed with public interests, and it is its
duty to protect in return its many clients and depositors who transact business with it. It
should not be a matter of the bank alone receiving deposits, lending out money and
collecting interests. It is also its obligation to see to it that all funds invested with it are
properly accounted for and duly posted in its ledgers.
In the case before Us, we are not persuaded that defendant bank was not free from
blame for the fiasco. In the first place, the teller should not have accepted plaintiff's
deposit without correcting the account number on the deposit slip which, obviously, was
erroneous because, as pointed out by defendant, it contained only seven (7) digits
instead of eight (8). Second, the complete name of plaintiff depositor appears in bold
letters on the deposit slip (Exh. B). There could be no mistaking in her name, and that the
deposit was made in her name, Emma E. Herrero. In fact, defendant's teller should not
have fed her deposit slip to the computer knowing that her account number written
thereon was wrong as it contained only seven (7) digits. As it happened, according to
defendant, plaintiff's deposit had to be consigned to the suspense accounts pending
verification. This, indeed, could have been avoided at the first instance had the teller of
defendant bank performed her duties efficiently and well. For then she could have readily
detected that the account number in the name of Emma E. Herrero was erroneous and
would be rejected by the computer. That is, or should be, part of the training and
standard operating procedure of the bank's employees. On the other hand, the
depositors are not concerned with banking procedure. That is the responsibility of the
bank and its employees. Depositors are only concerned with the facility of depositing their
money, earning interest thereon, if any, and withdrawing therefrom, particularly
businessmen, like plaintiff, who are supposed to be always on-the-go. Plaintiff's account
is a current account which should immediately be posted. After all, it does not earn
interest. At least, the forbearance should be commensurated with prompt, efficient and
satisfactory service.
Bank clients are supposed to rely on the services extended by the bank, including the
assurance that their deposits will be duly credited them as soon as they are made. For,
any delay in crediting their account can be embarrassing to them as in the case of
The point is that as a business affected with public interest and because of the nature of
its functions, the bank is under obligation to treat the accounts of its depositors with
meticulous care, always having in mind the fiduciary nature of their relationship.
(Emphasis supplied).
In the light of the above-cited case, the respondent bank cannot exculpate itself from liability by claiming
that its depositor "impliedly instructed" the bank to clear his check with the Central Bank by filling a local
check deposit slip. Such posture is disingenuous, to say the least. First, why would RCBC follow a
patently erroneous act born of ignorance or inattention or both. Second, bank transactions pass through a
succession of bank personnel whose duty is to check and countercheck transactions for possible errors.
In the instant case, the teller should not have accepted the local deposit slip with the cashier's check that
on its face was clearly a regional check without calling the depositor's attention to the mistake at the very
moment this was presented to her. Neither should everyone else down the line who processed the same
check for clearing have allowed the check to be sent to Central Bank. Depositors do not pretend to be
past master of banking technicalities, much more of clearing procedures. As soon as their deposits are
accepted by the bank teller, they wholly repose trust in the bank personnel's mastery of banking, their and
the bank's sworn profession of diligence and meticulousness in giving irreproachable service.
We do not subscribe to RCBC's assertion that petitioner's use of the wrong deposit slip was the proximate
cause of the clearing fiasco and so, petitioner must bear the consequence. In Pilipinas Bank, v. CA, 23 this
Court said:
The bank is not expected to be infallible but, as correctly observed by respondent
Appellate Court, in this instance, it must bear the blame for not discovering the mistake of
its teller despite the established procedure requiring the papers and bank books to pass
through a battery of bank personnel whose duty it is to check and countercheck them for
possible errors. Apparently, the officials and employees tasked to do that did not perform
their duties with due care, . . .
