Unit 6: Skills Test: Advanced
Unit 6: Skills Test: Advanced
Unit 6: Skills Test: Advanced
Listening Reading
Listen to David telling his friend, Maria, Read this extract from an interview with a
about a television programme he has seen. robot engineer. Choose true (T) or false
For each question, choose the correct answer, (F).
A, B or C.
This week we’re talking to James Kennedy, chief
0 According to David, social robots engineer for Robotics UK, about robots in the offices
A are merely an idea at the moment. and factories of the future. I kicked off the interview
B have already been engineered and perform by asking James whether by 2050, humans will have
very well. been substituted by robots in the workplace.
C are in development but are not yet ready. ‘I’m always asked this question! People are always
alarmed by the prospect of robots taking over the
1 David says it is difficult to develop a social workplace and causing mass redundancies and I
robot that will think this attitude has come about largely because
A understand what people mean by what they of completely improbable works of science fiction!
say and do. The truth, I strongly suspect, is somewhat less
B respond to speech. dramatic. I think it’s highly unlikely that humans will
be comprehensively replaced by robots, certainly in
C mimic human speech and actions.
the foreseeable future. What I do think more
2 What does David say especially interests him probable is that robots will fulfil the role of assistant in
about the concept of the social robot? various industries, thereby reducing the amount of
A The idea that a robot could interact socially with
that needs to be done by people. We hear in the
a human.
media about all the remarkable ways in which robots
B The idea of a robot that could copy human
currently function – flying aeroplanes and so on, but
what a lot of people don’t fully understand about
C The idea that something could take the place of robots is that they have limitations. They undoubtedly
a human being. have their uses. For tasks which are very structured
and predictable – and in many respects flying is just
3 Maria is sceptical that
such an activity – robots are highly effective. So,
A robots will ever have feelings such as people and putting this in a domestic context for a moment, the
animals have. ideal task for a robot in the home would be cleaning
B the technology required for such a robot the floor because it’s entirely straightforward – exactly
will ever be developed. the sort of tedious, monotonous job that we’d like to
C anything could take the place of a human being. hand over to a friendly robot! Assuming there were no
obstacles on the floor that had to be got around, the
4 According to David, people imagine that their pet dogs robot would carry out this task more efficiently than
A understand them. you or I would.
B love them. However, what a robot cannot do so well is manage
C experience feelings and thoughts that they any elements that are unpredictable. So asking a
probably do not. robot to do the washing-up, for example, would be
a very bad idea because of all the different shapes
5 Does David think that in the future, social robots will and sizes of the items involved and, moreover, all
take the place of friends? the various combinations of those shapes and sizes.
A No, but he thinks we may be able to relate And yet, we think of washing-up as a very
to them to some degree. elementary sort of a task. So even though in the next
B No, because we simply cannot relate to them. ten years or
C Yes, because they will appear so human. so robots will have overtaken humans in the field of
space exploration, they will still struggle to perform
the sort of mundane tasks that you and I could do in
our sleep.’
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Complete the sentences using the future perfect.
• By the end of the year …
• By the time I retire …
• This time next year …
• By the year 2060 …
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