ELC 413 - Philippine English
ELC 413 - Philippine English
ELC 413 - Philippine English
Butuan City
III. Course Description: This course describes the linguistics features and the socio-linguistic bases of the Philippine variety of English.
VI. Pre-Requisite:
Learning Outcomes Institutional/Program Topics/Content Instructional Teaching Learning Activities Assessment Tasks Date/ Remarks
Graduates Attributes & Materials/ Schedule of
Outcomes References the Class
Classroom Orientation
and Setting of Rules
Throughout the lesson, the students IGO10. Present ideas clearly A Favorable Climate And Accent Challenge! Engage: Evaluate:
should be able to: and concisely in both written Soil: A Transplanted Foreign Accent Quiz The students will play a game where The students will create
1. recognize the accent of the and spoken local and Language And Literature https:// they are going to recognize the a timeline of the history
English language; international languages. www.youtube.com/watch? English accent presented in the audio- of English in the
v=Kiw5ibZ4AVo visual presentation. Philippines using a
2. explore the beginning of English PGOTS 3. Work effectively fishbone chart.
language in the Philippines; and and independently in multi- Philippine English: Explore:
disciplinary and multi-cultural Linguistic and literary The teacher will present the history of
3. Create a timeline of the history teams. (PQF level 6 https:// English language in the Philippines
of English in the Philippines. descriptor). www.researchgate.net/ from PDF through a PPT
profile/Kingsley-Bolton/ presentation.
PGO 6. Facilitate English publication/
language learning in diverse 288402586_Philippine_En Explain and Elaborate:
social, cultural, academic, and glish_Linguistic_and_liter The teacher will ask some students
professional settings. ary/links/ about their opinions and ideas about
58a561b292851cf0e39314 the topic.
Throughout the lesson, the students IGO11. Demonstrate English In Philippine 24 Oras: Pinoys losing Engage: Evaluate:
should be able to: persuasive and convincing Education: Solution Or edge in English The teacher will let the students The students will
1. evaluate the problem presented skills in expressing complex Problem? proficiency watch a short clip of a news about the summarize the
in the news; ideas to diverse audience. https:// English proficiency of the Filipinos criticisms from the
www.youtube.com/watch? and give comments about the possible discussion and present
2. discuss the status of English in PGOTS 2. Effectively v=c-eCD0SybqI causes of the given problem. possible solutions of the
the Philippine Education; and communicate orally and in issues.
writing using both Mother Philippine English: Explore:
3. summarize the criticisms of the Tongue, Filipino and English. Linguistic and literary The teacher will discuss the situation
English language in Education and https:// of English to the Philippine education
present possible solutions PGO 5. Write fluently, www.researchgate.net/ system.
accurately and creatively in profile/Kingsley-Bolton/
English. publication/ Explain and Elaborate:
288402586_Philippine_En The teacher will ask some students
glish_Linguistic_and_liter about their opinions and ideas about
ary/links/ the topic.
Throughout the lesson, the students IGO 21. Exhibit competence English-Language Media Tensyon sa pagitan ng Engage: Evaluate:
should be able to: in knowledge and skills in In The Philippines: Taiwan at China lumalala The teacher will present a current The students will
1. identify the English their various professions. Description And Research pa | TFC News Taiwan news to the students where they have translate the English
terminologies used in a Filipino https:// to identify the English terminologies words they have
news; PGOTS 2. Effectively www.youtube.com/watch? used in the news. identified from the first
communicate orally and in v=F8mcoPQ-L0c activity into Filipino
2. discover the impact of English writing using both Mother Explore: language.
language to the Philippine media; Tongue, Filipino and English. Philippine English: The students will discover the impact
and Linguistic and literary of English language to the Philippine
PGO 5. Write fluently, https:// media through a PPT presentation
www.researchgate.net/ and researches.
3. translate the English accurately and creatively in profile/Kingsley-Bolton/
terminologies from the news into English. publication/ Explain and Elaborate:
Filipino. 288402586_Philippine_En The teacher will ask some students
glish_Linguistic_and_liter about their opinions and ideas about
ary/links/ the topic.
