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Vocavulary: creativity, personality, self description

 tactless
 Pro-active,  distrustful (desconfiado)
 empathetic,  shrewd/astute,
 easy-going,  sullen (taciturno)
 resilient,  morose
 optimistic,  materialistic
 riveting-  extravagant
 captivating-  immoderate
 Witty, ingenious,
 indefatigable,  EXPRESSIONS:
 machiavellian,  to be a born leader
 perfectionist,  down-to-earth (centrado)
 naïve,  ackward-looking (incómodo)
 impatient,  pig-headed (obstinate)
 obstinate, -----------------------
 dwelled-upon (dedicad@,  reliable
insistente),  concise
 Narrow-minded  supportive
 Procrastinator (indeciso)  fun-loving
 Tight-fisted (tacaño)  content
 sarcastic,  introverted
 relentless (implacable)  realistic
 an all-too-exigent a person  straightforward (sencillo)
 methodical  blunt (descortés)
 conscientious  warm-hearted (afectuoso)
 emotional  desterous –skillful –adroit
 affectionate (cariñoso)  convincing, persuasive,
 obliging (complaciente) eloquent
 sentimental  tolerant, condescending
 superficial  open-minded
 fun-loving  empathetic
 diligent  lively –bubbling-(vivid)
 talented / gifted  energetic –sparkling
 industrious (trabajador)  enthusiastic –invigorating
 supportive  enlivening –extravagant
 altruistic  exhuberant -lush
 quick-tempered  flamboyant (extravagante)
 opportunistic  conscious
 conservative  sentimental

Vocabulary education:

 Interactive Whiteboards
 Self-centered Learning
 Touch Screens/ Digital (Led) Screen Displays
 Technological Functionality/accountability in the classroom
 Education Software, Database Programmes

 Paper-based Vs Digital-based Tests
 Immediate Feedback On Performance
 Enhance Critical Thinking
 Enhance Critical Literacy Skills
 Self-monitored learning
 Student As self-warrant of their Education
 Motivational Learning
 Cognitive & Neurological Learning
 Ground breaking/Pioneering Education
 To Meet Student Diversity: High Talents, The Autist Spectrum, dyslexia…
 Teamwork, collaborative classroom set-ups
 Creative designs: Podcasts, Graphs, Slideshows, Online Blogs, Editing
Animation, Infographics
 Digital Cameras, Digital Video Cameras
 Multimedia Class Contexts
 Digitalized Books
 Online Platforms: Forum Lines, Classroom platforms, Audiovisual Learning,
Screening tools
 Learning Synergies: Empathy, Solidarity, Tolerance, Coeducational Values,
Multiracial Contexts

 Have a go – make an attempt
 Strikes you – makes a strong impression on you
 Get all the boonies points – get the credits
 Out of affection for them – because I like them
 Is predicated on – is base on
 Is shifting – is moving
 Prompted by – as a result of
 Fidgeting – making small, impatient movements


 Well...I can see your point, however/nevertheless/and yet...

 I am afraid I don’t quite agree with you because...
 No doubt, there is some truth in what you say, however...
 To be honest, I don’t fully understand what you mean because...
 I am not sure where you want to get at... The thing is...
 May I interrupt you?... Don’t get me wrong but I think that...
 Excuse me... Let me explain myself...
 I completely/partially/totally/absolutely agree with you...


 Have brainwave – tener una idea

 Broke with- romper con (una tradicion)
 Take up- comenzar
 Come at- llegar a
 Came up with- se le ocurrió (new idea)
 Have a flash inspiration
 Express yourself freely
 Devote yourself to our work
 Follow your own part
 Built on the experience of others
 Pre-requisites
 Well up- aflorar emociones
 Erratic -
 Hands down – without a doubt
 Imperceptible -
 A must – an essential ingredient


• The vast majority

• A significan handful
• A significant proportion
• A small share of
• A tiny fraction of
• A negligible amount of
• A small minority of
• Relatively few takers
• Hardly anyone considers…
• Three out of every four believe…
• About one in four have responded…
• Proportion
• Fraction
• majority

Robotics and artificial intelligence

• grappling with a question

• artificial creativity
• artificial intelligence
• Computer programmer
• Machines can(not) have human-like intelligence
• Original code replicas / mimicry
• Musical machine creation
• To come up with extremely complex algorithms
• using random number generators, chaotic functions, and fuzzy logic
• To yield countless original melodies
• only a tiny fraction of them would be worth listening to
• evolutionary algorithms, or genetic algorithms
• to mimic biological evolution
• making machines generate original and valuable artistic outcomes
• a basic algorithm that mimics reproduction and random mutations

