Seismicity of B&H
Seismicity of B&H
Seismicity of B&H
Territory of Bosnia & Herzegovina belongs to relatively active seismic zone. In general, this area is
tectonically associated for big fault of earth’s crust from north Italy (Himalayas) through territory of Iran,
Turkey and Greece (eastern Mediterranean). Beside this global fault, there are few significant local faults
(Bugojno, Visegrad, Banja Luka, near Neretva river Basin). Along all this faults, it can be generated
destructive earthquakes.
Based on history records, on this territory occurred earthquakes with magnitude higher than 3,0 degree
by Richter or more than V-degree Mercalli’s scale in the epicenter.
On the territory of B&H itself, almost daily in average three earthquakes occur with the magnitude less
than III degree of Mercalli’s scale, that are registered only by instruments. More destructive earthquakes
are relatively rare. The hypocenter depth ranges from 4 to 30 km. Of this number, there are a dozen
earthquakes each year capable of causing a sensitive tremor or causing material damage to buildings.
Since 1900, i.e., since the occur of earthquakes started to be registered by the instrument on this
territory, it is recorded 1084 earthquakes with the magnitude over 3,0 degree of Richter or V degree of
Mercalli’s scale, which have caused serious material damage and have taken human lives.
The area of Bosnia and Herzegovina is included in the central parts of the Dinaric mountain system,
which is located northeast of compression geotectonic contact between the Adriatic mass and the
Dinarides. The Adriatic mass (Adriatic microplate), as part of Africa, is pressed between the Apennines
and the Dinarides along seismically active faults. The recorded earthquakes in Bosnia and Herzegovina
are related to energy resulting from the subduction of the African plate under the European plate. This
energy, primarily tectonic energy, is distributed as seismic energy via seismically active faults.
Analysis of earthquake mechanisms indicates predominant compression tectonics with reverse faults in
the southern part and horizontal in northern parts of the country. Comparing tectonic data with
earthquakes, the connection between fault structures is obvious earthquake. Based on the existing data,
it can be concluded that strong seismic activity occurs along the boundaries of geotectonic units
(direction NW-SE), along longitudinal dislocations (direction NW-SE) and transverse faults (direction NE-
SW and NS).
Below are maps related to geotectonic, seismotectonic and other relevant for exploring this subject.
Figure 1 - Geotectonic map of B&H
Figure 2 - Seismotectonic map of territory B&H
Figure 3 – Seismotectonic map of B&H
Figure 4 - Main structures in the Dinarides of B&H
Figure 5 - Map of earthquake epicentres for period 2011-2015
Forecast of seismicity of B&H
It is very ungrateful to give a forecast of seismic events for any territory, however based on the
instrument data (catalogue), and applying a mathematical-physical model of seismicity, it has come to
the conclusion that earthquakes with maximum intensity of up to VII degrees of Mercalli’s scale can be
expected on the territory of B&H over the next 50 years. Earthquakes of this intensity cause material
damage to buildings, mainly without human sacrifices. However, for a period of 100 years and over,
according to these forecasts, there can be devastating earthquakes in the southeastern and
northwestern part of B&H (Trebinje, Neum, Banja Luka, and Treskavica Mountains), which can cause
huge material damage to buildings and take many human lives.
Figure 6 - Seismic intensity forecast for B&H territory over the next 100 years
Seismologic network station in Federation of B&H
The network of seismological instruments is intended for the process of earthquake registration,
informing the public about earthquakes, studying the structure of the earth's crust, creating a
seismological database.
The network of seismological stations of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina consists of two short-
period and three broadband stations.
Seismic signals registered at seismological stations are digitized with 100 samples per second and a
resolution of 24 bits, and then transmitted via the Internet to the Center for Seismology of the Federal
Hydrometeorological Institute in Sarajevo.
The accelerograph is important for determining the parameters of soil oscillation during strong
earthquakes, which are necessary in the process of seismically safe design, planning and construction of
facilities, as well as for determining the real degree of seismic hazard and expected level of seismic risk.
Federal Hydrometeorological Institute of B&H, Seismological Centre