Throughout the lesson, the students IGO 23. Evaluate and World Englishes Or Filipino English and Engage: Evaluate:
should be able to: creatively find solutions to Worlds Of English? Pitfalls American English The teacher will let the students The students will write
1. determine the difference of problems and challenges Of A Postcolonial DIFFERENCES! watch a video about the difference of a synthesis of the lesson
Filipino English to American through the use of appropriate Discourse In Philippine https:// the Filipino English and American for a minimum of 300
English; media and technology. English www.youtube.com/watch? English and determine their words and a maximum
v=ZJCBnHZ0YJI&t=154s differences. of 500 words.
2. distinguish the pitfalls of PGOTS 3. Work effectively
postcolonial discourse in Philippine and independently in multi- Philippine English: Explore:
English; and disciplinary and multi-cultural Linguistic and literary The teacher will discuss the
teams. (PQF level 6 https:// postcolonial discourse in Philippine
3. write a synthesis about the descriptor). www.researchgate.net/ English and the students will
lesson.. profile/Kingsley-Bolton/ distinguish its pitfalls.
PGO 9. Produce well-written publication/
texts for various academic and 288402586_Philippine_En Explain and Elaborate:
professional purposes. glish_Linguistic_and_liter The teacher will ask some students
ary/links/ about their opinions and ideas about
58a561b292851cf0e39314 the topic.
Preliminary Exam
Throughout the lesson, the students IGO 22. Make creative and 'When I Was A Child I Bilingualism in education Engage: Evaluate:
should be able to: sound professional judgment Spake As A Child': - Education Talks The students will describe the The teacher will hold a
1. describe the importance of that is research and data Reflecting On The Limits https:// importance of bilingual education debate about the limits
bilingual education; based. Of A Nationalist Language www.youtube.com/watch? after watching the video about of Philippine language
Policy v=eYiQKw8v24M bilingualism in education. policy guided with the
2. explain the use of the national PGOTS 2. Effectively rubric.
language policy in the Philippines; communicate orally and in Philippine English: Explore:
and writing using both Mother Linguistic and literary The teacher will explain the use of
Tongue, Filipino and English. https:// language policy in the Philippines.
3. debate on the limits of the www.researchgate.net/
Philippine language policy. PGO 2. Communicate in profile/Kingsley-Bolton/ Explain and Elaborate:
English (both oral and publication/ The teacher will ask some students
written) fluently, accurately, 288402586_Philippine_En about their opinions and ideas about
and creatively in diverse glish_Linguistic_and_liter the topic.
social, cultural, academic, and ary/links/
professional settings. 58a561b292851cf0e39314
Throughout the lesson, the students IGO 21. Exhibit competence Taglish, Or The Phantom Paggamit ng ‘Taglish’ o Engage: Evaluate:
should be able to: in knowledge and skills in Power Of The Lingua wikang Tagalog at English The students will watch a short video The students will be
1. tell the characteristics of their various professions. Franca sa STEM subjects, clip of a Conyo Tric Driver and tell grouped into three then
Philippine Taglish (Tagalog- iminungkahi the characteristics of the language. they will role-play a
English) language from a short PGOTS 2. Effectively https:// movie scene using
video clip of a Conyo Tric Driver; communicate orally and in www.youtube.com/watch? Explore: Taglish language.
writing using both Mother v=AbD-4LUATsE The teacher will present handouts to
2. explore the use of Taglish in the Tongue, Filipino and English. the students where they can explore
Philippine setting; and POV: Conyo Tric Driver the use of Taglish in the Philippine
PGO 1. Articulate a https:// setting based from the PDF file
3. role-play a movie using Taglish comprehensive and www.youtube.com/watch? source.
language. contextualized view of the v=se6pv3jNvXw
English language system and Explain and Elaborate:
development. Philippine English: The teacher will present a video about
Linguistic and literary the use of Taglish in STEM subjects
https:// then ask some students about their
www.researchgate.net/ opinions and ideas about the topic.
