Jhs Polomolok 6-501199-Lumakil Is.

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School Form 7 (SF7) School Personnel Assignment List and Basic Profile

(This replaced Form 12-Monthly Status Report for Teachers, Form 19-Assignment List,
Form 29-Teacher Program and Form 31-Summary Information of Teachers)

School ID 501199 Region XII Division SOUTH COTABATO

School Name LUMAKIL INTEGRATED SCHOOL District POLOMOLOK 6 School Year 2022-2023
(A) Nationally-Funded Teaching & Teaching Related Items (B) Nationally-Funded Non Teaching Items (C ) Other Appointments and Funding Sources
Appointment: Number of
Title of Plantilla Position Title of Plantilla Position Title of Designation (Contractual,
Number of Number of Fund Source Incumbent
(as appeared in the appointment (as appeared in the appointment (Designation as appeared in the contract/document: Substitute,
Incumbent Incumbent (SEF, PTA, NGO's etc.) Non-
document/PSIPOP) document/PSIPOP) Teacher, Clerk, Security Guard, Driver etc.) Volunteer, others Teaching Teaching
Master Teacher II 1
Teacher III 1
Teacher I 9


EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATION * Daily Program (time duration)

Employee Remark/s (For
Nature of
No. (or Tax Subject Taught (include Grade & Total Actual Detailed Items,
Name of School Personnel Fund Position/ Appointment/
Identification Sex Section), Advisory Class & Other DAY Teaching Indicate name of
(Arrange by Position, Descending) Source Designation Employment Degree / Post Major/ From
Number - Minor Ancillary Assignment (M/T/W/ To (00:00) Minutes school/office, For IP's
T.I.N.) Status Graduate Specialization (00:00)
TH/F) Assignment -Ethnicity)
per Week

Bachelor of Arts
Major- Economics/Educa Administrative and Daily
Master Supervisory Work Lumakil Integrated
5400840 LAYAGAN, NORMA M. F National Permanent Economics/Mast tional None
Teacher II School/DepEd
er of Arts in Management
Ave. Minutes per Day
Grade 12 HUMSS Adviser 60

English 10 M-F 8:30 9:30 60

Bachelor of
4924477 ANDANG, DENDEN F National Teacher I Permanent Secondary English None

Grade 10-Confucius Adviser 60

Science 10 M-F 8:10 9:10 60

TLE 9 M-F 9:10 10:10 60
TLE 9 M-F 10:20 11:20 60
Bachelor of
Science 10 M-F 1:30 2:30 60
Science in Lumakil Integrated
4664269 GOOPIO, GUIA F. F National Teacher III Permanent None None
Nursing with School/DepEd
Education Units
EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATION * Daily Program (time duration)
Employee Remark/s (For
Nature of
No. (or Tax Subject Taught (include Grade & Total Actual Detailed Items,
Name of School Personnel Fund Position/ Appointment/
Identification Sex Section), Advisory Class & Other DAY Teaching Indicate name of
(Arrange by Position, Descending) Source Designation Employment Degree / Post Major/ From
Number - Minor Ancillary Assignment (M/T/W/ To (00:00) Minutes school/office, For IP's
T.I.N.) Status Graduate Specialization (00:00)
TH/F) Assignment -Ethnicity)
Bachelor of per Week
Science in Lumakil Integrated
4664269 GOOPIO, GUIA F. F National Teacher III Permanent None None TLE 10 M-F 2:30 3:30 60
Nursing with School/DepEd
Bachelor of Arts TLE 10 M-F 3:30 4:30 60
Education Units
Major- Economics/Educa
Master Lumakil Integrated
5400840 LAYAGAN, NORMA M. F National Permanent Economics/Mast tional None LIS Coordinator 60
Teacher II School/DepEd
er of Arts in Management LPP Coordinator
Education Academic Chairman
Ave. Minutes per Day 420
Teacher Reliever
Introduction to Philosophy M-F 8:30 9:30 60
Introduction to World Religion M-F 9:45 10;45 60
ArPan 10 M-F 10:45 11:45 60
MAPEH M-F 1:00 2:00 60
National ESP M-F 1:00 5:00 60

Bachelor of
Lumakil Integrated
4573474 CAAYA, EFREN C. F Teacher I Permanent Secondary Social Studies None
Education PESS Coordinator 60



Ave. Minutes per Day 360

Grade 8-Zeus Adviser 60

Science 8 M-F 7:30 8:30 60

Scioence 8 M-F 10:20 11:20 60
Bachelor of TLE 8 M-F 12:30 1:30 60
Science in TLE 8 M-F 1:30 2:30 60 Lumakil Integrated
4936950 DE PEDRO, GENEVIEVE S. F Teacher I Permanent None None
National Nursing with Science 7 M-F 2:30 3:30 60 School/DepEd
Education Units

Ave. Minutes per Day 420

Grade 9-Einstein Adviser 60

Math 9 M-F 7:30 8:30 60

Math 7 M-F 9:45 10:45 60

Bachelor of
Lumakil Integrated
4929159 QUER, LYNLE ROSE L. F Teacher I Permanent Secondary Mathematics None
EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATION * Daily Program (time duration)
Employee Remark/s (For
Nature of
No. (or Tax Subject Taught (include Grade & Total Actual Detailed Items,
Name of School Personnel Fund Position/ Appointment/
Identification Sex Section), Advisory Class & Other DAY Teaching Indicate name of
(Arrange by Position, Descending) Source Designation Employment Degree / Post Major/ From
Number - Minor Ancillary Assignment (M/T/W/ To (00:00) Minutes school/office, For IP's
T.I.N.) Status Graduate Specialization (00:00)
TH/F) Assignment -Ethnicity)
per Week
Math 9 M-F 1:00 2:00 60
Bachelor of
National Bachelor of Arts Math 10 M-F 2:00 3:00 60 Lumakil Integrated
4929159 QUER, LYNLE ROSE L. F Teacher I Permanent Secondary Mathematics None
Major- Economics/Educa Math 8 M-F 3:00 4:00 60 School/DepEd
Master Education Lumakil Integrated
5400840 LAYAGAN, NORMA M. F National Permanent Economics/Mast tional None
Teacher II School/DepEd
er of Arts in Management
Mathematics Coordinator
Ave. Minutes per Day 420