So it is in the instance case, where the conclusion is inevitable that respondent RCBC had been remiss in
the performance of its duty and obligation to its client, as well as to itself. We draw attention to the fact
that the two dishonored checks issued by petitioner, Check No. 040719 and Check
No. 040718 were presented for payment 24 more than 45 days from the day the cashier's check was
deposited. This gave RCBC more than ample time to have cleared the cashier's check had it corrected its
"missending" the same upon return from Central Bank using the correct slip this time so it can be cleared
properly. Instead, RCBC promptly debited the amount of P30,000.00 against petitioner's account and left
it at that.
We observe, likewise, that RCBC inquired about an Evelyn Tan but no Evelyn Tan-Banzon as specifically
instructed in the same signature card. (Emphasis supplied)
RCBC insists that immediate payment without awaiting clearance of a cashier's check is discretionary
with the bank to whom the check is presented and such being the case, its refusal to immediately pay the
cashier's check in this case is not to be equated with negligence on its part. We find this disturbing and
An ordinary check is not a mere undertaking to pay an amount of money. There is an element of certainty
or assurance that it will be paid upon presentation that is why it is perceived as a convenient substitute for
currency in commercial and financial transactions. The basis of the perception being confidence. Any
practice that destroys that confidence will impair the usefulness of the check as a currency substitute and
create havoc in trade circles and the banking community. 26
Now, what was presented for deposit in the instant cases was not just an ordinary check but a cashier's
check payable to the account of the depositor himself. A cashier's check is a primary obligation of the
issuing bank and accepted in advance by its mere issuance. 27 By its very nature, a cashier's check is the
bank's order to pay drawn upon itself, committing in effect its total resources, integrity and honor behind
the check. A cashier's check by its peculiar character and general use in the commercial world
is regarded substantially to be as good as the money which it represents.28 In this case, therefore, PCIB
by issuing the check created an unconditional credit in favor of any collecting bank.
All these considered, petitioner's reliance on the layman's perception that a cashier's check is as good as
cash is not entirely misplaced, as it is rooted in practice, tradition, and principle. We see no reason thus
why this so-called discretion was not exercised in favor of petitioner, specially since PCIB and RCBC are
members of the same clearing house group relying on each other's solvency. RCBC could surely rely on
the solvency of PCIB when the latter issued its cashier's check.
On the third and fourth issue, RCBC contends that moral damages cannot be recovered in an action for
breach of contract since under Article 2219 of the New Civil Code, the instant case is not among those
enumerated. For an award of moral damages in a breach of contract, it is imperative that the party acted
in bad faith or fraudulently as provided for in Art. 2220 of the Civil Code, to wit:
Art. 2220. Willful injury to property may be a legal ground for awarding moral damages if
the court should find that, under the circumstances, such damages are justly due. The
same rule applies to breaches of contract where the defendant acted fraudulently or in
bad faith.
In the absence of moral damages, RCBC argues, exemplary damages cannot be awarded under Art.
2225 of the same Code which states:
We hold that petitioner has the right to recover moral damages even if the bank's negligence may not
have been attended with malice and bad faith. In American Express International, Inc. v. IAC, 29 we held:
While petitioner was not in bad faith, its negligence caused the private respondent to
suffer mental anguish, serious anxiety, embarrassment and humiliation, for which he is
entitled to recover, reasonable moral damages (Art. 2217, Civil Code).
In Zenith Insurance Corporation v. CA, we also said that moral damages are not meant to enrich a
complainant at the expense of defendant. It is only intended to alleviate the moral suffering he has
undergone. In the instant case, we find the award of P700,000.00 as moral damages excessive and,
accordingly, reduce it to one hundred thousand (P100,000.00) pesos. We find the award of exemplary
damages of P200,000.00 unjustified in the absence of malice, bad faith or gross negligence. 31 The award
of reasonable attorney's fees is proper for the petitioner was compelled to litigate to protect his interest. 32
IN VIEW WHEREOF, we REVERSE the decision of respondent Court of Appeals and hereby order
private respondent RCBC, Binondo Branch, to pay petitioner the amount of one hundred thousand
(P100,000.00) pesos as moral damages and the sum of fifty thousand (P50,000.00) pesos as attorney's
fees, plus costs.