Planul de Invatamant Anul III 25.07.2022
Planul de Invatamant Anul III 25.07.2022
Planul de Invatamant Anul III 25.07.2022
24 februarie?O20
Anul lll r5.09- 10.0 r- t6-23 12.2022 22.05- 0t- t4. )aqti/ Easter 9.06-
2022-2023 t5.12.2022 t9.05.202-3 )9-27.0t.2023 16.06.2023 t4 09 2022 2.2022- 6-24.04.2023 t.08.2023
Year III l3 shptdmdni) l5 saptamdni) ,l sapthrndn i) i4 sdptdmAni) (2
16.0r.2023 I sdptamdnd) | | s6pt[mini
2022-2023 l3 weeks) l5 wegks) .4 weeks) i4 weeks) 2 sdptamdni | | weeks)
2 weeks)
Anul IV )4.09,15. 12.202- t2.01- r8- r r-30.03.2024 ) L04- '.4.12.2023- )altilEaster
2023-2024 l5 s6ptim6ni) \7.03.2024 22.12.202308- i3 sdptirndni) 10.05.2024 t7.0t.2024 t5-t3.05.2024
Year lV l 5 weeks) 7 sdptdmdni) 20.01.2024 i3 weeks) .6 siptlmrini 2 slptamdni I siptamdnl)
2023-2024 7 weeks) 3 sdptlmAni) .6 weeks) 2 weeks)
'3 weeks)
3 saptamani
3 rveeks)
Total nr i6 strptlmini i2 slptimAni 5 sIptImAni 5 sIpttrm6ni I l0sIpttrm6n lsiptlmini I slptlmini i2 sipttrm6n
sipttrmini 56 weeks) 52 weeks) | 5 rveeks) l5 r.veeks) ;Iptimini I| 0 rveeks) 8 weeks) 4 weeks) 32 weeks)
Total 4 weeks)
number of
$yllabuses by Seme.ster.s / Years o/'studies
Numlrul de ore pe
Numtrr de ore tipuride activitdti
Number of Hour.s Number ofhours per
aclivilies Forma de
Denumirea unit6{ii de curs/ eval ua re
modulului ECTS
Tr aini ng M o dul e/ C ours e Evaluation
of credits
Semestrul I (15 siptimini)
Semester I I5 v,eeks)
F.0l.o.0l Teoria generalA a dreptului.
Year II
Semestrul III (13 sdptlmffni)
Semtster III (13 u,eeks)
F.03.O.23 Drept civil. Drepturile reale 120 65 55 39 26 E 4
iivil Law. The ntain real righls
F.03.O.24 Drept penal. Paftea generala (l) 120 65 55 26 39 E 4
Criminal Law. General Part (l)
s.03.o.2s Drept familiei t20 52 68 26 26 E 4
Familv Law
s.03.o.26 Drept contraven{ional 120 65 55 26 39 E
Contraventional Law
F.03.O.27 Drept internafiorral publ ic r80 18 t02 39 39 E 6
International Public Luu,
i.03.A.28 L Drept medical t20 39 8r 26 IJ E 4
i.03.A.29 Medical Law
i.03.A.30 2. Regimuljuridic al bunurilor
j.03.A.31 imobile/Drept locativ
i.03.A.32 Legal status of real estute/ [{ousing
3. Uzanle gi tehnici diplorlatice
Diplomatic good practice,s and
4. Del incven{a juven i ld
Juvenile delinquency
5. Sisteme juridice comparate
Comoarative lesal svste ms
Educatie fizicd 3 IJ l3 C
Phvsical Traininp
Practica de soecial itate t20 120 E 4
4norentices hip in Snec ial n
fotal semestrul V 913 377 536 182 t95 7E 30
lotal per Semester V
Semestrul IV (15 siptimdni)
Semester IV (15 weeks)
F.04.O.34 )rept civil. Teoria gerreralS a r80 75 10.5 A< 30 E 6
livil Law. General Theorv of
F.04.O.3s )rept penal. Paftea generald (ll) 180 90 90 45 45 E 6
lriminal Law. General Part (II)
s.04.o.36 )reptul muncii r80 90 90 45 45 E 6
r,abor Law
s.04.o.37 Drept institu{ional al UE t20 60 60 30 30 E 4
r-aw of EU inslitutions
s.04.o.38 | financiar
otal semestrul VI
Total oer Semester VI
otal anul II
Year III
Semestrul V (13 siptdinffni)
Semester V 113 u'ee
F.05.O.4s Civil. Partea speciald L
ontracte translati ve de proprietate.
de prestari servicii.
ivil Law. Special part I.
greements of Ownership
ransferring. Engage menl
of Criminal Procedure.
