FS 2 Episode 15.
FS 2 Episode 15.
FS 2 Episode 15.
The call of the times has made it more necessary for future teachers like you to
develop skills in planning, implementing and managing remote learning. One form of remote
learning is done online. Online remote learning can be done synchronous, where the teacher
and students meet and interact in real time and asynchronous, when learning is supported by
prepared materials and there is no real time interaction between the teacher and the
This episode will focus on synchronous sessions. In order to hold synchronous
classes, you will need to use web-conferencing apps. Some LMS already have these embedded;
some do not. You will need to know how to access, evaluate and utilize the features and functions
of apps like Zoom, Google Meet, Microsoft Teams, Skype, Blackboard, Webct, and even
Again as in the previous episode, the TPACK Model can guide you in how best to
utilize web-conferencing apps when conducting a synchronous learning experience. Another
helpful model that can guide you is the Community of Inquiry Model (COD). This model identified
the “essential elements in an educational experience.” These elements are (1) the teaching
Which is about basic teaching tasks; (2) the social presence, which focuses on
establishing a se of belonging to a community; and (3)the cognitive presence, which fosters
critical thinking and engagement
While the educational experience referred to in the COL model may also refer to face-to
be modality, in this episode, you will use the COL model and its three elements in the context of
online learning, specifically the synchronous class Review the COI and the three presotices
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through the infographics in this episode. We also included an infographic on the most common
web-conferencing apps.
As you work on this episode, continue to take the role of a keen observer and an
explorer who seeks to learn more and discover better ways of teaching and learning. When
you notice keenly, analyze critically and reflect deeply, you will strengthen teacher agency,
which is the teacher’s capacity to create impact and exert power.
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Your guide to participate and assist:
1. Request your FS resource teacher to allow you to join his/her synchronous classes the
classes, and at least two or more have at least two to three times to observe times to participate
and assist.
2. Learn how to use the features of the web-conferencing app that your resource teacher is
utilizing. It can be part of a learning management system or a separate one, like Zoom, Skype,
etc. If possible, request the teacher to demonstrate the features of the web conferencing app.
3. Ask the teacher how you can participate or assist in tasks related to conducting the
synchronous classes.
4. Be sure to read all the questions in this episode before you start your observation and
participation. This will help you focus your attention on the essential aspects of your
experience. Have in mind the Community of Inquiry Model. The descriptors under teaching
presence, social presence, and cognitive presence found in the infographic will help you
notice, analyze and reflect very well.
1. Which web-conferencing app did the teacher use for synchronous classes? Describe
its features and how you or the teacher used these features.
Microphone icon on/off Used to increase student engagement
during reading when students read aloud,
share examples, model a reading strategy,
present a book report, and more.
Camera icon on off Turning on your camera allows others to
see when you are doing, and it is likely you
would want to look productive. It also
causes you to get less distracted by objects
or phones.
Screen share It allows them to participate in
meaningful conversations around a task
It allows educators to show their
screens directly to their class.
Reaction buttons This will be used to monitor reaction
counts and clear reactions.
Spotlight Spotlight teacher to enhance the needs
of your gifted and talented child.
View (using different views) It can help students to be more catch-
up their interest in learning.
Polling Polling allows instructors to quickly ask
a question and instantly receive
responses from students during class.
Recording Recording use to improves factual
precision–laying the groundwork for
accuracy and efficiency in professional,
academic, and personal contexts.
2. How was the content taught or delivered? How were the learning activities facilitated?
What strategies did the teacher or you used to keep the students engaged? How did
the students respond to the teacher? To the activities?
It is taught and deliver by ensure that everyone is paying attention, ensure that all
distractions have been removed, and describe expectations, activities and evaluation
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1. What do you think are the best features of a web-conferencing app that you or the teacher
used? How did these features help the teachers and the students?
Screen Sharing. Because it is used for interactive meetings and webinars, screen
sharing is vital. You want to be able to share your entire screen as well as individual apps on
your desktop during a meeting. This makes it easier for your video conference participants to
follow what the presenter is explaining.
2. Referring to the Community of Inquiry Infographic, how well did the teacher or you use the
web- conferencing app to establish: (Describe in detail.)
Web conferencing allows them to easily bring in a guest speaker for your course
without worrying about the logistics of bringing her to campus. Web conferencing not only
allows their students to hear a guest speaker, but interact and ask questions as well.
Additionally, most web conferencing software allows them to easily record the session and
make it available for review or for students who could not make the initial time.
Teaching Presence?
Teacher can easily use web conferencing to hold one-on-one or group meetings with her
students. Most options allow her to share files or even your screen so she can discuss course
materials, grades and assignments. Web conferencing also makes it easy for her students to
ask you questions by showing her the specific content they need clarification on.
Social Presence?
Learners in an online classroom can simultaneously collaborate using audiovisual
communication tools, increases the learner’s ability in social and emotional expression, thus
improving communication which may enhance learning satisfaction.
Cognitive Presence?
The teacher should. Clearly communicate to students what they will learn in class, provide a
variety of assignments that students can pick and choose from to demonstrate learning, provide a
variety of different types of content and assignments: video, writing, audio, reflection, team-based
work, readings, games, etc. provide many low-stakes formative assessment opportunities and
encourage reflection.
3. What do you still need to learn in order to conduct an online synchronous class using a web
-conferencing app effectively?
I should be more focus on active learning, share any resources or materials used
during the session and be flexible at all time.
This part allows you to synthesize or put together what you noticed, analyzed, and reflected on to
come up with a possible topic for an action research.
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1. What problematic situation/ challenges /area of improvement did you see while you
participated and assisted using a web-conferencing app for synchronous learning?
List at least three sources that you have read about this problem/challenge.
Resource or Reference about the Topic Key points findings in what I read
Book by Mark Lieberman Online Teaching Through a Design Lens
A new book connects instructional
design with teaching and learning to
offer a road map for online instruction
Thomas J. Tobin, B. Jean Mandernach, Evaluating online Teaching Implementing
and Ann H. Taylor best practices.
Editor. Fitted Kollbaek Challenge and Opportunities in Online
2. If you will conduct an action research, what will be the title (Base this on your
answers in nos. 1-3):
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“Effect of Web conferencing Apps in Student Learning at Mindoro State
2. What strategies/solution/means can you employ to improve the situation solve the
Use an online meeting platform that runs in your browser and does not need any
downloads. At web conferencing, they designed the virtual meeting platform with that in mind.
Meeting hosts and guests can join an online meeting with one click.
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