• switching some parts, combining others, and replacing random notes
• a fitness function – a random function
• the least similar sequences are weeded out - …son eliminadas
• much randomness and complexity – mucha aleatoriedad…

The metaverse

• A new automated tool and awe-inspiring digital universe

• To buy a one-of-a-kind artwork in virtual galleries, with digital art
• A niche on the internet
• Cryptocurrency & cryptographic tokens
• To conceptualise new art forms
• Creative Media Entrepreneurship and Innovation
• Revolutionary digital tools
• Virtual freelance creators
• A paradigm shift is occurring – se está produciendo un cambio de paradigma
• Internet is more than a giant copying machine
• Artist royalties
• NFT: non-fungible token: you own your own data
• Guaranteed proofs of origination and ownership (ofmusic, videos, images…)
• It revolutionises how value is created online
• And how digital labor is monetized
• NFT is a permanent tracking device
• NFT is a cryptographic token
• Money is fungible (ie. one dollar or bitcoin…)
• Decentralized ledger technology: No Banks normediators to validate transactions
• Digital currencies such as Bitcoin is blockchain
• Blockchain prevents digital money from being duplicated or hacked
• NFT is kept in a public internet database
• Content origination and ownership rights in themetaverse
• Decentralized business model
• Adding revenue streams to increase the creators’ income
• To mint an artwork and store it in your digital wallet
• A new creative economy
• Art proceeds from the sales and resales
• Musicians can also capture their true value using NFTs
• Collecting memorabilia of someone’s great art in history- coleccionar recuerdos…
• Art collectibles & limited editions
• In themetaverse, humans are represented as avatars
• Digital fashion is becoming mainstream -….en la corriente principal
• To use augmented reality to overlay virtual clothing onto your in-real-life feet
• Metaverse gaming (fewocious): crypto art.


 A regular job
 A full-time job/ part-time job
 Flexitime, pay slip
 To earn one’s living
 To be disengaged at work – estar desconectado del trabajo.
 Company roles
 Hundrumwork tasks – tareas manuales
 To run a firm – dirigir una compañia

 What do you do for a living?
 Apprentice, trainee
 Apprenticeship
 Skilled worker
 Training course
 Vacancy
 To be unemployed,
 To be on the dole BE – estar en el paro
 To fire somebody, to sack somebody BE
 To give somebody notice – dar un aviso
 To dismiss somebody – despedir a alguien
 To resign, to quit - renunciar
 To get a rise (ascenso)
 To work in shifts – a turnos
 To work overtime – H. extras
 Wage cut, wage demand, claim wage (reclamación salarial)
 Involvement with decision making – participar en las decisiones
 Working morale
 Low/hig productivity/profits
 To outperform the stock market (superar el mercado de valores)
 Employee turnover (rotación de empleados)
 Labour perks (ventajas, beneficios, prebendas)
 They are servicing customers – están sirviendo a los clientes.
 Employers deliver the best service in the world
 Unfair treatment erodes trust in an organization – el trato injusto erosion la
confianza de una organización.
 Job categories
 Salary retribution

Motivation at work

- Happiness quotient – coeficiente de felicidad

- To make up work design
- Emotional wellbeing of employees > Nurturing confidence- fomenter la c.
- Organisational competence: imposible to replicate and/or differentiate
- Building creative confidence > contributing to great outcomes
- Need for networked collaboration
- Divergence, diverse perspectives
- Process-oriented tasks & problem solving
- Welcoming, engaging spaces (sitting, standing, perching, lounging...)
- Incubating, illuminating, verifying at workplace
- Spatial and technological exploration of the space
- technology as a transformative tool
- large-scale computing devices
- technology supporting visualization
- Privacy and control over the environment
- Fluid ecosystem: spaces which mirror the creative process

