KMB 2016
KMB 2016
KMB 2016
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1 author:
Mausomi Madhab
Tea Research Association
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an inhouse project of mycology and microbiology department TTRI, TRA. View project
DBT sponsored “Exploration of Plant Growth Promoting Microbes (PGPM) for crop enhancement and disease suppression in tea plantation of Assam and their
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All content following this page was uploaded by Mausomi Madhab on 09 August 2016.
Potassium (K) availability is a major problem in tea growing soils of Assam, North-east India. The present
investigation aims at the isolation of potash mobilizing microorganisms in the tea soil and evaluation of their
potential in increasing available potash under in vitro. Ten numbers of potash mobilizing bacteria (KMB) were
isolated from the experimental tea estate of Tocklai Tea Research Institute (TTRI), using a serial dilution plate
method on modified GYCaA media. The isolates were characterized based on their cultural and morphological
characteristics. On screening the isolates, it was found that TKMB11 was significantly superior in mobilizing
soil K; followed by TKMB6, TKMB3 and TKMB8 in same order in efficiency. The present investigation indicates
that the application of KMB might serve as a cost-effective and alternate viable technology to mobilize insoluble
K-source in tea soil for sustainable crop improvement.
MATERIALS AND METHODS Screening of potash mobilizing activities
Data analysis Table 2. Potassium solubilization values of isolated
strains using Khandeparkar’s selection ratio
Standard errors mean (SEM) was calculated at 5%
Zone of Diameter of
level. Duncan Multiple Range Test (DMRT) KMB isolates clearance growth D/d ratio
comparisons were made to analyze available soil K (D) (mm) (d) (mm)
using SPSS 16.0. TKMB-1 2.4 2.1 1.1
TKMB-2 2.5 1.7 1.5
TKMB-3 3.3 2.0 1.7
TKMB-4 3.1 2.2 1.4
TKMB-8 4.1 2.6 1.6
Isolation and characterization of potash TKMB-9 2.1 1.3 1.6
TKMB-10 2.6 1.9 1.4
mobilizing microbes TKMB-11 3.3 1.1 3.0
TKMB-12 2.0 1.5 1.3
Altogether ten isolates were obtained in the present
investigation, on modified GYCaA media. The gram
Table 3. Effect of inoculated KMB strains in
staining reactions, agar slant culture characteristics increasing available soil potash at different
and the cell shape of the isolated strains are shown incubation periods
in Table 1. Most of the microbial isolates were gram
negative, rod-shaped, motile and creamish in Treatments Incubation period (days) Mean
30 60 90 120 150
appearance. The clear-zone in the modified Glucose Available potash
Yeast Agar (GYCaA) media indicated the growth (mg/kg of soil)
and utilization of potassium. The exhibition of Control 90 90 90 91 90 90
potassium releasing zone by the potent isolates are TKMB 3 100 124 127 125 124 120
TKMB 6 101 124 128 125 125 121
shown in Fig. 1. Our results corroborate with the TKMB 8 93 111 115 113 113 109
findings of Chandra and Greep (2006), who too were TKMB 11 118 122 128 127 127 124
able to grow KMB isolated from banana rhizosphere Mean 125.58 142.50 146.92 145.17 144.92
SEM 1.281
on GYCaA media using an enrichment technique. For comparing two at 5%
Clear zones appeared within 72 h of incubation and Strains 1.13
this may have been due to the production of Time 0.90
Strains x time 2.54
antimicrobial substances such as chitinolytic
enzymes, cellulase, antibiotics by potash mobilizing the zone activity using Khandeparkar’s selection
bacteria. ratio were also made by Prajapati and Modi (2012).
Screening of these indigenous and native strains,
Potassium solubilization values of the isolated thus, creates a possibility in utilizing them as
bacterial strains were shown in Table 2. bioinoculants in tea alone or in combination with
Khandeparkar’s selection ratio (zone of clearance low doses of potash supplements.
(D)/diameter of growth (d) ratio) was maximum in
TKMB11 (3.0 mm), followed by TKMB6 (2.1mm). Effect of potash mobilizers in enhancing K
Khandeparkar ’s selection ratio was measured availability
minimum (1.6 mm) in TKMB8. Estimation of
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