Business Ethics Question Bank

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{Question Bank}



1. What are Ethics? Explain the nature of Ethics?

2. What are Morals? Differentiate between Morals and Ethics.
3. “Ethics is a requirement for human life” Explain the importance of Ethics with reference to
the above quote.

4. Explain various types of Ethics with the help of suitable examples.

5. Explain the causes of Unethical behavior.

1. What are Business Ethics? Explain the nature of Business Ethics.

2. “ A Business Organisation attains goodwill and sustainability only due to good ethical
practices” Explain the importance of Business Ethics with reference to the above quote.
3. Discuss various types of Business Ethics with relevant examples of each type.
4. What are Business Ethics? Explain various factors influencing Business ethics.
5. What are Business Ethics? Discuss various factors affecting ethical decision making
6. How would you recognize an ethical organization? What are its characteristicks?

1. What is Globalisation? What is the impact of ethics on Global business?

2. How can global firms develop and enforce ethical guidelines and standards
3. Discuss the main issues affecting a global business network.
4. Who are stakeholders of a business? Explain the ethical impact of globalization on different
5. Discuss the relationship between Business, Business ethics and Business development.
6. Define globalization. Explain some major Global ethical issues with relevant examples.

1. Define Corporate Social Responsibility. Explain the importance of CSR with suitable
2. Who are different interest groups? Discuss the responsibility of business organisations
towards the different interest groups.
3. Justify the relationship between CSR and Business Ethics
4. What is the Ethical responsibility of a business organization towards environmental
5. Discuss ethics related to consumer protection.
6. Establish a relationship between ethics and social justice.

1. What are Functional Ethics? Discuss the need to perform every function ethically in an
2. What is compliance? Justify the statement “ compliance depends on the ethical climate in an
3. Explain various ethics in finance function.
4. What is Human resource management? Discuss some common issues of ethics faced by HR
5. Justify the statement “ Marketing is an image building function of an organization only if
ethically performed”
6. Explain some common problems which arise in international trade.
7. Define Copyright. Discuss Infringement of Copyright.
8. Write a note on Foreign Trade Ethics.
9. State the common unethical practices in Marketing.

1. What are Corporate Ethics? Explain why every corporate must have strong ethical
2.  What responsibilities do leaders have for creating ethical organizations?
3. As a newly hired manager who would you go about creating an ethical climate in an
4. Discuss how the code of ethics and code of conduct should go hand in hand in every
5. Justify the need for enforcing ethical standards in every organization.
6. Explain the significance of Audit of ethical Behaviour.

1. What is Corporate Governance? What are the principles of corporate governance?

2. Who are the parties to Corporate governance? Explain the role of these parties.
3. What's The Board's Role In Corporate Governance And How Does That Differ From
Management's Role?
4. What are the four pillars of corporate governance? Discuss the importance of each.
5. Discuss the corporate governance in Indian organisations.
6.Explain in detail meaning and importance of Corporate Governance .
7 Define Corporate Governance . State its objectives in detail.
8 Explain the need and Principles of Corporate Governence.
9 Describe 10 steps for good corporate Governance.
10 Write about important features of Corporate Governance . Also give importance of
Corporate Governance.


2 Ethical framework of Business
3 Whistleblowing
4 Intellectual Property
5 Ethical Decision making
6 Ten Commandments of Ethical behaviour
7 Perspectives that drive a good society
8 Perspectives that drive a good society
9 Ethical Code
10 Arguments against Corporate social responsibility
11. Production ethics
12. SEBI

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