9usiness Law
i.07.o.63 )rept internationa I privat r50 l5 75 30 45 E 5
Private international Law
i.07.o.64 )rept executional civil/ Drept r80 90 90 45 45 E 6
:xecu(ional penal
)ivil Enforcement Law /
Denal Enforcement Law
| 0.J.06.2n/.4
r,rtLnti,y1lp1 ____]_ _ t?- tapEl
rEiae licenla I t;.oe .:02'l 30.06.2024
Graduation'fhe,sis -- --L- -(?-9{ptat1laq-rygq(l
Nr. d/o Tipul stagiului de practicl An de Sem. Durat5 (nr. Perioada NumIr
Type ofApprenticeshiP stud ii Semesler sdpt./n r.ore) desfdqurlrii ECTS
Yeqr of No. o/'Weeks/ 7'imeline.for Credits
Stu$, No. of hours carrying oul ECTS
c u RRtc u LA R PRER LQ IJ t S tT't
Cod Denumirea unititii de curs/modulului Total ore Nqrmir de ore pe Forma de Numi
Code Course/Module Title lotol hours tipuri de activitdli evaluare r ECTS
Number ef hours Evoluotion Credit
per aCtivities forrn s EC75
Total Contact 5tudiU Curs Seminar
direct individual Course Seminer
Direct lndepende s
contoct nt stUdV
F.0l.o.0l Teoria generald a dreptului r80 0o 120 30 30 Exam 6
General Theory of Law
F.0r.o.02 Drept constitu{ional qi institulii politice 180 45 t3s 30 l) Exam 6
Constitutional Lau' and Political
F.02.O. r 2 Drept civil. Partea generald. Persoana 80 45 3-5 30 l5 Exanr 6
zic6. Persoana juridicd.
Civil Law. General part. Physical
Person. Lesal Entity.
F.03.O.24 Drept penal. Partea generald r80 45 135 30 t5 Exam 6
Criminal Law. General Part
r80 A< 30 r5 Exam 6
F.03.O.27 Dreptu I internalional publ ic 135
InternaIionaI [tubl ic Lrnt
TOTAL 900 240 660 t50 90 5 EXAM 30
lode ol'
Tra in ing
\4odule Title
I 2 3 4 3 6 7 8 9
Teoria generald a dreptului F.0l.o.0l 6 + + + + + +
General Theon of Law
Drept constitutional qi instituf ii F.0r.o.02 6 + + + + + + + + +
politice (partea I )
Constitutional Law and Political
lnstilulionas (oart I1
Filozofia.juridica u 02.A. l7
u,02.A. r8
Educa!ie tizica
Physical Training
Drept Civil. Partea sPeciald l. F.05 0.45
Contracte translative de proprietate.
Contracte de prestdri servicii.
Civil Law. Special part I.
A greements of Ow ners hip
Environmental Law
Dreptul protectiei sociale S.06.A.55
Law of Social P rotecti on
ntocmirea actelor de procedura
Draft ing C r i mina I Pr oce dure
Dreptul Convenliei Europenr' a
Drepturilor Omului
I aw o{ European Convention for
Human Rishls
Califi carea infracfiunilor s.06.A.58 4 + + + -f + + + + +
Lepal qualilication of crimes
Dreptul lnformafional s.06.A.59 -+- + t- -i + + + +
Information Law
Criminologia s.07 0.60 + + I + + + +
Criminalistica s.07.o.6 | 6 + + + + t I + +
Forensic science
Dreptul afacerilor s.07.o.62 4 + .+ + + + + + +
Business Law
Drept international privat s.07.o.63 5 + + + + + + + + f
execufional penal
Civil enforcement Law /
Criminal enforce menl Law
Metodica cercetari i unor categori i s.07.A.65 4 f 't + + + + + + +
de infracliuni
Special crimes investigative
Litigii de munc6./ProtecIia s.07.A.66 4 + + + + T +
drepturilor consumatori lor
Labdr conJlicts/ Consumer righls
Recunoaqterea $i executarea s.07 A 67 A + + + + + +
hotirdrilor judecatore$ti Si arbitrale
Recognition and Enforcement of
Foreign Judgments and Foreign
Arbitral Awards
Drept penal comparat s.07.A.68 J -F + + + +- + + + +
Comparative criminal Law
Tehnica legislativ6. Problenrele s 07 A.69 J + + T + + + + + +
teoriei dreotului.