- To augment employee performance
- Ergonomics, circulation & supporting productivity
- Increased awareness or workplace impact on individual health
- Eliminating burnout sypmtoms
- Hybrid and work-from-home policies
- Residential living rooms
- Comfortable and adaptable furnishings and lightning
- Places which enable to unwind and interact with one another
- To increase the amenity levels with adjoining terraces
- Flexible space, alternatives to exercise
- Host gatherings from small and large groups- organizar reuniones…
- Expansive sky lobbies, shared conference spaces
- Landscaped outdoor terraces, inviting lounge-like spaces
- Multi-function spaces for positve workplace experiences
- Organizations which value and trust their employees
- Robust technological infrastructures & mobility allowance
- Outdoor workspaces with shading, greenery, moveable tables & chairs
- Optimal flexibility for variously sized meeting
- Cafes and kitchens to opérate as touchdown spaces
- WHOLE-STAFF EVENTS: to build excitement among staff, large group space
options, promoting shared-goals, team spirit


Progress Report: a report about how much work has been done on some project, its
different phases, forthcoming projection and consolidated results


• P1. Report topic (“This is a short report on the progress... monthly theme days
within our company”) STAGES / PHASES
• P2. Initiative 1: development & aim/purpose (January...Healthy eating day... to
raise health awareness...)
• P3. Initiative 2: develpoment & aim/purpose (April... Brighten-a-Space-Say...
photo display... to create a pleasant working environment)
• PX. Initiative 3 – development & aim/purpose... (depending on length)
• P4. RESULTS & RESPONSE (There was an extremely positive response to
NEW EATING CAMPAIGN FOSTERED, A Happy Work Environment group
formed, TO COME: research on collaboration, on motivational environment...)
• P5. FUTURE PROGRESS & FINAL GOALS. (The next planned theme day will
be in June on the Theme of “Team Exercise”...)



1. No magical prescription. High complexity in this stage.

2. Keep focused on the essential stuff.
3. Answer the specific question/s you are being asked about.
4. Prove your ability to organize your thoughts.
5. Justify your opinions.
1. Rambling about the topic.
2. Repeating ideas.
3. Poor lexicon (non-richness)
4. False starts (umm…ehhn).


1. Don’t get your hopes up- no te ilusiones…

2. Were dashed when- se desvanecieron cuando…
3. She had pinned her hopes- habia puesto sus esperanzas…
4. They never give up hopes – nunca tiran la toalla
5. The sky’s the limit
6. He got cold feet- se acobardó
7. A bundle of nerves – manojo de nervios
8. She plucked up her courage – se armó de valor…
9. I get butterflies in my stomach
10. A leap in the dark – un salto temerario


1. Allow plenty of time

2. Carry a map (you could also carry a first aid kit, particularly if you travel by car).
3. Confirm your booking
4. Get jabs )jabs is quite colloquial, though very common; vaccinations is the
neutral term)
5. Hang on to receipts (hang on is quite colloquial; keep in the neutral term)
6. Pack a fist aid kit
7. Read up on local laws/customs
8. Take out insurance
9. Wear a money belt


 Compelling - convincente
 Disconnecting - desconectador  Reassuring - tranquilizador
 Unsettling- inquietante  Confronting - afrontar
 Distracting  Rousing - entusiasta
 Off-putting - desmoralizador  Stirring - conmovedor
 Energizing  Soothing - tranquilizador
 Stimulating  Relaxing
 Infuriating - indignante  Tempting - tentador
 Maddening- molesto  Enticing - tentador
 Irresistible

Speaking Monologues: starting your presentation:

 In my presentation, I intend to speak about…/ I aim to discuss…

 The subject of my presentation is…
 Over the next four minutes I am going to deal with….

 I have to say at the out set/ Let me say at the outset
 (=from the very start) that…
 …, which bring me to my next point, which is…

Judging by appearances:

 Pig- headed
 Sullen - malhumorado  Pompous
 Spiteful - rencoroso  Callous - cruel
 Grouchy - gruñón  Truculent - truculento
 Composed - sereno  Imperturbable
 Stolid - apático  Blithe - despeocupado
 Perky - entusiasta  Abashed - avergonzado
 Mutinous - rebelde  Zealous – celoso/ fervoroso
 Depraved - degenerado  Perceptive - observador
 Pig-ignorant  Ghoulish - macabro
 Indefatigable - incansable  Puritan
 Spineless – débil/ sumiso  Starry-eyed - soñador
 Conformist  Indomitable - indomable
 Self-conscious- tímido

Speaking dialogues: agreement/ disagreement formulas, examples.