Science 9-A M-F 8:30 9:30 60

Science 9-B M-F 9:45 10:45 60
Practical Research 2 M-F 10:45 11:45 60
Contemporary Arts M-F 2:00 3:00 60

Bachelor of
Teacher I Lumakil Integrated
4924341 LINTANG, VENSAR M National Permanent Secondary Biology None

SWM Coordinator, Special Events

Coordinator, Drum and Lyre Corps
Ave. Minutes per Day 300
Grade VII-Rizal Adviser 60

Filipino 7 M-F 7:30 8:30 60

MAPEH/ Cooperative Learning M-F 10:45 11:45 60
Filipino 8 M-F 8:00 12:00 60
National Filipino 9 M-F 1:00 5:00 60
Bachelor of Filipino 9 M-F 8:00 12:00 60
Lumakil Integrated
4937316 MAMA, ZAMERAH S. F Teacher I Permanent Secondary Filipino None



Ave. Minutes per Day 420

Grade 11 HUMMS Adviser
Math 10-B M-F 1:00 2:00 60
EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATION * Daily Program (time duration)
Employee Remark/s (For
Nature of
No. (or Tax Subject Taught (include Grade & Total Actual Detailed Items,
Name of School Personnel Fund Position/ Appointment/
Identification Sex Section), Advisory Class & Other DAY Teaching Indicate name of
(Arrange by Position, Descending) Source Designation Employment Degree / Post Major/ From
Number - Minor Ancillary Assignment (M/T/W/ To (00:00) Minutes school/office, For IP's
T.I.N.) Status Graduate Specialization (00:00)
TH/F) Assignment -Ethnicity)
per Week

Bachelor of Arts
Major- of
Bachelor Economics/Educa
Special Agriculture Lumakil Integrated
723-623- LAYAGAN, NORMA M. F National
National Permanent Economics/Mast
Agriculture and tional and None Lumakil Integrated
ScienceTeache Permanent Biosystem None School/DepEd
975 erBiosystem
of Arts in Management School/DepEd
rI Education Engineering

Ave. Minutes per Day

Grade VIII-Poseidon Adviser 60
English 7 M--F 8:30 9:30 60
TLE 9 A M-F 9:45 10:45 60
MAPEH 10 M-F 1:00 2:00 60
Bachelor of English 9 M-F 2:00 3:00 60 Lumakil Integrated
4929490 MONTEZA, NEIL JOHN C. M National Teacher I Permanent Secondary English None

Ave. Minutes per Day 300

English 10-B M-F 9:45 10:45 60

English 9-A M-F 10:45 11:45 60
English 9-B M-F 1:00 2:00 60
MAPEH 9 M-F 3:00 4:00 60
Bachelor of
National Lumakil Integrated
4927022 OPENIANO, WILMER B. M Teacher I Permanent Secondary English None

Ave. Minutes per Day 240

Grade 9- Einstein Adviser 60
ArPan 9 /ESP M-F 7:30 8:30 60
English M-F 8:30 9:30 60
Arpan 8/ESP M-F 9:45 10:45 60
National ArPan 7/ESP M-F 1:00 2:00 60
Bachelor of
Arpan 9 /ESP M-F 2:30 3:00 60 Lumakil Integrated
4928171 SERAN, SHIELA MAE B. F Teacher I Permanent Secondary Social Studies None
EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATION * Daily Program (time duration)
Employee Remark/s (For
Nature of
No. (or Tax Subject Taught (include Grade & Total Actual Detailed Items,
Name of School Personnel Fund Position/ Appointment/
Identification Sex Section), Advisory Class & Other DAY Teaching Indicate name of
(Arrange by Position, Descending) Source Designation Employment Degree / Post Major/ From
Number - Minor Ancillary Assignment (M/T/W/ To (00:00) Minutes school/office, For IP's
T.I.N.) Status Graduateof
Bachelor Specialization (00:00)
TH/F) Assignment Lumakil
4928171 SERAN, SHIELA MAE B. F Teacher I Permanent Secondary Social Studies None per Week School/DepEd

Bachelor of Arts
Major- Economics/Educa
Master Lumakil Integrated
5400840 LAYAGAN, NORMA M. F National Permanent Economics/Mast tional None ICT Coordinator 60
Teacher II School/DepEd
er of Arts in Management Ave. Minutes per Day 420

GUIDELINES: Submitted by:

1. This form shall be accomplished at the beginning of the school year by the school head. In case of movement of teachers and other personnel during SY, updated Form 19 must be submitted to
the Division Office . NORMA M. LAYAGAN
2. All school personnel, regardless of position/nature of appointment should be included in this form and should be listed from the highest rank down to the lowest. This form shall also serve as (Signature of School Head over Printed Name)
inventory list of school personnel.
3. Please reflect subjects being taught and if teacher handling advisory class or Ancillary Assignment. Other administrative duties must also reported. Updated as of: ___________________________
4. * Daily Program Column is for teaching personnel only.
School Form 7, Page 2 o2

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