Earthing - Lightning - Surge Protection - 2
Earthing - Lightning - Surge Protection - 2
Earthing - Lightning - Surge Protection - 2
In the following table a list of applicable abbreviations and their description have been listed:
Abbreviation Description
DNV Det Norske Veritas
EL. Elevation
EMC Electromagnetic Compatibility
EMI Electromagnetic Interference
EN European Standards
ESD Electrostatic Discharge
HV High Voltage
IEC International Electrotechnical Commission
LEMP Lightning Electromagnetic Pulse
LPL Lightning Protection Level
LPS Lightning Protective System
LPSC Lightning Protection System Components
LPZ Lightning Protective Zone
LV Low Voltage
MCC Motor Control Centre
MV Medium Voltage
OSS Offshore Substation
PE Protective Earth
SF Shielding Factor
SPD Surge Protection Device
SPM Surge Protection Measures
Basis of Design Low Voltage System
Standards Rev. Description
in power station and substation environment
IEC-EN 62305-1 2011 Protection against lightning – General principles
IEC-EN-62305-2 2011 Protection against lightning – Risk management
Protection against lightning – Physical damages to structures and
IEC-EN 62305-3 2011
life hazard
Protection against lightning – Electrical and electronic systems
IEC-EN 62305-4 2011
within structures
2014/30/EU - Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) Directive
IEC 61000-6-5 2019 EMC – Part 6-5: Generic standards – Immunity for equipment used
in power station and substation environment
IEC 61643-21 2019 Surge protective devices connected to telecommunications and
signalling networks
IEC 61892 2019 Mobile and fixed offshore units – Electrical installations
IEC-61400-24 2019 Wind energy generation systems – Part 24: Lightning protection
IEC 60071-1 2019 Insulation co-ordination - Part 1: Definitions, principles and rules
Basis of Design Low Voltage System
1 Earthing and Bonding
1.1. Objective
The main objective of the earthing and bonding system is safety of people as well as equipment which
is related to following functions:
Protection against electric shock. Reduce touch and step voltage due to earth faults to a
non-hazardous level
Prevent static electricity – avoid dangerous voltages / sparks
Lightning protection – prevent danger of high voltages and fire
Provide functional earthing for instruments
Provide protective earthing for electrical equipment
EMC: reduce electromagnetic interference due to induced voltages in electronic circuits
The earthing design is carried out with respect to thermal strength by the relevant currents as well as
with respect to permissible touch voltages.
The dimensioning with respect to thermal strength of earthing conductors and earth electrodes is carried
out according to EN 50522 “Earthing of power installations exceeding 1 kV a.c.” section 5.3 and annex D
performing a cross section calculation of earthing conductors and earth electrodes for fault currents that
are interrupted in less than 5 s. A typical total fault clearance time is 150 ms but as additional safety
margin a longer fault duration of 1 s is considered for thermal design.
The touch voltages verification is carried out according to EN 50522 “Earthing of power installations
exceeding 1 kV a.c.” section 5.4. The permissible touch voltage is based EN 50522 “Earthing of power
installations exceeding 1 kV a.c.” Figure 4. According to EN 50522 “Earthing of power installations
exceeding 1 kV a.c.” section 5.4.2 point C2, to verify the permissible touch voltage criteria, the earth
potential raised calculated must not exceed double the value of the permissible touch voltage.
The earth potential raise is calculated based on the earthing impedance of the platform multiplied by the
maximum current flowing to earth. To calculate the earth impedance of the platform, the metallic
structures under the minimum level of the water depth is not going to be coated, herewith these parts of
the platform (jacket) are going to be in direct contact with salt water therefore can act as an earth
electrode dissipating current, also the steel piles parts under the seabed can act as an earth electrode,
herewith both parts, jacket and piles under seabed are considered to calculated the equivalent
impedance to earth of the platform, the soil is modelled by two horizontal layers with different
resistivities, In present case one layer is the salt water and the other layer is the seabed.
The earth fault scenario (internal or external fault) which causes the highest current to earth is the
relevant fault scenario for the design of the platform earthing system, only faults in the 66 kV Inter Array
Cables or 220 kV Export Cable have a return path via the seabed which impacts the earth potential rise,
in this case the maximum current flowing to earth used to calculate the earth potential raise will be the
Basis of Design Low Voltage System
higher between 66 kV and 220 kV maximum fault current to earth. This current splits up, one part flows
via the earthed screens of 66 kV or 230 kV cables and the remaining via the earthing impedance of the
platform, because no information is available about equivalent of cable screens, remote earth resistance
grounding and the complexity of model remote grounding systems the worst case is assumed, earth
fault current return path via the seabed only, no split factor, which generate a higher calculated earth
potential raise than expected in real life.