Proiect de cercetare s.07.o.70 i t 1- + + + +
Research Project
t + + +
Dreptul proprietalii intelectuale s.08.o.71 J -+ + + + +
Intellectual proper9 Law
Drept vamal s.08.o.72 2 + + + + + +
Customs Law
Dreptul comertului i nterna!ional s.08.o.73 J + + + + + + +
I nternational Trade Law
1. Descrierea programului de studii (prezentarea succinti a profilului specialititii, precum $i a
domeniului de formare profesionall ;i domeniului general de studiu).
Scopul specialitAlii Drept este de a realiza o formare profesionala eficientd in domeniu, creand premise
sigure de integrare socio-profesionala de succes a persoanelor specializatein drept in cadrul sistemului de
drept din Republica Moldova, precum Ei posibilitatearealizdrii profesionale peste hotarele !6rii.
Specialistul in domeniul jurispruden{ei (licenliat in drept ) poate sa-gi desfrgoare activitatea sa profesionald
in diverse domenii - drept civil, penal. financiar, bancar, criminalisticS, psihologie juridicd, protecfia
drepturilor omului etc., linAnd cont de specialitatea nominalizatA.
Specialitatea Drept formeazd speciali$ti in domeniul jurisprudenfei, oferind o viziune de ansamblu,
cuno$tinfe teoretice despre mecanismele func(ionarii dreptului gi abilitali practice in aplicarea acestora.
Programul de formare profesionala iniliald pentru Ciclul I este fundamentat de planul de invdfdmint, care
cuprinde urmdtoarele eomponente: a) Discipline care dezvoltd competen(e generale instrumentale,
interpersonale gi sisternice prin studierea disciplinelor socioumanistice. codiflcate prin G gi U in planul de
invaf[mint: Istoria dreptului romAncsc; F'ilclsofia dreptului: -l'ehnologii infornra(ionale de comunicafie;
Limba str[ina; Cultura fizicd, etc. Discipline care asigura pregdtirea teoreticS fundamentald, codificate
prin F: Teoria generald a dreptului, I)rept privat rolnan, Drept civil, Drept penal, Drept procesual penal,
Drept procesual civil, Drept constitulional; b) Discipline care asigura pregatirea de specialitate, codificare
prin S: Drept administrativ, Drept interna{ional public, Drept varnal, Drept internalional privat, Dreptul
afacerilor, Drept fiscal, Criminalislica, Crimir-rologia, Dreptul conrerlului internafional, Dreptul
proprietalii inte.lectuale. Dreptr,rl mr-rncii etc.
1, Description of the Study Program (the brief presentation of the Specialty Protile as well as of
clomain of the professionul training and domain of general studying)
The purpose of the Specialty of Law is to accomplish an fficient professional training in domain being
created certain and unweaving assertions of successful social and professional integration of legal
professionals in the realm of legal system of the Republic of Moldova, as well as possibility of
pr ofe s s ional r e al izat ion abr o ad.
The legal professional (Licentiate .in [,oyt) can carry out his/ her pro.fessional activities in different
domains, such as Civil Lau,, Penal Lau,, Financial Lau,, Banking Lau,, Forensic Science, Legal
Psychology, Human Rights Protection etc., taking into con.gideration his/her specialty.