Throughout the lesson, the students IGO 22. Make creative and Linguistic Diversity And Petmalu, Lodi, Sakalam, Engage: Evaluate:
should be able to: sound professional judgment English In The Philippines Edi Wow: New Terms The students will watch a short video The students will write
1. explain the language diversity of that is research and data Proving Our Rich clip about the language diversity of an essay about the
Philippines based from the video; based. Language Diversity Philippines and how it could affect linguistic diversity of
https:// the Philippine English language the Philippines based
2. discuss the characteristics of PGOTS 2. Effectively www.youtube.com/watch? from the discussion for
Philippine Linguistic Diversity and communicate orally and in v=dKNg3YaBWP4 Explore: a minimum of 200
how it affect Philippine English; writing using both Mother The teacher will discuss the lesson on words.
and Tongue, Filipino and English. Philippine English: the linguistic diversity and English in
Linguistic and literary the Philippines.
3. write an essay about the rich PGO 5. Write fluently, https://
linguistic diversity of the accurately and creatively in www.researchgate.net/ Explain and Elaborate:
Philippines. English. profile/Kingsley-Bolton/ The students will identify the
publication/ characteristics of the Philippine
288402586_Philippine_En English based on the dialect used on
glish_Linguistic_and_liter specific regions.
Throughout the lesson, the students IGO10. Present ideas clearly A Lectal Description Of Miss Universe Philippines Engage: Evaluate:
should be able to: and concisely in both written The Phonological Features 2020 | Contestants Speak The students will watch a short video The students will create
1. describe the different and spoken local and Of Philippine English Different Language clip of Ms. Universe 2020 where they a creative diagram
phonological features of the international languages. https:// have to describe the phonological where it differentiates
Philippine languages from the www.youtube.com/watch? features of the languages used in the the Phonological
video; PGOTS 3. Work effectively v=S1Coz9OeuvQ video. features of a native
and independently in multi- English Speaker from a
2. distinguish the Phonological disciplinary and multi-cultural Philippine English: Explore: Filipino English
features of Philippine English; and teams. (PQF level 6 Linguistic and literary The teacher will present the lesson to Speaker.
descriptor). https:// the students and they have to
3. differentiate the Phonological www.researchgate.net/ distinguish the characteristics of
features of a native English speaker PGO 6. Facilitate English profile/Kingsley-Bolton/ Philippine Phonological Features in
from a Filipino English Speaker language learning in diverse publication/ English.
through a creative diagram. social, cultural, academic, and 288402586_Philippine_En
professional settings. glish_Linguistic_and_liter Explain and Elaborate:
ary/links/ The teacher will ask some students
58a561b292851cf0e39314 about their opinions and ideas about
9c/Philippine-English- the topic.
Midterm Exam
Throughout the lesson, the students IGO 21. Exhibit competence Lexicography And The BT: Ilang Filipino words, Engage: Evaluate:
should be able to: in knowledge and skills in Description Of Philippine napasama sa Oxford The students will watch a news about The teacher will give
1. use Filipino words in an English their various professions. English Vocabulary English Dictionary the Filipino words that are included in ten words, 5 phrases,
conversation; https:// the Oxford dictionary, then the and 5 sentences in
PGOTS 3. Work effectively www.youtube.com/watch? students will used those words in an Filipino where the
2. discover the different and independently in multi- v=WipJuSlgKeU English conversation. students should
lexicography of the Filipino words disciplinary and multi-cultural translate all items into
and its description in an English teams. (PQF level 6 Philippine English: Explore: English.
dictionary; and descriptor). Linguistic and literary The students will discover the
https:// different terminologies of the
3. translate specific words/phrases PGO 5. Write fluently, www.researchgate.net/ Philippine English Vocabulary
from Filipino to English. accurately and creatively in profile/Kingsley-Bolton/ through a PowerPoint presentation.
English. publication/
288402586_Philippine_En Explain and Elaborate:
glish_Linguistic_and_liter The teacher will ask some students
ary/links/ about their opinions and ideas about
58a561b292851cf0e39314 the topic.