The total equivalent earthing impedance of the system is a combination of the resistance to earth of the
platform and further impedances which are in parallel such as cable screens of 220 kV and 66 kV which
are connected to remote ground systems, these impedances and the effect of earth fault split factor are
neglected, therefore the design has an inherent safety margin.
In case of step and touch potential calculation, all floors are made of steel plated decks which are
welded to the secondary and/or primary steelwork of the topside. All metals on the platform which are
not welded to the secondary and/or primary steelwork of the topside will be bonded to earth via a earth
boss or earthing conductor, acting like a Faraday’s Cage, due to this it is safe to assume that step and
touch potentials will be neglectable low.
Compared to seawater, the resistivity of marine sediments (seabed) is higher by a factor ranging from
about 2 for very soft clays to approximately 5 for sand according to DNVGL-RP-B401 “Cathodic
Protection Design” section 6.7.3, considering a the worst case scenario for design resistivity of seabed
of 6.5 Ωm is applied for earthing design calculations.
Maximum and minimum short circuit currents for 220 kV and 66 kV will be supplied by the Employer.
Cable armor of multi core cables are earthed at each end either by gland entry threads screwed into the
enclosure or by earth tags where this is not applicable.
Cable armor of single core cables are earthed at the power supply end only.
The control cubicles are supplied with an EMC grounding device at the cable entrance (except for
main power supply cables), which is used for grounding of cable screens.
The screens of LV main power cables and LV power cables supplying power electronics and motors
shall be grouped and separated from any other signal and control cables, the cable screens are
collected and earthed separately apart from the screens of signal and control cables.
Basis of Design Low Voltage System
The equipment rooms are provided with protective earthing rail/bars (rectangle profile 5 x 40 mm2),
further interconnected for equipotential bonding as indicated in the earthing layouts.
The protective earthing rail/bars are connected via earth bosses to the topside steelwork every 10 m at
least. All earth bosses are welded to the topside steel structure. 6 mm Thick welds are required as
detailed on the typical earthing details.
The earthing bars inside rooms with LV, MV and HV equipment are also connected to the decks at
several points (minimum two connections) using single copper cables (70 mm2 or 120 mm2 conductor
cross section, stranded or solid) and earth bosses.
Panels and junction boxes enclosures and gland plates are connected to the earthing system. They are
either connected to the earthing rails/bars in the rooms or to the steel structure outside of the rooms
(open areas) via earth bosses.
Earth bars and cables are connected between rooms, vertically and horizontally. Walls to neighboring
rooms will be penetrated by appropriate holes, which are equipped with
sleeves (MCT)
The skids which are not welded to the platform structures are bonded by two point earthing connections
making use of earthing bosses. Skids welded to the deck form an integral part with the platform
structure and do not require additional bonding.
Earthing wire colors will be yellow/green for PE conductor and shielding will be transparent.
The emergency generator star point/neutral connection shall be solidly earthed at the generator.
Basis of Design Low Voltage System
2 Lightning
2.1. Objective
The protection against Lightning Electro-Magnetic impulse (LEMP) is based on the lightning protection
zone (LPZ) concept: the system is divided into several LPZs (LPZ 0, LPZ 1 LPZ 2), depending on the
number, type and withstand level of the equipment to be protected.
The lightning protection system shall comply with the international standard series IEC 62305 and IEC
61892 as required by DNV-ST-0145 (Section National requirements in excess thereof and any
additional requirements of the grid operators shall be observed.
The objective of the LPS is to reach an equipotential surface to limit step and touch voltages and over
voltages, in order to avoid personnel or equipment damages. In addition to the lightning protection
measures discussed in sections 1.4, the following measure will also be applied:
• 400/230 V Cables Armouring shall be connected to earth. If equipped with a screen, then the
screen will also be connected to earth.
• All metal parts including pipework and cable trays, other than those forming parts of any electrical
circuit, shall be effectively connected to the earth system.
• All metallic casings, frames and tanks of electrical equipment shall be bonded to the earthing
system with a minimum of two bonds to the metal frame work of the platform.
All air termination rods will be of a 316 stainless steel type, and the mounting of these to the carbon
steel structure of the OSS will ensure complete isolation to avoid galvanic corrosion, and the down
conductors will be connected to the earthing system.
The platform and its sub-components shall be protected according to the lightning protection level I (LPL
I). A corresponding set of maximum and minimum lightning current parameters is to be found in IEC
62305- 1 Protection against lightning – Part 1: General principles, Table 5 and 6.
