1st Sem - September 19 - 22, 2022 (HE - ICT)

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SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL School: San Guillermo National High School Grade Level: Grade- 12 HE/ICT

Inclusive Teaching Dates: Sept 19 - 22, 2022 Quarter: 1st. SEM. :1st Quarter: WEEK # 4
September 19, 20222 September 20, 20222 September21, 20222 September 22, 20222

I. OBJECTIVES: To be able to develop critical thinking and life skills among learners in disaster readiness and basic disaster risk reduction.

The learner demonstrates understanding of: how the uses of different materials are related to their properties and
A. Content Standards:
structures. 2. the relationship between the function and structure of biological macromolecules.

B. Performance Standard: The learner is able to: make a creative representation of the historical development of the atom or the the chemical element in a timeline.
(LC # 9): cite the contributions of J.J. Thomson, The learner: ( LC # 10): describe the explain
Ernest Rutherford, how the concept of
(LC # 1): determine if a molecule is
polar or non polar given its structure; (LC # 2): describe the general types of
C. Learning Competencies: Henry Moseley, and Niels Bohr atomic number led to the
to the understanding of the synthesis of new elements in and relate the polarity of a intermolecular forces
structure of the atom. the laboratory. molecule to its properties.

* CODE: S11/12PS-IIIb-9 S11/12PS-IIIb-11 S11/12PS-IIIc-15-16 S11/12PS-IIIc-d-1

How the idea of the How the idea of the How the properties of How the properties of
II. CONTENT atom, along with the
idea of the elements evolved
atom, along with the
idea of the elements evolved
matter relate to their
chemical structure
matter relate to their
chemical structure

Instructional Materials: Laptop and speaker, Manila paper, Permanent Marker ( Red, Blue & Green) DLP \ LCD projector, Printed Materials, Scotch Tape,
1. References Learner's Guide: K-12 SHS Curriculum Guide for PHYSICAL SCIENCE
2. Textbook : PHYSICAL SCIENCE TEXTBOOK Manual for Senior High School 2008
3. Textbook Pages
. Online References: https://www.physscieweb.net/files/26081_kp1concepphysicalscience1.pdf http://www.wikipedia.physicalscienceancientphilosophers.pdf
. Youtube Videos: https://www.youtube.com/user/physicalScie YOUTUBE LINK: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OBZitH8VFEc
The teacher Do a Short RECAP of yesterday's
The teacher will give a short quiz ( PRE-Quiz) to gauge
A. Reviewing previous lesson Discussion & present the concept \ objective of OBSERVATION DAY . REFER TO SALIENT POINTS! Teacher will call a student to
their understanding about the previous discussion. Do the
or presenting the new lesson RECAP as you Answer the Quiz.
today's Lesson. Facilitate an ICE BREAKER ATTACHED DLP ( June 26, 2019) give a short summary of the lesson yesterday.

The teacher will state the importance of the synthesis

The Teacher will present today's Objectives that enables TIME TO PONDER: State the importance of the
B. Establishing a purpose for of new elements in the devt. Of modern chemistry.
the student to share their own ideas and experiences in intermolecular forces in human life. Cite examples for
the lesson: establishing the significance of the subject matter.
Ask the students what they've observed, & the
imporatnce of these advancement ?

QUOTE TO PONDER: The teacher will flash an

QUOTE TO PONDER: The teacher will flash an Experiment Explained: Teacher will explain why
C. Presenting examples/ interesting quotation regarding CONNECTION AND
interesting quotation regarding ATOMIC STRUCTURE and the concept of atomic number led to the synthesis of
instances of the new lesson: Framework. new elements in the laboratory.
BONDING. *Short Videoclip
presentation .
LECTURETTE: Teacher will discuss the disaster concept LECTURETTE: Powerpoint presentation: The IN-DEAPTH ANALYSIS;
D. Discussing new concepts from ( contributions of J.J. Thomson, Ernest Rutherford, Henry teacher discuss the lesson: Relationship of atomic LECTURETTE: Teacher will discuss the concept
practicing new skills : Moseley, and Niels Bohr to the understanding of the structure number to the synthesis of new elements in
general types of intermolecular forces.
of the atom. the laboratory.

Sharing Time ACTIVITY: review the different contributions THINGS TO PONDER: Encourage the class to critical FLASH CARD- FAST TALK: Select students to answer
E. Developing Mastery of J.J. Thomson, Ernest Rutherford, Henry Moseley, and Niels thinking.Ask student to reiterate/ explain the importance of the
the Guide questions flashed on the screen. CONCEPT: All
(Leads to Formative Assessment) Bohr to the understanding of the structure of the atom. And synthesis of new elements in the laboratory . Relate this
about types of intermolecular forces.
share the to the class. concept to concept of Dalton , Thompson and Rutherford.

OBINAP: Select and call students to share his\her Reflective Analysis: using the OB-IN-AP model,state Reflective Analysis: using the OB-IN-AP model, call
F. Finding practical application Observation in front of the class. Afterwards let someone the relationship between student from each group to share his/her thoughts on how
of concepts and skills in daily living constructively critique his\her insight/ idea for further the function and structure of biological to apply the concept of intermolecular forces in human
improvement. macromolecules. industry.

The teacher will end the session by summarizing the

(Perfect 7): In making generalization,encourage the salient concept of the day -its relevance and (Perfect 7): In making generalization,encourage the
G. Making generalizations and
learners to summarize what they have learned in seven commend students who have excelled in this activity. learners to summarize what they have learned in seven
abstractions about the lesson words. . words/ phrases relative to the concept.

H. Evaluating Learning .>> The teacher evaluates the learner's ability and confidence to express their thoughts ( in making a sound conclusion \ abstraction ) from the Learning Activity Cell to the discussion \ presentation part.

J. Additional Activities for

application or remediation
Everyone in the class participated well during the class discussions and group Activity ( LB Session) .

A. No. of learners who earned 80% on the
formative assessment. HE/ICT 12 HE/ICT 12 HE/ICT 12 HE/ICT 12

B. No. of learners who require additional

activities for remediation HE/ICT 12 HE/ICT 12 HE/ICT 12 HE/ICT 12

C. Did the remedial lessons work?

No. of Learners who have caught up HE/ICT 12 HE/ICT 12 HE/ICT 12 HE/ICT 12
with the lesson
D.No. of Learners who continue to require
remediation. HE/ICT 12 HE/ICT 12 HE/ICT 12 HE/ICT 12

E. Which of my teaching strategies worked

well? Why did these work?

F. What difficulties did I encounter which my

principal or supervisor can help me solve? Students need an extra cooling fan for ventilation and to facilitate better learning environment.
G. What innovation localized materials
did I used/ discover which I wich to share with the

Core Subject Description: Disaster Readiness & Risk reduction: This course focuses on the application of scientific knowledge and the solution of practical problems in a physical environment. It is designed to bridge the gap between theoretical science and
daily living.

Prepared by: Checked by:

Phys. Scie TEACHER Grade 11 - Coordinator School Principal

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