In the realm of Law Specialty there are underlaken training aclivities in domain of ,lurisprudence by
creation of a general vision, theoretical knowledge about,s of lau, .functioning and practical
skills during its fuffillment. The Program of Initial Professional T'raining.for the Cycle I is founded on the
University Syllabus which includes the.following part.s: a) Legal disciplines which develop instrumental
general, interpersonal and systemic contpetences by means of studying of social disciplines codffied by G
and U in the University Syllabu.s: History of Romanian [,aw: Philosophy of Lau,; Informational
Technologies of Communication; Foreign Language; Physical Training etc. Academic disciplines which
accomplish the fundamental theoretical training codified by F-, are the.following: General Theory of Law,
Romon Private Law; Civil Law: Penal Law; Lav, of Criminal Procedure; Law of Civil Procedure,'
Constitutional LcM. Academic disciplings which accomplish professional training in Law Specialty are
codified by S: Administrative Law; International Public Law; Customs Law; International Private Law;
Business Law, Tax Law, Forensic Science: Criminology; International Business Law; Intellectual
Property Law; Labor Law etc.
4.Compliance of the Study Program und of the units from the Study PIan to the international
tendencies in domain
The Study Planform Lav, Specialty is c'ontplied v,ith the model.s' ol legal pro.fessional training.from
European Union states, being toking inlo accounl tha po,s'itive experience o/ the CIS states
(Commonwealth of Independent States), As a result, coexistence between the fundamental academic
disciplines qnd modern one, using qf class'ical techniques of studying and distance learning, as well as
professional training ensured in Romanian, Russian. English ad French language contribute to the
student s implication .for comparative r e s ear c h and academic mobil ity.
In order to correspond to the expectance of the employers and of the labor market, in general, the Study
Plan on Law Specialty was complied to the requirement.; of the Bologna Process and was elaborated
taking into account the experience of presfigious universities from Europe an USA.
S.Evaluation of the expectance from the economic and social sector (studying of National Framework
of QualiJications as well as the European one; studying the post engagements from the potential
employers, evuluation of the Isbor msrkel by means of questionnnires etc.)
Infunction of the requirements o.f the Nalional and European Qualificcttion F'rqmev,ork, the law Faculty
identifies the requirements of the public and private employers tot4tards the young legal professionals who
possess the Diploma of Bachelor in Law. In such a manner, there are periodically updated the University
Curricula as v,ell qs practical ta.sks in lhe proces.\ of prot'bs.sionul truining.
Analysis o/'the outside situation re/br.s kt evaluation of the ecorutntic and.sor:ictl conlex1 as well a,s'
potential labor market in order lo identify,the nece.ssity o.f prq/es,s'ional lraining, of eclucational services
accomplished b.1t Moldova State [Jniversily, in comparisonv,ith other universilies.front the counlry and
qbroad. There are taken inlo uc'counl ulso the recommendalions'ctnd rcgulations vthich are specific.for
the domain v,hich are elaboraled h1t the nqtional and L.uropeun orgunisms'.
Analysis of the inside siluationreJbrs to evalualionof the existent o/fer of the Study Program, o.f the
strategic tasks and disposable incomes oJ the Univers'ity.
6.The Partners' consulting during the process of elaboration of the Study Program (employers,
professo rs, graduates, stude nts etc.)
The process of.con.sulting u,ilh lhe employer includes the.follov,ing direction.s:
- elaboration and improvement of Study Programs in accordance v,ilh the requirements formulated by
the employer:
- reaching agreements with the ag,ents in the la\a, domain concerning lhe professional training o.f the
students with precision requirements toutards their expectanl'ional skill.s:
- recruitment o.f the law enforcemenl representalives in the proces.\ of evaluation o.f the professional
knowledge and skills of rhe graduale.s cluring the graduale exums'and thesis de.fence;
- coordination of the scientific resttlts vtith the relevsnt organizatictn.s and agent as well as seeking and
obtaining advices;
- collaboration in order lo accomplis'h apprenticeship.for the ltigher Licentiale Education (Cycle I). At
the same time, internal partnership is c:onsidered lo be very intportunt. In the framework of Cycle I, the
process of consulting takes place during elctboration and improvement of the Study Programs (as an
assessment), during initial, professional and licentiate apprenticeship (as q relevant agreeement), during
passing the Licentiate exams and de./bncing the Graduate Thesis (as a participation) as well as
elaboration of some study programs v,ith a special de.ctination v,hen lhe employers demand it.