LPZ 0 Zone where the threat is due to the unattenuated lightning electromagnetic field and
where the internal systems may be subjected to full or partial lightning surge current.
Basis of Design Low Voltage System
LPZ 0 is subdivided into:
LPZ 0A Zone where the threat is due to the direct lightning flash and the full lightning
electromagnetic field. The internal systems may be subjected to full lightning surge
LPZ 0B Zone protected against direct lightning flashes but where the threat is the full
lightning electromagnetic field. The internal systems may be subjected to partial
lightning surge currents.
LPZ 1 Zone where the surge current is limited by current sharing and isolating interfaces
and/or by SPDs at the boundary. Spatial shielding may attenuate the lightning
electromagnetic field.
LPZ 2n Zone where the surge current may be further limited by current sharing and isolating
interfaces and/or and by additional SPDs at the boundary. Additional spatial
shielding may be used to further attenuate the lightning electromagnetic field.
Basis of Design Low Voltage System
2.4. LEMP protection measures
U0, I 0
U1, I 1
SPD Type 1+2
Figure 1 – SPM using spatial shields and a SPD system – Equipment well protected against conducted surges
(U2<<U0 and I2<<I0) and against radiated magnetic fields (H2<<H0 .The transformer does not have an SPD
installed on the HV side this will be solved by extending LPZ 0 into LPZ 1 (LPZ 2 is extended into LPZ 1 using
armoured cables), which require a SPD to be installed on the low voltage side only (in accordance with IEC-EN
Galvanized Air termination rods fixed will be installed on top deck, shall be installed to intercept
a lightning flash to the platform structure on the main deck.
All equipment shall comply with the relevant EMC product standard as described in EMC-Plan
Metallic casings, pedestal crane, frames and tanks of electrical equipment located in zone 0B
shall be bonded to the structure, with an earth connection with minimum cross section of 50
mm2, or with two connections with a minimum cross sections of 25mm2. Small equipment as
for instruments, lighting boxes etc. can be bonded with 6 mm2 to the structural metalwork,
metallic rails, metallic containers, gates, etc. Standard DNVGL-ST-0145 (Section
indicated that lightning protection system shall comply with international standard series IEC
62305 and IEC 61892.
IEC 62305-3 (Section 5.1.3) indicate that natural components made of conductive materials,
which will always remain in/on the structure and will not be modified (e.g. inter connected steel-
reinforcement, metal framework of the structure, etc.) may be used as parts of a Lightning
Protection System (LPS).
Basis of Design Low Voltage System
Removable hatches, handrails, etc. located in zone 0B shall all be adequately earthed/bonded
to the main structure to ensure they are part of a continuously earthed structure (the connection
of the steel parts with the platform as per guard railing typical in considered as sufficiently
bonded). Additionally, the slew and boom bearings of the platform crane shall be electrically
bonded to protect them in the event of a lightning strike.
For electrical power cables 400/230 VAC (50 Hz) crossing LPZ0 a surge protection device type
1 + type 2 / class I + II will be foreseen in order to provide protection against conducted surges
and to reach a sufficient LV protection level in accordance with IEC 61643-1 for power systems
and IEC 61643-21 for telecommunication and signaling systems. For instrumentation system
with extra low voltages, additional SPD’s will be installed based on the system vendors
The following LV power distribution systems will be foreseen with a SPD (surge protection
device type 1 + type 2 / class I + II).
All electrical power cables shall be armoured, and the cable armour shall be connected to PE
on both sides. The armour of single core cables shall be connected to PE at the power supply
end only.
The steel topside of the platform will be welded to the jacket structure, which will be installed on
the sea bed, providing good earth continuity with low earth resistance in case of a lightning
For antenna’s that must be installed in zone LPZ0A extra measures will be installed, such as
local SPD’s, as per system vendors recommendations.
Since the whole Main-deck on the platform is a grounding point there is no step potential caused by
a lightning strike.
The Main-deck will considered as LPZ 0 and the decks below like the Cellar-deck and Boat
Landing platform will considered as LPZ 1. Further the 66 kV GIS room and 220 kV GIS room will
also considered as LPZ 1. The LV AC/DC room, Station Control room, Battery Room will be
considered as LPZ 2.
2.6.1. The influence of a strike on the Main deck to the lower decks
In accordance with IEC 62305-4 the maximum value of the magnetic field in LPZ 1 can be derived
using the SF values. The SF value is 0 since it is dependable of the mesh width of the grid-like
shield. The grid-like shield is the deck floor of the Main-deck. In the event of a strike on the Main-
deck the magnetic field in LPZ 1 is negligible.