Throughout the lesson, the students IGO10. Present ideas clearly Investigating The Common English Engage: Evaluate:
should be able to: and concisely in both written Grammatical Features Of Grammar Mistakes of The students will identify and The teacher will give
1. examine the common and spoken local and Philippine English Filipinos - examine the common grammatical ten items of Philippine
grammatical mistakes of Filipinos; international languages. UNCOUNTABLE mistakes of Filipinos. English sentences with
NOUNS and grammatical errors and
2. investigate the grammatical PGOTS 2. Effectively EXPRESSING Explore: the students have to
features of Philippine English; and communicate orally and in OPINIONS The teacher will present the lesson identify and correct the
writing using both Mother https:// and the students will investigate the mistake of each
3. correct a series of usual Tongue, Filipino and English. www.youtube.com/watch? grammatical features of Philippine sentences.
grammatical mistakes of Philippine v=VaZrSIoepkc English.
English. PGO 5. Write fluently,
accurately and creatively in Philippine English: Explain and Elaborate:
English. Linguistic and literary The teacher will ask some students
https:// about their opinions and ideas about
www.researchgate.net/ the topic.
Throughout the lesson, the students IGO11. Demonstrate English In Philippine Call POV: BAGUHAN KA Engage: Evaluate:
should be able to: persuasive and convincing Centers And BPO NA CALL CENTER The students will watch a video skit The students will
1. share experiences on the English skills in expressing complex Operations: Issues, AGENT (PART 1-4) | of a call center agent and relate their conduct an interview of
conversation in any scenarios based ideas to diverse audience. Opportunities, And CHARLIE DELLOSA | experience in an actual scenario. a call center agent
from the Call Center Agent skits; Research TIKTOK where they have to ask
PGOTS 4. Act in recognition COMPILATION Explore: the struggles of using
2. analyze the situation of English of professional, social, and https:// The students will analyze the content the English language in
in Philippine call centers and BPO ethical responsibility. www.youtube.com/watch? of the lesson of the English in their first experience in
operations; and v=7aXlJF0oDg8 Philippine Call centers and BPO the BPO industry.
PGO 2. Communicate in operations.
3. conduct an interview of a call English (both oral and Philippine English:
center agent of the struggles of written) fluently, accurately, Linguistic and literary Explain and Elaborate:
using the English language in their and creatively in diverse https:// The teacher will ask some students
first experience in the BPO social, cultural, academic, and www.researchgate.net/ about their opinions and ideas about
industry. professional settings. profile/Kingsley-Bolton/ the topic.
Throughout the lesson, the students IGO 22. Make creative and Colonial Education And Philippine English: Engage: Evaluate:
should be able to: sound professional judgment The Shaping Of Philippine Linguistic and literary The teacher will give time for the The students will write
1. recall and list the Filipino that is research and data Literature In English https:// students to recall and list the Filipino a critical essay of the
literature and what is the literature based. www.researchgate.net/ literature they remember and describe characteristics of the
is about; profile/Kingsley-Bolton/ the content of the literary piece. literary pieces during
PGOTS 2. Effectively publication/ the colonial period in
2. recognize the history of communicate orally and in 288402586_Philippine_En Explore: the Philippines.
Philippine literature in English writing using both Mother glish_Linguistic_and_liter The students will explore and
during the colonial education; and Tongue, Filipino and English. ary/links/ recognize the history of Philippine
58a561b292851cf0e39314 literature in English during Colonial
3. criticize a literary piece from the PGO 9. Produce well-written 9c/Philippine-English- Education.
colonial education in the texts for various academic and Linguistic-and-literary.pdf
Philippines. professional purposes. Explain and Elaborate:
The teacher will ask some students
about their opinions and ideas about
the topic.
Semi-Final Exam
Throughout the lesson, the students IGO 23. Evaluate and Negotiating Language: Analyzing an author's Engage: Evaluate:
should be able to: creatively find solutions to Postcolonialism And purpose | Reading | Khan The students will analyze the purpose The students will write
1. identify the author’s purpose in problems and challenges Nationalism In Philippine Academy of the author from a video. a review of the content
writing literature; through the use of appropriate Literature In English https:// of a Philippine literary
media and technology. www.youtube.com/watch? Explore: text from the Post-
2. assess the Post colonialism and v=R_bgo8j6jxc The teacher will present the features colonial era.
