01 Chapter

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In this chapter, you will learn:

•  What a database is, what it does, and why
Chapter 1 database design is important
•  How modern databases evolved from files and file
File Systems and Databases •  About flaws in file system data management
•  What a DBMS is, what it does, and how it fits into
Database Systems: Design, Implementation, and the database system
Management, Fifth Edition, Rob and Coronel •  About types of database systems and database

Database Systems: Design, Implementation, & Management, 5th Edition, Rob & Coronel 2

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Introducing the Database Database Management

•  Data versus Information •  Database is shared, integrated computer
–  Data constitute building blocks of information structure housing:
–  Information produced by processing data –  End user data
–  Information reveals meaning of data –  Metadata
–  Good, timely, relevant information key to decision •  Database Management System (DBMS)
making –  Manages Database structure
–  Good decision making key to organizational –  Controls access to data
survival –  Contains query language

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DBMS Manages Interaction

Importance of DBMS
•  Makes data management more efficient and
•  Query language allows quick answers to ad
hoc queries
•  Provides better access to more and better-
managed data
•  Promotes integrated view of organization s
operations Figure 1.2

•  Reduces the probability of inconsistent data

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Database Design
Historical Roots of Database
•  Importance of Good Design
•  First applications focused on clerical tasks
–  Poor design results in unwanted data redundancy
–  Poor design generates errors leading to bad
•  Requests for information quickly followed
decisions •  File systems developed to address needs
•  Practical Approach –  Data organized according to expected use
–  Focus on principles and concepts of database –  Data Processing (DP) specialists computerized
design manual file systems
–  Importance of logical design

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Simple File System

File Terminology
•  Data
–  Raw Facts
•  Field
–  Group of characters with specific meaning
•  Record
–  Logically connected fields that describe a person,
place, or thing
•  File Figure 1.5

–  Collection of related records

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File System Critique (con t.)

File System Critique
•  Data Dependence
•  File System Data Management –  Change in file s data characteristics requires
–  Requires extensive programming in third- modification of data access programs
generation language (3GL) –  Must tell program what to do and how
–  Time consuming –  Makes file systems cumbersome from
–  Makes ad hoc queries impossible programming and data management views
–  Leads to islands of information •  Structural Dependence
–  Change in file structure requires modification of
related programs

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File System Critique (con t.) File System Critique (con t.)
•  Field Definitions and Naming Conventions •  Data Redundancy
–  Flexible record definition anticipates reporting –  Different and conflicting versions of same data
requirements –  Results of uncontrolled data redundancy
–  Selection of proper field names important •  Data anomalies
–  Attention to length of field names –  Modification
–  Insertion
–  Use of unique record identifiers
–  Deletion
•  Data inconsistency
–  Lack of data integrity

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Database vs. File Systems

Database Systems Figure 1.6

•  Database consists of logically related data stored

in a single repository
•  Provides advantages over file system
management approach
–  Eliminates inconsistency, data anomalies, data
dependency, and structural dependency problems
–  Stores data structures, relationships, and access

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Database System Environment

Database System Types
•  Single-user vs. Multiuser Database
–  Desktop
–  Workgroup
–  Enterprise
•  Centralized vs. Distributed
•  Use
–  Production or transactional
Figure 1.7
–  Decision support or data warehouse

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DBMS Functions
•  Data dictionary management Database Models
•  Data storage management •  Collection of logical constructs used to represent
•  Data transformation and presentation data structure and relationships within the
•  Security management database
•  Multiuser access control –  Conceptual models: logical nature of data
•  Backup and recovery management
–  Implementation models: emphasis on how the data
•  Data integrity management are represented in the database
•  Database language and application
programming interfaces
•  Database communication interfaces
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Hierarchical Database Model

•  Logically represented by an upside down tree
Database Models (con t.)
–  Each parent can have many children
•  Relationships in Conceptual Models –  Each child has only one parent
–  One-to-one (1:1)
Figure 1.8
–  One-to-many (1:M)
–  Many-to-many (M:N)
•  Implementation Database Models
–  Hierarchical
–  Network
–  Relational

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Network Database Model

Hierarchical Database Model •  Each record can have multiple parents
•  Advantages –  Composed of sets
–  Conceptual simplicity –  Each set has owner record and member record
–  Database security and integrity –  Member may have several owners
–  Data independence
–  Efficiency
•  Disadvantages
–  Complex implementation
–  Difficult to manage and lack of standards
–  Lacks structural independence
–  Applications programming and use complexity
–  Implementation limitations Figure 1.10

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Network Database Model

Relational Database Model
•  Advantages
–  Conceptual simplicity •  Perceived by user as a collection of tables for
–  Handles more relationship types data storage
–  Data access flexibility •  Tables are a series of row/column intersections
–  Promotes database integrity
•  Tables related by sharing common entity
–  Data independence characteristic(s)
–  Conformance to standards
•  Disadvantages
–  System complexity
–  Lack of structural independence

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Relational Database Model (con t.)

Relational Database Model
•  Advantages
–  Structural independence
–  Improved conceptual simplicity
Figure 1.11
–  Easier database design, implementation,
management, and use
–  Ad hoc query capability with SQL
–  Powerful database management system

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Entity Relationship Database Model

Relational Database Model •  Complements the relational data model concepts
•  Represented in an entity relationship diagram
•  Disadvantages
–  Substantial hardware and system software
overhead •  Based on entities, attributes, and relationships
–  Poor design and implementation is made easy
–  May promote islands of information problems

Figure 1.13

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Entity Relationship Database Model

Object-Oriented Database Model
•  Advantages
•  Objects or abstractions of real-world entities are
–  Exceptional conceptual simplicity
–  Visual representation
–  Attributes describe properties
–  Effective communication tool
–  Collection of similar objects is a class
–  Integrated with the relational database model
•  Methods represent real world actions of classes
•  Disadvantages •  Classes are organized in a class hierarchy
–  Limited constraint representation –  Inheritance is ability of object to inherit attributes
–  Limited relationship representation and methods of classes above it
–  No data manipulation language
–  Loss of information content

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OO Data Model Database Models and the Internet

•  Advantages •  Characteristics of Internet age databases
–  Adds semantic content
–  Flexible, efficient, and secure Internet access
–  Visual presentation includes semantic content
–  Easily used, developed, and supported
–  Database integrity
–  Supports complex data types and relationships
–  Both structural and data independence
–  Seamless interfaces with multiple data sources
•  Disadvantages and structures
–  Lack of OODM –  Simplicity of conceptual database model
–  Complex navigational data access –  Many database design, implementation, and
–  Steep learning curve application development tools
–  High system overhead slows transactions –  Powerful DBMS GUI make DBA job easier

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