 Well… I can see your point, however / nevertheless/ and yet…

 I am afraid I don’t quite agree with you because…
 No doubt, there is some truth in what you say, however…
 To be honest, I don’t fully understand what you mean because…
 I am not sure where you want to get at… the thing is…
 May I interrupt you? … Don’t get me wrong but I think that…
 Excuse me… Let me explain myself…
 I completely/ partially/ totally/ absolutely agree with you…
 Fair enough (after some negotiation)
 I couldn’t agree more.
 You have a point there.
 You look the words right out of my mouth.
 You can say that again! / Tell me about it! (Informal).
Interaction formulas: (what do you think?)
 How do you feel about…?
 What’s your take on…?
 Where do you stand on…?
 What are your thoughts on this?
 What do you make of that?
Giving examples:
 By way of an example
 A case in point is…/ … is a case in point
 Let me give you an example
 …….., to mention but a few
 Namely, …and…
Clarifying/ rephrasing:
 The point I’m trying to make is…
 In other words,
 Bear with me (be patient with me, for example, while I explain what I mean)
 Obviously,
 It goes without saying (that)…
 Needles to say,

 In a nutshell,
 To make a long story short,
 The bottom line is…
 Suffice to say that…/ enough for me to say that…(when you don’t really want to
go into detail because it is not relevant to the conversation, it would be too long,
or you don’t really know what to say)

 From a health perspective, …
 In terms of individual productivity, …
 Practically speaking, …
 Psychologically (speaking)/ from a psychologically point of view,…
 Statistically speaking, ….


Speaking vocabulary:
 Mesmerized - hypnotized
 Poverty line
 Scrutiny
 Fossil fuel
 Mortality
 favela


• It is one-third as productive in open-plan offices as in quiet rooms

• Your productivity goes back up to triple of what it would be…
• The behavioural influence of sound… moves at a steady 28 miles per hour
• Inappropriate retail soundscapes sales down 28%
• They are losing up to 30 percent of their business
• You’d be leaving the room in droves



 A significant / substantial number of,

 the vast majority
 A negligible / A significant number of / The maximum amount of… /a tiny
 A great many people, etc.


 relatively / very few; surprisingly / very little...


• Statistically speaking... froman economic perspective...Sensorially,
Demographically, Proxemically…



• Only a small fraction of, thirty per cent of

• One in for
• Four out of every five, etc.:

IE. They are losing up to 30 percent of their business…)

Vocabulary: industrial, commercial and energy lexicon.

 Reduce your reliance on fossil fuels.

 Develop a 50-megawatt/offshore wind farm.
 Be powered by solar panels.
 Photovoltaic panels generate energy.
 State control of the energy industries.
 Equipment that offers long-term energy savings.
 Energy-saving features can reduce energy bills by 50%.
 Attempts to harness (aprovechar) solar energy.
 A government-sponsored renewable energy Project.
 A nuclear plant provides a fifth of the nation’s energy supplies
 The country could face an energy crisis if demand continues to raise
 Car batteries can’t store enough energy to turn over a car’s engine.
 Reusing buildings is energetically less wasteful than new constructions.
 Low water and energy usage.
 Green methods of harnessing free, clean energy.
 Low energy light bulbs.
 Locally produced food would reduce energy costs.


1.Use statistical language c2.
2.Use multiperspectival functions.
3. Use nominalization with passive.

Vocabulary field: land, housing and property.

 Amenities: comodidades, instalaciones, infraestructuras.

 To acquire and pass on wealth. Adquirir y trasminitir la riqueza.
 Global financial crash. Crisis financiera mundial.
 A credit-fuelled dash for land and property.
 Speculators in land.
 To borrow vast sums to cash in on rising values.
 Financial bubble.
 Creditors, Banks, tax-payers, the commuity, landowners, home buyers. Would-
be homeowners.
 A bail: fianza / To bail out: rescate.
 Land: a marketable commodity. La tierra: un bien comerciable.
 The right of land usage.
 To claim a piece of land as one’s own private property. Reclamar un terreno
como propiedad privada.
 To gain a living from one’s own land. Ganarse la vida con el alquiler.
 To charge a rent to somebody. Cobrar el alquiler.
 Urban area, land surrounding, undeveloped areas, valuable piece of land.
 To raise a market value.
 To pay the high value of a piece of land.
 Land Value Tax (LVT). Contribución.

 Tax on the unimproved value of land. Plusvalía.
 Levied on (gravámen, impuesto) the value of the land that the property sits on.
 To collect payment from.
 The unearned betterment of a land asset. Plusvalía.
 Idle speculation on land. Especulación de la tierra amortizada.
 To complete/place a debit mandate form (domiciliar recibo)


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