2.6.2. The influence of a strike on the Main deck to the 66 kV and 220 kV GIS rooms
The construction of the GIS rooms will act as a Faraday cage, the influence of the magnetic field of
a lightning strike does not have to be considered for this rooms.
Basis of Design Low Voltage System
2.6.3. Flashes to the side of the platform
IEC 62305-3 state that “Research indicates that the probability of low amplitude attacks on the
vertical side of a structure less than 60 m In height, are low enough that they do not need to be
Basis of Design Low Voltage System
3 Surge Protection
3.1. General
An Surge Protective Devices (SPD) is intended to limit transient overvoltages and divert surge current,
or both. It contains at least one nonlinear component. In the simplest terms, SPDs are intended to limit
transient overvoltages with a goal of preventing equipment damage and downtime due to transient
voltage surges reaching the devices they protect.
In an Lightning Electromagnetic Impulse Protection Measure System (LPMS) using the lightning
protection zones concept with more than one LPZ (LPZ 1, LPZ 2 and higher), SPD(s) shall be located at
the line entrance into each LPZ.
In an LPMS using LPZ 1 only, SPD shall be located at the line entrance into LPZ 1 at least.
In both cases, additional SPDs may be required if the distance between the location of the SPD and the
equipment being protected is long according to IEC 62305-4 “Protection against lightning – Part 4:
Electrical and electronics systems with structures”, Annex D.
The impulse withstand voltage Uw of the equipment to be protected should be defined for:
Basis of Design Low Voltage System
Internal systems are protected if:
Their impulse withstand voltage Uw is greater than or equal to the voltage protection level Up of
the SPD plus a margin necessary to take into account the voltage drop of the connecting
They are energy coordinated with the upstream SPD.
SPDs shall withstand the discharge current expected at their installation point in accordance with Annex
E of IEC 62305-1. The use of SPDs depends on their withstand capability, classified in IEC 61643-1 for
power, and in IEC 61643-21 for telecommunication systems.
a) At the line entrance into the structure (at the boundary of LPZ 1, e.g. at the main distribution board
The required impulse current /imp of the SPD shall provide for the (partial) lightning current to be
expected at this installation point based on the chosen LPL according to Clause E.1 and/or Clause E.2
of IEC 62305-1.
This type of SPD can be used when the lines entering are entirely within LPZ O B or when the probability
of failures of the SPDs due to sources of damage S1 and S3 can be disregarded. The required nominal
discharge current In of the SPD shall provide for the surge level to be expected at the installation point
based on the chosen LPL according to E.2.2 of IEC 62305-1.
b) Close to the apparatus to be protected (at boundary of LPZ 2 and higher, e.g. at secondary
distribution board SB, or at socket outlet SA).
The required nominal discharge current In of the SPD shall provide for the surge level to be expected at
the installation point based on the chosen LPL according to Clause E.3 of IEC 62305-1.
The required open circuit voltage U0 of the combination wave generator shall be selected to ensure that
the corresponding short circuit current isc will provide for the surge level to be expected at the
installation point based on the chosen LPL according again to Clause E.3 of IEC 62305-1.
1. At the line entrance into the structure (at the boundary of LPZ 1) install SPD 1 according to IEC
61305-4 Annex D, section D.1.2.
Basis of Design Low Voltage System
2. Determine the impulse withstand voltage U w of internal systems to be protected. IEC 60071-1
section 5 and 6, verify with manufacturer information.
3. Select the voltage protection level U p1 of SPD 1 to ensure that the effective protection level U p/f1
≤ Uw.
4. Check the requirements for the protection distances lpo/1 and lpo/1. IEC 62305-4 Annex D section
D.2.3 and D.2.4.
5. Closer to the equipment (at the boundary of LPZ 2), install SPD2 (IEC 62305-4 Annex D section
D.1.2), and energy coordinated with the upstream SPD1 (IEC 62305-4 Annex D section D.2.5).
6. Select protection level Up2 of SPD 2 so to ensure that the effective protective level U p/f2 < Uw.
7. Check the requirements for the protection distances lpo/2 and lpo/2 (IEC 62305-4 Annex D section
D.2.3 and D.2.4).
If conditions 6 and 7 are fulfilled, the equipment is protected by coordinated SPD 1 and SPD 2.
Otherwise an additional SPD 3(s) is needed close to the equipment, and energy coordinated with the
upstream SPD1 and SPD2 (IEC 62305-4 Annex D section D.2.5).
Basis of Design Low Voltage System
Iv-Offshore & Energy b.v.
Noordhoek 37
3351 LD Papendrecht
The Netherlands
Basis of Design Low Voltage System