Nationalism in Philippine PGOTS 5. Preserve and of Philippine literature in English
Literature in English; and promote “Filipino historical Philippine English: during Post-colonial era.
and cultural heritage” (based Linguistic and literary
3. construct a written review of the on RA 7722). https:// Explain and Elaborate:
Post colonialism and Nationalism www.researchgate.net/ The teacher will ask some students
in Philippine literature in English. PGO 5. Write fluently, profile/Kingsley-Bolton/ about their opinions and ideas about
accurately and creatively in publication/ the topic.
English. 288402586_Philippine_En
Throughout the lesson, the students IGO10. Present ideas clearly 'This Scene So Fair': What makes a poem … a Engage: Evaluate:
should be able to: and concisely in both written Filipino English Poetry, poem? - Melissa Kovacs The students will watch and a short The students will
1. present the ideas of what makes and spoken local and 1905-2005 https:// video and interpret what makes a compose and present a
a poem a poem; international languages. www.youtube.com/watch? poem a poem. spoken poetry that
v=JwhouCNq-Fc&t=87s features the
2. share the features of Filipino PGOTS 2. Effectively Explore: characteristics of the
English poetry throughout the communicate orally and in Philippine English: The teacher will present the lesson to Filipino English Poetry
Philippine era; and writing using both Mother Linguistic and literary the class and the students will share from 1905-2005.
Tongue, Filipino and English. https:// the features of Filipino English poetry
3. compose and present a spoken www.researchgate.net/ from the discussion.
poetry. PGO 8. Participate effectively profile/Kingsley-Bolton/
in oral communications publication/ Explain and Elaborate:
situations where language 288402586_Philippine_En The teacher will ask some students
systems (phonological, glish_Linguistic_and_liter about their opinions and ideas about
morphological, syntactic, and ary/links/ the topic.
semantic) vary. 58a561b292851cf0e39314
Throughout the lesson, the students IGO 21. Exhibit competence The Philippine Short How to build a fictional Engage: Evaluate:
should be able to: in knowledge and skills in Story in English: An world - Kate Messner The students will watch a video about The students will write
1. share experiences on writing a their various professions. Overview https:// how to build fictional world and share a short story inspired by
fiction/story; www.youtube.com/watch? their experiences on writing a the Philippine culture
PGOTS 3. Work effectively v=ZQTQSbjecLg fiction/story. and setting.
2. explore the different era of and independently in multi-
Philippine Short Story in English; disciplinary and multi-cultural Philippine English: Explore:
and teams. (PQF level 6 Linguistic and literary Explore the development of English
descriptor). https:// short stories in the Philippines.
3. write a short story inspired by www.researchgate.net/
the Philippine culture and setting. PGO 5. Write fluently, profile/Kingsley-Bolton/ Explain and Elaborate:
accurately and creatively in publication/ The teacher will ask some students
English. 288402586_Philippine_En about their opinions and ideas about
glish_Linguistic_and_liter the topic.
Throughout the lesson, the students IGO10. Present ideas clearly In conversation: Cebuano Cebuano Literature in the Engage: Evaluate:
should be able to: and concisely in both written writers on Philippine Philippines The students will read a text that The students will write
1. review the background of and spoken local and literature and English https://ncca.gov.ph/about- describes the Cebuano literature to a summary of the points
Cebuano Literature; international languages. ncca-3/subcommissions/ review the content of it. that was tackled in the
subcommission-on-the- conversation of the
2. discuss the conversation of PGOTS 2. Effectively arts-sca/literary-arts/ Explore: Cebuano writers.
Cebuano writers on the Philippine communicate orally and in cebuano-literature-in-the- The teacher will present the
literature and English; and writing using both Mother philippines/ conversation of Cebuano writers on
Tongue, Filipino and English. #:~:text=Cebuano the Philippine literature and English.
3. summarize the point of %20to%20the,important
conversation in the text of Cebuano PGO 9. Produce well-written %20part%20of Explain and Elaborate:
writers. texts for various academic and %20Philippine The teacher will ask some students
professional purposes. %20literature. about their opinions and ideas about
the conversation in the text.
Final Exam
XI. Bibliography
A. Books
B. Webliography
Philippine English: Linguistic and literary PDF
Faculty, Humanities Division Program Chair Dean, Arts & Sciences Program